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Aphmau's P.O.V.




Oh joy Wednesday. Ok I think I'm being a little to sarcastic and dare I say bitchy but after everything that has happened with Garte, Garroth and Zane I think I deserve to be a little sarcastic. I mean my best friends turned against me.

I can hear soft footsteps downstairs. Vylad must be up. He is a early riser of course. Speaking of which I should probably get up and get ready. But my bed is so nice and warm. Maybe I can just skip school.

I sigh and pull myself out of bed, I walk to the bathroom. I grab a fowl and make sure I lock the door. I know Vylad wouldn't walk in on me but I want to make sure 100%. I take a shower and use some lime body wash.

I get out of the shower and dry myself off. I get dressed in a black top with a creme woollen coat, a pair of black pants and a pair of black ankle boots. I apply mascara, eyeliner and sour cherry lipgloss. I brush my hair and leave it down. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume.

We go downstairs and grab Celestia and Shadow's food. I put it in their bowls and pet them a little. I wash my hands and then begin to cook breakfast. Vylad comes downstairs. He must have used the guest bathroom. He smiles and helps me cook.

Oh my Irene Vylad is so good at cooking. We sit around the table and eat. We share stories and laugh. This was a really good morning. We wash up the dishes and pack our school bags. I say goodbye to Celestia and Shadow.

We walk to school and just as we are leaving I see the black cars make their way out of Garte's driveway. As the cars go past they just miss my mail box.

"I swear if he hit my mail box I might actually have killed him" I say

"Calm down Aphmau, I know how you feel" Vylad replies

"I can't wait for this week to be over" I sigh

"Me neither, I really hope that Lucinda can get the potion perfect" he replies

We arrive at school and go to our lockers. Garroth and Zane already made it here because they drove, not walked. We don't have any lessons today because there is something about a sickness spreading through out the teachers.

I know that it seems very unlikely but I think it is actually a thing hat the teachers are doing. No way they are just all sick at the same time. But oh well, at least I don't have any classes. That's a bright side.

Cadenza asks to speak with me so I walk over to her.

"Hey Aph, I need your help" Cadenza states "I need to make the costumes for the play, image a few measurements but I need more. So can you help me get them?"

"Yeah sure, when do we start?" I reply

"Right now" she says handing me a measuring tape "I need all the boys measurements, I already have all the girls"

I go to find Laurance is the first person at the top of my 'need-to-be-measured' list Cadenza gave me. You'd think that she would already have his measurements but apparently she didn't want to measure him because he is to annoying.

I find him and tell him that I need to measure him.

"Ok sure, I can let you measure a few other things" he says seductively

"Laurance if you make one more comment, so help me I will put the measuring tape around your throat and strangle you" I say

"Ok" he says in a small terrified voice

I giggle and finish measuring his arms.

"Thank you, I'll be going now" I smile

He grabs my waist softly and pulls me back.

Garroth's P.O.V.

As I was walking around the school again I saw Laurance grab Aphmau. I shouldn't care but I feel weird. Like I want all her attention on me. Laurance and Aphmau are laughing about something. It's taking all my energy not it storm over there and take Aphmau away.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

After school our whole group decided to go to the park, they are selling pumpkin ice cream. It sounds really weird but it actually tasted alright, I still think it could be better though. We are going to play hide and seek

I know we're teenagers but it's a free country. Possibly, as long as it's written in the constitution or something. I run to hide and I sit on a bench on the other side of the park, it's hidden by trees. It's like a fairy garden.

I suddenly hear footsteps. No I couldn't be found.

"Aphmau?" I hear a voice say

"Zane?" I say confused

"What are you doing?" He asks coldly

"Hiding" I reply

"From what?" He says confused

"The seeker" I say

"Hide and seek? Really? What a babyish game" he laughs

"Yeah, yeah, you usually like this game actually. But since that potion" I sigh

"What potion?" He asks confused

"Oh nothing, you'll find out soon enough. Now please, either go away or hide because you are in plain sight" I say

He sighs and walks away. Eventually I'm found and we decide to go back to my place. We are going to watch movies. There is this one movie called you again? It's about this girl who's brother is marrying her high school enemy. It's really good.

We cook dinner. It's like my entire family is here, it's so nice that we have everyone here. Although I miss Garroth and Zane. But at least I'm not all alone now. After dinner we play with Celestia and Shadow. By the time everyone goes home I'm fast asleep. I fall asleep just as my head hits the pillow. I'll focus on cleaning the dishes tomorrow.

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