Ch318-Snow Pile-up

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Tuesday Morning

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up to rapid knocking at my door. I don't know how I'm going to open it or even who is there but I probably should answer it. But it's so nice and warm in bed and it's so cold and rainy outside.

The knocking doesn't stop so I get up and wrap my purple fluffy blanket around myself and I walk to the front door. I can't open it because there is a bunch of snow in the way so I walk to the window next to it and open it.

I see Garroth standing there waist deep in snow.

"Garroth? How did you even get here?" I ask

"Oh hey Aphmau, I jumped out of my bedroom window" he says

"Oh my go Garroth your legs must be freezing, come inside quickly" I say realising he is still in the snow

He crawls through the window and he leans a wet patch on the floor from the melting snow. I tell him to go upstairs and take a hot shower and I'll give him some Spare clothes. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

I turn to see Aaron smiling.

"Since when was Garroth here?" He asks me

"He came five minutes ago, I don't know why but he was the one knocking on the door" I explain

He nods and decides to make up some tea. I'm glad that he knows I don't like coffee. I grab some clothes and put them by the shower door and then knock in the door and tell Garroth where they are.

I go back down to the kitchen and drink my tea. Soon enough Garroth joins us and I ask why he is here.

"I'm here because I was worried about you. There was lots of wind and snow over night and I wanted to make sure you were still alive" he explains

"Well thank you, and yes I'm fine" I smile "Aaron stayed overnight. The snow was to heavy to walk home in in the dark"

"Ohhh I see" Garroth replies shooting a glance at Aaron

"Well Aphmau I think I'm going to go. I want to check up on my house" Aaron sighs

I make sure he has all his things with him and then help him out the window. It's so funny how people now come through the window. I'm just glad people can get in and out of the window.

When he is gone I feel Garroth jump on me and hug me. My feet lift off the ground as he pulls me up an I almost yelp out of fright.

"G-Garroth?" I stutter

"I just wanted to hug you, you feel warm" he replies

"Well that's nice and all but I haven't even gotten ready for the day yet" I laugh

"It's ok Aphmau, I think you're beautiful" he says

I laugh and make him out me down.

"While that's a nice compliment I need to get ready" I state

Garroth kisses my forehead and then jumps out of the window.

"You have fun then, I'll see you later" he says running away

I laugh and roll my eyes. Today I want to go visit Laurance and Cadenza. Hopefully they are ok after the big storm.

I walk upstairs and have a shower. It's so nice and warm. I dry off and get dressed in a pair of black pants, a warm purple top and a white fluffy jacket. I pull on some black snow boots and then brush my hair. I leave it down because it gives me extra warmth.

I brush my teeth and spray one some perfume. Then I apply waterproof mascara, eyeliner and lemonade flavoured lipgloss. When I am all done I head downstairs and check in Celestia. She is still asleep so I leave some food for her in her bowl and then climb out of my window. I lock the window with my key and then start walking to Laurance and Cadenza's house.

"Hey Aphmau, where are you going?" I hear someone yell

I know it's Garroth. I look behind me and sure enough Garroth is standing there beaming.

"I was going to Laurance's house. Do you want to come?" I ask

"Yeah sure, I need to make sure you don't get hypothermia" he says

"I would never die like that" I say beginning to walk

Garroth follows behind me. I enjoy walking and talking with Garroth on the way to Cadenza's house. He is a great guy and I am so glad to have made friends with him. Soon enough we make it to our destination and we know on Laurance's door. Because their house is on a hill the snow isn't piled up on the door. I'm happy to hang out with them both again.

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