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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up and stare at the ceiling. Where am I? This place looks so pale and white. But not like a pretty white, like old bathroom tiles. It's not very nice in here. I wonder why I'm here. Is this where my friends and I stayed last night?

NO WAIT A SECOND! I know where I am, that demon hunter captured me. How dare he. Oh o think I told my friends not to worry about saving me at the moment I was captured either. I didn't want to cause a scene and make other people notice I was the demon.

I hear footsteps walking towards me and I turn around to come face to face with the demon hunter. Now that I am looking at his face close up I see that he has many scars. He he's dark brown eyes, tanned skin and black spiky hair. He is very tall.

He is very well built as well so I couldn't beat him in hand to hand combat because he will win in a second. If I want to get out of this I will need to be careful and smart. It should be fun.

"I don't think we properly introduced ourselves" He says "My name Necro, what's your name?"

"Aphmau, why do you want me here?" I ask him

"Well there is a high reward for you" Necro states

"But why? I haven't done anything bad" I say confused

"If you're a demon you're automatically bad" he says

"Well I'm not really a demon, I just have powers that stem from demon origins" I say

"Well we can't prove that so for ten time being you're stuck here" he says and he walks out the room

I can't believe that the people here just automatically assume because someone has powers that stem from demon origins that they are bad. I thought that the twilight forest would be a bit more accepting than the over world. Well I guess I can see why they would think that but it's not like I have done anything wrong.

Travis' P.O.V.

All morning and night we have been discussing a plan to get Aphmau back. I can't see any of these working and neither can anyone else. This is harder than we thought. Like granted, we have saved her before but now we are in a strange place.

I am the son of a strong demon lord and I'm not going to step down to some demon lord. I can't wait any longer, I'm going after Aphmau. I mean how hard can it be to fight him? It's not like he has powers because he is obviously against them.

When everyone is still talking I sneak off. I can sense where Aphmau is. I think anyone with magiks or witchcraft can. I follow her powers and I come to a weird old house. Hmm this seems to easy. I walk inside cautiously.

I take a few steps inside and I can already see things like laser pointers and arrows. This place is rigged with traps. Hmm it sees easy enough to get around them. I take one careful step after the other. I make it past the first room and I can see that there are no more traps.

This is way to easy.

"What are you doing here demon?" I hear a voice say

"Saving Aphmau, demon hunter" I reply turning around to face the guy who kidnapped Aphmau

"Well the good luck, you're gonna need it" he says pulling out his swords

Before I can react he has tied a rope around my hands and cut my arm. Luckily not deep. He knocks me out and drags me somewhere. I wasn't expecting him to be this good. I need to re-think my plan.

When I open my eyes again I feel warmth. I see a wave of black hair. Someone is holding me. My vision clears up and I can see Aphmau's face, I reach my hand up and touch her.

"Travis are you ok?" She asks

"W-What happened?" I ask

"You got captured" She replies

I sit up and I hug her.

"I'm sorry" I say "I tried to save you"

"It's alright, I know you did" Aphmau says hugging me back

Necro's P.O.V.

Well this has been fun and all but I need to get these demons to the other hunters so I can claim my reward. As I am about to get some tranquilliser I hear footsteps. I stop moving and I slowly turn around. At the end of the hallway there is a figure standing there.

"WHO'S THERE?!" I yell

"Your worst nightmare" the figure states

"Really Katelyn?" I hear a male voice whisper

"Oh be quiet Dylan, I don't care if it's cliché" Katelyn replies

She runs at me and I suddenly feel an impact on the back of my head. She was a distraction. I feel myself lower to the floor and my eyes close. I get dragged somewhere.

When I open my eyes again I see Aphmau's back facing me and she is talking to a blue haired girl. I try to get up but I am tied up to a post.

"What are you doing demon?" I ask her

"I keep telling you, I, not a demon I just have powers" Aphmau replies "But how would you have even known I was a demon?"

"Yun and Asher" I say "They are these guys that I know from the surface world. They found out that you had powers so they said you where a demon and wanted me to capture you"

"How in the name of Irene could they have known?" Aphmau asks one of her friends

"They are in the twilight forest" I explain "They came a few days ago after they found a portal in the over world"

I see Aphmau turn to her friends and they all look worried. I wonder why? Have Yun and Asher done something to them? This is all so confusing. They begin to leave and I tell for them to untie me.

"You're smart, you'll figure it out" A guy with black hair and a mask says to me

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