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A/n: Yes I time skipped ;)

Aphamu's P.O.V.





Ughhhhhh Monday morning. Go away Monday no one likes you. I wonder if "my dog is pregnant" is a good enough excuse to stay home. Well probably not. I should probably just go get ready. I have another day of dealing with all those vampires.

Maybe today will be easier. They've been here for a little while now so they might leave us alone. Although the vampires still don't get along with the werewolves. At least I'm not in the middle of it, but if Zayev forces me to be alpha then I will be.

I go to the bathroom and step into the shoulder. I use some lime body wash and rinse off. I get out of the shower and dry off. I get dressed in a pair of black pants, a black jumper that is off the shoulders and it goes to my upper things and a pair of black boots.

I brush my hair and pull it into a high ponytail. I apply mascara, eyeliner and orange flavoured lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume. I head downstairs and make Celestia breakfast and then pack my bag. I head off to school feeling a little nervous.

When I get to school the first thing I notice is Missy and by are hovering over a Meif'wa boy. He has orange hair and orangey eyes. Missy is trying to get him to be her boyfriend. I can't believe she has to threaten someone. Poor guy.

As I'm watching I see Zayev walk over and growl at them. Missy and Ivy run away. Maybe Zayev is actually a nice person who defends people from bullies. I'm about to second guess my thoughts on him when he punches the Meif'wa in the stomach,

"Get out of here you Meif'wa trash" Zayev says

Without a second thought I run over to them and push Zayev back.

"What do you think you are doing?" I ask

"Oh if it isn't my mate, how are you this morning?" Zayev flirts

"Zayev I'm serious, why did you punch him?" I ask again.

"Because he is a Meif'wa, we don't need to worry about him" Zayev says "I can give you whatever you want in life, so why don't you date me?"

I sight and grab the Meif'wa's arm, pulling him inside the school and leaving Zayev standing in the snow. When we have made it far enough away Zayev turns to me and thanks me.

"Why did you do that?" He asks

"Because you were being bullied by him, and the two girls as well. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything sooner" I say

"Don't worry about it, you still did something and it was really helpful" he smiles "Are you the alpha female?"

"No I, not, but Zayev has some sort of obsession with making me the alpha female" I sigh

"Well he is already marking you, i can kind of smell his scent, even though I'm a Meif'wa not a werewolf" he says

"WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I yell getting a few weird looks but I don't care

"Yeah, but there might be some sort of way to remove it with witchcraft or magiks"he says

"Oh my god I can't believe this" I say putting my hand to my head

He softly smiles and pulls my hand away.

"Listen, it will all be ok. I don't know much about werewolves but I do know that there are ways to not be Alpha without becoming an omega" he says "By the way my name is Kai, maybe I'll see you later?"

"Aphmau, and I would like that" I reply

The bell goes and I realise that I am late for class. I realise and say a quick goodbye to Kai. I rush to my locker and grab my things. I run as fast as I can and I make it to the class before the teacher which means I do t get a late slip and detention. This day is starting to look up for me. I find a seas and take it.

The door to the class room opens and instead of seeing the teacher there is Ean standing there out of breath. I notice that the only spare chair is next to me. I still find it awkward to be around him after he smelt me.

I pretend not to notice the fact that he is sitting next to me and instead text Laurance about my morning, I feel someone two my shoulder and what I look up I see Ean looking me dead in the eyes.

"I was trying to help you" he states

"You smelt me you creep. I don't care if it's a werewolf thing I'm human" I reply

"You are kind of annoying" he says

"Ok, don't talk to me then" I smirk

"But you're fun to talk to" he replies

It's going to be a long day.

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