Ch286-Keep Walking

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Lucinda's P.O.V.

I have been up for a few hours now. I barely got any sleep. I know Aphmau was really upset yesterday and it really affected us. Aphmau is usually so happy and cheerful so when she is feeling upset everyone is worried.

And it's not like she had no reason to be scared. I know that gaining new powers is very hard and scary, she can make herself a full ice demon and still have control in a conscious state is pretty amazing. Which leads me to believe that there is some thing more.

Aphmau's powers only became evident in the twilight dimension. She couldn't do anything like make herself an ice girl before. I think it might have something to do with the atmosphere of this place. It is much different to the over world. I'm sure that this place has a power source that gave Aphmau this power.

I went to the library yesterday while Aphmau was resting and I looked up ice deacons. Apparently Aphmau will have these powers forever unless somehow they get taken away. Ice powers are one of the harder powers to control because they are linked to emotions.

I know that Aphmau is emotionally stable though so there should be no trouble there. But when she is unconscious she can't really control her emotions. I'm sure she will find a way to control that to. Now all that's needed to do is to start packing ways our things. We are going to continue walking.

As I finish packing up my stuff I go to the kitchen. Garroth has already made breakfast and everyone is sitting down at the dining table. We are all discussing Aphmau. I feel kind of bad but it's not like it bad things.

"She looked really cool, literally" Laurance says

Cadenza hits him on the back of the head and laughs

"But like, she was so powerful, she didn't even flinch" I say

"Yeah, she was like ice cold" Laurance adds

"Laurance stop with the puns" Dante states

"Yeah yeah, whatever" Laurance rolls his eyes

We continue talking about Aphmau's powers and how she was really in control. Although we are all a little intimidated. Aphmau has all of these powers and she knows how to control them. She could take out a lot of people if she looses control.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I am sitting in the steps listening to my friends talk about me. It makes me feel really good. They are saying such nice things even when I could accidentally kill them. It really boosts my confidence levels.

I don't want to tell them I heard though because then they were lol know that I wasn't feeling the best about myself and it will keep all the focus on me. I really don't like when all the attention us on me all the time because it makes me look like such an attention seeker. I like to be alone sometimes.

I walk upstairs silently and start packing up my things. I heal my wound a final time using my magiks and I wait for someone to come get me. Katelyn knocks on the door and tells me that it is time to leave.

I get out of my room and I walk downstairs. I try to look strong and happy so no one knows how bad I feel about myself right now. We begin walking and it isn't long before I feel a bad presence. The twilight forest may have a lot of light, but where there is light there is darkness.

We come across a clearing and there is a young boy standing there. Lucinda and I exchange a glance and we both know that this is a demon. Lucinda slowly walks over to him and she splashes a potion on him.

The demon apparently is very strong so it doesn't faze him. However it does make him very angry. He suddenly turns into a deformed demon. With four arms and he is covered in black goo. He holds Lucinda by her neck and swings her around. Katelyn and Garroth run at him but the demon just lunches them back.

I walk over to the daemon and I turn myself into my ice girl form. It's actually kind of fun. I have always wanted to fly. I shoot ice at the demon being careful I don't hit Lucinda. The demon drops her and runs away. We don't have to go after him.

I turn back into my human form and I run over to Lucinda. I heal her neck where the demon held her. She gets up and pretends that nothing happened. She is just like me in that aspect, she doesn't want her friends to worry.

*Time Skip To Evening*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

My friends and I found an old house that we could stay in for the night. It is really helpful that we found this place without even really looking. It was lucky as well.

Zane and I are cooking dinner. We are talking about my new powers. I feel very compatible talking with Zane. I knew we had a bad start but after that we became amazing friends. I know he feels more for me but I don't know how I feel and right now when I have gained new powers and we have people hunting us down its not the best time.

Garroth's P.O.V.

As I was walking to the kitchen I hear Zane and Aphmau talking about her powers. I feel like she isn't talking to me much anymore. It makes me feel so bad. She spoke to Jeffory yesterday and now Zane.

As Aphmau is walking out I greet her. I hug her and tell her how worried I have been.

"It's ok Garroth, I'm fine" she says giggling and hugging me back

I see Zane walk out behind her and scowl at me. I ignore him and just enjoy the hug, Aphmau lets go and tells me that she wants to make sure Lucinda is ok. When she leaves I feel like I'm incomplete. She just makes me feel whole.

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