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"You wanna have children with Jimin aye?"



Taehyung's POV

~ Flashback ~

"Taehyung!" Hoseok shouted at me as he wandered towards me on the beach.

Only my eyes were stuck on the sea.

Fresh blood was all I could see, a little girls blood covering my ankles.

"Wanna go in the water?" Hoseok chirped happily from beside me.

I looked over at Hoseok, horrified with his suggestion.

"Tae, it's been a week or so. The water is fine." Hoseok mumbled while walking into the sea.

I crouched down hyperventilating to see my best friend in the ocean.

"Hobi, the water is dangerous." I spluttered out.

"It may be a bit, but the water isn't as dangerous now then it is at night. We have plenty of watch dogs and we are equipped with walkie-talkies so we will be told if they witness something in the ocean. Plus you've now convinced the council to not allow swimming or anything at night because it's too hard to detect, so now we are safe." Hoseok stated.

I stood up sighing.

"Maybe I should just quit and change daytime jobs to working in a store." I said before looking back towards the road.

"Tae, you love the sea, don't be stupid." Hoseok grunted while walking towards me.

I gasped feeling Hoseok lift me up, his hands around my skinny waist.

"Don't you dare!" I shouted as I felt Hoseok start to walk towards to sea with me.

"Hoseok put me down on the beach!" I yelped lifting my knees up so the water wouldn't touch my feet as he wandered further into the ocean.

"I refuse to put you down until you realize the ocean isn't going to kill you. Water is harmless, fucking sharks will kill you, but the fucking water won't." Hoseok grumbled from behind me.

My breathing hitched dramatically as I stared down at the water.

"Hoseok, all I can see is fucking blood. Please take me back to the beach." I whined kicking my legs around.

I squealed as Hoseok put my feet down in the cold water before tightening his grip around me.

I squirmed around as I shouted, "blood!" Only Hoseok blocked my panicked calls, covering my mouth with his hands.

"Shut up, see, nothing is hurting you." Hoseok coed while taking my hand in his before lacing it through the sea.

"Close your eyes Taehyung and calm down." Hoseok said as I rested on my knees in the ocean, Hoseok leaning over me, keeping me in the sea.

After moments of deep breathing, Hoseok let go of me.

I opened my eyes looking at the clear sea as Hoseok sat down beside me on his knees, washing his face by cupping the clear water in his hands before splashing the water towards his face.

"See, it won't hurt you. Most jobs can be dangerous Tae and we have learnt now, but we also have improved the safety of this beach now. You cannot quit when you are the best worker our company has from your love of teaching, mostly children." Hoseok told me.

I nodded splashing some water on my face.

"But it shouldn't have happened, that child should have already been safe and it was my fault because I looked away from her." I complained picking up some wet sand in my hand, letting it fall through gaps between my long slender fingers.

"You will get over the accident okay? Just for once, stop thinking about it and get used to the new safety we have. Sometimes a tragedy has to happen for things to be become safer. How about we go surfing yeah? May get you back into the gist of things because I know you love it." Hoseok said while getting up, holding out his hand to me.

~ End of Flashback ~

"Tae?" Hoseok muttered waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry." I muttered as I realized I started day dreaming halfway through Hoseok and I's conversation about a famous surfer retiring.

"Is something bothering you?" Hoseok asked while I continued making a drink at the bar for a woman sitting a couple seats away from Hoseok.

"I guess yes." I mumbled while sighing.

I walked to my left, giving the woman her drink before walking back to Hoseok behind the bar still.

"Tell me about it." Hoseok suggested while taking a chug of his beer.

"It's Jimin. He seems quite sick honestly." I told Hoseok while pouting.

Hoseok almost spat out his beer hearing what I said.

"Sick how?" Hoseok wondered aloud.

"Vomiting, and he's getting really tired," I started.

"I keep thinking about losing another person, like I'm sure I won't, but I keep thinking back to that little girl that I didn't know well but yet my connection to her and her death was extremely emotional for me. And then in Jimin's case, even though I've only known him a week, just I cannot handle the thought of what's making him unwell and the fact I can't be there to help him. His class apparently isn't sick so he's caught it somewhere but I'm worried it may be more serious and he's not getting it checked." I told Hoseok.

"I really wish I was still in touch with Yoongi honestly, if I gave him any symptoms with things he's always guess a correct answer before properly analyzing a patient. To be fair, Jimin's hated going to a doctor always, even before he met Yoongi." Hoseok told me.

"Really?" I gasped and he nodded in response.

"I think he fears it more now though, I think he's scared to one day go to the doctor and Yoongi be standing right in front of him." Hoseok muttered before drinking more beer.

"Fuck, I hope he gets better soon though." Hoseok concluded and I nodded.

"Hoseok, can you keep a secret?" I asked while keeping my voice down.

He nodded while raising his eyebrow, his face giving me a 'duh we are best friends so of course I will keep your secrets' sort of a look.

"I'm applying for a job in Busan." I whispered while biting my thin pink bottom lip.

Hoseok spat out the beer he just drunk back into a cup.

"You- You're leaving me?" Hoseok gasped, sadness displaying on his face.

"No idiot. I was hoping you'd come too if I could get a job for you too." I explained.

He raised his eyebrow.

"How do you know you could probably get a job there to begin with?" Hoseok questioned me.

"I'm trying to get a job through Jungkook at his friend Jin's restaurant because I have his number. He needs a new bar tender and obviously I have experience and then Jungkook attends a dance club, and the teacher is leaving and I know you love your dancing." I explained.

Hoseoks eyes widened.

"That does sound pretty good actually. I mean, we both love the sea but it would be nice to someday just go for our own benefits, then it would become more special again." Hoseok stated.

I nodded.

"Exactly, and then I hopefully won't come in contact with anymore water accidents with young children because I get very fond of them." I explained.

"You wanna have children with Jimin aye?" Hoseok asked with a smirk.

My cheeks heated up a bit before I responded, "I'd love to someday, he may have seemed incapable when he smoked or whatever but I feel like he'd be such a good dad. Like his energy and honesty is very captivating and I think it would be a good personality to have around a child," I started.

"Plus I know I've only known him a week but I've never gotten along with someone so well before that quick. Hell,  I'd never have sex with anyone within a week's time frame of getting to know someone-" I started to say until Hoseok cut me off, "But you had sex with Jimin?"

"Yes." I responded shyly.

Hoseok cheered happily raising his shoulders up and down.

"Aye your getting it on!" Hoseok cheered a bit too loudly.

I noticed the female I just gave a drink too looked our way.

"Yah, be more quiet." I hissed at Hoseok while he just laughed uncontrollably. 

"I think you'd be cute parents." Hoseok responded while resting his face in his left hand.

I beamed at him while cleaning the counter top.

"So are you in if I can get us both jobs?" I questioned.

"Fuck yes." Hoseok responded while drinking down the rest of his beer.

"Just don't tell Jimin, I want to surprise him once we get the jobs." I said fist bumping Hoseok who nodded while grinning.

Little was I aware of what was already growing inside my boyfriends stomach that belonged to me. I wasn't aware of another reason that I should move to Busan yet, but no matter what, I wanted to be by his side so I am gonna try hard to get those jobs.

AU - Thought I'd show some of the story from Taehyung's side of what's going on in his life currently :P UWU he wants to be with Jimin in person so is dedicating his money and job's towards being able to be with Jimin, so cuteee. And this time Hoseok isn't being left behind!

Also if you enjoyed, totally feel free to comment, vote and add this book to ya library/libraries

That's all for now... Stay warm, safe and healthy my lovely readers and fellow others... Till next chapter... Byeeeee :)

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