Eagle Island

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I was gonna make Red and Leonard have sex in the last chapter, but figured that would be a little too far. Enjoy!

The piggy submarine burst through the thick ice covering Eagle Island's coast. Fortunately, the volcanic superweapon was in the Island's center, so no one noticed. It was time to begin the mission.

The hatch on the face of the submarine opened, and the heist crew emerged. They were all decked out in yellow snowsuits and white fluffy hats to protect themselves from the cold... and because of how cool they looked. With confidence, Red took the first steps but accidentally slipped and fell all the way down the ramp and into the snow. The pigs started to laugh, only for Garry to slip himself. He grabbed Leonard to stop his fall but just ended up pulling Leonard along with him. Garry landed in the snow, and Leonard landed on top of Red. Bomb let out a chuckle, but found himself sliding down the ramp on his feet.

“Careful, buddy," Chuck said nervously, but went tail over breast and slid down the ramp. Silver slipped too and Courtney, staring at her phone, just purposely fell down the ramp after them. The whole group was now in a pile.

“Whoa!" Red gasped, looking up at the volcano in the distance. Some snow fell from the cone as the whole island seemed to shake. Red looked back to the rest of her team and got back on her feet. “Okay, guys. Let's do this."

“We got this!" Silver said confidently as the rest of the team picked themselves up.

“Here we go!" Bomb whooped.

“We got an island to save, kids!" Chuck shouted with excitement.

“Uh, two islands?" Leonard corrected. “We have two islands to save!"

“I can't do this!" Mighty Eagle whimpered, frozen in fear. “I've made a terrible mistake!"

“What are you talking about?" Red asked.


Red was confused. “Who is Zeta?"

“The leader of the eagles, the one who's been trying to destroy our islands..." he paused, “... and my ex-fiancée."

“Wait, what?!" Chuck exclaimed.

“Did you say ‘fiancée?'" Red asked in disbelief.

“Beyoncé?!" Courtney gasped obliviously.

“And you're just telling us this now?!"

“Better late than never," Mighty Eagle replied, letting out a sheepish grin before explaining everything.

Mighty Eagle met Zeta back in high school, and they immediately felt a connection. He was the pretty boy and she was the class nerd, but they were a match made in heaven. They did everything together, and couldn't spend a minute not thinking about each other. Then one day, Zeta proposed to Mighty Eagle. He couldn't say no to her, but didn't feel ready for such a commitment. So... he left Eagle Island, abandoning his love on their wedding day.

“How could you leave her like that?" Silver gasped in shock.

“Because I... am a coward," he confessed. “Many of you didn't know that about me."

The rest of them weren't sure what to say, because they pretty much already suspected.

“I assume she's been heartbroken ever since, and it's all my fault."

“So, this is Beyoncé we're talking about?" Bomb asked, confused.

“You know what? I just remembered I have something to do back home!" Mighty Eagle said, flying off.

“Thanks for the help!" Red shouted sarcastically.

“Well, now what?" Courtney said.

“I have an idea," Leonard replied. While the group discussed their next move, Red took out the map and attempted to figure out where they were.

“Okay, if that is that... and that is here..." she muttered, before turning to the group. “We go this way, guys! Follow me!"

Red led the team to the base of the volcano. While they were talking, Red climbed up a steep, snowy embankment to get a look around. Through a set of binoculars, she could see many eagle guards protecting the superweapon. She slid back down the embankment to tell everyone her plan.

“Okay, gang, listen up," she announced. “This place is crawling with security, but if you guys follow me..."

Everyone was giggling, much to Red's confusion.

“Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?"

“Whaddaya think, guys?" Leonard asked the crew. “Should we show her?"

“Show me what?" she wondered.

“Harvey!" Leonard announced, proudly holding up the head of an eagle costume they had crafted.

“Super-lifelike disguise, right?" Bomb remarked. It wasn't lifelike at all, and the crazed grin on its face made it look like a possessed child made it.


“We thought we'd let you drive," Silver chimed in, showing Red the inside of the suit. It was rigged with levers, pedals, and poles.

“And I'm gonna help you pedal!" Chuck said excitedly.

“Wait, you guys came up with this idea... without me?" Red asked, nervous and slightly offended.

“Yeah...?" Chuck answered, confused. The rest of the crew was disappointed in her reaction, too.

You are nothing. You are nothing! You are NOTHING! The voice was screaming this time. Red tried to ignore it and said, “Yeah? Well, it's not gonna work."

“We think it's our best chance of getting past the guards and into the superweapon," Silver said. Chuck and Bomb agreed with her.

“Yeah, she's smart," Leonard pointed out, causing Red to feel angry... and jealous, for some reason.

“Alright, look, everyone is counting on me to make sure-"

“Us," Silver interrupted. “Everyone's counting on us, Red."

“Fine, whatever," she grumbled. “So, your plan is to get into the superweapon with that?!"

“Harvey, don't take offense," Bomb told the costume. “She does not mean it."

Red just groaned. “Fine, fine. You know what? I'll just be up here saving the world!"

Red attempted to climb back up the embankment, only to fall back down.

“Just like I should've been doing..." Red climbed up and fell down again, “... this whole time!"

Leonard felt as if he should talk to her. “Maybe I should..."

“No, you stay with the others," Silver told him, and turned to the rest of the group. “Uh, guys? I one hundred percent believe in you and this Harvey idea, but... I think this one's gonna need me."

Red finally climbed back up the snowbank and tunneled her way through the snow, staying undetected as she made her way through the snow. Once she made it to the base of the volcano, she popped out, unseen... well, not completely unseen.

“Well, they didn't see us."

Red jumped in surprise, but her shock turned into annoyance once she saw who it was.

“This isn't an ‘us' thing, Silver!" she spat. “I've got this covered! Go away!"

“Is this a good time to talk about your feelings?" Silver asked as she followed her up the side of the volcano.

“No, it's not a good time!" Red exclaimed.

Silver held up her wing, concealed with a mitten, and said, “Sisters?"

Red let out a loud groan and continued climbing up. She slipped for a second, but climbed back up. Silver, further up than her, held out her hand for Red to grab it.

“No, I don't need your help, okay?" she insisted. “I meant to slip. Now, leave me alone!"


While Leonard was worried about Red, he knew he didn't have time to worry about it. He had an eagle to disguise as! The rest of the team climbed into the Harvey costume and zipped it up. Leonard was in charge of making the mouth move, Courtney and Garry were armed and ready, and Chuck and Bomb controlled the feet. Very clumsily, they made it to the base's entrance, which was guarded by two eagles, Carl and Jerry. Each of them held an ice spear.

“Come on, Jerry!" Carl groaned. “You know there's no snacking while we're on duty."

“But I had a really small breakfast, though," the chubbier guard whimpered.

“Alright, I'll do the talking," Leonard whispered to the rest of the team. He cleared his throat and said, “Hello, fellow eagle guards!"

Carl and Jerry stopped bickering to see Harvey approaching them.

“Oh, no, he's doing a voice!" Courtney said nervously.

“I'm running late to the ol' job," Leonard continued, sounding like an idiot. “Commute was rough today for some reason, but the good news... is I made it!"

Leonard then noticed Harvey was facing the wrong way.

“Ninety-degree turn, quick!" he whispered loudly, and the team made Harvey turn left. “But the good news is I made it!"

Carl eyed him suspiciously. “ID, please."

“Oh, uh, ID? Uh, not sure I have it on me," “Harvey" said, before Leonard turned to the rest of the group. “Act like you're checking your pockets!"

Garry tried to move his arm, but it wouldn't budge.

“It's stuck!" he said. Outside, Harvey's arm twitched as Garry tried to unjam it.

“Stuck?" Leonard asked. Suddenly, Harvey's arm swung and punched himself in the face! “Ow! What the heck are you doing?!"

Carl and Jerry's walkie-talkies made a static noise and a voice on the other end said, “Guards, be on the alert for a possible intruder."

“Wait a minute..." Carl realized.

From the feet, Chuck called out, “What's happening? Leonard?"

“Shh! He's onto us!" he whispered as Carl took a good look at Harvey with his eagle eyes. “We're so dead."

“Alright, I know what's going on here," Carl said. “I'm picking up what you're putting down. Jerry, are you getting a load of this?"

Jerry looked at Harvey and raised his spear defensively. “Yeah. I think I am."

“Yeah, Jerry," Carl said, getting right up in Harvey's face. “I know exactly what's going on."

The team braced themselves for what would happen to them.

“This right here is obviously... a new guy!"

“Yeah, imposters in a costume!" Jerry added. “Wait, what?"

The crew widened their eyes in surprise.

“Yeah!" Carl continued. “You're the new guard for the east tower."

“Yes, yes I am," “Harvey" confirmed.

Carl chuckled. “I knew it. Jerry, swipe the new guy in."

“Okay," Jerry said unsure, but swiped his key card so the doors would open.

“Thank you so much!" Leonard finished using his Harvey voice as the doors closed behind them. “Okay, guys. We're in!"

The team celebrated, causing Harvey to do a ridiculous dance. They didn't stop, however, until they noticed a guard watching. Not sure what to do, Harvey continued dancing all the way down the hall. The guard, feeling inspired, started dancing just like Harvey.

Clearly, Red's beginning to feel her position as dominant female being threatened. But she needs to think about what's best for everyone.

Until next time. 🌈

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