Ch316-Zayev Attacked

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Monday Afternoon

Aphmau's P.O.V.

After sitting with Ean in class for a few hours I've slowly gotten to know him. He is actually a pretty ok guy. I guess I was kind of quick to jus check him because of the negative experience I had with Zayev.

He did sniff me which was weird but I can let it slide one time. During our class he explained that he was the omega because he came from a different pack. He moved to the werewolf school and then to here in about a month, he is really nice actually.

I'm willing to let him come hang out with our group. We are such a tight group even though we look like we let anyone in. We have The popular boys group mixed with the athletes mixed with all the people who can use magiks. It seems like a loose group but if we don't trust you then you won't be in the group.

With that thought in mind I turn to ask Ean if he wants to sit with us for lunch. The room is empty so he won't get embarrassed by other werewolves making fun of him for making friends.

"Hey Ean, want to sit with my friends and I at lunch?" I ask

"Yeah Su-" Ean says but then he is cut off

"Oh it's alright for him to sit with you at lunch but not your own mate?" I hear a voice say

I groan and bang my head on the desk. Can't Zayev just go away.

"Yes, because he doesn't torment me" I reply turning around and looking at him right in the eye

"He is the omega, he is beneath us" Zayev says wrapping his arms around me

"Get off of her" Ean whispers

"Why don't you just come with me" he whispers trying to be seductive

"Can you please get off" I say trying to shake it off

"We should just leave this loser" Zayev adds

"GET OFF OF HER!" Ean yells

Zayev freezes out of terror. I would to, Ean looks like he wants to murder Zayev. He rips Zayev off of me and throws him into one of the desks. I'm so glad no one else is here because they would get into so much trouble.

"Don't touch her again, she isn't your mate" Ean says

"Oh are you trying to steal her from me?" Zayev scowls

"No I'm not like you, you were making her uncomfortable" Ean replies grabbing my hand and pulling me

Together, we head to the cafeteria and wait in line for our food. I am still in a little shock from Ean's outburst, his eyes were almost bloodshot red and he looked ready to snap Zayev's neck. When we have our food we head out to where my friends are sitting.

"I'm sorry if I scared you, he was making you uncomfortable" Ean smiles softly

"Thank you, but next time don't throw him into the desk, we could have gotten into a lot of trouble" I sigh

Ean's P.O.V.

I look at Aphmau's face and see that her expression is one of gratefulness but also fear and concern. I think I scared her because attached Zayev.

"I want you to know that I'm not scared of you, I know you wouldn't attack me like they" Aphmau says smiling "I'm grateful that you stood up for me. I don't know why, but I feel that I can trust you"

I smile knowing that I have made a friend here. Sure our first few meetings were a bit weird but after that we got along. We make it to where her friends are sitting. I suddenly regret deciding to hang out with Aphmau. Her friends look very scar.

"Hey guys, this is Ean, he attacked Zayev when he tried to talk with me" Aphmau says

The one I know as Aaron smiles and nods to the others. The girl with the blue hair laughs and says that he is welcome here. I guess they are grateful because I saved Aphmau. I didn't realise how close she was with her friends.

I sit down and immediately everyone is really nice and asks me about myself. I kind of want to just talk with Aphmau but she is whispering with the Aaron guy. He looks really upset about something. I can hear snipers of what they are saying because of my good hearing.

"My mum...... hospital......tomorrow" Aaron whispers

"That's.........come.......dinner" Aphmau replies

Aphamu's P.O.V.

Aaron told me that his mother is still in hospital. I told him that I'll come see her tomorrow and today he calm come to my house for dinner. I really hope that he will be alright. I just wish I could do something for his mum.

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