Ch305-Start Of Christmas

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A/N: I decided to skip to December. I want to write about Christmas. Also this is in the winter as it's set in the northern hemisphere.


Aphmau's P.O.V.



I wake up quickly and excitedly. It's the day that we are going to be watching a Christmas movie in class. Hopefully it's a good one. It's been a few weeks since the play and we got our grades back. My group got an A and we are very happy with it. I should probably get up instead of thinking about of drama.

I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom. I turn on the shower and get in. My other body wash ran out a few weeks ago so I got a new cinnamon one. It smells like Christmas. When I'm done I get out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel.

I get dressed in a pair of black pants, a white top and a creme infinity scarf. I pull on a pair of black ankle boots and I walk to the mirror. I apply mascara, eyeliner and nutmeg lipgloss. I brush my hair and pull it into a high ponytail. When I've done everything else I brush my teeth, spray on some perfume and walk to the kitchen.

This is the last day I'm going to have Shadow. Gene is picking him up tonight because over the past few weeks he has really proven himself as a true good person. I feed them both and pat Shadow as he is eating. I get up and wash my hands.

When I have eaten my breakfast I pack my bag for school and head off. Snow is starting to fall and it makes the whole town look beautiful. I wish snow was something like icing sugar or wiz fizz. Well if you fall in wiz fizz and get it up your nose it would be painful. Also if you get either of those around your nose or mouth it looks really bad. Maybe just frozen water is fine.

When I get to school I go to my locker and pack my things away. Lucinda comes over to my locker and pulls me away so we can get good seats. We make it to the classroom but it's locked so we can't go inside.

"Hey Lucinda, Aph" we hear a voice say

We look over to the hallway and see Garroth standing there.

"Hey Garroth, good morning" I say

"It is a good morning since we finally got our grades back last night and we got an A" he says

"I know right, I was so happy about that" Lucinda laughs

We continue talking until the teacher comes and unlocks the door. We find some desks and sit down. Soon enough everyone else is here and the bell for the start of the day goes. The movie we are watching is called Mr.Claus (I'm making up this movie).

"On this is the movie where Mrs. Claus and Santa dies, son becomes the new Santa and they save Christmas from the grinch by using magic that was supposedly bad" someone blurts out

Oh my Irene they just spoiled the whole movie. I see everyone glaring at Missy and I'm guessing she is the one who said that.

"Missy!" I hear Lucinda yell "Why would you ruin the movie?"

"Because your faces where funny, now let's watch the movie" Missy states

"There's no point anymore, class you can have free time" The teacher sighs and she gives Missy a detention

Lucinda' P.O.V.

This free time is actually really good. Garroth and I are planning a surprise party for Aphmau. Laurance and Katelyn are helping as well but they aren't in our class. I can see Aph is distracted talking to someone so we can talk without being caught.

"So I was thinking a winter wonderland theme since that's her favourite season" Garroth says

"Yes, and we should have light purple and blue decorations" I reply "What's Aph's favourite food?"

"Pizza and light and tangy chips" Garroth says "I've known her for about a year now so I'm pretty sure that it is"

"Ok, luckily both of those are party food so we can use them" I nod

"This party is going to be so good" Garroth says

We are leaning in our chairs to make sure that no one can hear us.

"What are you two talking about?" We hear Aph ask us fro, behind

Because we were both leaning on our chairs to make sure no one was listing ti hear us we fall off and onto the floor. I laugh and Aph and Garroth join in.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Gene and I are walking home and we are talking about our Christmas plans, he is going to be here for Christmas. He has family in a different area but he can't go see them as he doesn't have enough money. At least he has his brother and his mother.

We make it to my house and Shadow and Celestia run to the door. We walk inside and hit it the living room. I say goodbye to Shadow and Celestia does as well. I make Gene promise that Shadow can come visit.

"Goodbye Shadow, I'll really miss you" I say

I walk Gene to the door and he clips in Shadow's lead.

"Hey Aph, I was wondering if you wanted to go to a Christmas party with me?" Gene asks "It's probably lame but with you there maybe it won't be so boring"

"Of course Gene, I would love to" I laugh "I'll see you later"

"Goodbye" he says

"Bye" I reply smiling

I watch walk away and I feel a little sad that Shadow is going. Now it's just Celestia and I. I pick her up and we go to the living room to play. I think Celestia is going to miss Shadow as well.

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