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"Well that wasn't too bad huh?" Yoongi asked as both of them walked out of the office.

Jimin nodded, gaze casted down at the floor.

"I think this is the worst anyone has taken my coming out." Jimin mumbled.

Yoongi looked over at him with a somewhat shocked expression, prompting him to explain further with a low hum of surprise.

"Well my parents took it super well, my brother did too, and then i told Taehyung and Jungkook before we debuted. Taehyung was like 'yes queen' " Jimin chuckled at the memory as he imitated his friend. "Jungkook was a little uncomfortable at first, but i think he saw how Taehyung and i interacted and just got used to knowing i was gay. I figured out i was gay a little late, i was already out of highschool thank god. But i don't know... all the people around me were always so supportive, even when i got my first boyfriend my parents didn't mind at all." Jimin trailed off.

Yoongi looked at him silently, not sure if Jimin wanted to add anything. Seeing he didn't he decided to look ahead of him as they walked down the hallways sharing his own experience.

"Well i always knew, though i never told my parents." Jimin seemed surprised at that. "I think i told Hoseok first, then Seokjin. They both took it well." He looked up, seemingly thinking. "I was never really bullied for my sexuality because not that many people knew, though i know Seokjin had a really hard time in high school. First of all he was a nerd, and he was completely out of the closet so i think he got bullied for both. I think Seokjin is really a strong person."

Jimin nodded, he wanted to ask why Yoongi had never told his parents about his sexuality, but he was scared it might be a touchy subject.

They both walked out, it was already dark outside, and headed to Yoongi's car.

The windows were rolled down as the rode towards Seokjin's house, where the rest of their friend group was already waiting for them, Yoongi taking puffs of his cigarette, making sre to blow the smoke out of the window. Jimin had noticed he had been smoking considerably less compared to when they met, and he genuinely looked less stressed.

Though he would prefer for Yoongi not to smoke, he was already satisfied with the progress.

His eyes fell upon his boyfriend with admiration as he stared at him drive, his large veiny hands loosely hanging from the steering wheel, a few metal chains around one of his wrists and that large watch that just made the other so much more attractive. His white mask was pulled under his chin, hoops in his pierced ears and messy blond mop atop his head.

Jimin noticed Yoongi's eyes flicker up to the rearview mirror, before a chukled left his thin lips.

"If you keep staring at me like that i might blush."


 hey guys! 

i'm posting this chapter early because i won't have the time to tomorrow. 

Thanks for the support on my rants guys,

 i talked to Danny (Sandy's ex) about feeling a little betrayed and he said he would talk with the others. 

so things are progressing guys! 

love you :)

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