Ch287-Demon Hunter

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of yelling. Cadenza and Laurance seem to be arguing about something. I sit up and stretch. I look around the room and I see Garroth sitting in a chair sleeping next to me. I guess he fell asleep.

I shake him awake and he opens his blue eyes and looks at me.

"Good morning Aphmau" he states

"Good morning Garroth, umm why are you in my room?"I ask him

"Well I got scared that you would freeze over in the night, so I came in to check on you and I accidentally fell asleep" Garroth explains "I swear I want watching you sleep"

"Ok sure" I giggle

We get up and go to the kitchen. Cadenza and Laurance are still arguing. They are throwing flour at each other. It's kind of funny actually.

"Guys could you please be quiet, what are you even fighting about this time?" I ask them

"Oh sorry Aphmau did we wake you up?" Cadenza says

"I think you woke up the whole twilight forest and the surface world" Garroth states

"We where fighting over how much flour to put into the pancakes" Cadenza explains

"Well I don't think you'll have any flour left of you keep throwing it at each other" I say laughing

"Oh ok, fine well quit throwing flour. Go get ready for breakfast" Laurance states "Although Aphmau you look pretty sexy in your pyjamas"

"Oh be quiet" I laugh and walk to my room

Laurance's P.O.V.

Aphmau seems to be much happier and calmer now. She seems to be gaining more and more control over her powers which is admirable for someone who only just learned about their new powers. Aphmau is absolutely amazing.

When Cadenza and I have finished making pancakes we walk to the main room and set them down. We are all talking about what we should do now that we are away from Yun and Asher.

"I think we should try to get back to the surface world" Aphmau states

"What why?" Lucinda asks

"Well we can't stay here for ever" Aphmau explains "With my ice demon powers we have a chance at beating them, we have beat them before but now we might be able to beat them without a massive fight or any losses"

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Aphmau is right" Dante says

"Well she has a point, I guess I agree. But how do we get back" Garroth asks

"I don't know" Aphmau states "I guess we should just keep walking 'till we find another village"

"Yeah that sounds like a good plan. Well then let's get going" Katelyn agrees

We go to pack up our things and meet by the front door. When Aphmau is walking down the stairs I grab her bag and pick it up for her. She laughs and walks down the stairs. She turns around and thanks me.

"No problem" I reply "Can I have a kiss?"

"Aphmau isn't going to do that" Katelyn states and throws a water bottle at my head

When everyone is ready to go we begin walking and the forest looks beautiful in the morning. The trees are so thick that we can actually walk on the leaves. We keep walking and it is getting kind of tiring. But at least I get to spend time with Aphmau.

We eventually come to a small village. I wonder if we can get food here. Cazenza is still mad at me and she will poison my food if she makes it. Besides we have eaten all the snacks. We come across a bakery and I am about to ask if we can go when Aphmau asks.

We all go inside and there is weird for in here like electric berry cheesecake and rainbow light muffins. We sit down at a table and order our food. It doesn't taste bad but it's very different. I see a crumb on Aphmau's cheek. When no one is looking I kiss her sneak to get rid of it.

"There was a crumb" I whisper

"Uh-huh sure" she says rolling her eyes

Before I can reply Cadenza has thrown water on me. She pretends to look at me innocently but j can see her trying not to laugh. She is such a brat, but she is my sister so I can't stay mad at her forever, just like she can't stay mad at me,

When we have finished our food we go back outside and keep walking to see if we can find a magics place or witches hut to see if we can find a place that can help us return home. I look over to a notice board and something catches my attention.

"Hey guys look at this" I say

We walk over to the notice I saw and it is a wanted photos. Apparently demon hunters have found out about Aphmau and they want to find her, the poster looks so much like Aphmau, it has her in her human and ice girl form.

"Wow the ice girl is beautiful huh?" A guy standing next to me states

"What?!" I say angrily

"Oh hey, your friend kind of looks like her" He says eyeing Aphmau

"Really? Nahh" Aphmau says nervously

I see him reach behind his back and I notice the shine of steel. He walks over to Aphmauand holds two knives to her throat.

"Don't fight back, if you do I'll slice your throat demon" The guy states

We all get ready to fight him but Aphmau tells us not to. She doesn't want us to get hurt.

"I'll be fine, find a place to stay" Aphmau smiles

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I decided to to fight that demon hunter because I know that he will have other demons somewhere. They will know ways to get back to the over world. At least I'm hoping. The demon hunter forces me to walk with him.

We end up in a big manor and he takes me to a small room.

"You'll be staying here a long time" He states "Oh and by the way, I did think that you where beautiful as an ice demon"

I shoot an ice blade at his head but he moves before it hits him. I just need to find a way out of this room and locate the other demons. Demons aren't always bad so they might be willing to help.

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