Ch296-Free Period

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




I open my eyes and stare at my celling. I couldn't get much sleep last night because I was so worried about Garroth and Zane. I know Lucinda is working on a potion but I'm scared that it won't work. I really miss them.

I just want it to go back to like it was before Garte ever came back home. Like when I first came here and I didn't really have any issues at all except my parents. But I wouldn't trade my experience in Phoenix Drop for anything. I want to spend the rest of my life here.

I get up and walk to the bathroom. I take a shower and then I step out. I get dressed in a white off-both-shoulders jumper, a pair of black pants and black boots. I brush my hair and pull it into a high ponytail.

I apply mascara, eyeliner and lemonade flavoured lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume. As I check myself in the mirror I suddenly hear yelling from next door. I run to my window to see what's going on. Vylad is standing outside being yelled at by Garte.

"If your still on Aphmau's side then you aren't going to live with me!" Garte yells and slams the door

Vylad just got kicked out, oh my Irene I can't believe Garte did that. Vylad looks confused, sad and angry all at the same time. He just got kicked out because of me. The door opens up again and a bunch of Vylad's stuff is thrown in a few bags at a Vylad. He grabs his stuff and walks onto the side walk, hanging his head.

I'm not about to let Vylad stay in some random place. I quickly run out and I grab his arm. He turns around and smiles at me. How does he always continue smiling?

"Hey Vylad, I heard what happened" I say

"Yeah, my father really doesn't want us talking to you" he sighs

"If you want, you can come live with me until your father leaves" I reply

"Really? Thank you so much" he says picking me up and hugging me

"Ahah put me down" I giggle

We walk back to my house and I show him to the guest room. I know that Vylad is a very neat and tidy person so I don't have to worry about messes or anything.

"I'm just about to make breakfast, want some pancakes?" I ask

"Yeah sure, I'll help make them" Vylad replies

We walk to the kitchen and begin making the pancakes. I feed Celestia and Shadow as well. Vylad and I sit down and eat breakfasts I pack my bag for school and we head off together, talking the whole way about what we are going to do with Garroth and Zane.

I'm prepared to fight Yun and Asher, write twenty essays in one night, control all elements but I can't fight again Garroth and Zane. I just could never hurt them, not after everything they have done for me. And they are under a potion effect so Its not really them doing what they are doing. I know they wouldn't want to do this to me and our friendship. At least I hope not.

We arrive at school and I head to my locker. I notice that i have a free lesson until lunch so that's pretty cool. I could be getting school work done but I'd rather watch Netflix and I think I know which one is going to win.

I walk over to my group and they are talking about the play.

"If Garroth and Zane are acting evil them we can't work on the play" Cadenza states

"Cadenza's right, well just have to wait for a week and then we can work on it again" Travis agrees

The schilling bell goes so I walk outside and I sit down on a bench. I grab my iPad and begin watching Netflix. I feel someone tap my shoulder so I look up to see Laurance.

"Hey Laurance, what's up?" I ask

"Oh I noticed you have a free period" he says "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all" I say turning off my iPad and Laurance and I begin talking

Garroth's P.O.V.

I have a free period first thing so I'm just walking around the school trying to find something to entertain myself. I turn around a corner and see Aphmau and Laurance talking and laughing together.

There is a pain in my heart and it feels like someone is ripping it on two. I know this feeling, jealousy, but why would I be feeling jealous over Aphmau. I hate her, she is nothing to me? Ugh this is so confusing. I storm away.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

When the bell for lunch goes Laurance and I head off to our group. Lucinda is talking about the potion and how it's coming along.

"I still need a few days but the potion should be perfect" Lucinda states "We still need a way to give it to them but we will cross that bridge when we come to it"

I'm just glad that Zane and Garroth won't be like this for ever. Garte needs to pay for what he has done. He can't get away with this.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aaron's P.O.V.

Aphmau and I stayed back after school so we could help the teacher with something. Now I'm waiting by her locker so I can walk her home. I want to make sure she gets home safe. I k ow she can defend her self and all, but she has been kidnapped a lot.

I suddenly see Garroth and he looks like he is about to walk up to Aphmau. I glare at him and he quickly backs off. Luckily Aphmau didn't notice. We begin walking to the exit and I turn back to glare at Garroth one last time.

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