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"If you keep staring at me like that i might blush." He joked, elbow resting on the armrest between them after he threw his cigarette butt inside the small compartiment it held.

Jimin smiled, eyes falling back to the road.

They stayed in a comfortable silence, until the car stopped at the red light.

The pink haired boy quickly moved in his seat, reaching the other side of the console and kissing his boyfriend's cheek in a quick peck.

As Jimin fell back in his seat, the largest grin bloomed on Yoongi's face, making the younger cooe inside, before he turned his head to meet his boyfriend's loving gaze and his sweet smile.

The older reached over the armrest as well, the hand that was on the steering wheel gently tilting Jimin's chin to get a better angle before his lips slowly pressed against Jimin in a sweet kiss.

Jimin chuckled, keeping his eyes closed as he pulled away from the kiss, they're faces staying close nonetheless.

"You taste like cigarettes." he mumbled, licking his lips and scrunching his nose at the harsh taste.

Yoongi's mind flickered to how sexy Jimin's soft and high pitched voice sounded over the light hum of the engine, then at how cute his face had looked with that little scrunch of his nose.

"Sorry." he slurred, before taking a mint from under under the steering wheel (he always had mints at close reach because he didn't like the taste cigarettes left on his tongue) and popping it in his mouth, he looked at Jimin for a few seconds, his jaw visibly moving as he moved the piece of candy around his mouth, before diving back into a kiss.

The mint still not completely consumed transferred to Jimin's mouth as Yoongi kissed him open mouthed, they're tongues sliding against each others and pacing the mint from one mouth to another. It danced between they're lips, the kiss becoming more heated as Yoongi's hand held jimin's jaw, and Jimin's own felt up and down the side of  Yoongi's chest.

The couple was interrupted by the harsh sound of a car horn behind them. They jolted appart, Yoongi turning to the road and noticing the light had turned to green.

Back into their seats, they both snickered as Yoongi accelerated, getting closer to their destination.

Jimin looked at Yoongi with a large grin, Yoongi having a smile on his own lips.

"that was hot." Jimin smirked as he bit at the last of the mint that he had gotten from Yoongi's lips.


any good story recommandations?

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