Ch304-The Performance

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A/N: I'm going to do another Q/A so Please feel free to ask any questions on my comments page, in this chapter or private message. I'll answer all questions


Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up with butterflies in my stomach. I am so nervous about today. We are performing our drama play in front of the while school. I'm not usually this nervous about performing but for some reason I just can't shake the feeling of butterflies out of my stomach.

I pull myself out if bed and pull myself to the bathroom. I get in the shower and while I take here I think about what is happening today. Maybe I'm so nervous because of the fact that this is a script we basically made ourselves. We used the Match girl as a base but we changed it quite a bit.

I get out of the shower and I get dressed, I wear a pair of black leggings, a long purple top and a pair of black boots. I grab a black coat to wear over the top. I brush my hair and I braid it in two pigtails. This is my hair for the play so I can save time by doing it now.

I apply mascara, eyeliner and candy lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and I brush my teeth. I head downstairs and make breakfast for myself. I feed Celestia and Shadow. I pack my bag for school.

When I finally muster enough courage to go to school I say goodbye to my dogs and I head off. On the way to school I meet up with Garroth, Vylad and Zane. Apparently they are just as nervous as I am.

When we get to school Cadenza ushers us over to the auditorium. She hands me my costume and I quickly go to the dressing rooms. Cadenza does my makeup in a dirty style to show I'm supposed to be poor. When I finish go out backstage to meet up with everyone. We start to run through our lines and I am starting to feel better.

We hear the unmistakable sound of Missy's high heels clicking and we turn around to see her standing there scowling at us.

"Wow Aphmau, you look like actual dirt" Missy says "Which is basically what you are"

"You don't know what you're talking about Missy" Garroth says walking behind her

"Ahh Garroth, you look so handsome" Missy says, her tone changing to one with a sweeter sound

Garroth is dressed up like a prince and I think he does look pretty good. But he doesn't look like one of those frilly princes that is covered in ruffles. I giggle a little at the thought.

"Missy you aren't allowed to be here" Cadenza says entering "Please leave while the actors are getting ready"

"They aren't actors, they are just losers" Missy says rolling her eyes

"We are pretty good at acting when we pretend to like you" Katelyn states

"Oh shut up Katelyn" issued states

The next thing we know is Missy is being pushed out of the room and the door is slammed in her face. Suddenly the farm teacher tells us that it is time for us to go on stage. I take a few deep breaths and I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I look up to see Garroth

"You'll be fine, you're good at acting" Garroth says

"You have to say that, you can't exactly tell me I'm horrible at acting before I have to kiss you on stage" I say laughing

I stand onstage as as the lights turn on I get into character and begin acting sickly. Zane, my 'brother' is telling me that we don't have enough money for food this month. He tells me to go out and sell some matches. I agree and I go out to town.

Most of my friends are pretending to be people in the village. I pretend to be trying to sell the matches but everyone won't talk to me. Suddenly it begins to 'rain' and everyone disappears while knocking over my Match basket.

I bend down and pretend to light one match to warm myself. Suddenly there is a big buffet table with a warm family in front of me. I sit down and I act really happy with everyone. The match burns out and the scene disappears.

I light the second match and I see a big ballroom with a prince (Garroth) I'm front of me. I take his hand and I dance with him. The match burns out and the scene disappears in front of me. I fall to the ground and then Garroth comes onstage. He is walking along the streets and he picks me up. The moment we touch we act that we have fallen in love.

We look at each other and kiss. The lights turn black and we head off stage. I am tackled in a bunch of hugs by everyone. I laugh and we all decide to head to my house after school.

The rest of the day is spent watching the other groups perform and we head down to my house. We pretend to be drinking fancy wine but it's just red soda. We watch Avengers Age Of Ultron.

"NOO PIETRO!" I yell almost crying

"Wow Aphmau are you that in love with him" Cadenza asks

"Hess, and Buck, Steve and Tony's cute and so is Loki and Thor and-mphf" I say but Cadenza covers my mouth

"Yes they are all hot and whatever, watch the movie" she says

When the movie comes to and end all the girls are talking about the actor who played Bucky. Sebastian Stan is so hot. The guys are basically fuming with jealousy and it's hilarious. They are just movie characters. I'm really happy that our play went so well though. It's really great that it did. I'm so proud of us.

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