CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE, a tangled web

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Violet walked next door the next morning, greeting Jackson and Ramona who were in the kitchen. She then moved to sit at the kitchen island on one of the stools, raising her eyebrows when she realized Jackson was wearing a shirt inside out and it was turned to face the wrong way. She chuckled and rolled her eyes, leaning her head on her hand and resting her elbow on the kitchen island.

Cosmo was in front of Jackson, who knelt in front of him and was petting him. "Cosmo, pay attention. My girlfriend Lola is bringing her new dog, Spot, for me to watch overnight so I need you to play nicely and be very careful where you sniff." He warned as he stood.

"Lola wants us both to watch her dog." Ramona spoke up.

"I'm her boo so I'm in charge." Jackson replied, putting his hands on his hips.

"Girlfriend?" Violet raises her eyebrows. "Since when is she your girlfriend?"

"Since we went on a date." He grinned.

"You sat by each other at lunch. That doesn't make her your girlfriend." Violet rolled her eyes and chuckled, ignoring the small pang in her chest.

Jackson grins, seemingly unfazed by Violet's teasing. "Hey, a date is a date, Vi. Gotta start somewhere, right?"

"Yeah, sure," Violet shrugs with a small chuckle. "Just be careful not to scare her off with your inside-out shirts and backwards logic." She joked, pointing at his shirt.

"I know." Jackson defensively says, looking down at his shirt sheepishly. "Now." He mumbled.

An amused look forms on Violet's face as she watches Jackson's reaction. Despite her teasing, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the thought of Jackson dating someone else. She quickly pushed those feelings aside, not wanting to ruin the playful banter they were having.

"Hi, guys!" Lola's cheerful voice is heard as she enters the kitchen, holding a small cage. "Meet Spot!"

Violet let out a small yelp, her eyes wide of fear as she scrambles off the stool to back up. "That's a spider." She shuddered, eyeing the tarantula warily. She hated spiders, they freaked her out.

"Yeah, that's a tarantula." Jackson nervously said.

Lola smiles sheepishly and hands the cage to Ramona. "Why-Why would you name a tarantula Spot?" Ramona stammered.

"Because when he bites, he leaves a spot!" Lola smiles brightly. She leans over and opens the cage. "Ooh, you wanna pet him?"

Violet quickly backs up when she opened the cage, her eyes wide with fear. Ramona was quick to hand Jackson the cage. "Well, your boo's in charge so you should probably let him do that."

"Oh, no, no....I'm a gentleman. Ladies first." Jackson nervously replied, handing Ramona the cage.

"I insist." Ramona argued.

"I gotta go. Here is a box of crickets for his dinner. And FYI, he loves being stroked on his fuzzy little thorax." Lola gushed, setting a small box down on the kitchen island.

The other three teens stare at her in disbelief. "Who doesn't?" Jackson finally spoke up after a few moments of silence, smiling nervously.

"Thank you, guys." Lola smiled softly and hugged Ramona.

"No problem!" Ramona assured her.

Lola hugs Violet next, looking at her with concern. "Are you okay? You're shaking."

"Spiders freak me out." Violet mutters, hugging her tightly and trying not to freak out. "But it's no big deal. I'm fine."

"I promise, Spot is a real sweetie." Lola reassured her and pulled away.

"Yeah, I'm not touching that thing." Violet deadpanned.

Lola chuckles and pulls away to give Jackson a side hug and kisses his cheek. "Nah, don't worry, I got this, bae." Jackson called out reassuringly as Lola left. His face had brightened when she kissed his cheek and Violet ignored the pain in her chest, forcing a small smile and watching her best friend fawn over Lola.

"Alright, see ya." After Lola was gone, Jackson turns to Ramona, setting the cage on the kitchen island. "I'll give you twenty bucks to watch him."

"Let's just be grateful she left her snake at home." Ramona commented.

Violet's eyes widen in disbelief, her jaw dropping. "Seriously?" She squeaks, shuddering at the thought. "Please tell me you're joking."

"She has a snake too?" Jackson asks with surprise. He shakes his head and leans against the kitchen island. "Why am I so attracted to bad girls?"


Later that night, Violet found herself in the living room with the others as Stephanie and her new band prepared to sing Stephanie's new song she wrote. Violet sat on the arm chair by DJ on the couch as they all listened to the new song. She loved it honestly. It was upbeat and catchy. She was impressed Stephanie had come up with a great song and had the confidence to sing in front of her family. She hoped one day she could be that confident, especially since she wanted to pursue a career in music.

"Thank you, family who would cheer for me even if I stunk." Stephanie spoke, smiling brightly at them.

"Oh, no, you slayed it." Jimmy reassures her and then starts crying. "I'm sorry, guys. Once I start crying, there goes the whole day." He admitted.

"I too was deeply moved." Fernando confesses, his voice sounding shaky. "The last time I cried this much was for Argentina."

"People, pull it together." Max chimes in, looking at the two men with disbelief. "It's a son, not 'Toy Story 3'."

"Alright, you guys, why don't you take a five?" Stephanie said to her band with a smile. They all nodded and left the room.

"Steph, I'm so proud of you!" DJ told her sister and hugged her.

"Thank you!" Stephanie grinned.

"Hey, will you guys put Tommy down for a nap?" DJ questioned, walking over to Jackson and Ramona.

"Yeah, sure." Jackson replied, taking his little brother from his mom as Ramona grabbed her phone.

"Max, Fernadno, and I have a green ribbon to win." DJ said excitedly, smiling down at Max. Violet remembered that Max had a project he was working on for his class and she hoped that he would do good on it. She had a feeling he would, she was the smartest kid she knew.

She walks over to Stephanie as everyone started leaving the room. "Hey, Step. That was super good, you're so talented." She comments with a smile. "So, uh, do you think you could help me with some songwriting sometime? I've been trying to work on some stuff, but I could use some guidance."

Stephanie's eyes light up at Violet's request. "Of course, Violet! I'd love to help you with your songwriting. Just let me know whenever you want to get started, and we can brainstorm together."

Violet's face breaks into a wide smile at Stephanie's enthusiasm. "Awesome! Thanks so much, Steph. I really appreciate it." She's relieved Stephanie agreed, she didn't have the confidence to ask Stephanie earlier but was glad she did. Stephanie was the best songwriter she knew and she was grateful she was willing to help her. She hugged Stephanie, thanking her once more before she admitted she was going to go home for awhile.

She wanted to try to work on some songs for a bit and maybe write down ideas she had for her music. She had a feeling the creative juices would be flowing tonight which was exciting. She hadn't had much inspiration lately and she was relieved she had something she could work on.

Once she got home, she went up to her room and searched for her notebook she wrote her songs in. She had several notebooks for her music, each one filled with ideas and lyrics. When she was young, she had always wanted to be a singer. She loved singing and was passionate about her music. It was her passion, something she was most passionate about besides her friends and family.

As soon as she found her songwriting notebook, she grabbed a pen and opened the book to the next empty page. She began jotting down random ideas and lyrics she had, trying to find something she could work on. When nothing came to her, she groaned and threw her pen onto her desk, closing her notebook with a huff.

She grabbed her phone, going to her contacts. She planned on calling someone who was a great songwriter and had many hit songs, she hoped they could offer her some advice and help her get the creative juices flowing. She hoped the person wasn't busy and had time to talk. As she went to press call, her heart started racing.

What if they didn't answer? What if they were busy? What if they didn't have time to talk to her?

"You can do this." She muttered to herself. She took a deep breath and pressed call, holding her phone up to her ear. She nervously chewed her lip, anxiously waiting for an answer as she heard the ringing on the other end. After what felt like hours, the person finally answered.

"Violet, hey."

A wave of relief washed over her at the familiar voice. "Hey, Uncle Jesse."

"Kid, you do know I'm not your uncle, right?" He chuckled.

"But you're everyone's uncle." Violet grinned and shook her head.

"How are ya?" Jesse asked, his voice full of warmth.

"Good, actually, no I'm not. I'm struggling with a song, and I was hoping you could help me out. I know you're a professional and busy and-"

"Woah, woah, slow down, Violet. Breathe." Jesse interrupted her, a hint of amusement in his voice. Violet did what he said and took a deep breath, her shoulders sagging with relief. "Alright, first, I'm always happy to help out with your music. And second, you're never bothering me, okay? Now, tell me what's going on with this song."

Violet smiles gratefully, feeling reassured by Jesse's words. "Thanks, Uncle Jesse. Well, I've been trying to work on this song for a while now, but I just can't seem to get it right. I feel like I'm stuck, you know? Like I have all these ideas floating around in my head, but I can't seem to put them together into something coherent. I feel like I'm going insane." She groaned and buried her face in her free hand.

Jesse let out a soft laugh, a hint of sympathy in his tone. "I know the feeling, kid. Believe me, I've been there. And it's frustrating, I know. But the important thing is to keep trying. Don't give up, even if it feels impossible. I know you can do this, and I'm always here to help. So, tell me what you've got so far, and we'll go from there."

Violet takes a deep breath, nodding despite knowing Jesse can't see her. "Okay, so I have these lyrics I've been working on..." She trailed off, reading the lyrics to him. She hoped he could offer some insight or even just help her get unblocked. She knew how difficult it could be when you're stuck and needed someone to help you figure out how to get out of that funk.

As Violet continued to read her lyrics to Uncle Jesse, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. His calm and reassuring voice helped to ease her anxiety, and she found herself opening up more and more about her struggles with the song.

After listening intently to her lyrics, Jesse offers some insightful feedback. "You've got some great ideas here, Violet. I can see the emotion behind your words, but it feels like they're not quite connecting yet. Have you tried experimenting with different melodies or chord progressions?"

Violet nods, even though Jesse couldn't see her. "Yeah, I've been playing around with some melodies, but nothing seems to click. It's like I'm missing that spark, you know?"

Jesse hummed thoughtfully. "Sometimes, the best approach is to take a step back and give yourself some space. Clear your mind, go for a walk, listen to some music that inspires you. You'd be surprised how often inspiration strikes when you least expect it."

Violet smiles at Jesse's advice. "Thanks, Uncle Jesse. I'll definitely give that a try. And thanks again for listening to me vent, I really appreciate it. Sorry if I bothered you."

Jesse quickly reassures her. "Hey, no need to apologize. That's what I'm here for, kid. Now, you get back to work on that song and don't forget to call me if you need anything else. You're really talented, Violet. Just keep at it, and you'll get there."

His words of encouragement send a surge of confidence through her. "Will do. Talk to you later, Uncle Jesse."

"Bye, kid."

Violet ends the call and places her phone down on her desk, a smile tugging at her lips. She felt better after talking to Uncle Jesse and was determined to keep working on her song. She had a lot of respect for him and was grateful for his help. He always knew how to encourage her and make her feel confident in her abilities.

She got up and grabbed the pen she threw, sitting back down at her desk and opening her songwriting notebook. She started working on the song, letting the lyrics flow through her and the melody guide her. As she continued to work, she felt a sense of excitement and accomplishment.

She was on a roll and knew she was finally getting somewhere with the song. As the night progressed, she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She was finally getting the song she'd been working on to sound like how she wanted. It was a huge relief and gave her the motivation to keep going.

When she finished, she closed her notebook and looked at the clock, surprised at how late it was. She'd spent a couple hours working on the song and hadn't even noticed the time passing. She was pleased with the progress she'd made and knew it was a step in the right direction.

As she got ready for bed, her mind was still buzzing with excitement. She couldn't wait to show the finished product to Uncle Jesse and get his opinion. She had a feeling he'd be proud of her, and that thought brought a smile to her face.

With a new sense of confidence and determination, she climbed into bed, grabbing her phone when it buzzed. She checked the notification, her face lighting up when she saw a message from Jackson.

'Hey, V. Whatcha doing?'

She quickly typed out a reply. 'Just got done writing my song I've been working on and getting ready for bed. How is it taking care of Spot?' She shuddered at the thought of the tarantula.

'Eh, he's not so bad. He's actually kinda cute.'

'Well, you're crazy. I'm not getting close to that thing again.'

'Whatever you say, V. So, how's the song coming along?'

She smiled, sending a picture of her notebook to Jackson. 'I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out. It still needs a bit of work, but I think it's coming along nicely. Uncle Jesse gave me some really helpful feedback, and I'm feeling confident about it.'

'That's great, Vi. I better be the first to hear it when it's done.'

'Of course, Jax. You'll be the first one I share it with. Thanks for always being supportive.' Violet smiled as she sent the message, feeling grateful for her friend's encouragement. She knew she could always count on Jackson to lift her spirits and cheer her on.

Violet and Jackson continued texting for awhile before eventually saying goodnight. As she plugged her phone in, Violet couldn't help but smile. She was excited for what was to come and the path she was starting down. She was grateful for her friends and family and their support, knowing they would be there for her every step of the way.

As she settled into bed, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. Despite the challenges she faced, she knew she had amazing friends and family who had her back. And with their support, she felt confident that she could overcome any obstacle that came her way.

With that comforting thought in mind, she drifted off to sleep, excited for the new day and the endless possibilities it held.


The next morning , Violet woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. She had a newfound sense of determination and excitement, eager to continue working on her song and see where it would take her. As she got ready for the day, she couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation bubbling inside her.

Once she got ready for the day, she went down stairs to get breakfast before she went over next door. She knew today was when Max had his presentation about his project with his class and hoped he did good. She greeted Jackson and Ramona when she saw them in the living room. She paused when she saw the cage Spot had been in was empty.

"Why does Spot's cage look empty?" She asked warily.

"Uh, Spot escaped." Jackson informed her.

"What do you mean he escaped?" Violet gasps, her eyes widening. "Okay, I'm out of here. I'll see you later."

"Wait, Violet, wait." Jackson calls after her. "We need your help, please." He caught up to her before she could leave, grabbing her wrist.

"No. No way. I am not helping with a spider hunt." She shook her head, pulling her arm away. She didn't want to be a part of finding a tarantula that was loose in the house. She was sure Jackson and Ramona could handle it themselves, she wasn't helping. They both knew how much she hated spiders.

Suddenly screams are heard from outside in the back yard followed by a 'Spider!'. Violet shares a surprised look with Jackson and Ramona before Jackson pulled away and grabbed the empty cage, heading to the back yard with Ramona. Violet was terrified of spiders, but she was curious and reluctantly followed Jackson and Ramona outside. She paused on the back porch when she saw Spot on top of Max's head. She noticed the back yard was set up for his class, his class were sitting in front of him and there was a small stage he stood on with a screen behind him, showing the spider on his head.

"People, people, why all the commotion?" Max asked with confusion.

Fernando held up a sign quickly after writing something on it to show Max. Max smiles and reads off the sign. "Hey, Max, there's a spider on your head." His face fell as he realized what the sign said. "What?" He slowly turns around to face the screen behind him, his eyes widening at seeing the spider. He looks up at it with fear in his eyes and froze. "Mommy." He whimpered and DJ was quick to come to his rescue.

"I'm flying in, Max!" DJ assures him, walking over to him quickly with a rolled up magazine. "Do not move."

"Mom, wait!" Jackson called out, running over to them with Ramona.

"Don't hurt that spider!" Ramona added.

"I'll hold the terrarium, you flick." Jackson suggested, taking the cag e from her.

"No, I'll hold the terrarium, you flick." Ramona argued.

"I don't care who holds or who flicks. Just freaking flick!" Max screamed.

Jackson nervously flicks the spider off Max's head and it landed in the open cage Ramona held. She quickly closed it once it got in the cage. Violet felt relieved that the spider was back in the cage and was thankful Ramona and Jackson caught the spider before anything bad could happen.

DJ stands in front of Max, looking at him with concern. "Max, are you okay? Say something." She said worriedly after seeing he was still frozen in fear and shock.

"Okay." Max then started screaming and ran inside the house. Violet didn't blame him, she would've done the same thing.

She then noticed Lola walking out back and shares a smile with her when they locked eyes. She walks over to Ramona and Jackson with a bright smile. "Aw, that's so nice! You took Spot out on his morning walk."

Ramona and Jackson shares a look before looking back at her with nervous smiles. "Of course we did." Jackson replied.

"We love the little fellow. Here." Ramona quickly handed the cage back to Lola and the three teens walked back inside, followed by Violet though she was still at a safe distance, not wanting to be near the spider. Even though it was in the cage again.

Lola thanked Ramona and Jackson for watching Spot for the night and gave them all a hug before she left. Violet shuddered, relieved the spider was gone. She didn't know how Lola could have a spider for a pet, they were gross and terrifying.

"Alright, I'm gonna go home andwork on my song some more. I'll catch up with you guys later." She quickly made her exit, not wanting to stick around any longer than necessary. She needed some time to decompress after the spider incident.

As she walked home, Violet couldn't shake off the feeling of unease from encountering Spot the tarantula. She shuddered at the memory and quickened her pace, eager to put some distance between herself and the place where the creepy crawly creature was.

Once she got home, she headed straight to her room and grabbed her ukulele. Music was always a source of comfort for her, and she hoped strumming some chords would help ease her nerves. Sitting on her bed, she began to play, letting the soothing melodies wash over her. She didn't even hear the window open or see Jackson climbing in.

"Hey, Violet."

She jumps slightly at the unexpected voice, quickly turning around to see Jackson. "Stop doing that, Jax. You're going to give me a heart attack."

He grins sheepishly, holding up his hands. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Yeah, well, you did. Anyway, what's up?" She asked, setting her ukulele aside.

Jackson shrugs, taking a seat next to her on the bed. "Nothing, really. I just wanted to see how you were doing after the whole spider incident. I know how much you hate those things."

She shudders, shaking her head. "It was awful, Jax. That thing is a monster. I can't believe Lola actually has a pet tarantula. And a snake too? She's insane."

He laughs, nodding in agreement. "I know. It's pretty wild. But hey, at least we were able to get Spot back in the cage before he caused any real damage."

Violet shudders again, thinking back to the spider on Max's head. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But still, it was a close call. I was seriously considering moving out of the country after that."

Jackson chuckles, nudging her shoulder. "Oh, come on, Vi. It wasn't that bad. Besides, we handled the situation like pros. You didn't even freak out."

She raises an eyebrow at him, giving him a pointed look. "Are you serious? I totally freaked out. You're just lucky I didn't start screaming and running away like Max. I had to restrain myself." She said dramatically.

He rolls his eyes, smiling at her. "Alright, fine. But still, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. So, we're both okay, no harm done. Right?"

"Right." Violet nods. "Thanks, Jax. I appreciate you checking in on me. But seriously, no more spiders. If I see another one, I'll actually die." She shuddered again.

"Deal." He chuckles, pulling her into a side hug. "So, how's the songwriting going?"

She perks up at the question, smiling brightly. "It's going really well, actually. I've been making a lot of progress. I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. Uncle Jesse gave me some really helpful advice last night."

"That's awesome, Vi. I'm really proud of you." He smiles warmly, giving her a supportive squeeze. "I can't wait to hear it when it's finished. You're gonna knock it out of the park, I just know it."

Violet returns the smile, feeling a surge of gratitude for her friend's encouragement. "Thanks, Jax. That means a lot coming from you."

They spend the next few hours chatting about music and Violet's songwriting process, with Jackson offering helpful feedback and suggestions. He was always supportive of her, and she knew she could count on him to cheer her on and keep her motivated.

The day was a fun one and the two friends enjoyed each other's company. After Jackson left, Violet spent some time in her room, working on her song and adding some final touches. She was pleased with the progress she'd made, and she couldn't wait to share it with everyone.

Violet felt hopeful and confident about her music, and she was determined to keep working hard and pursuing her passion. She knew there would be challenges along the way, but she was up for the challenge. And with the support of her friends and family, she knew she could accomplish anything. Or at least she hoped she could.

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