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"God, you are as handsome as I remember."



Jimin's POV

I looked up from where I sat wrapped up in a baby blue blanket on my black couch as Jungkook walked into my house.

It's been 2 weeks since I was on holiday now and I've come down oddly sick.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Jungkook called while putting groceries he nicely went and got for me on the bench.

"Not the best Kook, I don't understand where I could have gotten sick from. It's like I have an ongoing problem with my diet because I keep vomiting, alongside being tired." I complained.

"Wait is Jungkook at your house!? Can you put me on speaker?" Taehyung asked through the phone.

"Tae, you have been on speaker the entire time and yes he is here." I explained to Taehyung through the phone.

"Jungkook can you please tell Jimin to go to the damn doctor. If his school kids weren't even sick like he claims, he shouldn't have something like a tummy bug, plus if he has a diet problem, it should be sorted sooner rather then later." Taehyung stated through the phone.

"Yah, Taehyung I will go to the doctor if it doesn't fix by itself in a bit." I hummed.

I do feel bad, I know I am sick and I know Taehyung just has urges to take care of me but it's just a small cold that should go away sooner or later. I don't believe it's Covid-19 either if I'm vomiting.

"I hope you do get better soon Jiminie, I can't afford to look after you as well as Hayoon. She's still driving me insane, now over chores. She will angrily yell at me whenever I'm home. It's gotten to the point where I'd rather not be at home." Jungkook grumbled as he sat down on the couch beside me.

I chuckled.

"That's pregnant women for you." I snorted.

My eyes widened as I quickly leaned over grabbing a bowl I left beside me as I vomited into it.

"Yuck... Your vomiting is as gross as Hayoon's morning sickness... Man, I hate whatever little child gave you this sickness." Jungkook huffed while pinching his nose between his fingers.

"Aw baby, please get checked." Taehyung huffed.

"I've only had the vomiting for 24 hours so it's likely a tummy bug, but once I'm coping more, if it's not a tummy bug, I will get some diet test done. And I'm sure I'm just tired from going back to work for the last two weeks." I stated wiping my mouth on some tissues.

"Ah... I can't believe it's now been 2 weeks since I was with you, I miss you so much, it's weird not seeing you daily, even if I only did for a week. It was just extremely comforting." Taehyung hummed.

"Awww, I miss you too, definitely it was nice seeing you everyday." I coed watching Jungkook's nose scrunch up.

"Sometimes I really wish I didn't encourage you to look for someone while we were on holiday, however I am happy you are happy, just I don't like witnessing the cringy stuff with other people." Jungkook muttered.

I chuckled to Jungkook's comments while Jungkook cleaned the bowl I puked in.

"Also I brought you your favorite chips, I thought they may cheer you up." Jungkook said bringing them over too me with the bowl.

"Ooooh." I hummed taking them between my hands.

My honey butter chips...

"Fuck, I've been craving buying these at the supermarket all week man." I said holding them to my chest.

Jungkook laughed.

"Well now you have them. But I'm gonna head off, if you aren't well still soon Jiminie, please go get it looked at because you can't miss work too much or you won't have the money to afford your house." Jungkook said while patting my head before heading towards the door.

"Are you sure you don't want to take the chips with you home in case your wife screams at you? I mean her cravings for food are pretty bad seen as she's pregnant aye?" I shouted at Jungkook.

Taehyung laughed amused through the phone at my comments.

"Nah, she's craving pizza or nacho's weirdly. She's loving things with dairy products so chips wouldn't be a go to for her." Jungkook called back.

"Seem's butter honey chips is just my craving then." I mumbled while Jungkook left.

I opened the packet of chips, my heart skipped a beat smelling the chips before I stuffed my mouth with them.

"Jiminie." Taehyung said softly into the phone melting my heart.

"Taehyungie." I managed to get out once I was done eating the chips that were in my mouth.

"Can you turn the phone onto video call? I want to see your gorgeous face again." Taehyung said, his tone sounding a bit seductive and alluring.

I bit my lip picking up my phone from where it was on the arm of the couch.

I ran my hand through my blonde hair quickly to try tidy it up before I tapped the button, turning on my video camera.

A couple seconds later, the most handsome man I'd ever seen appeared on the other side of the call.

His eyes were a dreamy golden tone, his skin was tanned and stunning as he laid on his bed in a grey tank top, his dark locks of hair falling around his face onto the white pillow under his head.

"God, you are as handsome as I remember." Taehyung gasped under his breath as he stared at me.

I felt my cheeks flush up red as I hid inside my big over-sized blue hoodie.

A smile formed on Taehyung's thin pink lips.

I'd do anything to kiss his luscious lips right now.

"I wish I was with you Jimin-ah, I could wrap you up with blankets while you wore my own hoodie in bed and then I could tightly hold you. Even give your stomach kisses, and play with your hair while you are sleeping." Taehyung hummed pouting.

"It's okay, I will go back to work in a couple days or something and then I will try visiting you during the weekend or something." I responded.

Taehyung nodded, "I'd really like that." He said warmly.

I yawned while watching Yeontan come up on the bed beside Taehyung.

Yeontan started licking Taehyungs face making him yelp a bit.

I giggled watching, only I wish I could swap places with Yeontan right now.

"Jiminie, are you tired? You said you've been tired so why don't you get some more rest?" Taehyung suggested.

"But I want to spend time with you." I whined even though I yawned again after speaking.

"Baby, we will have other times to spend together. You need to get better so you can work to pay for your house bills, alongside to afford coming to visit me sometime. I want you healthy and better." Taehyung coed.

I sighed nodding.

"Plus I have work soon, I picked up another early shift at the bar." Taehyung explained while Yeontan curled up by Taehyung's neck.

"Okay, I guess I could sleep." I hummed lying down on the couch still looking at my attractive boyfriend.

"Firstly, do you mind if you send me Jungkook's number?" Taehyung questioned.

"Why do you want it?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Just in case you get sick and contact me but don't contact him when he's currently there to help you while I am not." Taehyung stated.

I pouted before sending through Jungkook's phone number by text.

"Um babe..." I hummed biting my bottom lip nervously.

"Yes?" Taehyung asked looking at me, our eyes meeting.

"Don't hang up the phone until I'm asleep. I want to know you are here, it would help me sleep. You make me feel more complete so if I can't have you here in person, at least I can know you are here by phone..." 

AU - Jimins sick and is being related to Hayoon throughout this chapter who's pregnant- oop-

Also if you enjoyed, totally feel free to comment, vote and add this book to ya library/libraries

That's all for now... Stay warm, safe and healthy my lovely readers and fellow others... Till next chapter... Byeeeee :)

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