Ch284-A Demon

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A/N:The image on top is a basic idea of what Aphmau looks like. She doesn't have the headpiece or the long nails. It's from Snow girl and the dark crystal.


Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up on my soft bed and sleep look up it the ceiling. The ceiling has Glow in the dark stars which is cool. Everything in the twilight dimension is biased around light. It's all so pretty. I wonder if I could decorate my room like this.

I get out of bed and I go to the bathroom. Luckily only Aaron and Lucinda are up so I don't have to wait for the bathroom to be free. I'm happy that I always wake up early because it means that I never have to wait for the bathroom.

I go to the bathroom and I take a shower. I use my cinnamon body wash and I wash my hair with apple shampoo and conditioner. I step out of the shower and I dry off. I get dressed in a pair pf black leggings that go up to my knees and they have silver lightning, a black top with purple swirls and a pair of black flats.

I dry my hair with my magiks and I brush it. I pull my hair into a high side ponytail. I apply mascara, eyeliner and Nutella flavoured lipgloss. Did you know what Nutella is according the the official Nutella website pronounced new-tell-uh. I spray on some perfume and brush my teeth.

When I am done getting ready I walk to the kitchen to help cook breakfast. I help chop up some fruit. They have cool fruit here like light berries and star dust melon. It tastes all tingly and sweet. It's like watermelon but better.

When everyone is up and has eaten breakfast we treat talking about what we should do.

"I want to see more of the twilight forest" Cadenza states "We don't have anything more to do here so maybe we should leave"

"I agree, I really want to see more of this place" Garroth agrees

"Well I really do like how the twilight forest looks so I guess it would be cool" I say nodding

Everyone agrees that we should keep walking. I really want to find out more about this place. It sees beautiful from what I have seen but there might be more people that need help. We really need to see more of the problems here and how they solve problems. It's going to help us in Phoenix Drop.

We pack up all our things, pay the inn keeper and then begin walking up the river tang flows through the forest. This river has to lead to some fresh water source so maybe there might be a village there. It would be amazing if we could.

We continue walking upstream and eventually come to a house. It is in good shape but there is no one inside. It doesn't look like anyone has stayed here for a while. We walk inside and begin preparing lunch. Aaron and I go to the river to get some water to drink.

As we are getting water I feel someone push me a little bit. I turn around but there is nothing there. I turn back to the water  and lean in to get some. Someone pushes me with full force and I fall into the water, it's cold and fast moving.

I scream and Aaron looks up. He notices that I'm in the water just as I go under. I hit y head on a rock and I pass out. The last thing I see before I close my eyes is Aaron jumping into the water and pulling me out.

Aaron's P.O.V.

I see a poof of black light as Aphmau falls into the water. Before I think anything else I jump into the water and pull her out. She hit her head on a rock so she is bleeding. She is coughing and she can't breath. I press onto her chest and I pull my lips to hers.

She eventually begins breathing again and I rip my sleeve to bandage her head. I carry her back to the house and everyone rushes to her. We put her on one of the beds and Cadenza immediately begins administering first aid on Aphmau.

Cadenza tells us to go out and get her some herbs and things so she can give them to Aphmau. We agree that we will all go and we walk deeper into the forest. I suddenly hear a wail. It sounds like a child's cry.

We follow it and begins to sound closer. We come across a part of the forest with black trees. A child with a white dress is crying. We walk closer to her and ask what's going on. As she looks up we see her eyes have black iris'. She has cuts and bruises all over her. Her hair is messy and her dress is ripped. She has no shoes.

We freeze in fear as she rises up. She is floating and she screeches.

"Where is the ice queen?" She Yells

"We don't k ow an ice queen" I yell back

"I pushed her into the river, she should be dead" she screeches angrily

"You tried to kill Aphmau!" Lucinda says shocked

"Never mind, she must be at that house, I'll kill her. The ice queen will die" the girl screams and she turns into a horrifying creature

She flies at jet speed towards the direction of the house. Oh my Irene Cadenza will have to face her alone. Lucinda acts quickly and she uses a potion to take us back to the house. We have to get there in time.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up feeling someone or something really bad coming towards me. I turn into my ice form. My skin  made out of pure ice, my hair is in a bun and it's ice I have snow flakes in my hair as well. My dress has long sleeves and a long skirt. Everything feels so cold.

My friends run into the room just as there is a big burst of black light and a horrible streak. It's like the streak I can make. She pulls up her hand and something that resembles a dark hole opens up. I rise from my bed and the floor. The roof of this house is very tall so I don't hit it when I'm floating.I fire ice shards back at her and I screech. This causes her to drop her attack and I freeze her.

Cadenza's P.O.V.


APHMAU JUST TURNED INTO AN ICE GIRL, OR AN ICE QUEEN. Or a snow girl (I took inspiration from the movie Snow girl and the Dark crystal. It is epic and I defiantly recommend watching it. The snow girl is who I took a lot of inspiration from for the past two chapters on Aphmau's ice form. The special effects are amazing)

Aphmau puts an ice shard right through the heart of the demon. The demon is covered in black smoke and it screams horribly. The demon drops to the ground and a black hole opens up under it. She falls through and it closes.

Aphmau turns back to normal and she is still passed out. I'm guessing she only woke up from her slumber to fight the demon. But now we have another issue to worry about. Why is Aphmau able to transform?

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