CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE, happy new year baby

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(violet's outfit for this chapter)

New Years Eve was here and Violet was excited to spend it with Jackson. It was their first New Year's Eve as a couple and she couldn't wait to ring in the new year with him. They had been spending a lot of time together since Christmas and things between them were going well. They were still figuring things out and getting used to the new dynamic, but they were happy.

Violet finally heard from her parents in forever. They left her a voice-mail wishing her a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, adding they were sorry they couldn't be there and that they loved her. She couldn't help but have scoffed at that. The only time her parents seemed to remember her was around the holidays. Whether maybe because they felt guilty or whatever, she didn't care. Okay she did, just a little bit.

She just wished her parents actually loves her and was proud of her and wants to be around her, but nope. They had chosen being travel photographers or whatever lame excuse they tell her.

"Hey, Violet."

Violet jumped, her heart racing as she was ripped from her thoughts. She turned to her window to see Jackson standing there, a shy smile on his face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to drop by and check on you before the party." He explained, his cheeks reddening.

Violet's heart was still racing, but for a completely different reason. Seeing him always made her heart race. "It's okay, I was just...Thinking."

"What were you thinking about?" He asked, hopping in and walking over to her. He plopped down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

Violet leans into him, letting out a sigh. "My parents and the usual. Just how they're never here and they're the worst."

Jackson sighs, pulling her closer. "I'm sorry, Vi." He whispers, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. "You deserve so much better."

Violet's heart melts and she can't stop the smile from forming on her lips. He was the best boyfriend ever and he always knew how to make her feel better. "Thanks, Jax." She whispers back, turning her head to press a kiss to his jaw.

He smiles softly at her, cupping her face in his hands. "I know they suck, but it's almost the new year. Let's not waste our time thinking about them. We should be celebrating and having fun." He said softly, brushing her hair out of her face. "I mean, this is our first New Years Eve together as a couple. We should be having fun."

Violet couldn't help but smile, her heart skipping a beat. "You're right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't let them ruin my night. Not when I have a hot boyfriend waiting for me." She teased, her hand reaching up to play with the collar of his shirt.

Jackson blushes, his eyes widening. "Hot? You...You think I'm hot?" He stammered, his heart racing.

She giggles, biting her lip. "Well, yeah. Don't act so surprised. You're a catch, Jax." She murmurs, leaning in closer. "I mean, look at you. You're handsome, and cute, kind, and funny, and you're a really good kisser." She leaned in to close the gap between them, their lips meeting in a slow, tender kiss.

Jackson's hands moved from her face to wrap around her waist. He kissed her back, his heart racing. Hearing her say all of that made him feel butterflies in his stomach. He had no idea she felt that way about him. He had never felt this way about anyone before and it was a little overwhelming.

"Wow." Jackson breathed out once they pulled away from the kiss. He was breathless and his cheeks were flushed.

"Wow, indeed." Violet grinned, her own cheeks flushed.

"You're a really good kisser too, just so you know." Jackson grins back, his thumbs rubbing circles on her waist.

"Thanks." Violet blushes, her hand coming up to push a strand of his hair back. "We should probably get ready for the party, right? I'll get ready and then meet you at your house?"

"Yeah, sounds good." Jackson nods, leaning in for another quick kiss. "See you in a bit."

"See you." Violet smiled fondly at him, her heart fluttering. She watched him climb out the window and head back to his place. She couldn't wait to spend the rest of the evening with him and celebrate the new year.

When she arrived at his house, the door was unlocked as it usually is. "Come in, Matt!" She heard an excited DJ call out and she giggled. Matt had been gone on a trip to India lately and he was planning on being back tonight. And she guessed he hadn't got back yet and DJ keeps thinking he's here.

"I'm not Matt." Violet laughed, walking into the living room. DJ frowned and her shoulders slumped in defeat. But then she smiled warmly at her and got up to hug her.

"Violet! Hey." She grins, her arms wrapping around her friend. "Sorry, I was expecting Matt."

"I figured." Violet chuckles, hugging her back. "Is Jackson here?"

"Oh, yeah. He's upstairs getting ready." DJ replies, smiling at her. But then she pauses and adds, "So I know this is a tough subject, but have you heard from your parents? Did they come home for the holidays?"

"They left a voice-mail. They're still on some trip." Violet shrugs, trying to mask her disappointment. She was hoping they'd come back home but nope. "They'll probably send me a postcard."

"Sorry, Vivi." DJ frowns, giving her friend's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure they'll make it up to you when they come back."

"I'm not counting on it." Violet mumbles, shaking her head. "Anyways, I'm going to go find Jax. Thanks, DJ." She smiled sadly at her friend, before heading upstairs.

She found Jackson in his room, fumbling with his tie. He had a look of concentration on his face and he was muttering something to himself. Violet couldn't help but find it adorable and she stood in the doorway watching him.

"Hey, handsome." She smirks, leaning against the door frame. "Need some help?"

Jackson jumps slightly and turns to her, his cheeks flushed. "I...Yeah, that would be great. Thanks." He chuckles nervously, running a hand through his hair. "I never get the hang of these stupid things."

Violet giggles and walks over to him. "It's okay. I got you." She takes the tie and quickly ties it for him, making sure it's perfect. "There you go."

"Thanks, Vi." He smiles at her, his cheeks still flushed. "How did you know how to do that?"

"So I watch YouTube a lot and usually I watch it at night. And after I finish a video sometimes I'm too tired to make it stop going to the next recommended one, so I see a lot of 'how to tie a tie' videos." Violet explains, smoothing out his tie. "But you look very handsome. You clean up nice, Jax." She grinned at him, her hands moving to play with the lapels of his jacket.

"Thanks, so do you." He grins back, his heart skipping a beat. "You look beautiful." He said softly, reaching up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Violet's cheeks flushes and her heart melts. "Thank you, babe." She breathed out, leaning in to capture his lips in a slow, tender kiss. Jackson's hands move to rest on her waist as he kisses her back. They lose themselves in the kiss, their hearts racing.

The kiss was interrupted by a voice coming from the door, Popko's teasing one, "Ooh, sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt."

They jump apart and their cheeks turn bright red. Violet clears her throat and smooths out her dress, while Jackson tries to regain his composure. "I'm gonna go see the others down stairs." Violet mumbled shyly before quickly walking out the room.

She walked down the stairs to the living room where she saw Danny, Becky, Jesse and Joey were now there. "Hey, guys!" She greeted, smiling brightly at the group.

"Hey, it's our favorite neighbor." Danny grins, walking over to give her a hug. "What's up, kid?"

"Nothing much, just excited for the party." Violet grins back, hugging him. She then moves on to hug Becky and Jesse. "And I'm so excited for you guys too! Adopting a baby is a big deal."

"Thank you, sweetie." Becky smiles warmly, giving her a tight squeeze. "We're excited too."

"So, how are you doing? Any news with your parents?" Jesse asked, concern in his voice after he gave her a side hug.

"Not much, they just left a voice-mail. But it's better than nothing." Violet shrugged, trying to hide her disappointment. She didn't want to ruin anything by moping around and making everyone sad.

"I know something that will cheer you up!" Joey perks up, pulling something out of his duffle bag to reveal his puppet, Mr. Woodchuck. Violet chuckles, looking amused while the adults looked annoyed or unamused. Violet laughed, appreciating Joey's effort to lighten the mood.

"Mr. Woodchuck to the rescue." She teased, giving the puppet a little wave as Joey began his usual routine with Mr. Woodchuck.

Joey grins, happy with his success to cheer Violet up while the others had started to slowly leave the room. "Thank you, Joey." Violet chuckled.

"No problem, kid." Joey replies. "Glad to be of service."


Violet felt a little better thanks to Joey. The two had stayed there catching up until Lola and Popko had arrived. They had invited Ryker as well and while it was a bit awkward at first because she used to date him and now she's dating Jackson, they all managed to have fun and get along well. And it turns out Lola and Ryker were actually together now and they seemed happy. It was nice to see everyone getting along and having a good time despite the initial awkwardness. Violet was relieved that the evening was turning out to be enjoyable and that her feelings about her parents' absence were being overshadowed by the positive energy around her.

"Okay, this filter makes us look like we're in Tokyo so everyone yell 'Happy New Year' in Japanese." Ramona suggests while she held a selfie stick as they prepared to take a selfie. She pauses and glances at Lola with confusion. "How do you say that?"

"I don't know. I was born in Fresno." Lola replies defensively. She sighs and caves in. "Okay, fine, say..." She told them how to say it in Japanese as Ramona held up the selfie stick again and they all smiled at the camera only to realize Max had joined them.

"What are you doing here?" Jackson asked his brother.

"Mom said you guy shave to include me in your New Year's Eve party." Max responds, grinning at Violet and the other teens. "So, what's up my squad?"

Violet chuckles, amusement shining in her eyes, but after glancing at Jackson, she could tell he was annoyed. She steps closer to him, her hand finding his and she squeezes it gently. Jackson turns to her and his expression softens. He appreciated her trying to calm him down and reassure him. "We are not your squad." Ramona argued.

Max jumps off the chest he had stood on. "Perhaps you didn't hear me. Mom said." He turns back to Violet and Jackson, smiling widely. "So let's start-ay this part-ay."

"Hey, uh, Max." Jackson squeezes Violet's hand before letting go and moving over to sit on the chest by where Max stood, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. "I think this part-ay need some guacamol-ay, if you know what I'm saying."

"Sure, big bro." Max nods, walking to the door with his hands on his hips. Violet giggles, watching him with amusement. "Be back with the dippin', so don't be trippin'. Yo, yo." He waved his hands twice before he turned and walked out.

Jackson closes the door once Max was gone. "We gotta get rid of Max tonight."

Popko walks over to him, putting his hand on his shoulder. "I know a guy who knows a guy."

"Not that kind of 'get rid of '. I don't want him messing up the midnight kisses." Jackson admitted, blush creeping up on his cheeks. Violet blushed, smiling shyly and looked away.

"Woah, woah, woah...We haven't agreed to any kisses." Ramona cut in firmly.

"Sorry not sorry." Violet shrugged, moving to stand by Jackson again, smiling when he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed the side of her head.

"Yeah, I did too." Lola admitted sheepishly, moving to stand by Ryker and wrapping her arm around his waist while he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Ryker smiles at her, kissing the top of her head. "Can't wait to kiss you at midnight." Lola smiled shyly at him and rested her head on his shoulder.

Popko turns to Ramona with a sigh. "Are you still mad at me about that hippo video? I said I was sorry. And I've been giving you lots of stuff."

"I do appreciate the vanilla scented candle, and the Quiznos punch card." Ramona admitted.

"If you buy three more subs, you get a free panini." Popko told her with a grin, booping her nose.

"But I'm still not promising any kisses." Ramona added.

Popko nods. "I understand. I can't buy your love with bribes, gifts, and trinkets." Just when Violet thought he was being sincere, he pulls out a candy bar from his pocket. "Here, have a Toblerone."


"Anyone else feel bad about doing this?" Violet questioned with a sigh, glancing at her boyfriend and friends. They all were wearing New Years hats and had party horns. They were planning on pretending it was already New Year's Eve to get Max out of their hair.

Ryker nods with a sympathetic smile. "Yeah, but it's for the greater good, Vi." He pointed out, resting a hand on her shoulder. Violet sighed, nodding reluctantly. She understood why they had to do this, she just felt bad about tricking Max.

"Do you really think Max is going to fall for the old Netflix fake countdown?" Lola inquired.

"Of course he is. The fake countdown was invented for gulible little kids." Jackson answered.

"Totally. Your mom fooled you with it last year." Ramona reminded him, glancing at him with amusement while Violet did the same as she chuckled.

"That's how I know it works." Jackson shrugged.

"Okay, teen squad." Max kicks the door open, walking in with sodas, candy and other snacks. "Time to get our sugar freak on."

"You made it back just in time!" Popko cut in. "It's almost midnight!"

"Already?" Max asks with surprise. "It seems like it was just nine thirty."

Violet grimaces, at the realization that their plan might not be as smooth as they hoped. Jackson quickly steps in, his voice upbeat. "Yeah, time flies when you're having fun, right? Let's get ready for the countdown!" She gestured to the Ipad Ramona held, playing the fake countdown.

"It's almost midnight!" Jackson smiles, placing a hat on Max's head and handing him a party horn. "Here we go!"

They all counted down the last five seconds and pretended to celebrate the new year. They yelled, cheering, blowing party horns. Max was the last one to still be blowing a party horn, but Jackson was quick to take it from him along with the hat, pretending to be yawning while the others followed his move. "Oh, man. What a night. I am bushed."

"Yeah, that was insane." Popko agreed.

Ramona sighs. "Well, I guess it's bedtime."

"Awesome partying with you, Max." Lola smiled at him.

Max stares at the teens with disbelief. "That's it? This New Year's thing is way overhyped."

"Hey, thanks for giving up your bed and bunking with Tommy." Popko told him, placing his hand on Max's shoulder and smiled at him, patting him on the back.

"Here's Uni the unicorn." Jackson handed Max's stuffed animal to him.

"Cool hang, man. You're the best big brother a kid could ever have." Max grinned.

"Yep, well...That's what I've been telling ya." Jackson shrugged, patting his shoulder. They all told him good night and happy New Year as he walked to the door.

"Gotta get some sleeps. Max out, my peeps." Max hit his chest and then did a peace sign before he left.


"Okay, now I feel really bad." Violet admits as she sat by Lola and Ramona in Ramona's room while they got ready for the actual New Year's Eve countdown. "I mean, Max was so excited and we tricked him."

"Yeah, I do feel kind of bad too." Ramona agrees, glancing at Violet. "But we had no choice, he was ruining our plans."

"I get that, I'm not saying he should stay and we shouldn't get the privacy we want. I'm just saying that I feel bad." Violet shrugs, biting her lower lip. "But yeah, I'm excited too. So maybe I shouldn't dwell too much on it."

"Right." Lola nods, smiling. "So, Ramona, are you gonna kiss Popko or not?"

"Honestly, I wanna know that too." Violet adds, looking over at Ramona with curiosity. "I know you're still upset about the hippo video, but he's made an effort to make it up to you. What do you think?" Violet asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I don't know. He's cute, but the hat and the swagger...And he wears so much cologne." She pauses and sniffs, her eyes widening. "I can smell him right now."

Violet chuckles at Ramona's reaction. "Well, maybe you could give him a chance. He did go out of his way to make things right. Sometimes people surprise you." Ramona shrugged as she thought about it.

"Oh, it's almost midnight!" Lola cheered after noticing her phone. They finish getting ready and head to leave Ramona's room to find some reason it was locked. They start to panic and try to get help. Unbeknownst to them, the boys were having the same problem in Max's and Jackson's room, and Max stood in the hallway with Rose (who had arrived earlier with her mom and Steve for the party), smirking at what he did. A rope tied the two door knobs since the two rooms were across from each other.

Finally DJ came to the rescue and untied the rope, letting the teens out of the rooms. "Apologize to your brother." She told Jackson.

"I'm sorry, little buddy." Jackson apologized after kneeling by him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't 'little buddy' me!" Max snapped and Jackson grimaced, wiping his face after spit got on it.

"Come on, guys." DJ sighs. "Let's go ring in the New Year!"


Violet now sat on the couch next to Jackson, who had his arm wrapped around her waist. Rose sat next to her and along with Max and she was able to catch up with Rose. She loved the young girl so much, the blonde was sweet and fun, a joy to be around. Everyone was gathered in the living room for the party, streamers, balloons, signs, were all over the room for the New Year. Suddenly, CJ stormed into the room, grabbing Rose's hand and pulling her to the door.

"CJ, wait!" DJ chases after her with a panicked Steve. "No, Steve, tell her!"

"I've heard enough." CJ tells her. When DJ pointed at Steve, she turns and perks up when she saw Steve on one knee, holding her hand. "Okay, I'm listening."

"I'm blanking. Literally...My mind is a burrito." Steve admits with wide eyes. "Uh...DJ, help me!" He stands, rushing over to DJ with a pleading tone. "Words say you." He pulls out a box from his pocket to give her. "Ring. Take."

DJ stares at him with disbelief. "Really?"

"Really." Steve replied in a panicked voice.

"Yeah...Not weird." DJ laughed nervously, kneeling in front of CJ. She began reciting the proposal Steve had been practicing on her in the kitchen. That was why CJ had been so upset because she had walked in on them, but she didn't know the full story until now. Violet watched, a smile spreading on her lips and her heart racing with excitement. Amusement shined in her eyes as she watched DJ recite Steve's proposal to CJ. She giggled when the door opened and Matt walked in, confusion on his face as he glanced between DJ and CJ.

"Good Lord, I was gone for one week!" Matt called out, watching with disbelief at seeing CJ hugging DJ after DJ put the ring on her once she said yes.

"Steve, that was so sweet." CJ said softly, turning to Steve with a loving smile.

"I meant every word she said." Steve reassured her while returning the smile and wrapping his arms around her.

Realization forms on Matt's face as he nods. "Oh, that makes more sense!" Everyone cheered as Steve and CJ shared a kiss. "Way to go, buddy." Matt tells Steve when he walked by them to get to DJ, still holding the bouquet of flowers he had brought with him for DJ. "Honey, I'm sorry. They held me at customs and I lost my baggage-"

"Oh just shut up and kiss me." DJ interrupted.

"Okay." Matt pulled her closer and kissed her. Violet smiled as she watched the scene unfold. The room was filled with joy and excitement as Steve and CJ celebrated their engagement, and DJ and Matt shared a heartfelt kiss. Soon it was time for the countdown, Jesse, Danny, and Joey had joined them since they had been chatting out by the fire pit outside. Everyone got up and gathered around to countdown together. And when they counted down to midnight, all the couples shared a kiss.

Violet had her hands on Jackson's shoulders while his hands were on her hips and they leaned in to kiss, her heart fluttered at the feeling of his lips against hers. His hands moved from her hips, up her back, to rest on the back of her neck as the kiss deepened. It was a sweet and passionate kiss, and as they broke apart, Violet could feel her cheeks warming up as she gazed into his eyes, the affection shining in them. They both couldn't stop smiling as they held each other.

"Happy New Year, Vi." Jackson whispered, his lips brushing against hers.

Violet bit her lower lip and smiles shyly, her cheeks warm. "Happy New Year, Jackson." She replied, leaning forward to kiss him again. This was the best New Year's Eve, she was surrounded by friends and a boyfriend who all cared so much about her. Despite her biological parents not caring and abandoning her, she was loved and accepted by her family and friends. She had found a home, and she had a feeling that the New Year would bring great things for her. She knew her future was bright, and that she could accomplish anything she set her mind to, and she was grateful to have a boyfriend like Jackson who believed in her, encouraged her, and supported her. As they continued to celebrate the New Year, the happiness and excitement in the room was contagious. She could feel the warmth and joy of the moment surrounding her. As the clock struck midnight and everyone cheered, Violet couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and contentment. The room was alive with laughter, hugs, and well-wishes as the New Year began.

The proposal, the kisses, and the genuine joy shared among friends and family made it clear that despite any past hardships, Violet was exactly where she was meant to be. The new year felt like a fresh start, full of potential and hope. As the celebrations continued, Violet and Jackson stayed close, cherishing the closeness they shared. The love and support from everyone around her made Violet realize how much she had to look forward to. She felt ready to face whatever the future held, knowing she had a strong support system in her friends and loved ones. As the night went on, Violet danced, laughed, and enjoyed every moment, feeling incredibly lucky and hopeful for the year ahead.

A/N finally done with season two yay !! loving jackson & violet so much, hope you guys are too <3

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