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Aphmau's P.O.V.



I open my eyes and look around, it's morning and I just want to stay home. Well I guess with the new students everything at school is a bit more interesting. I'm not excited about all the work though.

Valentine's Day is coming up pretty soon as well. I wonder if I should give anyone chocolate. I could give everyone chocolate, that would mean I'm not hurting anyone by forgetting them. I think I, going to get chocolates and stuff from people but I'm not going to tell anyone that, it sounds like something missy would say.

With that thought I giggle and walk to the bathroom. I take a shower and use some lime body wash. I step out and I wrap a towel around me. I grab my clothes and get dressed. I'm wearing a purple top with a white coat, black pants and black boots.

I brush my hair and pull it into a high ponytail. I apply mascara, eyeliner and apple pie flavoured lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and brush my teeth. When I'm done I go to the kitchen and feed Celestia. I pack my bag for school and head off.

When I make it through the school gate the tensions are really high again. Vampires on one side and werewolves on the other. I take a deal breath and walk past them all. You'd think that they would go inside where it's warm but the stay out where it's cold.

I go to my locker when I hear footsteps and turn to see a guy with reddish hair and were wolf ears. He must be a new student, his presence is really commanding, like he is in charge of everything and he knows it.

"Hello" he says

"Umm hi" I reply

"My name is Zayev Redwood, I'm from the new werewolf pack" he smiles

"Oh I'm Aphmau, nice to meet you" I reply

"Do you know who I am?" He asks

"You just told me" I giggle

"I'm the alpha, it means I'm in charge of the werewolves" he smirks "I'm currently looking for a female mate"

"Oh ok, well I need to get to class so bye" I say getting my stuff and walking off to talk to Garroth

Zayev's eyes follow me but I don't care. I just wanted to get away from him. Why would he tell me that he is the alpha and he is looking for a mate. I don't really care about his relationship status unless he is trying to get with me or any of my friends. I tell Garroth what just happened and he seems just as confused as I.

The bell for class goes and I head off to my class. I sit down at my desk and I look though the notes from yesterday. I see someone out of the corner of my eye sitting down next to me. I look up to see Zayev smirking at me.

"Hello love" he says putting his arm around me

"Umm.... could you move your arm" I say

"Aww what's wrong? I don't bite" he smirks

A hand slams on the table between us and Zayev moves back with a bit of fright. I look up to see Laurance with his eyes shadow-knight red,

"I do" Laurance says "So move from my seat"

Zayev laughs at him.

"I'm not moving" he says

I stand up and grab my stuff.

"Come on Laurance, let's sit somewhere else" I say

We find a new desk with Laurance. I thank him for standing up for me. Zayev seems to have some sort of interest in me. It's not because he thinks I'm some awesome person who he can make his mate so I don't know what it is. Maybe he can sense my powers or something and he wants them.

When the bell for lunch goes I gather my things, put them in my locker and head to the cafeteria.guess who is in line behind me? Zayev. He growled at a few vampires and took their place in line.

"So what are you getting?" He asks

"Food" I simply reply

"What's wrong? Why won't you talk to me?" He asks

"I met you a few hours ago and you're kind of weird" I sigh

When I have my food I go to find my friends. Zayev is still following me it's getting really annoyed. He is creepy and makes me feel uncomfortable. I walk a little faster when I finally make it to my group outside. Zayev has another thing coming if he thinks he can just walk into my group with magik users, a few fighters, a witch and a shadow nights. Plus everyone else.

I sit down in there circle but when Zayev tries to follow he is met with glares from everyone. He steps back a little and looks nervous.

"You know I'm the alpha right?" He says trying to recover

"It doesn't mean anything to us" Katelyn says

"Yeah, you're just another student" Jeffory adds

"And don't even think about coming close to Aphmau again" Aaron scowled

"Bye Zayev" I smile

He looks scared and walks away. I thank everyone and they all laugh over Zayev. I can't believe he thought he could try to control us.

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