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Going back to school after Thanksgiving break or any holiday break was always hard. It was a struggle to adjust back to the daily routine and having to wake up early and deal with a bunch of homework. The only positive was seeing all her friends again and spending time with them. But Violet still had a hard time adjusting. She wasn't much of a morning person and hated waking up early. She loved her sleep and preferred sleeping in when she could. But of course, going back to school was mandatory.

She follows Jackson and Ramona inside the house next door, annoyed by their constant bickering. They've been bickering non stop lately and she was tired of hearing it. It was irritating and she didn't understand why they couldn't just get along. "You can't just go into my locker." Jackson told Ramona with a glare while the trio walked into the kitchen.

"I was looking for my earbuds, which you took without asking." Ramona pointed out.

"How did you even get into my locker?" Jackson asked with surprise.

"It's not that hard, Jax." Violet chimes in as she leans against the kitchen island. "Your locker combination is easy to figure out. Might wanna change it to something more complicated than one, two, three." She suggested.

Jackson glances at her and lets out a frustrated sigh. "You're supposed to be on my side." He frowned.

"I'm not on anyone's side." Violet responds, raising her hands in defense. "Just think that combination isn't a good one."

"Mom, make Ramona stop invading my space." Jackson complained, looking over at his mom with a pleading expression.

"Mom, make Jackson stop taking my stuff." Ramona countered.

"This has been going on all day." Violet groaned in annoyance, looking at Kimmy and DJ with annoyance as she brought her hands up to rub her temples. Kimmy and DJ sent her a sympathetic look, understanding how frustrating it must be for her.

"Aren't they cute?" Kimmy grins. "They're just like brother and sister."

Ramona and Jackson look at each other with disgust, stepping away from each other quickly. "No, we're not." They both said together.

"Aww!" DJ and Kimmy smiled at each other while Violet chuckled, looking at them with amusement.

"Vi, where are you going?" Jackson asked with confusion when Violet started walking to the living room to leave.

"Heading home, I need some peace and quiet," Violet replies, rubbing her temples again. "You two can keep bickering all you want, but count me out." She mumbled as she walked into the living room.

Jackson exchanges a glance with Ramona before he turns and follows Violet with a frown. "Violet, wait up," He calls out, jogging after her. "Are you okay?"

Violet stops and turns to face him, sighing heavily. "I'm just...tired of the constant arguing," She admits, her shoulders slumping. "It's giving me a headache."

Jackson's frown deepens, and he steps closer to her, concern etched on his face. "I'm sorry, Vi," He says softly, reaching out to gently touch her arm. "We'll try to keep it down. I promise."

Violet smiles a bit, feeling her cheeks flush slightly at his touch. "Thanks, Jax," She says quietly, her eyes meeting his. "I appreciate that."

Jackson returns her smile, and the two of them stand there for a moment, simply gazing at each other. Then, Jackson breaks the silence, his tone light and teasing. "So, are you coming over later to hang out?" He asked, hoping she says yes.

Violet giggles and rolls her eyes playfully, trying to ignore the flutter in her chest. "Of course, dummy," She responds, poking him in the chest lightly. "Where else would I be?"

Jackson chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, maybe you decided to stay home and avoid us." He teases.

Violet laughs, and Jackson's smile grows wider. He loves making her laugh, and he would do anything to keep her smiling. "Nah, you know I'd never do that," She says, grinning at him. "You're stuck with me."

Jackson's heart skips a beat at her words, and he feels a wave of affection for her. He's never been so happy to be stuck with someone before. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He told her, his voice sincere.

Violet's cheeks turn pink, and she tries to hide her blush by glancing away, suddenly finding the floor interesting. "Good," She mumbles, clearing her throat. "Okay, I'm leaving. I'll see you later." She smiled at Jackson before turning to head out of the house, feeling a warmth in her chest at their interaction. As she walked home, she can't help but feel grateful for Jackson's presence in her life. Despite the chaos and the occasional bickering, she knows she can always count on him to be there for her. And that thought alone brings her comfort as she navigates through the ups and downs of life.


Later that day, she found herself hanging out with Ramona and Lola. She was going to hang out with Jackson, but some of his friends were over and she would just rather hang out with the girls instead. She had been getting more close with Lola lately. At first they weren't friends, but now they were and she was glad to have a new friend. Lola was a sweet girl and they had a lot in common.

Whenever Ramona was suddenly called into Jackson's room, the trio shared a look and each got up to walk across the hall. "What do you want?" Ramona asked.

Violet raises her eyebrows when Jackson grabbed a baseball cap to place it on his head as he smiles at Lola. "Hey, Lola." He crosses his arms. "I got a hat."

Lola looks confused, but smiles anyway. "Congratulations." Violet snickered, covering her mouth to try and hide it as she watched the scene with amusement.

Popko stands, smirking at Ramona. "So Ramona, you probably heard I'm single. Lucky you."

Violet narrows her eyes at him. She never really liked Popko at all. She found him arrogant and annoying. "And you're single so, lucky me." Popko adds. "So what do you say we hit the mall and share a Cinnabon?" He questioned, tipping his fedora at her with a smirk.

Violet was so close to wiping that smirk off his face with her fist, but held herself back. She didn't want to resort to violence. But she did want to knock him down a peg or two. "I don't think so, Popko." Ramona denied, shaking her head.

Popko looks surprised and chuckles nervously. "Perhaps I wasn't clear. You see, I just asked you on a date. You saw this, right?" He asked, tipping his fedora again.

"Yeah, and it's even weirder a second time." Violet quips. "Plus you're starting to sound desperate and it's not a good look on you." She added.

Popko shoots her a glare and she sends one right back, crossing her arms. "Yeah, but I also saw you with Bethany on the same day you kissed me, so pass." Ramona told him and turned to leave with Lola.

Violet was proud of her for not giving into his advances and sticking up for herself. Popko sighs, turning his attention back to Violet. "You could give me a chance, you know." He told her, raising his eyebrows at her.

She narrows her eyes at him and shakes her head, a disgusted look on her face. "Did you literally just ask me out after you got rejected by Ramona? Wow, you're a real class act." She scoffed. She wasn't going to even entertain his question and she quickly turned to walk away from him.

Popko groans and follows after her, not ready to give up. "Come on, Violet. Just one date."

Violet stops in her tracks and spins around to face him, her eyes narrowed into a glare. "Do you want me to break your face, Popko?" She asks, her voice laced with annoyance. "Because I've been taking Krav Maga and I'm not afraid to use it."

Popko raises his eyebrows, surprised by her threat. "Jeez, okay. You don't have to get violent." He holds his hands up in surrender, taking a step back. "I was just asking. No need to get all crazy."

"Yeah, well, maybe you should learn when to take a hint and stop pestering girls who aren't interested." Violet retorted and turned to walk into Ramona's room, closing the door behind her.

Popko barely has any time to recover from the rejection before a pillow is thrown at him, hitting the back of his head. "Ow!" He exclaims, rubbing his nose. "What was that for?"

Jackson glares at him. "You just asked out my best friend. You're lucky all I did was throw a pillow at you." He replied.

Popko scoffs and shakes his head. "Whatever, man. I got it, I'll leave Violet alone. Besides Popko lives by one philosophy." He smirks, wrapping an arm around Jackson's shoulders. "Next!" Jackson rolled his eyes at him.

As they continued to bicker, Violet had paused and listened in on their conversation. She was grateful for Jackson sticking up for her, it had butterflies swarmed in her stomach. She wondered if she would ever tell him how she felt. Or would she continue to keep it a secret, only letting herself daydream about a future with him? She sighed and turned to go into Ramona's room.


Later that day, Violet was sitting on the couch with Lola, the two waiting for Ramona. Lola and Ramona had dance practice and Violet didn't, but she planned on hanging out with them until they had to go.

"Hey, Lola, ready to go?" Ramona questioned as she walked down the stairs with her bag.

"I can't go to dance practice today." Lola admits with a grimace. "I have cramps."

The other two girls perk up at that and hug her. "Really? Congratulations!" Ramona gushed, the two girls thinking Lola got her period.

"Leg cramps," Lola giggles and shakes her head. "Don't get excited."

"Oh." Ramona chuckled, smiling sheepishly as she and Violet pulled away.

"Sorry." Violet apologized.

"It's fine." Lola reassures her and grabs her phone when it buzzed with a notification. "Ooh, somebody sent me a video link." Her eyes widen when she watched the video with disbelief. It was a video of Ramona with her looking like a hippo as she danced to funny music in a dance studio.

"Oh, I got it too." Ramona noticed after picking up her phone when it buzzed.

Violet had gotten one too, grimacing when she clicked on the link and saw what the video was. She shared a concerned look with Lola, who quickly grabbed Ramona's phone.

"Uh, don't waste your time. This one's dumb." Lola told her.

"No, but I love the dumb ones." Ramona admits with a grin, taking her phone back from Lola. She clicks on the link, her face falling once she sees the video. "'Ramona Gibbler - the dancing hippo'? I know who did this. Jackson! It's got two hundred and forty views. The whole school is watching this."

The two girls look at her sympathy and both wrap their arms around her to comfort her. Violet knew it wasn't Jackson who made the video though. She had a feeling it was Popko since he seemed really upset when Ramona rejected him. "Popko, where did you go?" Jackson's voice is heard as he walked down the stairs into the living room.

"I hope your moms don't mind, I took a couple DiGiornos to go." Popko admits, walking into the living room from the kitchen, holding three pizza boxes. "I like a stuffed crust."

"Jackson! You're a little punk. You posted this video just because I broke into your locker?" Ramona asked with disbelief as she got up to walk over to him, followed by Lola and Violet.

Jackson furrows his eyebrows, looking at her with confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"This." Ramona gave him her phone, showing the video of her.

Popko laughs at the video, earning a surprised look from Jackson as he realized Popko made it. Violet glared at Popko and he grew quiet, looking nervous under her gaze while he avoided eye contact.

"Jackson, I thought you were a nice guy, but you're a jerk!" Lola spoke angrily Jackson as Ramona gets her phone back.

"I-I didn't do that!" Jackson stutters, looking panicked. "I couldn't even if I wanted to. I'm not tech savvy. I used to think that WiFi was a question."

Violet sighs at that, shaking her head. She remembers when she had to tell him what WiFi was, he looked so clueless. Lola and Ramona share a look, not believing Jackson. "I know you're lying, but whatever. I'm not gonna let this affect me." Ramona voiced.

"Guys, he's not lying." Violet chimes in. "Jackson's my best friend, I know he wouldn't do this. Plus, he has no idea how to make a video like that. He still doesn't know how to use half of the apps on his phone." She pointed out.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Vi." Jackson deadpanned. He wasn't sure if he should feel insulted or touched that Violet was sticking up for him.

Violet rolls her eyes playfully. "You know what I mean," She said, nudging him lightly. "I know you better than anyone."

"I can't believe you're defending him," Ramona speaks up, crossing her arms. "You have no proof it wasn't him."

"And you have no proof that it was him." Violet countered, narrowing her eyes at Ramona. She didn't like her accusing Jackson of something he didn't do, especially when she was so confident that he wasn't the one behind the video.

Ramona sighs and shakes her head, deciding not to argue with her. "Whatever." She turned and started to leave.

"Where are you going?" Lola asked her.

"To my room for the rest of my life." Ramona replied.

"I'll go with you. Not for the rest of your life, but at least until my cello lesson." Lola offers, smiling sympathetically at her. She goes to follow Ramona, but pauses and turns to face Jackson. "And Jackson, to think that once upon a time, I actually almost considered sorta maybe liking you a little."

Jackson's eyes widen, his face falling when she turned and left. His face hardens as he turns to Popko. "Take down that video."

"What are you talking about?" Popko shrugged, pretending to be oblivious.

"I know you did it. You didn't like it when Ramona or Violet shot you down." Jackson pointed out.

"You can't prove anything." Popko scoffed.

"You were in the bathroom with your phone for way too long." Jackson accused.

"Hey, I wash my hands thoroughly. It's flu season." Popko defended, his expression turning smug. Though his face fell when he met Violet's harsh gaze.

"I told you not to mess with my friends." Violet reminded him.

"Well, what are you gonna do? Break my face?" Popko joked, laughing nervously when her eyes flashed with anger.

"Maybe." Violet shrugged, cracking her knuckles. Jackson couldn't help but admire her intimidating side which was rare. Most of the time, she was laid-back, sarcastic and easygoing. But he's seen her angry before and it's not something he would want to deal with.

"Whatever, I'm leaving." Popko scoffed and turned around to leave.

Violet couldn't help the feeling of pride as she watched him leave. She stood her ground and defended her friends, and she wasn't going to let anyone bully them. As Popko walked out, Jackson turned to Violet with a grateful smile.

"Thanks, Vi," He said sincerely, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I appreciate you having my back."

Violet smiles back at him, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at his words. "Always, Jax," She replies. "You're my best friend, I've got you."

Jackson's smile widens at that, and he pulls her into a hug. "You're the best." He mumbled, burying his face into her hair. He rested his chin on top of her head, feeling comforted by her presence. Violet wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Her head rested against his chest, and she could hear his heartbeat. She could have stayed like that forever, but all too soon, he pulled away and she immediately missed the contact.

Though despite pulling away from the hug, he kept an arm around her shoulders. "Seriously, though, thank you," He says again, sincerity evident in his tone. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Probably be lost without my excellent advice and witty remarks," Violet jokes, nudging him playfully with her elbow. He chuckles, shaking his head. "But seriously, I'm always here for you. We're a team."

Jackson smiles at that, and he feels his heart swell with affection. "Yeah, we are." He agreed. They share a smile, and they both know that no matter what happens, they'll always have each other's backs.

"Wanna come over and watch a movie?" Violet offered, hoping to get some alone time with him.

Jackson smiles and nods. "Sure." He didn't hesitate to reply and followed her out the front door to the house next door.

Violet's heart swelled and her face heated up at his response, feeling pleased that he agreed. She wasn't sure why she was suddenly feeling shy, but she chalked it up to the fact that she had feelings for him. But she didn't dwell on it and just focused on being happy that she was going to be able to hang out with him.


Violet hadn't talked with Ramona and Lola since yesterday and she was worried they were avoiding her because she defended Jackson. She didn't know if she should be offended or not. She understood where they were coming from, but she also didn't like the fact that they thought Jackson was the one behind the video. He had done nothing wrong.

So when she was over next door hanging out with Jackson, she had went down stairs where Lola and Ramona were. Lola had convinced Ramona to finally come out of her room and the two girls were watching TV. Violet walked over to them, a hopeful smile on her face.

"Hey guys," She greets, her smile faltering when they didn't respond. "Guys, I'm going crazy with you two ignoring me." She complains, sitting on the floor by them. "Can we talk about it? I don't want us to fight."

Lola and Ramona looked at each other and then back at Violet, feeling guilty for ignoring her. "I'm sorry," Lola apologizes, smiling apologetically at her. "We shouldn't have ignored you. We were just hurt that you defended Jackson after he made that video."

"But that's just the thing, he didn't make the video." Violet pointed out. "It was Popko."

"And how do you know that?" Ramona questioned, not believing her.

"Trust me, I know," Violet replies, her lips quirking up into a smirk. "He seemed really upset when you rejected him. He seemed really upset when I rejected him when he asked me out right after, but I think he's too afraid of me to make a video about me."

"Wait, he asked you out right after me?" Ramona asked, surprised and slightly offended.

"Yep," Violet chuckles, popping the 'p'. "The guy can't take a hint. I threatened him with Krav Maga and he was pretty terrified." She admitted.

"Wow," Ramona and Lola chuckle. "We're sorry, Violet," Ramona apologizes, smiling apologetically at her. "We feel really bad about it now. We should have believed you."

"Yeah, we're sorry." Lola agreed.

Violet smiles and shakes her head. "I forgive you guys." She assures them, pulling the two girls into a hug. "I understand, but I can't lose you guys over a misunderstanding."

The girls hug her back, feeling relieved. "We're so sorry," Lola repeats, looking regretful. "We don't want to lose you either."

"It's okay," Violet reassures her. "We're fine now."

The girls pull away and smile, happy to have their friendship fixed. When there was a sudden knock on the door, Ramona yelled out it was always open. Popko then walks in, closing the door behind him. "Oh, hey, Popko. Jackson's upstairs. Not that I care." Ramona muttered.

"I came here to see you. What's up with this video of me?" Popko questioned.

Ramona stands, looking at him with confusion. "What video of you?"

Violet and Lola stand as well while Popko handed his phone to her, showing the video. Violet snickers at seeing the video, smirking and crossing her arms. Her and Jackson had made a video last night to get back at Popko. It was of him skateboarding but there were fart sounds effects following him and the name at the beginning showed 'Bobby POOP-ko'. Violet moved to stand by Jackson after noticing he walked down the stairs. They shared a grin and she fist bumped him, silently praising him for his idea. He came up with the idea and she worked on the video with his help.

"'Bobby Poop-ko'? This is so mean!" Ramona laughed along with Lola.

"And yet so funny!" Lola added.

"I know, right?" Ramona agreed.

"You're gonna be sorry for posting that, Ramona." Popko glared at Ramona, taking his phone back and putting it in his pocket.

"I didn't post it." Ramona shook her head.

"We did." Jackosn spoke up, causing Popko to turn around with surprise.

"You two did?" Popko inquired, his eyes widening.

"What goes around comes around." Jackson shrugs and then grins, looking amused. "And farts." He added, earning an eye roll and an amused grin from Violet while Ramona and Lola laughed.

"Not funny, punk!" Popko glares at Jackson, storming over to him and pushing him back. Jackson looks surprised and pushes him back. "You wanna fight? Let's take this outside." Popko suggested, getting into Jackson's face.

"Yeah, I would, but the pollen count is through the roof." Jackson nervously said as he stepped back, slightly standing behind Violet.

Violet was quick to step in between the two boys when Popko got closer, her eyes flashing with anger. She was getting sick and tired of Popko messing with her friends. And she wasn't going to stand by and watch as he tried to pick a fight with Jackson. "I suggest you back off, Popko," She warns him, her voice low and her glare fierce. "Don't make me use Krav Maga on you. You won't like it."

Popko visibly gulps and steps back, feeling intimidated by her. "You wouldn't." He challenged, though he was nervous.

Violet's lips quirk up into a smirk, her eyes flashing with a dangerous glint. "She would." Jackson chimes in. "But you see how mad you are right now? That's how you made Ramona feel with that hippo thing."

"You were right, Vivi." Ramona realized, giving her an apologetic smile. Violet sent her a smile back, reassuring her it was okay.

"What if I did?" Poko defensively asks. "You deserved it." He tells her as he turns to face her. He glances at Violet. "You deserve one too, but you scare me." He admitted, taking a few steps away from her.

"Good," Violet retorts, smirking and crossing her arms. "Because I can still kick your butt." She couldn't help but feel proud when he nervously nodded.

"What did I do?" Ramona asked.

"You dissed him in front of his friends." Jackson replied.

"Just because someone says no to you, it doesn't give you the right to be a bully. You really hurt my feelings." Ramona told Popko.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Popko apologizes, stepping towards her. He pauses, looking surprised. "I just said I was sorry." He smiles at Ramona, putting his hands on his hips. "I must really like you."

"Well, you have a funny way of showing it." Ramona rolled her eyes.

"Look, let me make it up to you. There's one Digiorno left with your name on it." Popko smirked at her and tipped his fedora.

"Maybe another time." Ramona responded.

Poko's smirk falls and his shoulders slump in defeat. "Another rejection? Man, I gotta get me a new hat."

"More like a new personality." Violet snickered.

"Whatever." Popko scoffed and walked out the front door.

"I gotta go too." Lola admits, grabbing her backpack. She walks over to Jackson with a small smile. "But what you and Violet did for Ramona was really sweet."

"We were just looking out for her." Jackson shrugged with a small smile.

"Uh, remember yesterday when I said I almost considered sorta kinda maybe liking you a little?" Lola asks, pausing and turning to face him when she had started to walk to the front door. "Now I sorta kinda maybe really do."

"Well, I really like you." Jackson admitted, his lighting up at her admission as his face turned red. Violet tried to ignore the pang in her chest, watching the scene with a small frown.

"Yeah, I kinda had a hunch." Lola chuckles. "Uh, do you wanna eat lunch tomorrow at school?"

"Yeah, I eat lunch every day." Jackson smiled and chuckled nervously

"I mean, with me." Lola clarified.

"Oh, yeah." Jackson said in realization. "That's even better."

"Great." Lola grins, her eyes lighting up. "It's a date."

"Yeah, it's a date." Jackson awkwardly waves at her as she leaves. "See ya." When she was gone, he turns to face Violet and Ramona with excitement. "Did you see that?" His voice cracks with excitement and nervousness. He gasps as he walks further into the living room. "I just got a real date with Lola!" He gasps. "And I wasn't even trying! Yes, yes, yes!" He cheers, looking up with a grin. "Thank you!"

"And what did you learn?" Ramona inquired, looking at him with amusement. She glanced over at Violet, her face falling when she noticed how quiet she was.

"That the ladies dig Action Jackson." Jackson smirked, putting his hands on his hips.

Ramona looks back at him with amusement and chuckles. "Anyway, thanks for having my back." She moves over to Violet and nudges her. "You too, Vivi. I appreciate it."

"Of course." Violet forced a smile, ignoring the pain in her chest.

"It's all good." Jackson said reassuringly. "You're kinda like my sister." He admitted, looking at Ramona with a small smile.

"Well, you're kinda like my brother." Ramona smiles a little and shrugs. She pauses and looks confused. "Why do I feel like we should hug?"

"'Cause it's mandatory in this family. Come on, bring it in." Jackson chuckled and opened his arms for a hug. Violet smiled a little as she watched her friends hug, but she still felt a pang in her chest. She tried not to dwell on it and just focus on being happy for her friend getting a date with Lola.


When they suddenly heard voices, Ramona and Jackson jump apart quickly. "Too late, we saw you!" DJ grinned, walking over to them with Kimmy and Stephanie. Jackson sighed as he knew a group hug was going to happen. He acted annoyed though he didn't mind. He glanced at Violet, looking at her with concern when he realized she's been quiet the entire time. He gently grabbed her arm, pulling her over to him and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Vi, you good?" He asked quietly so the others wouldn't hear.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Violet lies, offering him a small smile. She ignored the butterflies in her stomach and tried to calm her racing heart as she wrapped her arm around him. Jackson studied her, not sure if he believed her or not. But he decided to let it go for now and focus on the group hug that was happening. Violet decides to change the subject, glancing at the three woman with surprise when she noticed their outfits. They looked like they were in a rock band. "What's up with the crazy outfits?"

"We tried bringing our band Girl Talk back, but it didn't work out." Stephanie shrugged and Violet nodded in realization. She remembered hearing Stephanie and Kimmy had a band when they were younger along with someone else named Gia and there was someone else who was their drummer but she couldn't remember the name.

"Mom!" Max's voice is heard while he enters the living room. "Are these turnips?" He asked, holding up the turnips he held. Violet was confused why he had them, but then remembered he was working on a garden for a project he had to do for his class.

"Yes, Max." DJ replied with a small chuckle.

"Wow, it really is a miracle. I didn't even plant turnips." Max admitted, grinning as he left the room. The group chuckled and turned back to their group hug. As the group hug continued, Violet couldn't shake off the feeling of unease gnawing at her. She tried to push it aside, focusing on the warmth of her friends' embrace and the laughter filling the room. But deep down, she couldn't ignore the turmoil brewing within her. She knew she couldn't deny it anymore, she was falling for her best friend. Who liked someone else.

She had no chance. 

A/N poor violet is suffering. but don't worry, the two will end up together eventually.

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