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I landed on the concrete ground of the warehouse we was in before. I heard light footsteps coming from behind me while in the little distance away from me was a park screeching to a complete stop. Then the engine to the car shut off after a few seconds the car doors opened and closed behind me. The morning light came down me and my friends that was behind me.

"Rae are you sure you could sense Nix in here?" Beast Boy asked with worry and unsureness.

"Yes I feel a very strong aura from Phoenix from here and never question me about my sister's whereabouts again," I replied sternly waving my hand at the warehouse doors opening them up.

Inside the warehouse dark except for this light shining down in the middle of the room. My eyes caught sight of a sheet of paper while Cyborg and Starfire open the windows of the warehouse. The light shine through the dark building revealing the old working equipments of an auto shop. I walked over to the sheet of paper with Beast Boy's tall frame looking over my shoulder and scanning the paper. My violet eyes started reading the letter myself.

To Raven or the other Titans,

If you found this letter then that means you already found out that me and Robin left the Tower and on the way to Slade's hideout. No worries Robin is fine and I'll try my best to fight off Slade's control over me but I clearly found out that its impossible. Soon Robin will probably be under Slade's control as well so whatever you do, do everything you can to stop Robin and I. Until then try your best to find me and Robin, but if you ever need help I'll try my best to leave you guys clues to find me and Robin.

Sincerely yours Phoenix and Robin.

"So that's the end of the letter?" Beast Boy said sadly behind me as he sound like he wanted to cry but trying to hold it in.

Before I could even answer the question, something made me rub the back of the paper. The back of the paper feels rough like I was rubbing my hand against the pavement of a sidewalk. But the crazy thing is that the front of the paper with the letter is smoother, like my hand was moving across the water surface.

"I don't think it's the end of the letter Beast Boy," I said as I flipped the letter to the back of the paper with Starfire and Cyborg crowding around me.

"There's nothing on the back Rae," Cyborg said with a confuse but a clueless look on his face.

"No Phoenix must put an invisibility spell on it," I said waving my hand over the blank part of the paper.

The words started to appear on the back of the paper as Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Starfire gasped in shock.

Papa Joe's Omega Diner
1670 Titans Drive
Meet me there at 10:30

The directions evaporated and what appeared in its place is a map to the diner.

"Cyborg what time do you have on your clock?" I questioned dropping my arms looking at the abandoned warehouse.

"It's 10:00," Cyborg replied.

"Okay let's go!"


Papa Joe's Omega Diner is a big diner. The ones you see back in the 1950s, I would say. The diner has red, mint green, and white paint that chipped off the building. The diner had the big and animated sign saying Papa Joe's Omega Diner with the red rocket with little yellow buttons "flying" under Omega Diner part of the name. The metal bars of the door was rusty along with the rusty bars that goes up with the stairs. I can feel the warm spirits flowing through this diner as a little smile appeared on lips but quickly vanished when I heard Slade say something.

"Phoenix cast that spell we've talked about," Slade ordered.

"As you wish Master," I replied rolling my eyes, waving my hand over the diner.

"Robin go and check to see if Phoenix done her job correctly," Slade said with his hands behind his back.

"Yes Master Slade," Robin said following Slade's orders like a zombie he is now.

"Why do you feel the need to put him under your spell unlike me?" I gritted my teeth with anger.

"You have more to lose than Robin, and you won't try to get out of it unlike Robin would, so remember what I told you if you be a rebellious little teenager than... well you know what happen," Slade said now holding my cheeks together making me look like a fish.

"Phoenix followed your orders like promised," Robin said as he stopped jogging over to where Slade and I were standing.

"Robin you fight Starfire while Phoenix you are going to fight Beast Boy and do not hold back, good now get into places before that Titans realize beforehand that this was all a set up,"

At first it wasn't a set up, it was just me trying to reach out to Raven to tell her everything that happened to me. Slade found out that I was out of my control because of Robin being under his control. So Slade decided to this to his advantage and try to take out the Titans completely.

"Also Phoenix don't hold back on him and if you do, they will die!" Slade said making me remember his threat.

"Yes Master Slade," I gritted my teeth and walking towards the diner's door.

Beast Boy

We appeared at the Diner with a little gust of wind blowing by me and the Titans. In the gust of wind 3 little leaves was flowing the currents of the wind.

"Guys once we get in there be on high alert, you may never know what Slade at planned," Cyborg explained with a serious tone in his voice.

"Do you mean what Phoenix will do?" Raven asked with anger spilling out of his mouth.

"Yea that along with Robin and make sure to watch out for Slade,"

Cyborg walked ahead of the group walking inside the diner with Raven looking at Cyborg's back with a angry look. I quickly jogged after Cyborg as we was both at the entrance of the Papa Joe's. Star and Raven catch up to me and Cyborg at the door.

"Remember once we get in here stay on high alert and if you see Robin and Phoenix do not attack, I repeat do not attack!" Cyborg ordered as we all nodded in agreement. "Okay then lets see what's behind the door,"

Cyborg open the door to the diner The old door made a squeaky noise but at the light from outside illuminated the dark inside of the diner. We all walked slowly inside the diner and once we got to the middle, a snap of a finger could be loudly heard. Then spotlight appeared and in the middle of that spotlight was Phoenix and Robin wearing the Slade's uniform.

"Friend Robin and Friend Phoenix take those ridiculous of clothing off of you and come home with us!" Starfire pleaded as she had a sad on her orange face.

"No I am home with Phoenix and Slade," Robin said as his eyes turned red.

"No Robin you just speaking nonsense let's go home and get you and Phoenix debugged!" Cyborg ordered.

"We said we are just fine here, if you want to debug us then you have to fight us to get us!" Phoenix said as her eyes flashed from red to purple.

Robin and Phoenix went their opposite direction separating from each other. Cyborg tried to chase after Robin but I stopped him causing the team to look at me funny.

"BB what's wrong we got to go after them?" Cyborg questioned with a funny look on his face.

"You didn't see what I saw?" I questioned the Titans back with wonder plastered over my face.

"No I didn't see, but what did you saw?" Raven replied with her hands across her chest.

"Phoenix eyes they flashed from red to purple, but Robin's eyes did not," I stated.

"Yes Beast Boy I did see that like Phoenix wasn't under Slade's control unlike Robin," Starfire said as she had her hand under her chin gesturing like she was thinking.

"If that was the case then why Robin is not free like Phoenix?" Cyborg questioned with wonder as he was looking through his arms system.

"Now that I think about it, I did feel something weird coming from Robin. I didn't feel anything funny coming from Phoenix meaning she was normal," Raven stated in her usual monotone voice.

"Yea the same for my systems as well. Why didn't Phoenix leave when she had the chance and took Robin with her?" Cyborg questioned with a confuse look on his face.

So many questions appearing out of no worry but little to no words is justifiable to be the answers to those questions.

"Well the only way to find out what's going on is to follow Phoenix and Robin. Raven and Beast Boy you go after Phoenix. While me and Star going after Robin. TITANS GO!" Cyborg instructed as he and Starfire ran after Robin while me and Raven ran after Phoenix.

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