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Summer Palace, Beijing, China

Wait until you hear the story behind my visit to the Summer Palace just outside of Beijing.
We had three different storms within the space of an hour. And I videoed them too because not many people would believe me.
When I got there we got to the first peak and the Gobi desert decided to kick off by chucking the backlash of a sandstorm our way. It was horrid! I couldn't see a damn thing, got a thousand tiny shards to the face and eyes, and the sky turned completely beige!
We got down to the lake you see behind this particularly pretty outbuilding and sat there for a while. The clouds grew dark and we had torrential rain and a thunderstorm that we had to wait out.
But it wasn't over, because soon a fog descended across the lake, completely blotting out the city other side of it and down came the most insane hailstorm I've ever known!
The Summer Palace is stunning though, but definitely not wheelchair friendly.
(Or anybody friendly for that matter, if that's how the weather wants to greet us.)

I did meet this absolute sweetheart though! He came to the lake in this getup complete with platformed sandals, and let me take this amazing picture of him. What a character!

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