2. Helplessness to do anything

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Flashback continues...

She tried to shout but couldn't do more than whimpher and felt her throat burning and she was crying and trying to shout.
She could feel the car was moving with great speed. She was struggling to get out of a strong grip on her wrist and whimphering.
After sometime, she felt the car stopped abruptly. She was dragged out of car. She wasn't ready to move but she was forcefully dragged by her arm and then a couple of minutes minutes later, she was fallen on the floor harshly such that her elbow and forearm got scratched. Then only someone opened her blindfold. She opened her eyes as suddenly light flashes in her eyes. She blinks and opened her eyes. Her eyes were red and teary and she looked scared. She looked around to find herself in some under construction building. They were on high floor. Then she looked to know who was doing all only to find two guys standing there but she couldn't see their faces as their faces were covered with masks. Then her mouth was also opened.

"Who are you??? Why are you doing this!!! Where is Sanskar!! Leave me and let me go you Bastards!!!" Swara shouted at the top of her voice.

She sees a smirking smile appeared on one of guy face. He snapped his finger and pointed her to see behind. She was confused but she turned around and get horrified to see Sanskar was fallen on his knees. His forehead and mouth was bleeding heavily and he was on the verge of loosing his consciousness. His shirt was red with blood marks. His hands were tied behind his back. Then only Someone hit Sanskar harshly on his head with a hard stick and he falls on the floor. Her eyes got wide open in shock and tears spill out from her eyes.

"SANSKAAAAAAR!!!" She screamed his name a the top of her voice watching the dreadful thing in front of her eyes she never thought in her worst nightmare.

She got up and tried to run to him as fast as she can but she couldn't move a bit from her position as her hands were harshly hold behind her back by another guy. She struggled to free herself and go to Sanskar.

"Leave me!! Let me go to him. Leave I said!!!" She shouted and struggled to free herself from the hold.

She was feeling helpless to do anything for her love who was getting unconscious. Two men were beating him constantly. He was bleeding too much.

"No please!! Please stop them. He will die. Don't do this please. Please, what did he do?" Swara pleads continuously with tears to the guy who was smirking a couple of minutes ago.

He sees her and then look at Sanskar.
"Leave him." He ordered.

Swara got a breathe but even a bit of relief didn't stay last. Her breathe struck in her throut as she saw him going toward Sanskar and take out his gun and look at her with smirking smile.

She was horrified. She shook her head negatively with scared expression on her face.

"Nooooo!!!! Don't do this please. No!! Please kill me but not him. I love him. PLEASE SANSKAAR!!! PLEASE GET UP!!!" She shout his name.

The guy showed no reaction on her pleading and pointed the gun to his forhead. Sanskar open his tired eyes only to see her crying for him. He tried to move his hand but his hand was already tied. He was feeling no strength in his body and so powerless. He tried to call her name but he couldn't say more louder than a whisper. The man smirkingly move his gun from his forehead toward Sanskar's heart.

"Please don't kill him. What have I done to you? Why are you all doing this? Please don't...!!" Her words remain incomplete as the guy pressed the trigger and she heard the bullet sounds. Her eyes get closed in fear.

Her eyes were squeezed shut  and she shivered but gathering some strength she opened her eyes slowly being totally scared with a hope that he is still alive. He will look at her. He is still there. But no, she saw him lying lifeless. He was shot on his heart. All the hopes shattered in a second.

" Sanskar!!!!!! Leave me!! Let me go to him. Please!!!" She cried out loudly and struggling to free herself.

"Throw him down" The guy ordered as they were in under construction building at high floor. His men complies and began to drag him.

"No!!! Don't do that please. Leave him.!! " She shouted with tears rolling down her eyes.

She was struggling and crying to leave him. She loves him. She plead them continuously but they were too deaf to hear her. They simply ignored her pleading and tears and Sanskar was dragged toward the edge of the building.

The guy was smirking at Swara. He shows her thumbs up then turn it down signing his men to throw him down.

In next moment he was thrown down from the 15th floor of building. She was horrified and her hold was freed. Swara falls on the floor feeling no strength but gathering herself a bit and after sometime composing herself, she runs toward the edge to look at him. He was lying down there in pool of blood. Her mind was blocked. She didn't know what to do. She was about to run downstairs but the guy hold her and suddenly she felt something prick into her skin. She was injected and she started getting unconscious still crying to leave her. He will die.

"NOOO!! Leave me. Let me go. He will die. He needs help please!! Leave me. He will die!!!" She screamed at the top of her voice with disheveled expression.

Slowly she fall unconsciously on the floor and faint whispers were heard to leave him. He will die.
They look at her and left her and went from there.
Then main guy called someone and tell " IT'S DONE!!"

Flashback ends...

"Sanskaaaarrrrr!!!" Swara screamed loudly as she woke up.

She didn't know when she fall sleep thinking about their moments and again those horrible sights appeared in front of her eyes.

"Sanskar!! No please... You can't leave me. SANSKAAARRR!!" She cried out.

Then only the door opened and a girl rushed to her. She came to her running and hugged her.

" Swara, Swaraaa, calm down. It's ok. Relax Swara. Shhh!!" The girl said rubbing her back.

"No!! I can't Riya. I saw that horrible sight again. They killed him Riya. I can't forget that. My Sanskaar... He left me Riya. He left me. Why?? Why did this happen to me? What did I do?" Swara said cryingly and shivering badly.

"No Swara, calm down please." Riya said with tears. She wasn't able to see this condition of her cousin. She wasn't here when all this happen and she came back yesterday evening only from Newyork.

Swara was still crying bitterly. Riya was trying to calm her.

"Calm down Swara. We will give justice to Sanskar. Calm down please. Don't worry. I am with you." Riya said.
Then only Swara broke the hug as something striked her mind.

"Reyan!!!" Swara whispered the name.

"What?" Riya was confused.

"Reyan did this. I m sure. He is behind all this Riya." Swara said.

"Swara..." Riya was about to say something but Swara interupted.

"No Riya, it's Reyan. He is behind all this. Please try to listen to me. We need to inform police about it. Why didn't I think this? He was always behind me and Sanskar. " Swara said.

"Swara, listen..." Riya tried to say but Swara wasn't ready to listen.

"No Riya, I am sure, he did this Riya. He can anything to satisfy to his ego. We need to inform dad and police Riya. He deserves to be behind bars and deserves punishment. Call the police. Please Riya." Swara was continuously saying not letting Riya to say anything.

"Stop it Swara!! And listen to me. No Swara, police won't help you!!" Riya said shaking her shoulder.

"What?" Swara could say in mere whisper looking at her shockingly.

Riya nodded helplessly.

"Yes Swara, police won't do anything. They won't listen to you neither Shekhar uncle. He will also not help us." Riya said breaking her hope and making her face the reality.

Swara shook her head negatively.

"No, you are lying. Dad must be trying to reach the killers. He can't do this. You are lying right?" Swara asked with tears.

Riya nodded no sadly.

"I am not lying Swara. Your father told police to close the file after formal investigation without any of your help and said that, you don't know any Sanskar. There is no strict investigation going on Swara." Riya said.

"And Sanskar's family?" Swara could ask merely.

"I don't know about them. But I am sure they must be too helpless to do anything as Shekhar uncle don't want any investigation to be related with you as if you involve in this case then his name will also spoil." Riya said.

"No, Dad can't do this. He can't do this to me. Why everything is going wrong Riya? Why is this happening?" Swara asked in broken voice.

Riya cups her face.
"Hey Swara, no. Don't worry. We will give justice to Sanskar. Don't worry Swara. I am with you. Alright? Don't cry." Riya said.

Swara again started crying bitterly. She hugged Riya tightly while she was trying to calm her.

"No Swara, don't cry.  Calm down Swara. It's been two days, you are just crying and don't even having anything properly. Sanskar won't be happy to see you crying. Calm down Swara." Riya said caressing her back.

"Then why did he leave me Riya? Why did he leave me alone to suffer with this pain?" Swara asked in between her sobs.

After continuous crying, Swara calm down a bit. Riya broke the hug. She caressed her face and wipes her tear.

"Enough now. No more tears. You are too tired Swara. I am going to bring something for you to eat. Have it and them rest for some time. Okay?" Riya said.

Swara didn't said anything. She was looking at the floor with blank expression and another fresh tear fell from her eyes. Riya's eyes were also wet but she knew she need to be strong for her. She caressed her face and then went outside the room.

Few minutes passed then Riya came back to Swara's room with her dinner.  She didn't see Swara on bed. She placed the plate on the table and went toward washroom and knock on the door.

"Swara? Are you there?" Riya said and knocked yet again but she got no response.
She turned the knob and open the door but Swara wasn't there. Then she checked in balcony but she was still not there. Now she got worried. She rushed outside to look for Swara. Shekhar wasn't in mansion. Only few servants and Riya was there with Swara and now Swara wasn't seen anywhere. She was searching her in every room and asking to servants about her.

While on the other side, Swara was seen on there terrace with a blank expression on her face. She walked lifelessly and tears were rolling from her eyes. She was getting flashes of that horrible moment that was haunting her from inside. She wanted to see Sanskar in front of her. She needed his embrace but he wasn't here.
She walked toward the edge of terrace and stands there. She remembered all those moments she spent with Sanskar and then how she lost him. Her tears were falling uncontrollably from her eyes. She started crying bitterly. Then only she looked downward, and was shocked as she remembered how Sanskar was lying lifelessly after he was thrown from the building. Her mind was giving her strange illusions that Sanskar was lying lifelessly there in the ground. He was bleeding. She started taking heavy breathe like she was feeling suffocated. Her vision were blurring with tears but She could only see Sanskar. Her mind was no longer in control of her.

"No, I have to go to him. He will... he will die.. no!!" Swara murmured to herself.

She turned around to run downstairs to go to the ground where Sanskar was there.
"No,... No, I can't go from there. They will... They will try to stop me.  No.. Sanskar..." She was murmuring to herself.

Then only Riya reached there searching for Swara and she was shocked to see her standing on the railing.

"Swaraaa!!" Riya was horrified.

Swara looked back and remembered how those men tried to stop her to go to Sanskar. She looked at Riya being scared.

"Swaraa.... No, please come down. Don't do this." Riya shouted.

Swara nodded no. She had totally lost her sense completely , Riya knew her situation. She immediately tried to rush toward her to stop her and saying repeatedly to come down but Swara shook her head negatively and
jumped from there.

"Swaraaa!!!" Riya screamed at the top of her voice as Swara fell from the terrace and Riya could merely hold her dupatta that also slipped from her hand.

She sees Swara lying there in pool of blood. Without thinking anything, she immediately rushed toward stairs calling Swara's name and calling for help.

On the other side, Swara was fallen on the ground, her eyes were still open. Her mind still illusions that Sanskar was there just a feet away.  Her forhead was bleeding and whole body was wrenching with pain. A tear  fell from her eye helplessly as she tried to reach him. Her hand was paining so much still she was trying. Suddenly he started fading away from her sight and she started loosing her consciousness.

"Swaraaa!! No!!" Riya rushed toward her. She placed her head in her lap and looks at her crying.

"Take out the car fastt!!!" She shout with tears at the driver.

"What did you do Swara?? Why???" Riya said cuping her face.

Swara was closing her eyes slowly.
"NOOO!!! No Swara!! Don't close your eyes. Nothing will happen to you. We are going to hospital. Be with me Swara!!! Swara, look at me. You are going to be fine." Riya says and pats her face.

"Sa... sans.. San... Sanskaaaarrr" Swara could merely say in pain then her eyes got closed and she got unconscious.

"Swaraaaaa!!!" Riya shouted.

To be continued...

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