Part 6

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 He suddenly got a strong sensation that he was being watched. When he looked up, he found Mrs.Johnson, and Eric both staring at him. A door opened, everyone looking over as Mr.Johnson walked in from the backyard. He was covered in blood, and held what seemed to be a set of human ribs, only defined by the shape of a human's torso.

James froze, suddenly realizing what was going on, and what the unsettling feeling had been. Gretta suddenly grabbed his arm, and was rushing for the front door in an instant. Mr.Johnson dropped the ribs, as Mrs.Johnson and Eric were quickly rushing after the pair. James' stomach was in his throat, fighting the urge to retch as he rushed with Gretta to the front door. It was locked.

A loud scream suddenly left the girl as her mother grabbed her by her hair and threw her to the floor. James shouted soon after in alarm, as he found himself fighting Mr.Johnson and Eric at the same time. Gretta ended up fighting with her mother, ending up in the kitchen with her. She tried to grab a knife to fight back with, since her mother was stronger than her and could overpower her if necessary. James ended up being pinned and was having a hard time fighting back against the older man and younger boy working together against him.

Their screams got very loud, echoing out of the house for a short distance, before suddenly cutting quiet for a moment. Gretta's head fell off the counter, face frozen in terror as blood seeped from her decapitated crown, and body. James was thrashing violently, since Eric had retrieved a knife for his father prior and was now fighting against choking on his own blood since Mr.Johnson had cut his tongue out. The teenager let out hoarse groans and sounds of pain, before gasping and groaning as he was stabbed in the chest, the knife piercing his heart. He died soon after, blood seeping from the corpse as the three remaining Johnson's started working on cleaning up the mess.

Little would any of them know that a neighbour who had been going on a jog heard the screaming, and called the police in fear of what could be occurring in the household. They were likely more scared about what could be happening to the family, not truly knowing what horrors had taken place. After a short period of time, the police arrived, going around back and finding the secret underground space. They arrested Mr.Johnson in the space after seeing what had become of the two teens and Mr.Greens. Mrs.Johnson was arrested shortly after. Their son would be sent to a mental hospital, but had to get a muzzle placed on him to keep him from biting or attacking other patients or any of the doctors.

The police were all horrified at what they found, the 'perfect family' wasn't so perfect after all, far from it in fact. They would make sure none of the three remaining Johnson's got out of prison in a long time, not wanting a repeat of what had happened. They didn't want anyone to suffer the same fate as Gretta, James, Lewis Greens, and the hundreds of skeletons and rotting parts found in the underground graveyard of the 'picture perfect family's' backyard.

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