Ch298-Halloween Decorations

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




Ahh Thursday, it's not Friday but it will do. It's only a few days until Lucinda has finished the potion to help Zane and Garroth. All over today isn't a bad day, and now it is really close to Halloween as well. I'm very excited.

As I go past the store today on my way to school I should check to see if there is any Halloween decorations. I'm very excited about Halloween, it's just so fun with all the free candy and maybe the occasional toothpaste from that one word house full of dentists.

As I am thinking about different types of lollies I want to get for Halloween I go to the bathroom. Again I lock the door and then get into the shower. I use my lime body wash and I step out. I dry off with a towel.

I get dressed in a red long-sleeved top with lace on the back and shoulders, a pair of black jeggings and dark blue ankle boots. I pull my hair into a loose fishtail braid. I apply mascara, eyeliner and lemon ice-cream lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume.

I go downstairs to where Vylad is sitting down drinking coffee.

"Good morning" I say cheerfully, reaching for the dog food

"Good morning" he replies quietly

"Are you alright?" I ask

"Hmm, yeah. Just had a nightmare about my father" he says

"Want to talk about it?" I say feeding Celestia and Shadow

"I dreamt that he hired someone to kill you" he explains

"Oh, well then that could never happen" I giggle, washing my hands "I'm stronger than a hitman"

"I know, but I just don't want you getting hurt because I'm friends with you" he sighs

I hug him

"Come on, I'm not going anywhere" I smile

I pack my bag for school and grab a smoothie from the fridge. I sit down next to Vylad and we talk for a little bit before we have to go to school. When the time finally comes to go to school we head off together.

I told Vylad about my plans to decorate for Halloween and he is just as excited as I am. We look at the store as we go past and there is a sale on Halloween decorations.

"We should go there after school, and get everything we need" Vylad says

"I agree, we should bring a few friends as well so we aren't carrying everything alone" I say

"Good idea, we can ask Laurance and Cadenza" Vylad nods

We get to school and go to our lockers. I go find Cadenza and ask her if she wants to help. Decorating has got some design qualities in it so she will enjoy it. She agrees and says that she will bring Laurance.

The bell goes for class so I head off to math. We have got a substitute teacher so we don't really need to do anything. One of my friends wants me to watch the marvel avengers movie series but I'm just to lazy to start it. Instead I watch cake making videos.

Garroth's P.O.V.

Despite feeling utter hate for Aphmau I feel something else. She makes my heart feel really weird. Like I'm happy when she is around which is so confusing. I'm just watching her outside the corner of my eye. She seems to be happy and calm.

She is messaging someone on her iPad, I can just make out the words. I'm trying to rip my eyes away from her screen. Her screen says, "From Laurance at 9:43am: Can't wait for this afternoon, can we get skeletons? ;)". I wonder what's going on?

After a while the bell for lunch goes and before I know what I'm doing I'm walking over to Aphmau. She doesn't notice me and she runs to catch up with Laurance. They are laughing and chatting about something.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

The final bell for school rang so we can leave. Cadenza, Laurance, Vylad and I are going to the store to pick up the Halloween decorations. I'm pretty excited, this will be my first time spending Halloween in Phoenix Drop. This will also be my one year anniversary here. I'm still tossing up wether to have a party or not. Maybe I'll just have a Halloween party instead. I guess I'll ask someone else their opinion.

We make it to the store and start picking out decorations. Cadenza and Laurance have already decorated their house so we don't need to worry about them. My favourite things are some cute scary bunnies and glow in the dark skeletons.

Cadenza says my house needs to look scary, not cute so we focus on getting some scary decorations like fake cobwebs and grave stones. When we have gotten everything we need we head to my house and start organising what should go where.

Cadenza says that she is going to go get pumpkins so we can carve them. That leaves me alone with Vylad and Laurance. We begin pinning up the fake cobwebs and spooky, scary skeletons. There were also these cool black and orange lights at the store which makes my house look awesome.

We hear some footsteps over the fence and turn to see Garte staring at our house.

"Pretty average" is all he says

"I don't see your house decorated" Laurance fires back

"Well that's because I don't take part in childish holidays" Garte sighs

"Alright, then please leave. We are trying to have fun" says a voice behind us

We turn to see Cadenza holding a few pumpkins and she is staring at Garte with daggers in her eyes (It's a metaphor). We go to check out the pumpkins. They all look really good. And with my powers of water they wont rot before Halloween.

We begin to carve them. I don't like scooping the seeds out because I feel like it's brains. I also don't like pumpkin seeds at all. It's just unsettling. When the pumpkin has been carved out I start to cut in a face.

It takes a few hours to finish carving all the pumpkins but it was worth it. I think my house looks amazing. As I am admiring it I feel a hand snake around my waist. I turn to see Vylad pretending to look innocent. I laugh a little and turn back to my house.

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