Ch320-The Mystery Girl

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Tuesday night

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Oh, oh Irene we are in so much trouble. This girl looks so angry and scared at the same time. It doesn't help that we don't understand what she is saying, her blue hair moves as she walks up to me scowling.

"я задал тебе вопрос" she says

"Do you know what she is saying?" I whisper to Cadenza

"I have no idea, I think she is Russian though, I recognise the language" Cadenza replies

"So what do we do?" Laurance whispers joining in out conversation

"Umm do you think she speaks English?" Cadenza asks

"I don't think so" Laurance says

"Why are we whispering?" Garroth joins in

"I can speak English, vhat are you doing in my house?" She says with a Russian accent

"Ohhh umm, it's a long story" Cadenza giggles nervously

"Vell I have time, tell me vhat happened da?" She says sitting down

We explain how we were transported by magic because of Laurance and his book. The girl finds it funny that we ended up in this situation. At least she isn't trying to kill us or throwing us out of her house.

"If you need to stay here for zhe night you can, Also I vill give you some clothing" she says

We all follow her to her room. She gives us some clothing because are still freezing. Cadenza looks a lot more comfortable with a big coat on and thick boots. She then takes us back to the living room and gives us some food.

"Oh hey we should probably tell you our names" Cadenza smiles "I'm Cadenza"

"I'm Aphmau, it's nice to meet you" I say

"I'm Laurance the hot one" Laurance smirks

"And I'm Garroth, the smart one" Garroth says rolling his eyes at Laurance

"You can sleep here tonight da?" The girl says handing us some blankets and pillows

I actually am really enjoying this little trip. We made a new friend and we get to see what Russia is like. But why is this girl all the way out here in the middle of no where? I do t even know her name yet.

Oh I guess we haven't actually asked her name yer, she is just the girl in the white coat. We should probably ask her name. Just as she is about to leave us alone for the night I turn to her,

"Umm excuse me, what's you're name?" I ask

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself da" She giggles "My name is Alexia Romanova, but my English name is Alexia Right"

She turns around and walks out of the room.

"Alexia huh, Cadenza says "Sounds like some author"

I lay down on the lounge and pull the blanket over me. I didn't realise how cold I was until I actually tried to sleep. It turns out that I am actually shivering. Cadenza turns off the light because it's very bright and we all decide to go to sleep.

I am still shivering and I can't see anything. I don't do well in cold weather like this. I try to force myself to sleep but I keep moving to try and get heat. Eventually I sigh and accept that I'm not getting any sleep tonight. I feel arms wrap around my waist and a body is pressed to mine.

I know immediately that this is not Cadenza for obvious reasons.

"It's me, Laurance" Laurance whispers

"Of course, but what are you doing?" I whisper

"Well I'm really cold, I can tel, that you are cold so I thought 'why not cuddle'" he says "it means that we can both be warm and I can get closer to you"

I giggle softly and close my eyes. With Laurance next to me I feel a lot warmer. I guess that body heat really can warm you up quickly.

Alexia's P.O.V.

Zhese poepel come into my house and say they are here because of magic? Finally someone else who can use magic like I can. I have powers, It's like a blue mist zhat can control and read minds and telepathically move things.

Zhe reason I'm all alone out here is because my village found out and kicked me out because I was to dangerous. All I did was almost kill someone who was bullying me, it's not like he didn't recover.

Anyway, if these strangers are going back to a place that isn't freezing all the time I want in. I love Russia and I think it's amazing but it's just so cold all of ze time da. I guess I just need a change in zhe scenery. Aphmau told me about Phoenix drop high, if they are always accepting new students then maybe I can become a student zhere.

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