Ch319-Laurance And Magic

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Tuesday afternoon

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I knock on the door and Laurance answers it shirtless with pyjama bottoms.

"Oh hey Aphmau and Garroth. What are you two doing here?" He asks

"We came to hang out, why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I reply

"Because of gravity" he states and walks inside

Looking behind me I see Garroth with the same expression I do. What does gravity have to do with Laurance's shirt? I guess it's just him being weird again. I walk inside with Garroth and Cadenza rushes to hug me.

"Hey Aphmau, I feel like it's been forever" she giggles

"Cadenza we were at school yesterday" I laugh

"Yeah but 24 hours is such a long time" she replies "Oh you must be freezing, let me get you some hot tea. Go sit by the fire"

Garroth and I do as she tells us and we sit by the crackling fire. I watch the flames dance around until I am snapped out of it by a hand on my shoulder. When I look to see who it is I see Laurance, now with a shirt on, smiling and holding up a book.

"What's that?" I ask

"Ok so I found a magic book and-" he starts

"NO" Cadenza, Garroth and I all shout

"What?" Laurance says looking confused

"Every time we mess with magic we end up in a different dimension and we then come back to a mountain of homework" Cadenza yells from the kitchen

"But it could be fun" Laurance says trying to convince us but Cadenza isn't budging

"I know it will be fun, but I need to finish all of my work" I sigh

"Well think of it this way, school will be cancelled for a few days so it gives us enough time to mess around with magic" Laurance says

He is starting to make me come around. I mean he does have a point. I have never regretted going different places and if I can come back without lots of school work then it will be a win-win.

"Laurance there is no way in Irene I am letting you mess around with magic" Cadenza says walking into the room

"I'm with Cadenza, magic is dangerous" Garroth adds

"To late" Laurance smirks and opens the book reading out one of the spells

A soft pink light surrounds us and when it dies down I see a big pile of snow. I turn to see if there is anything else all I can see is snow. It is freezing, even more than Phoenix drop. Everyone seems to be alright but poor Cadenza who is in her pyjamas still is freezing. I give her one of my coats.

"LAURANCE!" She yells

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would teleport us to Russia!" Laurance replies

"Well, what you think it would do?" I ask

"I though we would be in the Bahamas" he states

"Well that's not the case is it. Can you teleport us back?" Garroth asks

"I can but the bad news is that we have to wait a day, and even then I don't know if we will go straight home." Laurance nervously laughs "I mean we will end up there eventually but I don't k ow how many tries it will take"

I sigh and decide that there is no use in arguing. We need to find shelter. Gene is going to my house tomorrow so he can check up on Celestia. Celestia also knows where her food is so she will eat if she knows it's time. She is a very smart dog.

I tell everyone that we are going to find shelter and if they don't want to freeze they should follow me. Cadenza jumps on Laurance's back because she isn't wearing any shoes and she can't walk in the snow. Garroth walks beside me.

I notice a small light in the distance and I think it looks promising. Laurance noticed it to and he starts walking that way. I look down at the fresh white snow. It is so much colder than Phoenix drop. I'm scared that we are in Antartica or something and no one else is here. But I'm pretty sure we are in Russia.

We continue walking until we see a big log mansion. Feeling relief at the fact that we are saved we continue walking until we are at the doorstep. We knock on the door but there is no answer. We knock a second time to double check but still no answer.

We nod and walk inside. It's absolutely beautiful. There are dark red carpets and mahogany logs building up the walls. The furniture goes with the gold and red theme and there is a big fireplace. If no one is here then we can just wait inside for someone to arrive or we can sleep here tonight and be out by tomorrow.

"You see Laurance, this is what happened when you mess with magic" Cadenza says, clearly upset

"I'm sorry alright, I just know how much you don't like snow so I wanted to give you a vacation for free" Laurance replies

"This is the most annoying nicest thing you have done for me, so thank you" Cadenza says softly smiling

I hear a creaking of the floorboards and light footsteps. I look towards the sound and I see a girl. About my age with long blue hair, a white fluffy coat and a shocked face.

"Кто ты и что ты делаешь в моем доме? (who are you and what are you doing in my house)" she asks

This is going to be fun to explain. But who is she? She seems different from a human, I can sense it.

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