CHAPTER THIRTEEN, love is in the air

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(violrt's outfit in this chapter)

Violet stood at the vet clinic next to Stephanie and Kimmy. It was the grand opening for DJ and Matt. They had both decided to share the business and become business partners. She was happy and proud of both of them. Violet was in charged with taking a picture for the website. She wasn't a professional photographer by any means, but she was more than happy to help DJ and Matt out by doing this and she felt honored they asked her to be the one to take the picture.

DJ and Matt stood behind a big red rope separating the vet clinic. One each sides of the room their customers were their with their animals, supporting them. The vet clinic was decorated with balloons and a sign that was hung up.

"Thank you all for coming." DJ smiles. "And without further ado, we officially open..."

Matt uses the big scissors he held. "Harmon..."

"Fuller..." DJ continued.

"Pet Care!" They both spoke in unison, the two of them cutting the rope. Confetti was shot out of confetti cannons and everyone clapped and cheered for DJ and Matt. DJ and Matt turned to face Violet, Stephanie, and Kimmy with a smile.

"Did you get the picture?" DJ questioned.

Violet's eyes widen and then she grimaces. "Oh, that was when I was supposed to get the picture taken?"

They both look at her with surprise. "Sorry." Violet apologized.

"No, it's okay." Kimmy reassures her. "We'll re-stuff the confetti cannons."

"Oh, yeah." Stephanie agrees. She then looks at everyone, gaining their attention as she speaks. "Uh, attention, everyone. I will be coming around the room and collecting the confetti from your hair.

"I'll be sure to actually take the picture this time." Violet sheepishly smiles at DJ and Matt. "Sorry."

"It's okay, Violet." Matt smiled reassuringly.

"Yeah," DJ chimes in. "We're just glad you're helping us out with taking the picture." She then turns to Matt with a grin. "We're in business, partner." She commented excitedly, pulling him in for a hug.

Matt smiles, hugging her back. "Congratulations."

Violet raises her eyebrows as Steve walks over, pulling DJ away from Matt and into a hug. "Hey, coregulations, DJ."

"Oh, you didn't notice that we were in the middle of a hug?" Matt raised his eyebrows, grabbing DJ's Hand, pulling her away from Steve.

"Well, this is gonna be interesting." Violet muttered under her breath.

"Gee, I must've missed that." Steve remarks. "Anyway, just came by to wish you good luck with the new pet clinic."

"Oh! Thanks, Steve." Matt smiles. "That's big of you."

"Oh, no, no. I'm wishing DJ good luck wtih the clinic." Steve corrects him. "I'm wishing you would go back to Miami and return to your career as an underwear model.

"Hey, those bikini briefs put me through vet school." Matt said defensively. He furrows his eyebrows, looking confused. "How did you even know that?"

"I remember you from the box." Steve replied.

"Okay," Kimmy speaks up. "Grand opening, take two." She points at Violet with a smile. "Vivi, ready for the picture?"

Violet nods and smiles, holding up her phone to prepare to take the picture. "Ready." She confirms. She walks over to stand in front of DJ and Matt. "Okay, smile, guys." DJ and Matt wrap their arms around each other and smile for the picture. Steve joined the picture at the last second and as the confetti went off Violet took the picture.


Later that evening, Violet was at the Fuller house (not a big surprise) hanging out with Jackson. They walked down the stairs to the kitchen where Jesse was at with Tommy. Jesse and Becky were visiting for a couple days to renew their wedding vows. She noticed there was a date set up in the kitchen which made Violet assume they had planned a date, but she didn't see Becky.

"Where's Becky?" She asked.

"Out with the girls. Apparently it's bachelorette party night." Jesse remarked, rolling his eyes. He was clearly upset his date with Becky got interrupted.

Violet nodded in realization. Kimmy and Fernando were getting married tomorrow so that made sense. She didn't understand why they were getting married so quick when they just got engaged yesterday, but she didn't ask about it. She was happy for them both and hoped that they could make it work this time.

"Uncle Jesse, got a minute?" Jackson asked.

"Apparently I have all night." Jesse shrugged.

"So, do you know Ramona's and Violet's friend, Lola?" Jackson questioned, taking a seat at the table. Violet pulled a chair over from the dining table to sit at the table with him since there were only two chairs.

"Uh, no, I don't." Jesse replied.

"Well, she is hot." Jackson answers. "I want to make a move. And you're the king of moves."

"Hold on," Jesse pauses for a moment, looking confused. He points at him and Violet. "You two, you're not together?"



Both Violet and Jackson exclaimed out of shock at the same time, their face red with embarrassment. "N-No, we're just best friends." Jackson stuttered.

"Yeah, besides i have a boyfriend. Who's not him." Violet quickly added.

"Right." Jesse slowly nods not fully believing them but he didn't' say anything else about it. "Anyway, what idiot told you that?" He inquired, raising his eyebrows at Jackson.

"You did." Jackson told him.

"Oh." Jesse nods in realization. "Uh, you're in luck. Because there's a wedding tomorrow. Girls love weddings. Right, Violet?" He asked, looking at Violet for confimration.

Violet nods and smiles. "Yeah, that's true."

Jesse smiles and looks at Jackson. "So invite her to the wedding, right? You get her to the wedding, ou let the music play, let all the romance take over. You kinda grab her hand like this and you give it a little kiss." He takes Tommy's hand and kisses it. "And if she gets all caught up in the romance, then you move in for the big one that goes something like this." He then blows a raspberry on Tommy's stomach, making the little boy laugh. Violet laughed a bit, smiling in amusement.

"Do I have to blow on her belly?" Jackson furrowed his eyebrows.

"That move may be a little advanced for you." Jesse told him.

"I smell Mickey D's." Max said in a sing-songy voice as he and Ramona walked into the kitchen/dining room area.

"Help yourself." Jesse smiled, offering the plate in front of him to Max. Violet and Jackson started to eat some of the fries along with Max.

"I got some bad news for you guys," Ramona reveals. "After the wedding, papa said that me and my mom are moving out."

"What? Really?" Violet frowned.

Jackson's eyes lit up. "I get my own room back? Awesome!" After seeing the sad look on Ramona's face, he quickly fakes sympathy and said, "I mean, gee, I'm really going to miss you."

"You and Kimmy are moving out? Why was I not consulted?" Max asked.

"I just found out." Ramona admits. "I'm psyched for my family getting back together, but I'm actually going to miss you guys." She ponits at Jesse. "Except you. I don't really know you at all."

"Well, I'm Uncle Jesse. I'm everyone's uncle." Jesse informed her.

"I'm going to miss you too." Violet said to Ramona and they shared a sad smile.

"Well, the important thing is I get my room back. Come on, I'll help you pack." Jackson offered and followed Ramona ups stairs.

"Pardon my French, but this is bull-baloney." Max commented before walking into the kitchen.

"I don't know what he's complaining about, tastes good to me." Violet shrugged as she continued to eat the fries.

"Let me see, you got any teeth?" Jesse checks Tommy's mouth to see if he had any. "Ah, you got a tooth. We don't need a blender." He takes the burger out of the wrapping, handing it to Tommy. "Here."

"Uh, Jesse," Violet raises her eyebrows, an amused glint in her eyes but she also had a worried look on her face. "You sure that's a good idea?"

"He'll be fine." Jesse reassures her. Tommy stares at the burger, as if he's not really for sure what to do with it. He looks at Jesse. Jesse nods and smiles. "Go ahead." Tommy then took a bite out of the burger.

Violet chuckles. "Well, at least he likes it." She laughed when Tommy took the burger Jesse had.

"Oh, you want mine now." Jesse remarked.


(violet's outfit for the wedding)

Now it was time for the wedding. The backyard was decorated with fairy lights and flowers. There was a carpet that led to the small platform at the end. White chairs were also set up on each side and there were even two pictures of the two couples that were hung up.

"Gibbler Style Party Planning is pleased to announce that officiating today's double ceremony is the Right Reverend Gladstone!" Stephanie announced. She plaid the keyboard as Joey walked down the aisle.

Violet snickered at what Joey was wearing. Let's just say it wasn't the usual outfit a reverend wore. Joey wore a Hockey jersey, he had a whistle around his neck and held a hockey stick. He also wore a long white skirt over his jeans. Violet noticed he even had rollerblades on.

Joey raises the Hockey stick and smiles. "Bless you, bless you, bless you all." He stands at the front with Jesse and Fernando. "My sons, are you ready to drop the puck?"

"Joey, I'm glad you're finally embracing your female side. It's a nice dress." Jesse retorted with a chuckle.

"Well, Jess, in order to get my minister's license, I started a religion inspired by my love of hockey." Joey informed him.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Jesse shook his head.

"I call it Our Lady of the Holy Goalie." Joey spoke proudly.

Jesse points at him. "Now that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

Stephanie plays the keyboard again as Ramona walks down the aisle as the flower girl, throwing petals on the ground. She then went to sit by Violet. Max walked outside next, pushing a decorated wagon with Tommy on the wagon.

"I am Lord of the Rings accompanied by my faithful companion...Tomwise Gamgee."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Jesse admits. "But can we have the rings, please?" He smiles, taking the rings from Max. "Thank you. You can sit down now."

"That was the whole deal?" Max questions with disbelief. "I put on my church clothes for this?"

Jesse nods. "Yeah."

Max scoffs, pulling the wagon over to to the two empty chairs nearby the girls and Jackson. "And to welcome our brides, I'd like to sing a song that I wrote especially for Jesse and Becky, and, as it turns out, for Fernando and Kimmy." Stephanie explained. She began to play the piano as Becky and Kimmy walked out in beautiful wedding dresses.

"Must have been some angel. Can't imagine any other way. Who brought our eyes together? Forever changed our hearts that day." As Stephanie sings, the couple stare at each other lovingly. "Must have been some angel, who whispered softly in your ear. Convinced you to look at me different." DJ glances at Matt with a soft smile and he returns it. But then Steve turns her to look at him and smiles at her, booping her nose. "Took away all my fears. High from the mountain top I swear to the stars above." Jackson even kissed Ramona on the hand, taking Jesse's advice. Lola looked surprised by the action, but she smiled shyly. "Must have been some angel, gifted us and lifted us. And wrapped us in this lifetime of love."

Everyone clapped for Stephanie when she was done. "Thank you, Steph." Joey smiled and Stephanie returned the smile.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate twenty-five years of martial bliss between Jesse and Becky," Joey explains. "Teammates for life. And Fernando and Kimmy, who after a two-day intermission, are ready for a rematch. Couple number one, recite your vows." He then blew into the whistle he had, startling everyone.

"Ow!" Jesse winced, glaring at Joey.

Jesse and Becky then stood in font of each other, reciting their vows. Once they were done, they stepped to the side to let Fernando and Kimmy do the same thing. At the end of the vows though, Jesse and Becky were about to kiss when Joey interrupted them by blowing his whistle. They pulled apart, wincing at the loud noise.

"Time for a line change. Fernando and Kimmy, hit the ice."

The couples then trade places and when they were done with the vows, Joey speaks. "Fernando, Jesse, do you take Kimmy and Becky to be your lawfully wedded wife and your already-wedded wife?"

"I do." They spoke in unison.

"Kimm and Becky, do you take Fernando and Jesse, uh, to be, uh...What I just said?" Joey asked.

"I do." Becky replied confidently.

"I..." Kimmy starts to say confidently, but then she looks nervous. "I..."

"The next word is 'do'." Fernando encouraged.

"I...I gotta go." Kimmy stammered before running down the isle ack inside as Stephanie quickly played the piano when she went down the aisle.

Everyone shares confused looks. "We've got a runner." Jesse noticed.

Ramona stands. "I'll go talk to her." She then ran inside.


"Say, Jess." Joey said, speaking in Woodchuck's voice as he held the puppet he had. "Is that hockey stick made of...Wood?"

Jesse uses the hockey stick he held to hit the puppet on the head. Joey looks at him with offense. "Ow!" Violet chuckled at the interaction and smiled in amusement.

As Jesse puts the hockey stick, Ramona walks back out with a bright smile. "Here comes the bride."

Violet smiles, happy that Kimmy decided to marry Fernando. Stephanie panics as Kimmy walks down the aisle. "Uh, must have ben an angel." She quickly sang and played the piano before Kimmy made it to the end.

"Dearly beloved, etcetera, etcetera. Fernando and Jesse, do you?"

"I do."

"Kimmy and Becky, how about you?"

"I do." Becky smiled.

"I..." Kimmy tries again, but she still looks nervous. "I..." She then took off running inside and Stephanie played as she went back down the aisle. Everyone watched in confusion and shocked as Kimmy left again.

DJ quickly stands. "I got this one." She then follows her best friend inside, gesturing for her sister to join. "Stephanie, come on."

Stephanie nods. "On my way." She followed her sister inside.

Fernando smiles apologetically at everyone. "She'll be right back. This happens at all our weddings."


The three women came back outside, but Kimmy still was nervous and wasn't sure about it. When she ran back inside this time, Violet stands up. "I'll take this one." She announced and ran inside after Kimmy. "Kimmy, what's wrong?" She frowned, raising her eyebrows s she saw Kimmy eating her cake.

Kimmy sighs in content. "I wanna eat my cake. it's so good. Here." She handed Violet a fork.

Violet shrugs, taking the fork and trying the cake. "Wow." She said with surprise. "You're good at picking cakes."

"Right?" Kimmy agreed.

"Kimmy, what's the problem? Do you not wanna marry Fernando? If you don't, that's fine." Violet reassures her. "You don't have to do something you don't want to."

"But I do want to." Kimmy sighs. "I think at least...I don't know." She sighs in content as she kept eating her cake. "Wow, this cake is good." Violet giggles a bit ,smiling at her with amusement. "It's just...I feel ready to marry him, but then when I actually have to do it I freak out."

"I know this day means a lot to you," Violet said softly. "And it's natural to have some nerves. But remember, you and Fernando have come a long way together. You two are meant for each other."

Kimmy sighs, her eyes fixed on the half-eaten cake. "I just can't shake these jitters, Violet. It's like every time I'm about to walk down that aisle, my mind goes into overdrive."

Violet nods, understanding. "It's okay to feel nervous, Kimmy. But don't let those nerves overpower your love for Fernando. Remember why you said 'yes' to him. You're ready for this step, even if you're a bit scared."

"You always know how to cheer me up, Violet." Kimmy smiles softly. "Thanks for being here for me," She chuckles lightly. "Even when I'm a mess."

Violet chuckles a bit and smiles at her. "Kimmy, you're not a mess. You're human, and it's natural to have doubts. But deep down, you know what's right. You and Fernando have something special. Don't let fear hold you back from experiencing that happiness."

"You're right, Violet." Kimmy nods, looking determined. "It's time for me to face my fears and choose love. I'm going back out there, and this time, I'm not turning back."

Violet beams at her. "That's the spirit, Kimmy!"

Violet walks with Kimmy outside, smiling reassuringly at everyone as she goes to sit down. Stephanie quickly plays the keyboard and sings part of the song while Kimmy reaches the end with the others. "Angel."

"Sorry, sorry. Just a little cold feet. They're all warmed up now." Kimmy reassured everyone.

"I'm skipping to the i do's'." Joey announces. He points at the men. "I know you two do." He points at Becky. "You've been pretty darn consistent." He points at Kimmy. "Kimmy Gibbler, do you promise to take Fernando as your husband? Please say, 'i do'."

"I...I..." Kimmy freaked out again, turning to run. This time everyone stood, blocking the path to the house.

Everyone followed her to try and stop her as she tried running over to the fence to climb it. "I'm sorry, I can't do this!" Kimmy shouted. Fernando walked over and picked her up, carrying her back over to the others.

"Fernando!" Kimmy angrily said. "Put me down!"

Fernando does put her down when they were in the middle of everyone. "Okay. But as you can see, we have formed an impentrable circle around you."

"Fernando, I'm sorry, but this just doesn't feel right." Kimmy apologizes. "I don't want our family on the racing circuit. Ramona is really happy here and I love living with Stephanie and DJ and her boys. And I love seeing Violet all the time. I like my life the way it is and I'm not ready to change it."

Fernando frowns. "But what about us?"

"Well, I love you," Kimmy takes ahold of his hands. "And I still want you in my life."

"Okay," Joey sighs. "People, what are we doing? We are well into overtime. Kimberly Louise Gibbler, do you promise to remain engaged to Fernando for as long as you feel like it?"

"I do." Kimmy smiled.

"We have an 'i do'!" Joey shouts with relief and everyone claps and cheers as the couple hugged. "And as for that other loving couple..." He turns to where they stood, confused at seeing them gone. "Where the heck are they?" Everyone looked around with shock and confusion at seeing the couple left. Unbeknownst to them, the couple snuck out and left early.


Violet walked back into the house with Ramona and Max, watching with surprise as she saw Lola kiss Jackson on the lips. Why did she felt a pang of jealousy? She shouldn't be jealous, right? She doesn't like Jackson that way and she's in a strong and healthy relationship.

She couldn't help but smile in amusement as Jackson turned to face them with excitement clear on his face. He was smiling from ear to ear, his eyes lighting up. He looked back and forth from his brother and the girls to the door as if he was in disbelief of what just happened. "Did you see that?" He questions, his voice becoming a bit high-pitched at the end. He grins. "J-Money just got some honey."

A/N last chapter of season one !! & ooh is violet maybe starting to realize her feelings for jackson? maybe 👀

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