Ch321-Are We Home?

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up to someone shaking me. Opening my eyes I see Laurance's face 2 inches from mine. He smiles and sits up normally.

"Good morning Aphmau" he smiles

I stretch and smile at him. We hear Cadenza calling us from the kitchen so we follow her voice. Cadenza and Alexia have made some breakfast for us which is a relief because I am starving. We sit down and start eating. Garroth comes in as well and takes his plate.

"Ok so I have found out that I can send us home today" Laurance states "or I could transport us to a tropical island"

"No thank you Laurance, we are going home and that's final" Cadenza says sternly

"Why not?" Laurance asks

"Because last time you sent us to a random place and we ended up in Russia" I giggle "It may be cold at home but it's colder here"

"I zhink zhat you should go home, zhere is probably people missing you" Alexia states

"She's right, my brothers will be very worried" Garroth agrees

Laurance sighs and agrees to go straight home. After only a few hours here I really miss home. We almost died of hypothermia yesterday and if it wasn't for Alexia we would all have starved. But when we go home I will be faced with the issue of Zayev.

At least I have Ean to help me. I haven't known him for very long but I feel that I can trust him a lot. He also knows a lot about werewolves so he can help me with anything that I need about werewolves.

After breakfast Alexia packs some of her things in a bag. Because she doesn't have any parents she doesn't have much money so she doesn't have much. Cadenza and Alexia have become quite close in the few hours they have known each other so she is going to live with her.

After we have our things ready we go to the living room and Laurance tries to find the spell to get home. I feel a little weird because we have to trust Laurance to teleport us home when he isn't exactly a wizard or warlock, he doesn't have much experience with magic or anything, that's why we ended up in Russia. His only real experience is being a shadow knight.

Laurance finds the page and starts reading the spell out. The white light returns and I feel my feet lifting off the ground. All I can think is 'I really hope this works and we just end up home'

My feet meet the flooor and the light dies down. I slowly open my eyes and we are inside a house. But it isn't just any house, it's the living room in Cadenza's house. Everyone else realises that Laurance teleported us correctly. I jump in Laurance hugging him and Cadenza and Alexia high-five.

When I get off of Laurance I smile. We sit down and talk about what just happened. While we are on the couch I feel eyes on me but I can't place my finger on it.

Ean's P.O.V.

I was walking along the street casually thinking of a plan to overthrow the alpha of my pack when I see a bright light from one of the houses. My nose suddenly picks up some scents that weren't there before and I recognise one as Aphmau's.

I climb up a tree that has a branch to sit on so you can see the main room. I look in the window and see five people. Sure enough Aphmau is there, and she hugs one of the guys in the room. I can't hear what they are saying though.

I am not being a stalker watching Aphmau right now, I'm making sure these humans don't plague her with any more of their disgusting humanity. There is another girl there though. With blue hair. I don't know who she is and I've never seen her before in my life.

I watch Aphmau very closely and I notice how close she is with those two guys. The blond hair and brown haired guys that are in that popular group.

This is kind of bad, I need Aphmau for my plan, not only that but I have strange feelings for her. It's a crush but I can't fall in love because she isn't a werewolf, but if there was a way for her to become a werewolf then it would all be perfect.

I think for now I just need to focus on creating a plan to become alpha. Or I could make Aphmau become alpha, then I challenge Zayev and Aphmau could help me. It would mean I get to become closer to her and she will trust me.

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