Great Wall of China

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Great Wall of How Unfit I Am

Many people come away underwhelmed at the Great Wall of China. "It's just a big wall and you can't even walk that far on it."

Let me just clear something up: you don't want to walk that far on it. It's so steep in some places that it's a feat if you can reach the next rest point. We walked about a mile and a half along it and thankfully it was the first day under 40C/100F degrees. After doing that you really appreciate the people who had to patrol this thing for hours, day in and day out.

I swear they had unfailing bodies of iron, because I was a sweaty heaving mess after the third staircase.

And anybody who comes away underwhelmed by this "Wonder of the World" hasn't looked into the distance. This beautiful landscape is green and hilly and the Wall itself winds over the terrain, like the spines on the back of a sleeping dragon. It's truly a sight to behold.

Imagine walking all of that...

No thanks.

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