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Morning: Cyborg

I woke up in the morning, yanking the plugs from my power core on my chest. My systems started to activate with all the black robotic parts of my body turned an electric blue color. Stretching my body while I was yawning. I soon found myself wondering how was Phoenix doing? So I walked out of my room, heading to the infirmary room of the Titans Tower. I came face to face to the doors of the infirmary room.

The doors opened itself up and now I was face to face with a totally exhausted Raven and a missing Phoenix on the medical bed. Something felt very eerie in the room, how can Raven be a sleep when Phoenix is up and walking around the Tower by now? I walked out of the infirmary room, having my mind set up to leave Raven asleep until I find something suspicious. I didn't know that my legs were taking me to Robin's room but I felt like I had to ask him, but mainly to see if he was okay.

The door opened up before I could even knock on the door. I walked into Robin room to see it's a mess and not it's usual clean, organized, and maintenance room. There was police reports, magazines, newspapers, and photos all over the floor and desk of the room. His bed looked he haven't been in it for a long time. I looked down at the floor and see kinda fresh but deep footprints on Robin's carpet floor. I took a picture of the footprints yet I did notice some glass on the floor.

Following the trail of glass it led to the window that was next to Robin's nightstand. I took a picture of the broken window. I walked over to examine did Robin or this unknown person made it down to the ground? Sure enough no marks or prints indicating that they or he landed on the ground. So that means Robin or this unknown person had to be flying? Or better yet some unknown person that knows how to fly was holding Robin as a hostage?

I walked to the living room to see Starfire and Beast Boy playing a video game. Starfire was losing badly to B.B. But there was no sign of Raven nor Phoenix.

"BB, Star, have you seen Phoenix at all this morning?" I questioned the two heroes as their game quickly ended.

"No we haven't Cyborg," Starfire replied putting the controller on the table and looking at me with confusion.

"Wait, why you ask that question isn't Nix suppose to be in the infirmary room?" Beast Boy asked as he looked with worry.

"Yes she is since Raven is still in there but the thing is she's not in there," I said as Beast Boy and Starfire looked worried.

"That's impossible, did you check in Raven or Phoenix's room?" Starfire questioned as she looked extremely scared.

"CHECK? In Phoenix or Raven's room, no way José, I'm not checking Raven's room and I most definitely not checking Phoenix's room!" I exclaimed as my eyes widen with fear.

"I refuse to be stuck in another mirror inside of Raven or most importantly Phoenix's head!" Beast Boy exclaimed as he was moving like wave of water with his face looking like the Scream painting.

"Fine you Ruthas, I'll check Phoenix's room but you will check Raven's room, maybe I should go get Robin to help me check the room of Phoenix!" I smiled at the thought me and Robin searching alone in Phoenix's room.


I flew up the stairs with a smile on my face. That smile quickly vanish when I heard Cyborg gave me the most disturbing news.

"The thing about that Star, is somebody took Robin," Cyborg said sadly.

"That's the impossible, how could this happen?" I asked as slowly floated down to the ground with a sad look on my face.

"Wait how is that possible because I saw you turning the security systems on," Beast Boy said thinking of what could happen to Robin.

"Cyborg what does Robin room look like?"

"Well there was broken glasses by his window but there was no indication of any signs of struggle," Cyborg replied to my question.

"So somebody flew out of here, it had to be someone in this Tower then last night," Beast Boy said trying to figure out who did this.

"Maybe a villain was inside the Tower before you put the system up?"

"Star thats unimaginable. I designed the security system if any unauthorized person is in the Tower it will rang the alarms. So as soon as I put it up we would of been alerted in a microsecond about the intruder," Cyborg explained with his robotic hand under his chin.

"Well Friend Cyborg if that was the case it happen to be someone the Tower authorizes and didn't catch Robin's window breaking nor the unknown intruder?"

"Wait guys what if Phoenix did it?"

"Oh come on B.B. stop playing and get serious about this!" Cyborg told Beast Boy not believing his statement.

"No, no, no Cyborg think about it! When you set up the Tower alarm and what if Phoenix got up during the middle of the night, going to Robin's room take him away by breaking the window and flying out of the Tower without the Tower ringing the alarms," Beast Boy said explaining his theory.

"That do sound logic but why would Friend Phoenix take Robin away?" I said thinking of a reason until it came in my mind.

"SLADE!" Beast Boy, Cyborg, and I said in unison.

"We got to save Phoenix and Robin, but first we need to wake up Raven," Cyborg said with scary expression on his face.

The doors to the living room burst open to an angry and not so happy or excited Raven. Raven's hair was sticking up and her cloak was floating up along with her.

"You don't have to worry about waking me up, let's go get Robin and Phoenix back from Slade!" Raven gritted her teeth in anger but turned back around leaving a frighten robotic boy, a green elf boy, and alien from outer space behind.


I woke up to see a light shining down on me. I tried moving body but my moves was limited. Feeling the cold slap of concrete, I was laying on with shackles on my wrist and ankles. It was dark around me expected for the light shining a little areas ahead of me. I struggle getting out the shackles grips as I grunted trying my best to break it or loose it from its tight grips of my wrists.

"Don't struggle Robin, you can't get out of that," A familiar voice spoke out in the darkness.

"SLADE? IF THATS YOU SHOW YOUR SORRY SELF TO THE LIGHT!" I shouted really trying to break free from the shackles.

"Robin, Robin, I'm glad you finally came to your senses and join the winning side," Slade said stepping into the light so I can see him.

" I didn't take your offer and this is not the winning side, and how did I get here?" I questioned still trying to break free.

"Oh let me not forget your companion and my 2nd apprentice, apprentice step forward,"

Out of the darkness came a girl in a black and silver cloak. Her hood was on her head as the hood had a symbol of Slade. The girl outfit was orange tight fitted crop top with a medium length cuts at the end. The girl had on a sliver shorts on with a belt that looks just like Raven and Phoenix's. She had on some thigh high black no heel boots. The girl had the pale skin trait of Phoenix and Raven's.

The girl head was down but then it slowly lifted up once her head up she took off her hood showing herself to me and Slade. When the hood came off, I instantly saw the long violet purple hair and I shook my head in fear knowing whose Slade's new apprentice is. It's Phoenix.

"Phoenix how could you?" I asked in anger.

  Phoenix didn't say nothing to me but all she did was look at me with a creepy look on her face.

"She cant talk to you unless I order her to," Slade replied as his hands went to her shoulders.

"Why is that, she under your mind control or something?" I replied trying my best to yank the shackles off my wrists and ankles.

"Robin you can't break free, Phoenix is the one who made that for you, you should thank her for that," Slade taunted me.

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