CHAPTER NINETEEN, fuller thanksgiving

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(violet's outfit for the first part of the chapter) 

Thanksgiving is normally a time for family, but for Violet, it was always a bit complicated and lonely. Her parents didn't even care enough to take a moment from their busy schedules to have a Thanksgiving meal with their daughter. Despite the absence of her biological family, Violet found solace and warmth in spending Thanksgiving with her secondary family - The Fullers. She went to their house each year for Thanksgiving and she always felt so welcomed and loved. Way much more than her own family ever made her feel.

She had known the Fullers since she was a child. They were her neighbors, and over the years, they had become like a second family to her. Their Thanksgiving gatherings were filled with laughter, delicious food, and genuine affection. This year was no different. It was the night before Thanksgiving day when the rest of the Fuller family would arrive. She had let DJ know that whoever needed a place to stay was more than welcome to stay at her house since she had plenty of space. With her being the only one living there most of the time (basically all the time), there was her parents room, and two guest rooms that were available. Plus the couches in the living room. And she knew how big the Fuller Family was so she didn't mind at all.

It was currently late at night and she was curled up on the couch in her living room, continuing to rewatch Supernatural when she suddenly had gotten a knock at the door. She furrowed her eyebrows and checked the time on her phone. She wasn't expecting anyone and it was late. It was around ten pm. Maybe someone at the Fuller's needed to stay over at the last minute? She set her phone aside and paused her show, getting up and going over to the door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see Jackson. And Ramona. And Max.

"Uh, hi?" She said with surprise, her eyes widening. She wasn't expecting them all here. "Everything okay over there?"

"Joey brought his little maniac kids." Jackson grumbles as he steps past her, making himself at home while he walks into the living room. "Mom let the boys stay in mine and Max's room and the girls in Ramona's room, but they're too much." He complained, plopping down on the couch dramatically.

"I thought they were adorable at first." Ramona confesses, sitting on a recliner with a heavy sigh. "Now..."

"Not so much?" Violet guessed with an amused smile as she closed the door, locking it as well after Max walked in with Cosmo. She smiled at the golden retriever, bending down to pet him. Cosmo's tail wagged happily as he was greeted by her.

"Yeah," Ramona agrees with a nod and leans back in the recliner. "They're horrible. They're like monsters."

"That's insulting to monsters." Max mumbled as he laid down by his brother on the couch. Cosmo followed him and laid at his feet on the floor. Violet raised her eyebrows at that and went over to her couch, laying back down and resuming her show.

"We came here because we couldn't take it anymore," Jackson said. "It's like a circus over there." He sighs and glances over at Violet with an apologetic expression. "Sorry we just crashed your place. We didn't want to disturb you but-"

"Jackson, it's fine. Really. It's fine." Violet reassures him with a smile. "I told your mom that whoever needs a place to stay is more than welcomed here. I got plenty of space. So don't worry about it."

Jackson smiles softly at her. "Thanks, Violet." He said gratefully.

"We really appreciate it." Ramona adds as she smiles at Violet. "And thanks for letting Cosmo stay too. He was getting stressed with all the noise and people at our house."

"Of course. He's always welcome here." Violet grins at the golden retriever, who perked up when his name was mentioned. "And so are you guys." She adds, glancing over at the three of them. "What was going on over there? Besides the chaotic Gladstone kids." She remembered the first time they met the kids and while they looked adorable and cute, she was quick to find out how much of a menace they were.

"So, Joey and his family, Aunt Becky and Uncle Jesse and the twins and Grandpa Danny." Jackson listed, counting the people off on his fingers.

Violet's eyes widen and her jaw drops. "That's a lot of people."

"Tell me about it." Jackson mumbles. "I love my family but sometimes I think they're nuts." Max and Ramona nodded in agreement.

"I love them, but they are a lot sometimes." Max admits, leaning back against the armrest. "Oh, and I think Aunt Becky and Uncle Jesse are fighting."

Violet frowns at that. "Are you sure?"

Max nods. "Yeah, they were arguing when they arrived. And I think I heard that Aunt Becky kicked Uncle Jesse out of the room for the night."

"That's not good." Violet said worriedly. "I hope they can work out whatever is going on." She was worried about Becky and Jesse. From what she knew, if they had arguments they could usually easily makeup, but this one sounded bad. She hoped it wouldn't ruin their marriage.

"I hope so too." Jackson agreed with a heavy sigh, leaning his head on Violet's shoulder.

"So, are you guys tired yet or do you wanna watch a movie or somethin'?" Violet asks curiously, trying to ignore the way her heart skipped a beat when Jackson leaned his head on her shoulder. "And does your parents know you're over here?"

"Yeah, mom knows." Max responds with a small yawn. "And Aunt Stephanie." Violet nodded in response, relieved to hear that. Because if not then she would've texted DJ and Kimmy to let them know where the boys and Ramona were.

"Yeah, and we're not tired." Ramona chimes in with a grin, reaching over to grab a nearby blanket. "So, movie?" She asked hopefully, her eyes bright.

Violet chuckles and smiles, grabbing her remote and going back to the main screen on Netflix since she had been watching Supernatural. "Alright, alright. What movie do you guys wanna watch?" She asks, scrolling through the options on the screen. "Something light and funny to take our minds off things?"

"Ooh, how about 'The Princess Bride'?" Ramona suggested eagerly.

"I love that movie!" Violet exclaims with a grin. "Classic choice. What do you think, guys?" She loved the movie, she doesn't know how many times she had watched it over the years. She was hoping they'd pick that one.

"I'm down for 'The Princess Bride'," Jackson agrees, lifting his head from Violet's shoulder to look at the screen. "It's a classic."

Max nods in agreement. "Yeah, sounds good to me."

"Alright, 'The Princess Bride' it is!" Violet declared, clicking on the movie and settling back against the couch cushions.

"Yes!" Ramona cheered quietly, wrapping the blanket around her and getting comfortable in her seat. Violet giggled a little at her enthusiasm and smiled a little.

As the opening credits started to play, Violet found herself thinking about the chaos going on at the Fuller house. She was worried for Becky and Jesse, and hoped they could sort things out. Their marriage was one she looked up to. One she wanted for herself someday. She just hoped they could overcome whatever was going on between them and that the love they had for each other would pull them through. She sighed softly and leaned her head against Jackson's.

Jackson glances at her with a smile, a hint of concern in his eyes, and wraps his arm around her, pulling her closer. "Everything okay, Violet?" He asked quietly, his breath tickling her ear.

Violet's heart skips a beat, and she bit her lip, trying to hide her blush. "Yeah, I'm fine." She replies, her voice a bit shaky. "Just thinking about stuff."

"Your parents?" He murmured, knowing this holiday must be hard for her. He couldn't imagine spending a holiday like Thanksgiving without his family, without his parents, and it breaks his heart knowing Violet has to do that. He hated that she had to go through that. She didn't deserve that. She deserved the world.

"Yeah, sort of," Violet admits with a soft sigh. Now she was thinking about them that he brought them up. Though honestly, that thought always lingered in the back of her mind whether she wanted it to or not. "And Becky and Jesse."

"They'll be okay," Jackson says reassuringly, squeezing her shoulder. "I think. I hope. They're gonna be okay, Violet." He tries to reassure her. He wasn't entirely sure though.

"I hope so." She muttered, snuggling up against him as they watched the movie. She hoped everything would turn out okay for the couple. For the whole family, really. Her head leaned on his shoulder, finding comfort in his presence. She was glad they decided to crash her place tonight. She loved hanging out with them and having them around. It made her forget about her loneliness and longing for her biological family.

Her thoughts shifted from her parents to the boy whose arm was wrapped around her, pulling her closer. His scent filled her nostrils and her body tingled where it made contact with his. She tried to ignore the feelings, but it was difficult. It had been growing more and more difficult as they got older. She had developed a crush on him for the longest time, but she didn't act on it. He was her best friend and she didn't want to risk ruining that. She valued their friendship too much to potentially jeopardize it with romantic feelings. But sometimes, especially in moments like these, when they were so close, it was hard to ignore those feelings.

Lost in her thoughts, Violet barely noticed when Jackson shifted slightly, moving closer to her and resting his chin on her shoulder. She was suddenly aware of his closeness and she felt her heart rate increase. She wasn't sure if it was due to his proximity or the fact that they were sharing a blanket, their legs brushing against each other, but she couldn't help the fluttering feeling in her stomach. She tried to focus on the movie, but it was hard when all she could think about was how close he was to her.

After a few minutes, Violet glanced over at him and saw that he was watching the movie intently. She couldn't help but smile softly at him, taking in his features. The way the light from the tv screen illuminated his face, the way his hair was messy and disheveled, the way his eyes shone with amusement and adoration for the movie. She thought he looked cute and handsome at the same time, and she found herself falling deeper into her crush on him. She quickly looked away, trying to push those thoughts out of her head.

The movie continued playing, the four of them enjoying the classic. Max and Ramona were the first ones asleep, curled up with blankets they both grabbed. Cosmo was passed out on the floor, sleeping peacefully. Jackson and Violet were the last two awake, watching the movie with amusement and enjoyment. When the movie was finally over, they sat in silence for a few moments, neither wanting to break the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

"Well, that was fun." Violet said with a smile, breaking the silence as she stretched, careful not to hit Jackson.

"Yeah, it was," Jackson agreed with a nod, yawning.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed. I don't wanna wake them up, but they would be more comfortable in a bed than the couch." Violet said as she looked over at Ramona and Max.

Jackson nods, stretching a little himself before he stood. "I'll wake Max up." He told her as he walked over to his younger brother to nudge him awake.

Violet goes over to where Ramona was sleeping, crouching down and gently nudging her. "Ramona," She said softly, her voice quiet and gentle. "C'mon, time to get up. Let's get you to bed."

Ramona groans quietly and shifts slightly, opening her eyes. "Is the movie over?" She mumbled sleepily, blinking a few times.

"Yeah, it is." Violet responded, chuckling a little as Ramona stood tiredly, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She glances over her shoulder to see Jackson carrying a sleeping Max upstairs and her heart warmed at the sight. She knew even though the two boys got on each other nerves most of the time, they still loved each other. They were close. And Jackson was a great big brother. Violet grabbed the remote to turn off the tv and looked back at Ramona.

"C'mon, sleepyhead," Violet says, wrapping her arm around Ramona's shoulders and guiding her towards the stairs. "Let's get you to bed." After she got Ramona to her parents room, she went back to her own and got ready for bed. As she laid in her bed, her thoughts drifted to the boy she had a crush on. She knew he would probably never feel the same way about her. She was just his best friend. Nothing more. But she couldn't help but wish that there was a chance he felt the same way. That they could be more than friends. She sighed heavily, shaking those thoughts out of her head. It was no use dwelling on them. She needed to get some sleep. So, she closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.


(violet's outfit for this part of the chapter) 

The next morning Violet almost forgot that Jackson and the others had stayed there until she heard noises coming from downstairs. She groaned a little, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and slowly sat up, stretching. After a few minutes, she got up and got dressed before making her way downstairs. When she reached the kitchen, she was greeted by the sight of the three siblings bustling around the kitchen and the smell of pancakes and bacon.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Jackson greeted her with a grin, flipping a pancake.

"Morning." Violet says with a smile, walking over to him. "You cook?" She asked with surprise.

"Making pancakes and bacon isn't that hard." Ramona chuckles. "Though we did have to look it up on YouTube." She admitted sheepishly.

"Yeah, well, I can't make them." Max shrugs as he sets the table, placing plates, forks, and glasses of orange juice down. "But I can set the table."

"It's better than nothing," Violet chuckles, going over to the counter to grab a cup.

"We're doing the cooking. You're sitting back and relaxing." Jackson told her, pointing his spatula at her.

Violet raises her hands in defense, looking at him with amusement. "Why?"

"Because we crashed your place and we want to make it up to you." Ramona explained as she poured a cup of orange juice and handed it to her. She knew Violet loved orange juice, especially in the morning, so she didn't bother with asking.

"Guys, you don't have to do that." Violet's heart warms at the fact that her friends cared enough to do something like this. "I told you guys that you were more than welcomed here. It was no problem. I was happy to have you guys." She smiled at them.

"But we still feel bad," Jackson insists. "So, please, sit back and relax, Vi."

"Alright, alright," Violet relents with a chuckle, taking a seat at the table. "But only if you promise not to burn down the kitchen."

"We promise." Max said with a grin, flashing her a thumbs-up.

Violet smiled, feeling grateful for their friendship and their thoughtfulness. As they enjoyed their breakfast together, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging. Despite the absence of her biological family, she knew she had found a second family in the Fullers. And for that, she was truly thankful.


After finishing breakfast and cleaning up, Ramona and the boys went back next door to get ready for the day and soon Violet had came over for the day. She got overwhelmed right when she walked in and she knew it was going to be so chaotic for the next few days. She was so glad she had her house as a safe space to escape the madness. She was currently coming back inside after a game of football with the whole family. They had been out in the backyard where they were playing football. She was so surprised to see how much Danny had changed since she seen him.

He acted like he was having a mid life crisis. He was covered in mud by the end of the game and didn't even seem to care. She was worried about him too and Becky and Jesse wouldn't stop bickering either. Joey's kids were such a handful and kept messing with her, Ramona, and the boys. She had enough of it and had to put her foot down with them a few times. Surprisingly, they listened to her and backed off, much to her surprise.

She was happy when she found out Rose came with her mom, CJ, and she was more than happy to spend some extra time with Rose. Rose was such a sweetheart and it was clear Max was so happy that she was there. The two of them spent a lot of time together and she always found the two so cute together. But eventually, she couldn't handle the noise and chaos, so she decided to make an escape, going to her house for a bit. She had a headache and just wanted to relax. She needed a breather. Now she understood completely why Ramona and the boys needed to stay over last night. Her head was pounding and her heart was racing as she sat on her couch. She had a glass of water in her hand and was drinking it slowly, trying to calm down.

"Hey." A familiar voice called out, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She looks up and saw Jackson standing in the doorway, looking at her with concern. Her heart skips a beat. Did he come here to check on her? "Hey," She said, sending him a small smile. "What's up?"

"I was wondering where you went." He said as he walked into the room and took a seat beside her. "Plus the kids are super annoying. Lewis gave me a wet willie." He grimaced while he wiped his ear, looking disgusted.

"Gross." Violet said, grimacing. "I'm sorry about that." She felt bad for him. "And I feel so bad for DJ. She just wanted to get a family picture and no one but Danny was listening. Well, I tried listening, but I wanted to get the kids to stop messing with you, Max, and Ramona-" She started to ramble, something she did when she was feeling overwhelmed, anxious, nervous, etc.

"Vi, breathe." Jackson interrupts her, grabbing her hand and squeezing it reassuringly. He knew when she started rambling it was usually a sign of her anxiety getting worse. "It's okay." He soothed, running his thumb over the back of her hand.

"I'm sorry," She apologizes, her cheeks flushing as she looked down at their hands. "I just feel bad for DJ and the others. This isn't how I pictured the holiday would be."

"Me neither." Jackson sighs, shaking his head. "But I'm glad we have each other. At least there's that."

"Yeah, me too." Violet agrees with a small smile, her heart skipping a beat at the thought. "Just wish my parents would at least have the decency to call." She blurted out, surprised she suddenly said that. She didn't mean to, but it slipped out. She was surprised she said that and it seemed to have surprised him as well.

"Vi," Jackson murmurs, squeezing her hand. "They're your parents. Of course, they're gonna call. Maybe they're just busy." He tried to reassure her, not liking seeing her like this.

She scoffs and pulls away from him. "They're always busy. Even when I was a kid. They were always too busy for me." She said bitterly. "Always." She couldn't understand why she was getting so worked up over this. But she was. It bothered her and she couldn't stop the thoughts from running through her mind. She was used to her parents neglecting her, but on holidays like Thanksgiving it was even more noticeable. She just wished they cared. Just a little.

She didn't ask for a lot, just a call or a text to say 'hi, hope you're doing good' would be nice. Maybe even a post card would do. She just wanted some kind of acknowledgment that they were aware of her existence. Well, besides the fact they still paid for the house and the debit card they gave her. She was tired of feeling like an afterthought in her own family. She wanted to feel loved and appreciated, like she did with the Fullers. They may not be her biological family, but they treated her better than her own parents ever did. She envied them, and at the same time, felt guilty for even feeling like that.

Jackson frowns at her words, feeling bad for her. He knew her family was complicated, but he never realized how much their lack of acknowledgment had really hurt her. She always acted like she was fine and he felt like a horrible best friend for not noticing sooner how much it really bothered her. He wished he could fix things, make her feel better. But he knew there was nothing he could do. All he could do was be there for her, support her, and let her know he was always there for her.

Jackson sat quietly for a moment, processing Violet's words. He could see the pain in her eyes, the hurt that she carried with her. He wanted to say something to make her feel better, but he knew there were no words that could magically fix everything. Instead, he reached out and gently took her hand again, giving it a comforting squeeze.

"Violet," He began softly, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're hurting, that you feel neglected by your parents. You don't deserve that. You're an amazing person, and you deserve to feel loved and valued." His voice was sincere, filled with genuine concern for his best friend. Violet's eyes welled up with tears, and she looked away, trying to compose herself. She didn't want to break down in front of Jackson, didn't want to burden him with her problems. But his words touched her deeply, and she couldn't hold back the emotions any longer.

"I just...I don't understand why they don't care," She whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "I've tried so hard to be what they wanted, to make them proud. But it's like nothing I do is ever enough. I don't know what they want from me anymore...And honestly, I think they don't want anything from me or anything to do with me. And that hurts. A lot."

Her words broke his heart, and he felt an ache in his chest. He wanted to make her pain go away, to make her feel better. He wished he could take all her hurt and pain and carry it himself. But he couldn't. So instead, he did the only thing he could think of. He pulled her into his arms, holding her close. She stiffened slightly, but then relaxed, melting into his embrace. She sniffled and wiped her eyes, burying her face in his chest. She didn't want him to see her cry. She hated being vulnerable like this, hated feeling weak. But at the same time, she felt safe and comforted in his arms, and she allowed herself to be held.

"I'm here for you, Vi," Jackson said softly, rubbing her back soothingly. "I know I can't fix everything, but I'm here for you, and I'm not going anywhere." He meant every word, and he hoped she knew that. He would be there for her no matter what, and he would do whatever he could to help her through this difficult time.

"Thank you," She mumbles, her voice muffled by his shirt. "I don't know what I'd do without you." She had never been more grateful for his friendship, and she was thankful that she had him in her life. She didn't know what she would do without him.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, Jackson holding her close, and Violet taking comfort in his embrace. Finally, she pulled away, wiping her eyes again. "Thanks," She mumbles, smiling softly at him. "I needed that."

"Anytime," Jackson replies with a warm smile, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "You okay?" He asked with concern, his eyes searching hers.

"Yeah," Violet nods, though there's still a lingering sadness in her eyes. "I'll be okay. Thank you, Jax." She said with sincerity.

"Of course," Jackson said, nodding his head. "You wanna go back over? Or we can stay here for a bit." He offered.

Violet thought for a moment before answering. "Stay here for a bit. I still have a pounding headache and I'm not in the mood to deal with Joey's kids right now." She admitted.

"I'm so glad you said that." Jackson sighs with relief, leaning back against the couch. "I can't deal with them either right now."

Violet giggles a bit, causing Jackson's lips to curl upwards. He was happy he managed to get her to giggle - which was a sound he always liked to hear. It was like music to his ears along with her laugh. It was always infectious and brightened his day. They stayed in the living room for a while, watching tv and chatting. Eventually, the ache in Violet's head subsided and the heaviness in her chest lightened. She was grateful for Jackson's company and for his support. She didn't know what she would do without him, and she was lucky to have him in her life. As they continued to chat, their eyes met and they both smiled, enjoying the moment. Even though the circumstances were less than ideal, they were happy to have each other, and they were thankful for their friendship.


After a while, Violet finally decided she was ready to head back to the madness next door. She knew DJ was probably worried about her and she didn't want her to think that she just left without saying anything. She felt bad for suddenly leaving earlier, but she didn't feel comfortable staying any longer. She knew she would've had a panic attack if she had stayed and she didn't want the family to see her like that. Besides, the last thing she wanted was to ruin everyone's good time. They all deserved a good time and she didn't want to bring down the mood.

They got back to the house to see it was almost time for dinner. "There you two are!" DJ said with relief as she walks over to them. "We were wondering where you went."

Violet cringes, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." She apologizes. "My head was killing me so I went back home for awhile and Jackson kept me company. Had a bit of a mental breakdown," She admits, causing DJ to look at her with concern. "But I'm okay now." She quickly added.

"Well, that's good." DJ sighs with relief. "Honey, you know that you can always talk to me if you need to, right? I'm here for you always. We all are. You're a part of our family and we love you."

Violet's heart swells at her words, her eyes getting misty. "Thank you, DJ." She smiles, feeling so thankful for her and the family. "I appreciate that." She pulled DJ into a hug, surprising DJ. But DJ didn't hesitate to hug her back and smiled.

"No problem, Violet." DJ told her. Jackson watched the scene with a smile on his face, feeling relieved. He was glad to see Violet happy and feeling better. He knew the holidays were tough for her, but he was glad that she had their family and friends to help her through it. He also was thankful that he had her in his life. She had always been there for him, and he was determined to do the same for her.

As Violet hugged DJ, she couldn't help but think about her biological parents and how different they were from DJ. She was so lucky to have the Fullers in her life, and she was thankful for their unconditional love and support. She knew that she could always count on them, and she was grateful for their presence in her life. Soon everyone gathered in the living room where tables were set up with food on them. There was a kids table and an adult table. Violet sat between Jackson and Rose, who sat by Max, of course. Everyone was chatting and laughing, and having a good time together.

"I thought this year we would be at the grown up table." Alex admitted as he looked at his twin brother with a frown.

"Mom, Alex is kicking me!" Nicky called out, causing their parents to share an annoyed look.

"And that's why you're still at the kids table." Max remarked.

Danny suddenly clicks his glass with his spoon as he stands. "I'd like to make a toast. To my daughter, DJ. For reminding me what's important in life. My beautiful family and friends. And for this incredible Thanksgiving feast."

"Well, CJ helped a little." DJ chimed in with a small smile.

"I told them." CJ admitted with a sheepish smile.

"Cheers!" Everyone said and clinked their glasses together while Danny sat back down.

"Oh, and, uh, I would like to make a toast. Um, to the new couple, Matt and DJ." Steve speaks up, surprising everyone as he stands. "Who knows it'll work out?" Violet's eyes widen with surprise, not expecting him to say that. "The statistics say no. But...I'm pulling for you." He adds with a small smile. "Cheers."

"Cheers." Everyone repeated and clinked their glasses once more. Violet had no idea what that was about. It was almost as if he was jealous. Maybe he still had feelings for DJ? She had no idea and didn't want to get into it.

"Well," DJ stands up, taking Matt's hand and Jesse's hand. "Let's hold hands, you too, kids." She adds and Violet shares a smile with Rose and then with Jackson as they held each other's hands. She tries to ignore the way her heart skips a beat as she held Jackson's hand. "And let's give thanks. Dear God, thank you. We are so grateful for this wonderful meal. And we're so fortunate that we're all here together and we're heathy. We miss Michelle and we hope that she'll be with us next year."

Jesse leans back, looking at the camera with a nod and a smile. "Come, it'll be fun." After breaking the forth wall, he sat back in his seat as DJ continued.


"Amen." Everyone chorused.

"I'd like to say something about my beautiful wife." Jesse chimes in, standing up as he glances down at Becky with a smile. "Becky has such a big heart and she's been saying somewhere out there there's a kid that needs our love. So I'm here to tell everyone, let's do this."

Violet stares at him with surprise, not thinking he would say that. She didn't know he and Becky had been looking to see about adopting a baby. But she was happy for them and supported whatever decision they made.

Becky's eyes widen and she stands up, placing a hand on his arm. "Really?" She questions excitedly, her eyes lighting up. Jesse nods and hums in response, smiling widely at her. "We can adopt a baby?" She asked excitedly.

"I'd like that." Jesse admitted.

"Oh, have mercy." Becky cupped his face and pulled him closer to share a sweet kiss with him as everyone cheered for them.

When they sat down, Joey clears his throat and stands. "This may not be the best time," He pauses before raising his hands to be like antlers and talks in a Bullwinkle voice. "But Kimmy asked me to tell Jesse and his family some difficult news."

Kimmy quickly stands, pulling him back down with a nervous smile. "Definitely not the best time."

Violet furrows her eyebrows, sharing a confused look with Jackson. She wondered what that was about. Joey stands back up with a smile, pointing at Kimmy as he speaks normally. "I'd also like to thank Kimmy, uh, for I voting me and my entire family to stay, and I quote, 'as long as you like'." His kids cheered at that and his wife smiled widely.

Max looks over at Violet with a pleading expression. "Can I move in with you?" He asked, causing her to giggle and shake her head.

"Okay, everyone, grab some food. Kids, come on over!" DJ calls out. "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Violet stands with her plate and follows the others to the table to get some food, talking along with Jackson and the others. Even though they weren't her biological family, she was still so grateful to have them in her life. She loved being a part of their crazy, yet loving, family. They always made her feel welcome and accepted, and she couldn't ask for a better family to spend the holidays with.

A/N loved writing this one for sure ! i love violet & jackson so much. & i love violet's relationship with the fullers, they're the family she never had. & gotta love what jesse did with breaking the forth wall lol

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