Breaking Into The Superweapon

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After what felt like forever, Red finally made it to the volcano's rim. There was no sign of Silver, Red just assumed she got lost in the blizzard down below. Now, she could move on to step two of her plan.

“Get to the top of the superweapon... check!" she said, out of breath and exhausted.

“Yay, you did it," Silver teased, already up there. She was drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream and roasting a marshmallow over an open fire. Red and Silver peered into the volcano. “Okay, so how's it looking down there?"

“Ooh, ooh, ooh! Do you see that?" Red asked, pointing down.

Silver gasped. “Oh, it's the superweapon!"

“No, the power supply to the superweapon," Red gestured to an outlet with a small power cord plugged into it. “All we gotta do is get down there and cut it."

Silver gave Red an incredulous look as she held up a pair of cutters.

“Okay, assuming we don't get electrocuted, there are guards there, there, and there," Silver pointed out. She activated her Silver Vision and her powerful brain helped her see the calculations and routes they needed to make Red's plan successful. “And we don't have enough rope to-"

“Watch and learn!" Red interrupted, jumping into the volcano while wearing a harness with one end of the rope clipped in.

“What?! What are you doing?!" Silver gasped, and noticed the rest of the rope still wrapped up as it was sliding through a ring screwed into the ice. “She's not clipped in!"

Silver grabbed the other end, clipped it into her harness, and jumped in after her friend.

“Red, are you crazy?!" she whispered.

“Trust me!" Red replied. “I know what I'm do-"

Red was cut off when the rope came to a stop, yanking her back up. Silver turned her body around, grabbed the rope, made a loop, lassoed Red, swung to a track on the side of the volcano, and pulled Red to bring her in, much to her chagrin.

“So yeah, rope wasn't long enough," Silver pointed out, setting Red free.

“I know that!" Red whispered, readjusting the harness and rope. “It wasn't supposed to be, that's part of my plan! Except I wanted to be over on that side! Watch this!"

With that, Red flung herself off the edge and swung to the other side of the volcano, only doing it to avoid Silver. Red grabbed the ledge of the icy track, but only by the fingers and lost her grip. She swung back to Silver.

“Oh, hello!" Silver teased.

“Hi. Now my plan really starts!" Red insisted, and pushed off the ledge again. She used both wings this time, but still couldn't make it.

“Hi, again."

“I just went back over to tell you something, but I forgot what it was. Okay, bye!" Red tried to reach the opposite ledge again... and failed again. She groaned loudly.

“Huh? You hear something?" an eagle guard asked.

Returning to the ledge, Red looked up and glared at Silver, who was smirking.

“So... you want a push?"

“Yes," Red answered, unamused.

Silver gave Red a strong kick in the tail feathers, which gave her the boost she needed. Red grabbed the ledge with her beak, and climbed up the track. She finally made it!

Silver just calmly strolled down the track, around to Red's side of the volcano, and said, “Hi."

Red was so startled, one of her bright red feathers fell off and drifted down the volcano.

Silver gasped. “Oh no, your feather! The guards!"

Knowing it was gonna land on one of the armed eagles, Silver sprang into action. She unclipped the rope off Red's harness, jumped off the track, and chased after the feather. As Red ran down the track, her feather got dangerously close to the guards. Luckily, Silver swooped in and grabbed it before it could land on one's shoulder. She climbed back up the rope and sighed in relief, which was short-lived when she noticed Red was missing.

“Oh no!" she panicked, looking around frantically. “Where's Red?!"

“Hey, Silver!" Red whispered loudly from below. She was down on the floor, by the outlet the superweapon seemed to be plugged into. “Check it out! This is how a hero saves the world!"

With that, she triumphantly cut the wire and shut down... the break room microwave, leaving a microwave burrito half-frozen.

“Oh, come on!" Carl groaned, his lunch now ruined. “Nothing works around here!"

Silver joined Red on the floor, unsure about what just happened.

“Now, we escape," Red said, preparing to make an exit.

Suddenly, red lights began flashing and an alarm was blaring. An extremely buff eagle guard with a 20-pack showed up out of nowhere. He held Carl's half-frozen burrito and the ID card on his belt read “HANK."

“You two are coming with me," he demanded. Red felt her face pale underneath her feathers.

“Nice abs," Silver told him.

“I know," he replied. With a flick of his wrist, Hank whacked Red upside the head with the burrito, knocking her out.


Meanwhile, the Harvey team was right outside the door. Above the entrance there was a neon sign that read, “TOP SECRET SUPERWEAPON." The only problem, they needed to enter a code to get in.

“Okay, try zero zero zero zero," Leonard told Courtney and Garry. NO ACCESS.

“Okay, now try one two three four," he suggested. NO ACCESS. At this point, they were just rubbing Harvey's wings on the keypad. “Now try four three two one. Try 1-800-OPEN! Oh, no, no, no! Chuck, what's your birthday? Ah, nothing's working!"

Suddenly, the crew heard radio static coming out of a speaker.

“Oh, no! Someone's coming! Quick, hide!" Leonard shouted to the others. Harvey stumbled and fell on some containers. Luckily, he was almost perfectly hidden.

“Ouch!" Courtney groaned.

“There's an eagle nearby! There's an eagle nearby! There's an eagle nearby!"

While the rest of the team scrambled to shut off the Eagle Detector, Leonard looked through Harvey's beak to see two eagle guards head to the doorway. One of them swiped his key card and the door opened instantly.

“Alright, you get started on the lockdown sequence, I'm gonna hit the john," he told the younger guard.

“Yes sir!"

As the younger guard went in, the one who opened the door headed for the washroom and put away his key card, which read “Brad Eagleberger."

“We gotta get that key card!" Leonard realized.

Much to Courtney's discomfort, they followed Brad into the men's room. As Brad relieved himself, Harvey sidled up to him and directed a blank, terrifying stare at him. Brad felt uncomfortable, so he stopped and cleared his throat. The crew readjusted Harvey so he'd stand upright, and Brad felt at least comfortable enough to continue.

“Okay, Courtney," Leonard whispered. “Get that card."

Courtney tried to use the arm she controlled to grab the card, but could barely even move it. And this just made Brad uncomfortable again.

“There's something in the way," she said.

“Chuck, what's going on down there?" Leonard asked. Chuck peeked out from Harvey's belly.

“There's a divider in the way," he answered. Harvey leaned back a little so Chuck would get a better look. “Maybe it's on the other side."

Suddenly, Harvey's completely bended backward and was left in a state that made him look like a bendy straw. Chuck popped up and out of Harvey's chest.

“Okay, hold on." Leonard had everyone make Harvey walk behind Brad and they slid in to the urinal on his other side. Brad glared at the strange eagle as he stood straight up again.

“Pretend to pee-pee!" Leonard told Chuck, who took a sip of water and spat it out into the urinal.

Unfortunately, Chuck began to show off and imitated a sprinkler, annoying Brad even more. Having his fill, he flushed the urinal and began to storm off.

“Oh, no! He's leaving!" Chuck alerted.

“Chuck, get that card!" Leonard reminded him. As Brad walked by Harvey, Chuck managed to snatch the security key card!

“I got it!"

Chuck's success was short-lived. The card was still attached to the guard's belt by an elastic cord. As it stretched out, Chuck began to freak out. He tried pulling and chewing on the cord, but it wouldn't break. Suddenly, the cord gave way, and the card slipped out of Chuck's grasp! Much to everyone's surprise, the card hit Brad in the back of the neck, causing him to slam his beak in the door, a sink, a toilet, and a urinal, and he finally landed flat on his back. Chuck and Leonard stared at his horribly mangled face.

“Yeah, I'm just gonna..." Chuck said as Harvey leaned forward so Chuck could take the card. Stepping on Brad's gut, Harvey made a hasty retreat.

I feel like Beck Bennett plays more eagles than Hank and Brad in the movie.

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Until next time. 🌈

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