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Monday Evening

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I'm waiting for Aaron outside of school. We are going to visit his mother in hospital and then he is coming to my house for dinner. I'm really excited to see Aaron's mother again but I'm scared that it could be the last time I see her.

I have all my things and now I'm just waiting for him. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around smiling expecting Aaron. It's not. I narrow my eyes at Zayev and he smirks again.

"Aww that smile is beautiful" he smiles "Why don't you smile for me?"

"I don't owe you anything. For the last time, go away" I say

"No need to get so over emotional" he sighs

"Actually yes there is, you won't leave me alone so excuse me for getting annoyed" I reply trying not to punch him in the face

"She's right you know" a new voice says

I smile and turn to see Aaron. Zayev sighs and walks away. I hug Aaron as a thank you.

"Come on Aphmau, lets go to the hospital" he says and takes my hand

The hospital isn't to far away so we can just walk there. I know Aaron is feeling so nervous and I am to. I just can't shake the thought that his mother could die. I know that the cancer she has is curable but there is always a slight chance.

Aaron's father left them a few years back so it's just them against the world. Aaron and I are still holding hands and i blush when I realise this. I look up to see Aaron already staring at me. I don't know if it's just the cold but he has red all over his cheeks right up to his ears.

"Are you excited to see my mum again?" He asks

"Yes I am, but I'm nervous to" I state

"I know how you feel" he replies

We arrive at the hospital and walk in. We go to the main desk and ask for his mother's room and the code for the doors. They have codes so just in case there is a patient with a mental hospital they can't escape and put themselves in danger.

We walk in and the second His mother sees us her eyes light up. I smile and I'm about to re-introduce myself when she smiles and says that she remembers me.

"What brings you two here? Don't you have homework" she laughs

"You're more important than homework mum" Aaron states

"Well thank you sweetie, I have good news for you" she says "they moved my surgery up to Thursday"

"That's amazing, it means you'll be cured faster" I say smiling

"Exactly, it means I can go home sooner as well. Trust me you get tired of lime jelly and sandwiches" Aaron's mum replies

We spend a while talking and we even watched a short movie. It was such a fun time and I can't wait to do it again. The best thing that happened though was finding out that his mother is going to be ok.

Aaron and I head back to my house though the dark night. The snow is really cold but holding Aaron's hand really does make me feel warm. When we are at my house we immediately begging cooking dinner.

Celestia is jumping around happily with Aaron playing with her, I can see that Celestia is getting a little bigger so she must be coming along well with the pregnancy. Speaking of which I have another vet appointment this Saturday.

When dinner is cooked we sit down and eat together. I can't really look away from Aaron's eyes, I never noticed how deep they were. I could just stare into them for hours, I usually love looking at people's eyes, they tell you so much about a person.

Aaron helps me wash up the dishes and when I look outside I see that the snow has piled up so much that it's blocking the door. Aaron can't walk home in this.

"Hey Arron you should stay the night. It's to dangerous to walk home in this" I say

"Are you sure that's ok?" He asks

"Yeah of course, you cat walk home if you can't get out of the door" I giggle

I go to the guest room and start making the bed. I make sure the heat is on and check the food in the fridge.

"School will probably be cancelled tomorrow" Aaron states

"Oh thank Irene, it means I don't have to deal with Zayev tomorrow" I smile

"I'm sorry I can't do more about this" he sighs hugging me

"It's ok, I can handle him. It's just if he succeeds in making me his mate and then I reject it I'll become an omega and everyone will hate me" I say holding him tighter

"I won't let that happen" he says kissing my forehead

I smile and close my eyes. I feel so safe with Aaron.

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