Ch289-The Witch

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Necro's P.O.V.

I finally got out of the rope that was binging me to a pole. Aphmau really tied it hard. I couldn't get out of it for the whole night. Mother of Irene I am so hungry right now. But all the time while I was tied up I was thinking.

Aphmau could have killed me and she didn't. She said she wasn't a demon but I don't k now what to think. I still think that she might be but the way Yun and Asher spoke about her she sounded pure evil.

While she was here she told me about how she knew them. They where after her because they liked her but she didn't like them. She was trying to protect herself. Well I am a protector so I think I might just be able to help. Besides the only reason I'm a demon hunter is because my family was.

I don't want to be like this, I want to help everyone, not just one species or the other. I am going to help Aphmau and I want to go to the over world. I want to see all of these amazing things that I have heard about.

I grab some of my stuff and I begin to walk to where I know Aphamu is staying. I knock on the door and a girl with orange hair and a witches hat answers.

"Umm hi, I need to talk to Aphmau" I say

"Necro? Umm why would I let you?" She says narrowing her eyes

"Because it's urgent, please" I say

She sighs and let's me inside. I see Aphmau standing in the kitchen next that boy with white hair and green eyes. She is wearing an oversized purple jumper that goes to her knuckles and upper thighs, a pair of black leggings and black ankle boots.

"Umm what is he doing here?" Somebody says

I turn to see a boy with blond hair and blue eyes

"I want to apologise" I say

A few more people enter the room and Aphmau turns around

"I'm sorry for what I did" I say "I shouldn't have assumed you were a bad person. I was just taking orders. I want to help you get home and I want to join you"

"Well we are all about second chances" Aphmau says

"Really? You're just going to forgive him?" The boy with white hair says

"Well he has to carry my bags" Aphmau smirks

When they have finished packing Aphmau gives me her bag and she tells me that if anything happens to her stuff she will freeze me. I tell them that I know how to get to the over world so they follow me.

I lead them to a witches hut on the opposite side of town. Not many people know it's here. I take them inside. Inside there is an old women who still looks beautiful. She has made herself look nice using witchcraft of course.

But hey if that's what she wants to do who am I to stop her? We walk up to why and tell her what we need. She says that she can send us to the over world for a price.

"I need a yarn of five threads" she says

I know what this riddle means, my mother always told me a riddle before bed. I'd fall asleep thinking of it and then wake up and tell her the answer. I pull out a piece of Aphmau's black hair, The blue haired woman's hair, the orange haired woman's hair, the blond haired guys hair and Travis' hair.

I give it to her and she smiles.

"Thank you, this will come in useful for a new potion" She says "Now follow me to the portal"

She takes us to a part of the forest with red trees. There is a red portal that looks kind of dangerous. She tells us that it will take us to the over world. She walks away and we look at each other. I grab Aphmau's hand and we run through.

On the other side I am met with a blue sky and the sun. The trees are green and the grass is green. The rest of the group follows soon after us.

"WE'RE HOME!" They all cheer and hug one another

The dogs are barking as well. Suddenly they become quiet and I turn to see what they are looking at. It's Yun and Asher.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Here we are again. Just us and them. This is what we have been waiting for. A chance to fight them away from any civilisation.

"Aphmau, you have one chance to come with us" Yun says "Just think about it, you can have whatever you want, anything your heart desires. You will live in luxury"

"What I want is for you to leave me alone, I'm quite happy with my life so you need to back off" I say

"Well them we can just kidnap you again" Yun says, his face becoming darker and he runs towards me

He uses magiks and makes copies of himself. While everyone is busy fighting one of them I try to work out who is the real one. When I finally work out who it is I turn into my ice form and fly towards him.

I throw ice at him and he is pinned to the ground. Lucinda is throwing potions at Asher but she can't get a clean shot. I conjure up an ice wall behind him and he slips. He throws a k if eat me and it goes through my arm.

I fall to the ground and turn back to a human. Necro runs over to me and pulls out the knife. I am glad he did because it didn't hurt as much as it would if I was expecting it. He heals it for me with a potion.

After about ten minutes of fighting Yun and Asher fall to the ground defeated. That doesn't mean that our group want harmed, we all have cuts, bruises and scrapes. Lucinda teleports us to Phoenix drop using the last potion she has.

We are finally back home. When we have taken Yun and Asher back to jail, under heavier security of course and I have heard everyone we can go home.

I unlock the door to my house and I feel the amazing feeling of home hitting me. I missed my house so much. There really is no place like home

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