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"STAR! STAR WHERE ARE YOU!" I shouted into the complete darkness of the Tower.

"This Star you speak of, she is gone and now whose next! Any volunteers?" The sick voice spoke out.

"I wish you could show yourself so we can fight, defeat you, and bring our friends back!" Beast Boy said bravely.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Do you really think you can defeat me! You must don't know who you are messing with!"

"Cyborg can you please give us some light while I use my magic to see who we are up against!" Raven spoke as I followed what she said as my light shined a little bit in the medical room.

I see Raven and Beast Boy standing on each side of me. I'm glad I got them still here but we need to find a way to save Robin and Starfire and fast. We also need to find Phoenix if she is still here?

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!!! Sorry girly but you can't use your magic against me, I made sure to cast a counter spell for this type of situation!! Only I can use my magic!"

"I don't need magic when I got a rocket with your name on it!" I said confidently cocking my rocket launcher.

"Oh so I'm taken that you volunteering yourself to go, as you wish!" The voice spoke as I see red demon eyes looking back at me.

I gasp but before Raven or Beast Boy could do anything about it, I got hit with a powerful energy and fell into a portal screaming for my life as the portal quickly closed. I landed with a hard crash. I tried to get up but I went back to where I started on the ground. That's when I heard that familiar apologetic laugh. Rolling my eyes, getting myself up to feel the weight of Beast Boy on me. I looked at him and saw some black marking all over the poor kid. 

"So what happened to you?" I questioned Beast Boy pushing him off of me.

"Well I got grabbed by some dark tentacles!!!! They squeezed me really tight. By the way they was squeezing me I felt like my life was slipping way!!! That's how I got these marks!!!" Beast Boy explained to me.

I noticed Beast Boy's widen in astonishment. I wondered what he is staring at? A huge drop of drool hit me. It covered my whole robotic body. The stench was so foul it almost caused me to throw up upon smell.

"Ewww who did this?" I said in disgust, wiping the drool off of me as much as I can.

"Look behind you!" Beast Boy said still shock and scary looking.

Beast Boy pointed something that was above us. I heard a low dangerous growl coming from above us. Finally I stared up to see a black furred 3 head dog above us. The middle headed dog was the one who drooled on me. The dog had 3 spiked red collars around each of their necks. There in the middle of the collar it had a big golden dog bone with a name on it. The dog name tag said Cerberus. The dog had muscles and it looks like it was ready to get us.

"CY DO SOMETHING!" BB yelled in fear.

"CYBORG, BEAST BOY OVER HERE!" A familiar voice screamed to me and Beast Boy's attention.

I grabbed Beast Boy's hand. Going over to the voice with the 3 headed dog chasing after us. I look over to my left to see Robin and Starfire. Starfire flew high up in the sky. She start shooting her star bolts at Cerberus. Cerberus whined as the bolts hit him running to a different direction. Me and Beast Boy ran inside the cave that was behind Robin. There was a fire already made and was waiting for me and Beast Boy to feel it's warmth.

"So did Phoenix put you in here as well my friends?" Star questioned with worry.

"Phoenix is behind this but why?" Beast Boy spoke with a questionable tone.

"I think from 2 weeks ago when we attacked her," I said holding my hands out to warm them.

"You right Cyborg our only hope to get us out of here is Raven!" Robin said looking off to space.

Titans Tower: Raven

After Beast Boy was gone, I was highly frustrated. I made my way out of the medical room and I was back to the still demolished living room. The moon shined down inside the tower giving me some but decent light. I landed towards the mirror. I can feel my powers getting out of control, but I thought I couldn't use my magic.

"Looks like it's just you and me!" The voice said still not knowing who it is.

"Listen just give me my friends and Phoenix back! I'll take it easy on you since it seem like I can use my powers!" I spoke sternly.

"Oh really take it easy on me! Haha! You amused me truly you did but no worries you will be with your friends!". "As for your magic to come back you must be strong like me?"

"I gave you a chance to give me back what is mine and don't ever test me!!!! now I really have to skip going everything easy on you, NOW COME OUT AND SHOW YOUR FACE!"

"I suppose I can do that for you since I won't ever see you again and it will be the last face you will see!"

Out the corners of the shadows, I saw a pair of red eyes with a evil white smile. A foot came out of the shadows, then another foot, and finally the whole body of this person. The eyes was still red but quickly turned to violet just like mine. My anger quickly dropped as I see it was my sister, Phoenix.

"No it can't be, it couldn't be, was it you that caused my friends to be in a different dimension?" I questioned in shock. "I felt it was you but didn't want to believe it,"

"Of course it was after what you guys did to me is unforgivable!" Phoenix said with dark energy in her hands forming.

"Phoenix you need to bring my friends back!"

"And why should I?"

"Because I'm your older twin sister Raven, don't you remember me!"

I checked Phoenix's facial expressions. Seeing the anger slip away from her. Her dark energy orbs disappearing. The anger easily came back to her as well as her orbs.

"Of course I remember Raven, but she is not here with me!" Phoenix looking down sad which changed back to anger.

"Yes I am, it's me Raven, if I was Raven would I have a half torn picture of you when you was little and you have the same but with me when I was younger!" I said magically pulling up a half torn picture when Phoenix was a little girl.

I showed Phoenix the picture and she went back to being calm. She slowly walk to me dazed by the picture. A little smile came upon my not caring face. Phoenix grabbed the picture from me. A small tear rolled down her face. A huge ocean wave crashed against each other yet Phoenix quickly went back to being angry.

"Anyone can do to that!" Phoenix said as she hold her arm out with a dark spell ready for me.

Phoenix was getting weak. she held her stomach in pain, but still have her hand out ready to finish me off. Then my eyes drift to a purple and black mark on the side of Phoenix's side. My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. I have an idea that sudden came to my head.

"Okay if I answer a series of questions about you that only Raven knew. Proving to you that I am your sister and I get all your questions right!! Can I get my friends back, deal?" I spoke seriously.

"I hope this isn't even funny business but deal!" Phoenix said dropping her arm and the dark spell.

I sat down in my mediation sitting style and so did Phoenix. We both levitated from the hard and cold metal ground.

"Okay fake Raven, do I have a birthmark?" Phoenix questioned with her hands folded.

"Yes you do!"

"What is the color of the birthmark, what is the birthmark shape of, where is it at, and how did I get the name Phoenix?"

"Your birthmark color is purple and black. The birthmark is in the shape of a Phoenix. The birthmark is on your right downer part of you stomach close to your belly button, and you get the name of Phoenix because of your birthmark and you loved ashes just like a Phoenix bird,"

I answered all the questions correctly leaving Phoenix dumbfounded. Tears ran from her eyes. The same for me causing the thunderstorms to roar outside and waves crashing violently again.

"It is you Raven??? I'm so sorry for what I did to your friends!" Phoenix said apologize.

"It's fine just bring them back!" I said having my feet touched the ground.

"It's not fine because by now they are dead,"


"I sent them to a dimension where a friend of mine ate them,"

"Take me to this dimension, that can't be true!"

"Sorry I can't, I'm too weak, but you can go and I'll go with you, you just have to carry me!"

"Fine let's go!"

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