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A/n- It's 1am for me, I had to get this chapter, My birthday is in 4 days and I'll edit it tomorrow.


Aphmau's P.O.V.




Ugh, Monday morning. Back to school, back to not being able to do what I want and taking care of Celestia. I'm nervous about going back to school. There is going to be a bunch of new students. Werewolves and vampires,

The reason I'm so nervous about this is because there has been a war going on between their species for a few years and it only just came to an end. All of their cities and schools have been ruined so the students are being sent here.

Now we will have a lot of new students. We were told to research history on either vampires or werewolves. I chose werewolves and I figured out that there will be an Alpha male and female armour school. They will be the ones in charge of the werewolves. They could try to control everyone else but it won't work,

I get up and go to the bathroom. I take a shower and wash my hair. I use some candy body wash and then I get out. I get dressed in a pair of black skinny-jeans, a white top with a hoodie and a pair of black ankle boots.

I brush my hair and pull it into a low side ponytail. I apply mascara, eyeliner and cherry flavoured lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and brush my teeth. I walk downstairs and grab some breakfast. When Celestia is fed then I pack my bag for school.

I start walking through the snow to school but I can't shake the nerves out of my heart. I know that the werewolves and vampires won't get along so we might all end up getting caught in some sort of war, it's going to be hard.

I get to school and the second I walk through the gates about 100 vampires and werewolves turn to look at me. I stop for a second and shift uncomftably. I keep walking but their eyes follow me the whole way.

I get to my locker and pack away my things. When I look back to the entrance I see Kawaii-chan at the entrance. She looks really intimidated by the werewolves. I see them walking towards her and the last thing I need is for a fight between anybody,

"Hey Kawaii-chan" I say running past the werewolves

"O-oh hi Aphmau-senpai" she smiles

"Come on, I have something to show you" I say and grab her arm

I pull her past the Werewolves and I glare at them. I guess I'm making sure they know if they mess with my friends I'll kill them. I learnt that werewolves listen to warnings like that. We make it to Kawaii-chan's locker and she thanks me. Apparently there was a war between the Meif'wa's and Werewolves. They all have a long history I guess. I think we will be learning about it in class.

When the school bell goes I head to class. Laurance and I are in the same class. I take my seat next to him and I suddenly feel the room get very tense. I look up and a few werewolves and vampires are standing at the classroom door. They come in and take seats on opposite sides of the classroom.

I move a little closer to Laurance, it suddenly feels very small in here. Even Missy is silent and she looks really nervous. Ivy is pale and a little jumpy. When the teacher walks in they try to begin the lesson but keeps stuttering.

Soon enough it's lunch time and we go to the cafeteria. Again, Werewolves on one side and vampires on the other. Us humans have to sit in the middle. Their glares go through the humans before the opposing side.

I take one look at them, grab my friends and tell them we are sitting outside under the cover.

"So what do you guys think of all the... new students?" Lucinda asks

"They are really intimidating, seriously they look like they would kill us" Katelyn states

"By the way they stared at us when we walked through the gate I though they actually would" Laurance ads

"The werewolves were going to walk up to Kawaii-chan but Aphmau-Senpai saved her" Kawaii-chan says

"This all just happened so suddenly. It's going to be hard to adjust" K say

"I heard that the werewolves are going to be hard to deal with because there is no Alpha female" Travis says "She left the pack so the Alpha male is looking for a new female. It could be anyone, even a human or vampire"

We continue talking about what's happening with the new students. If anyone really could be the Alpha female then that is a bad thing. The last thing I need is to be forced to become some sort of leader, knowing my luck that's exactly what will happen.

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