Ch295-Potion Effects

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Aphmau's P.O.V.






Ughhhhhhh Monday, kill me now, no one likes you Monday go away, I'm talking to myself again aren't I? Wen it's true, Monday is horrible. If I meet someone who likes Monday I will kiss Asher twice. That's how confident I am.

Well actually I take that back because someone might actually like Monday and I don't want to kiss Asher. I want to kill him not kiss him. And I'm guessing everyone else wants to kill him as well, after all that he did he deserves to be tortured, but maybe not killed that's a bit extreme.

With these thoughts in my head I swing my legs out of bed and I walk to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and I think I look amazing, especially with bed head. I step into the shower and I wash my hair with apple shampoo and conditioner and use some lime body wash.

I get out of the shower and dry off. I get dressed in a pair of black shiny leggings, a purple cropped jumper with a white tank top underneath and a pair of black ankle boots. I blow dry my hair and pull it into a low side ponytail. I want to re-dye my hair again.

I apply mascara, eyeliner and crem brûlée lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and brush my teeth. I go to the kitchen and I make breakfast for myself. I feed Celestia and Shadow and I pack my bag for school.

I grab my things and I set off to school. I wonder if Garroth and Zane are still acting weird. I felt really hurt yesterday when they started saying unkind things to me, I really hope that Vylad can find out what's going on with them.

When I arrive at school I put my things in my locker and I walk over to where Garroth, Zane and Vylad are standing. I grab Vylad's arm and pull him away. He seemed to be uncomfortable standing with them and I want hot talk to him anyway.

I take Vylad to the outside of the school.

"Did you find anything out?" I ask

"I think my father put them under some sort of potion" he says "I was arguing with them all morning"

"I can believe that Garte would do that" I say shocked "I think we should tell our group so no one will think that they are actually being mean"

"Yeah that's probably a good idea, lets go" Vylad says grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him

We unlink our hands when we get to our group. We tell everyone what's going on with Garroth and Zane. They seem pretty understanding which I'm grateful for. I really don't want to have my group break up because of a misunderstanding, I know my group is much stronger than that, of course we are, we've been through so much.

Vylad's P.O.V.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Garroth. He says that he wants to talk to me, I agree and we walk off away from our group.

"I want you to tell me why you continue to hang out with Aphmau" he asks me

"Because I love her, you love her to. You're just under a hating potion of some sort" I reply

"I don't love Aphmau" he says going red in the face with anger

"You will probably regret saying that when we can remove the spell" I say and I turn away

Aphmau's P.O.V.

When Vylad re-joins us Garroth asks to speak to me. I'm a bit reluctant to go with him but I do anyway because I have to see what he wants. I just hope nothing happens. If so I know where everyone from my group is so I can find help.

We walk to the behind of the school and he suddenly pushes my back to the wall. I'm really shocked, what's going on? His arms are either side of me and I'm shaking out of fear. This isn't Garroth acting.

"I was told that I love you" he says "So maybe I should show you what I think love is"

He moves closer to me and I manage to push him off of me. He suddenly grabs my arm and he throws me onto the ground. I look into his eyes and see that they are red. It just reminds me that this isn't Garroth, he wouldn't do this.

He is about to kick me but I manage to roll away. I crawl to my feet and I can feel blood on my arm from how hard he threw me. I run away to where Aaron is standing in front of the school. He is on his phone and I quickly jump onto him from the front in a hug.

"Aphmau? What happened?" He says shocked noticing the blood

"The spell Garroth is under made him hurt me" I say through tears

"He did what?!" Aaron yells

Hi picks me up and takes me to my group. He says that he is going to go fight Garroth but I tell him not to.

"It's not his fault, he is under a spell" I say

"Are you sure?" He asks holding me

"Yes, I don't want him to get hurt if it isn't his fault he did something" I nod

"Well if you say so" Aaron replies "Hey Lucinda do you think you can make a potion to help Garroth and Zane?"

"Yes I can, it will take five days though" she says

"Great, so we will have to deal with this for the next few days" Cadenza says sarcastically

"It's better than nothing" Aphmau sighs

"I guess you're right, well then let's get to class" Cadenza replies

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I pack my bag to go home since the final bell has gone. I begin to walk home and I make it out the front gate before I am pulled towards someone. I pull back and see Zane.

"Let me go, you're hurting me!" I say

"That's the point" he says

"Go away, you aren't you" I say pulling my hand back with all force but he still manages to hold on

"I will always be me, I just hate you" he replies

"Then let me go!" I yell

"What are you doing?!" I hear someone yell behind me

I turn to see Aaron standing there looking angry at Zane.

"Let her go right now!" He yells pulling me away from Zane "While you are under the potions effects I don't want you anywhere near Aphmau"

Aaron pulls me away from Zane and we begin walking to my house, I'm telling him how scared I was because I don't want to hurt Zane, but I also want to defend myself.

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