CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO, glazed and confused

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(violet's outfit for this chapter)

Violet was so proud of Stephanie for being able to sing her new song on her dad's live talk show. She knew it was a big step for her and she's sure that she will continue to improve and have more opportunities like this. She was hanging out next door like she usually does, walking down the steps with Jackson, Max, and Ramona. They were all upset they couldn't go to LA with Stephanie, Kimmy, and Fernando. DJ wasn't going since she was going away with Matt for the weekend. Violet was happy for them, they've been going strong and seem very happy together.

"Man, it sucks we can't go to LA." Jackson complained.

DJ's eyes widen and she points at her oldest son, scolding him. "Uh, we don't say 'sucks' in this family. That is on the Do Not Say list."

Violet chuckles a little and rolls her eyes. She understood why DJ had that list, but sometimes it was a bit over the top. "Sorry, it blows." Jackson corrected himself. DJ sent him a look when he walked past her, still not pleased with the word he decided to use instead.

"That's on the list too, butthead." Max rolled his eyes.

"Max!" DJ scolded him.

"I know it's on the list, but you gotta admit, he is a butthead." Max shrugged.

Violet tried her best to hide her laugh at Max's comment. She couldn't argue with that, he was right. "Mom, can I please come to LA to support Stephanie and miss my science test?" Ramona pleads, turning to face her mom with a pleading expression. She pauses. "Did I say 'miss my science test' out loud?"

"Oh, you know how I hate to say 'no' to you." Kimmy admits with a frown. She looks at Fernando. "So Fernando, tell her 'no'."

"No." Fernando said without hesitation and Ramona frowned.

"He's back!" Joey Gladstone enters the house with a box of donuts in his hand. Violet smiled a little at seeing him. She always enjoyed it when he was around though his kids were a different story. She greets him with the others as they gather around him. He grins. "Now there's a hello. It's almost as if I was holding a box of yummy donuts from Burt's Donut's Shop."

While everyone else immediately went over to grab a donut, Violet hung back with a grimace. She heard some not so good things about Burt's Donut's Shop and was hesitant to try a donut.

DJ quickly stops everyone. "Ah, ah, no sugar before bed."

"Boo." The others frowned at her as she took the box from Joey.

"You're tougher than Police Mom." Fernando commented. 

"You guys can all have one in the morning." DJ assures them. "And Joey, thanks for watching the kids so Matt and I can go to the wine country." She added with a soft smile.

"Ooh!" Violet said with the others as she grinned. 

DJ pauses, turning to give them a look before she walks to the kitchen. "I hope so." She admitted under her breath.


(violet's outfit for this part of the chapter)

The next morning, Violet walked over to next door after breakfast. When she entered the living room, she paused at seeing Joey, Jackson, Max, and Ramona were lounging in the living room, all looking sick. DJ had put a blanket over Jackson, Ramona, and Max as Matt put a blanket over Joey, who laid in a chair near the couch.

"Uh...What's going on? DJ, I thought you and Matt were gonna be gone today." She said with confusion.

"That was the plan until Joey's donuts got everyone sick." DJ sighed.

"Hey, we don't know for sure if we got sick because of my donuts." Joey said defensively. "DJ ate one and she feels fine."

"Yeah, it's true. I feel great." DJ admits. "Hey, since we're all home, let's watch Stephanie on dad's show."

Violet walks further into the living room, sitting on the arm of the couch near where Jackson sat as DJ turned the tv on. Her eyes widened at seeing Kimmy with Danny on the show instead of Becky being his co host.

"Danny, did you know this is National Hotdog Awareness month?" Kimmy inquires. "So all month long, everyone's a weiner." She laughed.

"I must be hallucinating. That looks like mom hosting Wake Up USA." Ramona noticed, looking at the screen with disbelief.

"Becky, if you can hear this, please come back." Danny pleaded.

"Hey, guys, donut update." DJ speaks up with a grimace. "It was all Joey's fault."

Violet looks over at her worriedly as she started to run up the stairs. Matt turns to DJ with a worried and concerned look on his face. "Deej, are you okay?"

"Do not follow me." DJ warned him before she kept going up the stairs.

Violet grimaces and shakes her head. "I knew that place was bad news."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Max complained.

She shrugs apologetically. "I didn't want to ruin the fun for everyone else. Plus, I thought maybe it was just a rumor. Sorry, guys." She looks at Jackson sympathetically when he leaned his head on her arm, looking miserable. She reaches up and runs her fingers through his hair. "Do you need anything?" She asked him softly.

"Just the sweet release of death." He muttered.

Violet chuckled a little. She couldn't blame him for feeling that way, she would too if she was sick. She continues to run her fingers through his hair and he closes his eyes, leaning into her touch. It was something she did whenever he wasn't feeling well. It seemed to help him relax and feel a little better which made her smile a little.


Violet ended up staying over and helping Matt with taking care of everyone. She felt bad for them and wanted to help them out. Plus she didn't want Matt to have to do this alone, she knew it would probably be a lot of work. So she was currently walking into Ramona's room where she and DJ were lying in bed. She had a tray of some drinks and sandwiches she helped made, planning to see if they were up to eating anything.

"Hey, you guys doing okay?" She asks softly, setting the tray on the dresser. She chuckles a little when they both groan in response. "That's what I thought. I brought you guys some sandwiches and drinks. Hopefully you can eat something. I also made you guys some ginger tea. It's supposed to help with an upset stomach." She told them.

"You're an angel." DJ mumbled.

"Thanks, Violet." Ramona said softly, reaching for a glass of the tea.

Violet smiles and nods. "No problem. Just let me know if you guys need anything else, okay?" She walked out to the hallway, meeting Matt there.

"Hey, how are the girls?" He asked.

"Still sick. I tried getting them to eat something but no luck. I made them some ginger tea, hopefully it'll help. It's supposed to help with an upset stomach-" She pauses whenever they heard a bell ringing. Her gaze fell on Jackson's and Max's room where Joey was as well. "Did you seriously give Joey a bell?"

Matt groans, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I'm starting to regret that decision."

"Nurse Matt? I need you!" Joey called out, continuing to ring the bell.

"Why did I give Joey a bell?" Matt muttered.

Violet gave him a sympathetic look and pats his shoulder. "Good luck with that." She chuckled a little and watched as he walked back into the boys room, snatching the bell from Joey with a forced smile.

"How may I help you this time, Joey?" He asked.

"My pillow needs fluffing." Joey replies in a baby voice. He picks the pillow up to hand it to him. "Pwease?"

Matt sighs, setting the bell down. "Of course." He fluffs the pillow and then puts it back under Joey's head. "There you go, little fella."

Violet walks into the room when she heard the bell ringing again. "I thought you took the bell from him." She sighed, smiling a little when she saw Tommy had a bell.

"Oh, who gave you a bell?" Matt questioned, kneeling by the crib Tommy was in.

"Oh, I did. A baby with a bell is really funny." Joey answered with a smile before laying back down. Violet chuckled and walked further into the room, smiling and petting Cosmo, who laid on the bench in front of Jackson's bed where he and Max were.

"You guys still not feeling well?" She asked softly. She knew the answer already but wanted to see how they were doing.

"No." The boys groaned in response. She sent them a sympathetic look and sat on the edge of the bed by Jackson. He leaned against her side, his eyes closing when she started running her fingers through his hair.

Matt picks up Tommy with a smile. "What's the matter, little guy?" When Tommy made a sound and gestured to his brothers and Violet with the bell, he smiles and says, "Oh, you wanna be with your big bros and Violet." He walks over to the bed, gesturing for them to scoot over. "Alright, scoot over guys. Plenty of room for all of us. You too, Vivi." He added with a grin.

Jackson and Max scoot over to give them room as Violet sat on the edge of the bed by Jackson since she had been standing by the bed.

"Oh, and Cosmo, huh?" Matt chuckled as the golden retriever jumped up onto the bed, curling up by them. The group didn't realize DJ had been leaning against the door frame, watching the scene with a soft smile. "Don't you worry, I'm here for you." After Violet cleared her throat, he chuckles. "And so is Violet." He added, glancing over at her. He handed Tommy to Violet as Max leaned against him.

She smiles when Matt hands Tommy to her. "Hi, T. What's up, little dude?" She asked, tickling his tummy and making him giggle.

"Thanks for taking care of us." Jackson smiled.

"Please don't leave until we feel better." Max pleaded, hugging onto Matt's arm.

Violet chuckled a little at his plea, thinking it was cute. "Hey, I feel vewwy vewwy weft out." Joey chimes in, still speaking in a baby voice. He raises his hand, pretending to ring a bell. "Wing. Wing, wing. Wing, wing, wing....I need Nurse Matt and his assistant Violet."

DJ chuckles and rolls her eyes, waving a dismissive hand before he went back to the room across the hall. "Hey, now, I'm not his assistant." Violet says defensively. "If anything, I'm the co-nurse. Right, Matt?" She glanced at him with a smile.

Violet's playful banter with Matt lightened the mood in the room, eliciting a chuckle from him. "Absolutely, co-nurse it is. You've really been a huge help, Vi. Thanks." He smiled warmly at her and he leaned over to give her a side hug. 

She returns the smile and shrugs a little, leaning into him and giving him a side hug back. "I don't mind helping. It's the least I can do. Besides, I couldn't just leave you here with everyone sick. Not with the way they are right now. And no offense, but I don't think you could handle them alone." She teased, glancing at him with a playful smile.

Matt chuckles, nodding in agreement. "You're right, I definitely couldn't do this alone." He admits. "But really, you've been a huge help and I appreciate it. I don't know what I would've done without you helping me out."

"Anytime." Violet smiles and looks back down at Tommy, who was playing with her hair. He giggles as he tugs gently at her ponytail, making her laugh softly despite wincing a bit at the tough pull. "Easy there, little guy," She said, adjusting him in her lap so he could play with a strand of her hair without pulling too hard. "Don't want to lose my hair just yet." She joked, earning a chuckle from Matt.

The room was quiet, save for the sounds of Tommy and Cosmo snoring, and the occasional groan from the others. Violet stayed with them for a while, not wanting to leave them alone. She didn't want Matt to feel overwhelmed with trying to take care of them all by himself.

Matt's gaze landed on Jackson and Violet and his heart swelled at the sight. He had seen them cuddle together plenty of times before, but there was something about the way they looked this time that got him. The two looked peaceful and content, their bodies relaxed as they slept next to each other. He knew that they had a strong bond, but this was another level.

After a moment, Matt reached out and brushed some hair out of Violet's face. Her brows furrowed slightly and her eyes slowly fluttered open. She smiled sleepily at him, still feeling drowsy from resting against Jackson.

"Hey, kid, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Matt whispered, his hand resting gently on Violet's shoulder.

Violet blinks a few times, adjusting to the soft light filtering into the room. "S'okay, Matt," She murmurs, her voice still tinged with sleep. "What's up?" Jackson stirred a bit at her movement when she sat up slightly, his brows furrowing and a soft groan escaping his lips as he shifted, turning onto his other side. He pulled Violet closer, wrapping his arm around her waist as he snuggled back into her warmth.

"You can go to sleep, you know. I can handle things from here." Matt assured her.

Violet smiles softly, appreciating Matt's offer but also feeling a sense of responsibility to help out. "I know, but I want to stay a little longer. Make sure everyone's comfortable and settled." She glanced around the room, checking on each of them with a gentle gaze.

Matt nods understandingly, his eyes reflecting gratitude. "I understand. Thank you, Vivi." He reached out, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before settling back against the headboard, his attention shifting to the sleeping figures in the room.

Violet leaned back against the headboard as well, adjusting herself to get comfortable. She glanced down at Tommy, who had fallen asleep with his tiny hand clutching onto her shirt. Gently, she shifted him so he was more comfortable, then glanced over at Jackson, watching him sleep peacefully with a soft smile on her face.

After a few minutes, her eyelids began to droop and she eventually drifted off to sleep, her breathing even and calm. Matt glanced at Violet and Jackson, a soft smile on his face. They both looked so peaceful, the only movement coming from their chests rising and falling as they breathed. He didn't want to disturb them, so he carefully removed himself from the bed and walked out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind him. 

A/N i love violet's relationship with the whole family & even with the others !! but her & jackson are so cute, omg i love them so much

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