Ch290-The Hill

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




Oh my Irene, how long has it been since I last heard that? I have always hated my alarm Sou d because it means that I had to wake up but now it's different. I missed it because it means that I'm home.

I am so tired and I want to just have a day to relax and think over everything that happened. Tomorrow I'm going back to school but today I'm relaxing. I think I might go up to the hill that loos over Phoenix Drop.

I get out of bed and I go to the bathroom. I step into the shower and I wash my hair with ale shampoo and conditioner. I use some new lime body wash. I step out of the shower and dry myself off. Mother of Irene I missed warm showers.

I get dressed in a oversized purple jumper, a pair of black leggings and some purple ankle boots. I brush my hair and I pull it into a loose braid. My purple ends are starting to come out so I think I'll re-dye it. I apply mascara, eyeliner and I use caramel pie lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume.

I head to the kitchen and luckily I went food shopping a little last night so I have some food. I make breakfast for myself and I feed Celestia and Shadow. I wash my dishes and then I grab my sketch book and pencils.

I walk out of my house and I begin walking to the hill. The sun is still rising so by the time I get to the hill it looks absolutely breathtaking. The twilight forest was beautiful but there's no place like home. And your home is where you choose.

I grab my sketch book and I begin drawing the sunrise. I use my special pencils to draw it to perfection. I feel so at peace right now. It's so quiet and calm. I never want this feeling to end. I don't think I've ever been alone for this long before.

"HEY APHMAU!" Someone yells walking up the hill

And it's over...

I look to see Garroth and Laurance walk up the hill. They walk over to me and sit down. I feel Laurance lightly touch my arm.

"Hey Aph, that's a good drawing" Laurance states

"Thank you" I giggle

"Are you up here to think about everything that happened?" Garroth asks

"Yeah, everything in the last week or so was so crazy" I say "I found out so much about myself and about other people. We went to a different dimension. And it was so different from what I thought"

"Yeah, it was really scary when you got kidnapped" Garroth states putting an arm around my shoulders

I see Laurance and Garroth glare at each other behind me but I pretend not to notice.

"Aphmau please don't leave me again" Laurance whispers in my ear so Garroth does't hear

"Umm hey guys have you seen the view?" I ask awkwardly

I stand up and I walk to the edge of the hill. Laurance and Garroth walk up behind me and I we look over at the view. My heart is still torn over who I should be with. It's hard because I feel like if I choose one person then someone else will be hurt.

"Hey Aphmau-Senpai, Garroth-kun and Laurance-Kun" we hear a voice that could only be Kawaii-chan's

We turn to see all of our friend walking up to the the hill. I smile and hug Kawaii-Chan. We all sit down on the hill and talk about the trip. It's nice to be able to look back on the trip with hindsight. I wonder how Electro is doing. And the King and Queen.

Jeffory is sitting next to me and we talk a little together. Eventually we need to go because we all have things we need to do. Jeffory asks to come to my house and I agree. I want to hang out with him because it will make me feel much happier now that I won't so alone again.

Jeffory and I enter into my house and I walk over to the kitchen. I offer some tea to Jeffory and he accepts. As I pour the tea I sense Jeffory standing behind me. He puts one of his hands on my wrist and the other on my waist. He buries his head in the crook of my neck.

I smile a little and finish pouring the tea. We go to the table and drink our tea. There's a comfortable spiel emcee that falls over us.

"Hey Aphmau?" Jeffory says breaking the silence

"Yeah?" I reply

"I want you to know that I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from Necro" Jeffory states

"It's ok" I say smiling

"No it isn't, I let you get taken away" Jeffory says looking down

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him.

"It's alright now, I'm right here" I whisper

I feel him wrap his arms around me and we stand in each others embrace for a while.

"I swear I won't let it happen again" Jeffory whispers

"Thank you" I reply

Later in we had a Steven universe marathon. Being away for a while made me miss quite a few episodes. The song 'Here Comes A Thought' has taught me so much about mindfulness and calmness. I am cuddling with Jeffory as well because I'm cold.

I find my eyes becoming heavier and I fall asleep. I don't know why but whenever I watch T.V. with a friend over I always fall asleep. I guess it's because I feel safe.

Jeffory's P.O.V.

When Aphmau asleep I carry her up to her room. She is so cuddly with me. Like a little kitten. She it so cute. I pull the blankets over her and I kiss her on her forehead. I head back downstairs and clean up the cups we just used to drink tea. As long as Aphmau's life is made easier I'll help her.

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