CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR, merry christmas

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(violet's outfit for the first part of the chapter) 

Violet loved Christmas, it was her favorite holiday. She adored the decorations, the music, the festive spirit, and the food. But the part she liked the most was spending time with her family. By family she meant her chosen family, not the ones she was biologically related to. She was always grateful that she got to spend Christmas with her friends next door, always grateful they let her in and welcomed her into their family. They had always been so kind and sweet to her, never once making her feel like an outsider or unwelcome.

It might be surprising that she loves Christmas so much because her parents are neglectful and rarely contact her while they're away, but that's precisely why the Fuller house became her refuge. They made her feel included, cherished, and loved, everything her own family failed to do. Violet does have other family, but they all didn't live in the same town, so it was hard for them to visit often, which was the reason she spent Christmas with the Fullers. And it was one of the best parts of the holidays. Her grandparents and aunts and uncles always send her cards and come visit her when they could. They would have their Christmas before actual Christmas, since her grandparents and aunts and uncles couldn't visit during actual Christmas.

Her family hated the fact her parents were so neglectful, they had always done their best to be there for her and try to knock some sense into her parents, but their efforts were useless. It wasn't like her parents would actually listen or care, they didn't care about much besides their work and themselves. Violet had thought they might try a little harder since it was Christmas. It was a holiday that was supposed to bring everyone together, but even then her parents didn't even bother. Though she wasn't really surprised, it did make her sad and it did hurt. It was the one day a year where her parents were supposed to be home, but they weren't, of course.

That didn't stop her from decorating her house with Christmas decorations. Decorating was one of her favorite things to do when Christmas rolled around. She had a whole section in her closet dedicated to her Christmas decorations. She loved adorning her house with twinkling lights, colorful ornaments, tinsel, wreaths, and stockings. Her favorite part was decorating the tree. It was a fake Christmas tree, she never had a real one, but that didn't bother her. She even had a mini tree in her bedroom, it was pink with twinkle lights and she decorated it with a variety of colorful ornaments.

The last few weeks had been so busy and chaotic that Violet didn't have time to decorate. But once everything had settled and the chaos had died down, she finally had a chance. And she decided to take that opportunity and decorated her house, which was the reason she was currently sitting on the floor surrounded by Christmas decorations, with the radio on and her playlist of Christmas songs playing. She currently wore her Marvel Christmas themed pjs and Christmas themed slippers. Her brunette hair was pulled up in a messy bun and her brown eyes were focused on stringing popcorn to add to the garland she was making. It was a lot harder than she remembered it being. She was too busy trying to concentrate on her task that she hadn't heard a knock on the door or the door being opened.

"What are you doing?" Violet jumped, startled when she heard Jackson's voice. She hadn't heard him enter the house. She turned around, smiling when she saw her best friend standing in the doorway. He looked amused, a small grin on his face and his hands in his pockets.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She sassily replies, turning back to her task. "I'm decorating for Christmas. Obviously." She went back to focusing on the garland, furrowing her eyebrows and frowning as she struggled to get the stringed popcorn.

Jackson chuckles, walking further into the room and sitting beside her. "Need some help?"

"No, I got this." Violet said stubbornly. Jackson raises an eyebrow, watching her with a smirk as she continued struggling. "Okay, yeah, maybe I need some help." She gave in with a sigh.

Jackson smirks and moves to sit by her, grabbing the end of the popcorn string and continuing the stringing. Violet smiles sheepishly at him and moves to start placing the ornaments on the tree, humming along with the music playing in the background. "So, what brings you over here? Not that I'm complaining, of course, I just figured you'd be hanging out with your family or Lola."

Jackson shrugs, glancing over at her for a brief second before turning his attention back to the garland. "Well, yeah, but I figured I'd check in on you. You weren't answering my texts and I wanted to see if you were alright. You are alright, aren't you?" He asked, glancing over at her. He had a concerned expression on his face, his brow furrowed slightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Violet reassures him, smiling softly at him. "Sorry, I left my phone upstairs, I haven't really checked it all day." She chuckled as she moved on to putting the rest of the ornaments on the tree. She was almost done with the tree, she only had a few more ornaments left to place.

"It's fine." Jackson shrugged it off, though he still had a look of concern on his face. He wasn't sure if he believed her. He could tell she was trying to hide her sadness. He could always read her. Sometimes better than he could read himself. He was used to her hiding her feelings, used to her not wanting anyone to worry or be upset or stressed out, used to her not wanting to cause any trouble. So he didn't call her out or push her, but instead tried to make her feel better. "So, what made you want to decorate today?" He asked curiously, changing the subject.

"Well, I was waiting to decorate until the craziness died down, and now it has. Well, mostly." Violet explains, glancing over at him. "Plus, I'm going to go visit my grandparents tomorrow and I won't be back until Christmas Eve, so I didn't want to put it off anymore."

"I guess that makes sense." Jackson nodded.

"Yeah." Violet said quietly, her gaze shifting back to the tree. "Plus, it gives me something to do." She adds quietly, knowing he wouldn't hear her, but he did. "And not think about the fact that I'll be spending another Christmas without my parents." She takes a deep breath, forcing a smile. "But that's besides the point! Okay, so," She walks over to put the lid on the tub that had the ornaments in them. "I only have one more thing to decorate and then the living room will be done." She spoke, her voice more cheery than it was before, but it sounded fake and forced.

Jackson watched her silently, not saying anything, and Violet was glad. She didn't want to talk about how upset she was. She was already doing her best to not think about her parents, she didn't want to bring them up or dwell on the fact that they weren't going to be around. She knew she would get upset and cry and she didn't want that. She didn't want to spend Christmas crying and she definitely didn't want to break down in front of Jackson or anyone else. She was done crying over her parents, they clearly didn't care about her. Not enough to make an effort and actually spend time with her or try and have a relationship with her. So why should she care? It was stupid.

"What is the last thing?" Jackson asked, breaking the silence and interrupting her thoughts.

"Oh, uh, it's this." Violet walks over to grab a box and pulls out a star. "This is for the top of the tree. I gotta use this though." She sheepishly said, walking to the corer of the living room where she had set aside a step stool.

"Why didn't you ask me for help?" Jackson raised an eyebrow, looking at her in amusement.

"Because you're short too and would need it as well." Violet teased, smirking.

"Okay, I'm not that short!" Jackson argues, his cheeks heating up. "I'm five foot ten, that's not short. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's average. Right? Average?"

Violet snickers and shakes her head. "Sure, I guess. But I got this." She assured him and stepped on the stool carefully as she held the star. The star was delicate and sparkly, catching the light from the twinkling fairy lights on the tree. She reached up to place it on top, balancing on her tiptoes to secure it properly.

Jackson watches her with a mix of concern and amusement, ready to catch her if she wobbled. "Be careful up there, Vivi." He called out.

Violet rolls her eyes, smiling. "Relax, I've got this." She managed to set the star in place without falling, causing her to look at Jackson with a triumphant grin. "See? Perfectly fi-" She started to say as she stepped down from the stool carefully. But it clearly wasn't as carefully as she thought because she lost her balance, her foot slipping off the edge of the stool. Jackson's eyes widened, and without thinking, he lunged forward, catching her just before she could fall.

"Careful!" He breathes out, his heart racing as he steadied her. "You could've gotten hurt."

"But I didn't. Thanks to you." Violet told him, smiling gratefully. She tried to ignore the way her heart raced as she realized that she was basically in his arms. He had his arms wrapped around her, holding her close to his chest. And their faces were inches apart, their eyes locked together. She tried to ignore the way his eyes seemed to shine in the soft glow of the fairy lights and how warm and nice he felt. She could feel her cheeks heat up and her heartbeat quicken.

"No problem." Jackson mumbles, smiling a bit and his face flushed as he carefully let her go, not realizing until now that he was holding her. "Good thing I was here, huh?"

"Yeah." Violet agrees, her cheeks a rosy shade of pink. She had to remind herself that he had a girlfriend, he was with Lola, not her. It was pathetic how her feelings for him had only gotten stronger each day. "Thanks, Jax. I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything." Jackson says, shaking his head. "I'm always here for you, you know that. And I don't expect anything in return."

"Still. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably have a sprained ankle or something." Violet shrugs, her lips turning into a smile. "So thank you." She didn't want to pull away, it felt nice being close to him. But she knew she had to. She knew he was happy with Lola, so she had to be content with her role as his best friend. So, with a heavy heart, she pulled away from him, ignoring the ache she felt in her heart.

"So, did you decorate the rest of the house?" Jackson asked curiously, his eyes scanning the room and glancing at the tree and the other decorations around the room.

"Yeah, every place but my bedroom. Well, I started it, but didn't get far." Violet chuckles, gesturing for him to follow her up the stairs. "I still have some decorating to do, but not much. You can help if you want."

"Yeah, sounds great." Jackson responded with a fond smile. He noticed the railings were adorned with garland and red velvet ribbon.

"I hope you don't mind." Violet said sheepishly, blushing lightly. "I'm a huge Marvel fan and Christmas is my favorite holiday. I mean, it's obvious." She gestures to the Marvel themed Christmas pjs she wore. "So be prepared for a lot of Marvel themed Christmas decorations. I have a lot. I think it's a problem, but it's a problem I don't plan on fixing."

Jackson chuckled, shaking his head with a smile. "I don't mind at all. I think it's awesome. You do you, Vivi." He followed her up the stairs, admiring the festive touches along the way. As they reached her room, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her half-decorated space.

Violet's room was a cozy mix of holiday cheer and her unique personality. The mini pink Christmas tree adorned with colorful ornaments and twinkling lights stood out, adding a whimsical touch to the space. Posters of Marvel superheroes and various collectibles were strategically placed around the room, making it clear just how much she adored both Marvel and Christmas.

"So, what do we need to finish here?" Jackson asked, looking around with genuine interest.

"Well," Violet began, tapping her chin thoughtfully, "I need to finish putting up these garlands and hang up a few more ornaments on the mini tree. Oh, and I have some fairy lights that I want to string around my bookshelf. Oh, also, I'm going to add a wreath to my door." She rambles, listing off the things that needed to be finished. "I can do the fairy lights and the wreath, so if you can help me with the garland and the ornaments, that would be great."

"Sounds like a plan." Jackson nods, a grin on his face. "Let's get to it, shall we?" He was enjoying the time he was spending with her, it had been a while since they had hung out like this. Things had been so hectic and chaotic lately, so he was happy they had the chance to spend time together. Plus, it gave him a chance to see her, which was something he enjoyed.

"Great!" Violet exclaims excitedly, clapping her hands. "Alright, let's do this."

With that, they got to work, decorating her room. They worked side by side, helping each other decorate and making small talk. She put some Christmas music on her radio and sang along to the songs, her voice surprisingly good. He watched her fondly, enjoying the time they were spending together. It was nice to see her in such a good mood and seeing her smile and laugh made him feel better. As the night progressed, they continued decorating and soon enough her room was fully decorated. They stepped back, admiring their handiwork.

"I think we did a pretty good job." Jackson comments, a satisfied smile on his face. "Your room looks amazing."

"I think so, too." Violet replies, smiling brightly. "Thanks for helping me, Jax. I really appreciate it." She hugged him, catching him off guard. He didn't hesitate to hug her back, his arms wrapping around her and holding her close.

"You're welcome, Vivi." Jackson smiled softly, feeling content. He didn't want to pull away, enjoying the warmth of her embrace and the closeness. But he did, his heart aching when she did.

"So," Violet says, a smirk on her face. "Now that the decorating is done, how about a Christmas movie and hot cocoa? I think I have some mini marshmallows and whip cream too. Unless you have plans with Lola, then it's fine. I'm not trying to keep you from your girlfriend." She rambled, her cheeks flushed. She was trying her best to act casual, but the truth was, she was nervous. The idea of cuddling with him while watching a Christmas movie and drinking hot cocoa made her giddy. She had spent the past few years watching movies with him, but this was different. It was different because she had romantic feelings for him. And it made her feel both nervous and excited at the same time.

Jackson smiles softly, shaking his head. "Lola's busy with her family, so I'm free. Besides, who am I to turn down a movie and hot cocoa with you? It's a tradition. And a pretty awesome one." He playfully nudged her, grinning at her.

Why did he have to be so cute? It was infuriating. How was she supposed to keep her feelings a secret when he was being so adorable? Violet couldn't help but smile at him, her cheeks pink and her heart racing. They had this tradition when it was Christmas time. Each year, they would have a sleepover and watch Christmas movies and drink hot cocoa. It was their little tradition. She never got tired of it, nor did he. It was something that was just for them, a way to spend time together and have fun. And she wouldn't trade it for the world.

"Great! Let me go make the hot cocoa then. You can pick the movie. I have a stack of Christmas DVDs on the shelf over there." She pointed to the corner of her room, where a neat row of holiday classics awaited.

"Sounds like a plan, Vivi." Jackson replied with a smile, walking over to the shelf and scanning through the titles. As he pulled out a few options, Violet headed to the kitchen, her mind racing. She tried to push away the giddy thoughts of how cozy it would be, watching a movie with Jackson, just the two of them. But she couldn't help but smile to herself, feeling a warmth that wasn't just from the holiday spirit.

In the kitchen, she busied herself with making the hot cocoa, adding extra marshmallows and a generous swirl of whipped cream for herself. She then made Jackson's drink just the way he liked it, having memorized it years ago. She hummed softly as she stirred the drinks, the aroma of the hot cocoa filling the air. When they were done, she carefully carried them back to her room, finding Jackson settled on the bed with a selection of movies beside him. He smiling when she entered, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the steaming mugs in her hands.

"Perfect timing," he said, reaching for his cup. "I picked out a few options for our movie night: Elf, Home Alone, or The Santa Clause. Your call."

Violet set the mugs on her nightstand and sat beside him, her heart fluttering at their proximity. "Hmm, let's go with Home Alone. It's a classic, and we haven't watched it together in a while."

Jackson nodded in agreement and popped the DVD into her player. As the movie started, Violet handed him his cocoa, and they settled against the headboard, a blanket draped over their legs. The room was bathed in the soft glow of the fairy lights, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

"Cheers." Jackson said, clinking his mug against hers with a smile.

"Cheers." Violet echoed, smiling back at him and feeling a warmth spread through her that had nothing to do with the hot cocoa. She took a sip, savoring the sweet, rich flavor, and then turned her attention to the screen.

They sat close enough where their shoulders touched, adding an extra layer of comfort to the evening. The movie started, and they both got absorbed in the familiar antics of Kevin McCallister outsmarting the bumbling burglars. Throughout the film, they laughed and made occasional comments, their voices low and relaxed.

As the movie reached its midway point, Violet notices Jackson glancing at her, a soft expression on his face. She turns to him, raising an eyebrow in question. "What?" She asked with a small smile.

"You have some whipped cream..." Jackson trailed off, gesturing towards her lips.

"Oh." Violet's face reddened as she reached up to wipe her mouth, only for him to shake his head.

"Let me." Jackson said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes locked onto hers and he leaned forward, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek. His thumb brushed over her bottom lip, gently wiping the whipped cream away. His touch was warm and gentle, and Violet couldn't help but lean into it, her cheeks burning. He was so close to her, she could feel his breath fanning her face, and her heart skipped a beat.

She was sure he could hear her heart pounding, but she didn't care. All she could focus on was the feeling of his hand on her cheek and the way he was looking at her. His gaze was intense, his dark brown eyes filled with something she couldn't quite name. It was as if they were in their own little world, the movie forgotten and the only thing that mattered was the two of them.

Violet held her breath as he leaned in closer, his face mere inches from hers. She could smell his cologne, the familiar scent of sandalwood and citrus filling her senses. His hand was still cupping her cheek, his thumb gently stroking her skin. She could feel her body trembling, anticipation coursing through her veins. Her heart was racing, and her stomach was doing somersaults. But then she remembered Lola, the fact that Jackson had a girlfriend.

"Jax...I, uh, I have to use the bathroom. Be right back." She pulled away from him, breaking the spell and scrambling off the bed. She rushed to the bathroom and closed the door, her heart pounding.

As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, her cheeks still flushed and her eyes wide, she realized that she couldn't do this. She couldn't pretend that everything was fine and normal, that she didn't have feelings for him. It wasn't fair to herself or him, and it wasn't fair to Lola. With a heavy sigh, she decided that she had to tell him. She had to tell him the truth, no matter how scary it was. She turned the sink on to make it seem like she was actually using the bathroom, giving herself a moment to gather her thoughts. Splashing some cool water on her face, she took a deep breath and tried to steady her racing heart. This was it. She couldn't keep hiding her feelings, not when they were so close to the surface. She turned off the faucet and dried her face with a towel, taking another deep breath before heading back to her room. 

When she came out of the bathroom, she saw him sitting on her bed, his face a mix of emotions. She sat down beside him, her heart racing. She wasn't sure what to say or how to start. But before she could open her mouth, he spoke first.

"Lola broke up with me." He blurts out, his voice thick with emotion. "It was mutual, but it happened." He said, his eyes downcast. He takes a deep breath, running his hand through his hair. He looks up at her, his expression vulnerable. "I just...I needed to tell you. I didn't want you to hear it from anyone else."

Violet's heart aches for him, but she couldn't deny the glimmer of hope that sparked within her. "I'm so sorry, Jax." She said softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Jackson sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "It just happened a couple of days ago, and things have been so hectic... I didn't want to dump my problems on you, especially with everything going on with your parents."

Violet shakes her head, her heart swelling with affection. "You can always talk to me, Jax. I'm here for you, no matter what."

He looks up at her, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thanks, Vivi. I really appreciate that."

"Are you okay?" She asks softly. She mentally scolds herself for asking such a obvious question. "Obviously you're not okay, but-"

"It's okay, Vi. I'm okay, honestly. We both agreed it was for the best." Jackson sighs, running a hand through his hair. "We just weren't right for each other, and it was starting to become obvious. So, we decided to end things before things got worse."

"Still, it has to be hard. Breakups are always tough." Violet places her hand on his, offering comfort. "I mean, despite my breakup with Ryker being mutual, it was still painful and it took me a while to get over it. But I'm here for you, always." She squeezed his hand gently, her eyes full of empathy and understanding.

Jackson looked at her, his expression softening. "Thanks, Vivi. It means a lot to me." He pauses for a moment, his gaze dropping to their joined hands. "Actually, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

Violet's heart skips a beat. She couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope, despite her determination to keep her feelings to herself. "What is it?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jackson takes a deep breath, his eyes meeting hers once more. "I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, especially after the breakup. And I realized something important." He hesitates, as if gathering his thoughts. "Violet, you mean more to me than just a best friend. I think I've been ignoring it for a while, but I can't anymore. I...I have feelings for you."

Violet's breath caught in her throat and her eyes widen. She felt a whirlwind of emotions – surprise, relief, joy. "Jax, I...I feel the same way." Her voice trembles with emotion. "I've been trying to hide it because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and I thought you were happy with Lola. But I've loved you for a long time."

Jackson's face lit up with a mix of relief and happiness. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that." He moves closer, cupping her face in his hands. "I was afraid of losing you too. But now, knowing we feel the same way..."

He didn't finish his sentence. Instead, he leaned in, capturing her lips in a gentle, tender kiss. Violet felt her heart soar as she kissed him back, the warmth and love she felt for him pouring out in that single, perfect moment. It was as if all the pieces had finally fallen into place, and everything felt right. Her eyes closed and her body melted against his as she returned the kiss, the world around them fading away until there was only the two of them.

The movie was still playing in the background, but neither of them paid any attention to it. Their kiss was the only thing that mattered, the only thing that felt real. Violet couldn't remember a time when she had been happier, and she knew this was only the beginning of something amazing. They finally pulled apart, breathless and grinning like idiots. They rested their foreheads against each other, their hearts beating in sync.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." Violet said, her cheeks flushed. "Lola was right, you are a really good kisser."

Jackson blushes, chuckling softly. "I could say the same about you." He strokes her cheek gently with his thumb, his gaze full of adoration. "So, where do we go from here?"

Her heart is pounding, her stomach doing flip-flops. She smiles shyly at him, her gaze full of affection. "I guess we could start by cuddling and finishing the movie?" She wasn't sure she could handle anything else, her emotions and feelings still so fresh and new. It was overwhelming, but in the best way possible. Plus he and Lola recently ended things. It would take a little while before they got their footing, and she didn't want to rush things.

"Sounds perfect." Jackson agreed, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before settling back against the pillows. He had gently tugged her on him, their bodies close together. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and she snuggled into him, a content sigh escaping her lips.

They were cuddled up together, and her head was on his chest. Her arms were around his waist, and his arms were around her shoulders. They were holding each other close. They were watching the movie and enjoying each other's company. Violet felt happy and content, and she was so grateful to have him in her life.

"Merry Christmas, Jax." She whispered, feeling the warmth and comfort of his embrace.

"Merry Christmas, Vivi." He responded, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

It was the best Christmas present she could've asked for.


(violet's outfit for this part of the chapter along with white vans) 

It was Christmas morning when Violet got back to San Francisco, having spent a few days with her family on her mom's side in New York. She had always loved going to New York during Christmas time. It was such a magical city, with all the decorations and the festive atmosphere. She had a great time with her grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. And it was not surprising her parents weren't there. But maybe that's why she had such a great time, because they weren't there. They were always so busy with work that they didn't have much time for family gatherings. She didn't want to dwell on the negatives though. Instead, she wanted to focus on the positive.

She had spent time with her family on her dad side earlier in the week, they lived in New York too which made it easier to visit them and her family on her mom's side. But the trip home was always the longest, especially this time of year when people were traveling for the holidays. It was a long, tedious journey, and by the time she arrived back in San Francisco, she was exhausted. But she was looking forward to seeing her next door neighbors and chosen family again. Plus it was Christmas! She had presents to give to her friends and she was excited to celebrate with them all. And plus she's been missing Jackson a lot. A lot more than normal. They've been staying in contact, texting, calling and facetiming each other, but it wasn't the same as being with him in person. She could barely wait to see him. And hug him, and cuddle and kiss him.

But the thing is they haven't really talked about their relationship, or what they were now. After that night, they decided to take things slow, to not put a label on it and see where things went. She didn't want to rush things, and neither did he. She knew he had just broken up with Lola and needed some time to process his feelings. And she was grateful for that. She was grateful that he was respecting her boundaries, that he wasn't pressuring her into anything. She wanted to take things slow, too, to make sure that this was really what they both wanted. But the more she thought about him, the more she realized that she did. The more her feelings grew for him. She was falling in love with him, and she was pretty sure he felt the same way about her.

When Violet arrives home, she went right next door, not bothering going to her house first. She knew it was Christmas morning and she was worried she was intruding on family time but they always assured her she was part of the family no matter what.

She walked inside without knocking, knowing it was always open. The house was lively with the Fullers and Gibblers starting to open presents already. The two families were wearing matching pj's which made her smile. She thought that was sweet, but she also envied the fact that they were a big happy family, unlike her own.

"Merry Christmas, everyone!" She exclaimed, a grin on her face.

Everyone turned to her, their face brightening at seeing her and they all replied to her cheerfully. Jackson didn't hesitate to approach her, his arms wrapping around her in a tight hug, and she couldn't help but melt into him. "Merry Christmas, Vivi."

Violet smiles against his shoulder, her heart fluttering. "Merry Christmas, Jax." She hugged him tightly, feeling safe and warm in his arms. She could smell his familiar, comforting scent, and it made her feel like she was home.

"I'm glad you're here." Jackson whispers, his breath warm against her ear. "I was worried you wouldn't be back in time for Christmas."

"Me too. I would have hated missing Christmas with you and your family. It's always my favorite." She admitted, pulling back to look at him. She couldn't help but notice how cute he looked with the Christmas themed pjs, his brown hair slightly disheveled.

"Vivi!" Max ran over to her, pushing past his older brother to hug Violet. "I missed you. Where did you go?"

"I was visiting my family, Max. You know, the ones that live in New York. We spent time together in the big apple. It was great but I'm glad I'm back." She admitted, smiling softly as she hugged him back. She noticed Jackson looked a little upset his younger brother pushed him out of the way which made her giggle a little.

"Come sit down. We're opening presents!" Max said, tugging on her arm. "You can sit by me."

"Okay, okay. Lead the way." Violet laughed, letting the small boy pull her towards the couch. On the way, she gave hugs to everyone else, happy to see them.

"Ramona, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to get back in time to see your play!" Violet apologizes as she hugs Ramona. "I feel so bad about missing it, tell me all about! I bet you were amazing in it!"

"It was pretty great, honestly! I got to stab my mom." She chuckles and hugs her back. After seeing the confused and worried look from Violet, she quickly explains, "I got late to the play and she filled in for me as the Mouse King and accidentally hurt the Nutcracker so I had to be the Nutcracker. But it wasn't bad, I guess."

"You guess? I was great at it." Kimmy cut in with a grin, earning an eye roll form her daughter and a chuckle from Violet.

"I'm sure you were, Kimmy." Violet smiles, hugging her. "Anyway, I have gifts for everyone!" She held up the gifts bags and began to give them to everyone.

"Violet, you didn't have to get us anything!" DJ assured her, smiling fondly at her.

"Of course I did. You guys do so much for me and you let me be a part of your family. It's the least I could do. So, Merry Christmas." She grinned as she kept handing the gifts. She notices Steve and his girlfriend was there along with CJ's daughter and she was relieved she had gotten them something as well. She wasn't sure if they would be here or not.

"Hi, guys, I got you something too! Oh, cute bunny!" She gushed after seeing the cute white bunny Steve held. She pet it with a grin after handing the gifts she got for them.

"Thank you, I named my bunny Jack! From Titanic, that's my favorite movie." Rose chimed in with a wide smile.

"Oooh, great movie. I love it too." Violet admits, glancing at the young girl with a fond smile. She had a feeling she mainly liked the movie because it had her name in it, but she thought it was sweet she named her bunny after a character in her favorite movie. "Your bunny is very cute."

Rose grins wider, happy to have found someone else who enjoyed the movie. "Thanks! He's the cutest, isn't he?"

Violet nods, smiling at her. "Yes, definitely the cutest. And he has a good name."

"I'm so glad you're back in time, we got you matching pjs. Now I can have a twin." Stephanie grinned, pulling her in for a side hug and handing her folded pj's that matched the ones she wore.

Violet's heart warms, a soft smile appearing on her face. "I'll go change, be right back."

A few minutes later, she was back, and sat down on the couch, between Jackson and Max and wearing the matching pj's. She thought they were adorable, and she felt honored that they considered her part of their family enough to buy her matching pjs.

Violet leaned into Jackson, her heart skipping a beat when he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. She snuggled into him, a content sigh escaping her lips. She couldn't help but feel like she belonged, like she was home. She wrapped her arm around his waist, her hand sneaking up his shirt to rest on his bare back, and her touch made his skin tingle.

"So, what's everyone been up to? I want to hear everything I've missed." Violet asked, wanting to know what they did while she was away.

"Aunt Steph and Jimmy said I love you to each other for the first time." Jackson replied, causing her to grin at the couple.

"Guys! That's amazing. I'm so happy for you!" Violet was happy, and genuinely so. She liked that they had found each other, and were happy together. She smiled fondly as the couple smiled at each other and Stephanie had kissed Jimmy's cheek, a dreamy expression on her face.

"Jackson's been moping the whole time you've been gone. I think he missed you." Max giggled, teasing his older brother.

Jackson's face reddened and he glared at his younger brother. "I have not."

"Yes, you have." Max rolled his eyes, and Violet couldn't help but giggle.

"Don't worry, Jax. I missed you, too. So much." She said, her cheeks flushing a bit.

He smiles softly at her, his eyes sparkling. "Really?"

"Yes, really." She grins, nudging his side. "I'm glad to be back. New York is great, but nothing compares to being here." She explained, glancing at everyone with a fond smile.

"Awe, Violet." DJ smiles, a warm expression on her face. "That's so sweet. We're glad to have you here, too. This is your home, and we're your family. Always."

Violet's heart aches a bit, tears pooling in her eyes. "Thank you. That means a lot."

The rest of the morning was spent exchanging presents and celebrating. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and Violet was glad she could be a part of it. When everyone was finished opening presents, Jackson and Violet finally got some alone time. Violet explained she was heading next door to unpack and rest after her long trip home and Jackson decided to join her. He wanted to give her the gift he got for her in private.

When they entered her room, she dropped her suitcases and duffle bag on the ground before flopping on her bag. "Man, I'm so glad to be home." She let out a content sigh, stretching her limbs. "Being on a bus for hours sucks."

"It can't have been all bad, right?" He asks, plopping down on the bed by her. "I mean, you did get to visit your family."

"True." Violet nods. "But the bus ride was long, and at one point there was a baby screaming the whole time. And not cute little baby noises, but loud crying. The type that makes you want to pull your hair out."

Jackson chuckles, shaking his head. "Yikes, sounds rough." He murmured, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to pull her closer.

"Yeah, so I was glad I brought my headphones and had some music and audio books to listen to." Violet said, her hands resting on his chest as she snuggled into his side. "And I may have fallen asleep a few times."

"I bet you were cute, drooling and snoring." Jackson teased, earning him a playful slap to the chest.

"I do not snore!" She huffed, her cheeks reddening.

"Whatever you say, Vi." He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Violet playfully rolls her eyes, unable to stop the smile from forming on her face. "So, what did you get me for Christmas?" She asked, a hint of excitement in her tone.

"What makes you think I got you anything?" Jackson teased, a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Well, first of all, you're here with me. And second, you brought a gift with you over here. So that's either for me or for someone else, and I highly doubt it's for someone else." Violet smirked back, her hand reaching out to try and grab the gift he had hidden behind him.

"Okay, fine. Here." Jackson chuckled, handing her the wrapped gift.

"Thanks." Violet replies, taking the present and gently tearing the wrapping paper off. She couldn't help the gasp that escaped her lips when she saw what it was. It was a leather bound book that had a Velcro strap to close it. The cover had her initials at the bottom right corner. "Jax, it's beautiful." She opened the book and saw that it was empty.

"It's a notebook. I thought since you've been trying to become a musician, you could use a new notebook to write your songs and stuff." Jackson explained, a hint of nervousness in his tone. He wasn't sure if she would like it, and he hoped it wasn't a stupid idea. He knew she had a lot of notebooks and journals but they were all full or really old and falling apart.

Violet couldn't stop the wide smile from spreading across her face, her heart filling with warmth. She was touched that he had gotten her such a thoughtful gift, and that he had put so much thought into it. It meant a lot to her, and she was sure she would cherish it forever. She set the journal to the side and sat up. She leaned over and cupped his face in her hands, before pulling him closer and capturing his lips in a tender, loving kiss.

Jackson was surprised at first, but quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist. The kiss was filled with passion and emotion, and neither of them wanted it to end. They finally pulled apart, breathless and flushed. They rested their foreheads against each other's, their gazes filled with adoration.

"I take it you like it?" Jackson whispered, his heart racing.

"I love it." Violet replies, pressing another quick kiss to his lips. "Thank you, Jax. It's the best gift I've ever gotten."

"Good, I'm glad." He smiled softly, a sense of relief washing over him.

"I got you a gift, too." Violet said, grinning shyly. She got up and went to her duffle bag. She dug through it and found the box she had wrapped and brought it over. She sat down next to him and handed him the present.

"You didn't have to get me anything." He sat up, smiling at the wrapped present.

"Of course I did." Violet rolls her eyes, a soft smile on her face. "Just open it."

Jackson unwraps the gift and grinned when he saw what it was. She had gotten him baseball cards but not just any baseball cards, his favorites. "How did you know I was looking for these?" He gasped, looking through them with a smile.

"Well, I know how much you love baseball and those are the only ones you don't have yet, and I thought you'd appreciate it. Plus you told me you were looking for them the other day. When I was in New York I saw a shop that had them, and I had to get them." She explains, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "I know it's not really much. I mean, I bet this journal was really expensive, it looks like it. And your gift is kinda lame in comparison-"

Jackson cut her off with a kiss, his hand cradling her face. He didn't want her to talk badly about her gift. He thought it was sweet, and thoughtful, and he would treasure it forever. He was so touched that she had taken the time to find the cards, and that she remembered him talking about them. He was sure that the journal was more expensive than her gift, but that didn't matter to him. He knew she had put a lot of thought and care into it, and that was what mattered.

She kissed him back, her eyes closing. His touch made her skin tingle and her heart race. She had missed this, being able to kiss him whenever she wanted. She's sure this meant her liked the gift but she was still worried that it wasn't enough. After they pull away from the kiss, blushing and smiling shyly at each other, she decided to voice her concerns.

"You don't have to pretend you like it, I know it's not as good as the journal." Violet says, biting her lip. "I'm sure I can return it and get something better." She rambled on, but stopped when he pecked her lips. His thumb caressed her cheek, his gaze full of adoration.

"I love it, Vi. Really. It's the best gift I've ever gotten." He reassures, smiling softly at her. "It means a lot that you took the time to find them and get them for me. I know how busy you've been. I'm gonna treasure them always."

Violet blushes, a smile forming on her face. "Good. You better." She joked, before pulling him in for another kiss. He grinned against her lips, before kissing her back. They lost themselves in each other, their bodies pressed together and their hands roaming. The gift exchange was soon forgotten, as the two teens got lost in their own world.

As the kiss deepened, Violet couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the feelings she had for Jackson. She was falling in love with him, and the thought both excited and scared her. She didn't want to rush into anything, but her heart was telling her otherwise. After a while, they finally pulled apart, panting and blushing. They couldn't stop the smiles from forming on their faces, their eyes filled with adoration.

"Merry Christmas, Vi." Jackson whispered, brushing her hair away from her face.

"Merry Christmas, Jax." Violet whispered back, leaning into his touch.

They share one more kiss before settling down in her bed and cuddling, the gifts forgotten. They spend the rest of the day together, enjoying each other's company and catching up on what they had missed while Violet was away.

Christmas was always her favorite holiday, but this year it was extra special. She had a lot to be grateful for, and she couldn't wait to see what the new year would bring. As the day turned into night, the two teens settled in and watched a movie together. It was a quiet, peaceful night, and they both enjoyed it. Violet couldn't help but glance at him every so often, her heart skipping a beat whenever their eyes met. She was falling for him, and there was nothing she could do about it. But, maybe that was okay. After all, the holidays are the perfect time to fall in love. 

A/N violet & jackson finally kissed yay !! its about time

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