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Aphmau's P.O.V.

Oh my Irene this week was so busy. Between finishing our drama scripts and the mass amount of tests we had to do I'm glad it's the weekend. I'm having my Halloween party today and then we are all going trick or treating.

I'm so happy that it's finally Halloween because it's my favourite holiday. What's better than cosplaying and getting free candy? I'm also really short so I don't need to worry about people saying "aren't you to old for Halloween?". Like it's a fun thing, is there really an age limit?

I am currently setting up the party. I am dressed in an Elsa costume because she is my all time favourite character. The decorations are looking really good and I am excited to start the party. Garroth, Vylad and Zane are here helping me to set up.

Soon everyone will be here and we can start the party. Suddenly I smell something burning. I hear Vylad and Zane yelling about something. I walk into the kitchen and I see the weirdest thing in my life. Zane is standing there in his cupcake costume arguing with Vylad who is in a apple costume over the burning food.

I smack both of them on the back of the head and tell them to pay attention to the food. I then go back to decorating while Garroth gets the really high parts of the ceiling since I'm to short to reach.

I hear a knock on the door and it's Katelyn and Lucinda. Soon enough everyone else is here as well and we start partying. The music is blasting and Vylad and Zane aren't arguing over how to cook. Gene and Garroth are still very bitter with each other but you can't have anything.

Suddenly there is a bang and we see one of the tables broken. We see Ivy step out from behind a tree. She is scowling and if looks could kill we would all be dead.

"What do you want?" I ask

"Why the nether wasn't I invited?" She asks

"Because we aren't friends, now get out" Katelyn says walking behind me

"Oh please, it isn't a party unless I'm there" Ivy says

"Look, you weren't invited because at school you are always picking on and bullying one or all of us" I say

"That's not true" she scoffs

"Yes it is and you know it. Now leave my part or you'll be escorted out" I say coldly

She grabs Garroth and holds a knife to his throat. We all freeze and before anything else happens Katelyn lunges foreword and punches Ivy in the face knocking her to the ground.

She gets up and runs out of the house. I laugh a little at Katelyn's reaction and she smiles sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I kind of panicked" Katelyn says

We all laugh and continue dancing. We are waiting for night so we can go get some candy. We have a whole plan and everything so we can get the most amount of candy possible.

Eventually night does come and we walk down the street. We start knocking on a few houses. On one of them Castor answers the door and he has a mass amount of chickens behind him.

"Ohhh Hello" he says

"Hey Castor, Trick or treat" Cadenza says

"Ohhh, here you go" he says giving us some chicken feathers

"Gee thanks" I smile pretending to be happy with these feathers

"I'm sorry I couldn't go to your party, Timberly likes to stay home" he says

"It's ok, thank you" I say and I walk away with Cadenza

We giggle over the fact that Castor was looking at Ivana the entire time. He is so in love with her it's not even funny, I kind of hope that something can happen between them because it would be kind of cute. Even though he is weird.

We skip Missy's house because she would give us a hard time for trick or treating. I don't want to have to fight with her on the happiest day of the year. I think many people would agree with me. I focus more on the other houses that won't hold an annoying people.

When we have finished trick or treating we head to our houses. I really enjoyed the whole party and it just makes me feel very happy that all my friends where here. The scariest thing that happened was When Ivy showed up though.

Katelyn just completely destroyed her, it was really funny, now I am back home though with Garroth, Vylad and Zane. They are helping me pack up everything. Well at least tryouts my. Vylad and Zane are still arguing.

"Guys what's going on?" I ask them

"This morning Vylad ate one of my cupcakes" Zane says

"What why?" I ask Vylad

"I didn't know it was his" Vylad says rolling his eyes

I roll my eyes and walk away. Garroth and I sort out the candy from Castor's chicken feathers. We put all our candy into one big pile and then sort it out evenly. I put mine in a bowl. It looks really nice, like a decoration bowl.

I really enjoyed Halloween this year. It was my firmest time celebrating it in Phoenix Drop. I can't wait for next year. Soon the anniversary of my arrival will be here. I wonder what I should do. 

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