3. The unknown deception

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Two years later:
Two men were sitting near counter and celebrating for something.

"Cheers to our success buddy." The man said lifting his glass.
The another man turn to face him and smiled at him. He was revealed non other than Sanskar. He was wearing blue jacket with red T-shirt. He also lift his glass to toast with smile.

" Cheers!!" He said.

"You know Sanskar, I was so worried about this project but now I am happy that we got it. It will really give a lot of  profit of both of our company." Man said.

"Right Arav, I was also worried. But I trusted our hardwork will pay and it did. So, I am so happy and excited about this project." Sanskar said.

"Yup." Arav said.

They talked for sometime regarding work and their life.

"Anyways let's leave all this work thing. So, after this project you are going back to London again? Won't you go India?" Arav asked.

"Why are you asking?" Sanskar asked confusingly.

"Nothing, I m just thinking to go to India after this project end. It's been so long I was in London with you. So just asking, if you wanna go then we can go together." Arav said.

"Hmm Yeah, I was also thinking to go to India. It's been long. I will come with you." Sanskar said.

"That's fantastic. I am waiting for project to end soon. But till it ends, we can enjoy our stay here. This city is quite amazing. I really liked this in just couple of days." Arav said.

"You are right. I also liked Berlin." Sanskar said.

They enjoyed the evening and talking to each other. After sometime, Sanskar asked for bill but then only he got a call. He excused himself.

"It's okay, you go out. I am coming after paying the bill." Arav said.

Sanskar nodded and went out to take the call.

"Thanks" A girl said to the shopkeeper after giving him money and taking her bags.

The shopkeeper nodded at her with smile. She came out of shop. She was wearing white top with faded grey jacket and black jeans. She walked to the road to get cab. She was looking around when her caught something and her eyes got wide in shock. She was freezed and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Sanskar..." She could merely whisper in shock.
She sees Sanskar was standing on the opposite side of road and talking on his phone.
She came out of shock the sound of horn blow as a cab stopped near her asking if she wants to go somewhere?

She shook her head no and again looked at Sanskar. She moved toward cross walk to go to the other side of road as soon as the lights turn red for vehicles. She hurriedly go to the other side.

"Sanskar??" She said slowly standing behind him.

Sanskar who just disconnected the call, heard someone calling him and turned around. He looked at the girl a bit confusingly.

"Sanskar, you... you are alive. Oh my god. You are alive Sanskar." The girl said happily coming to him unable to believe what she was watching.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" Sanskar asked her.

"Sanskar, it's me. Riya, Riya Saxena. Remember? Wait no, you must not know me because we never met but I know everything about you Sanskar. I m Swara's cousin. I was in New York. She used to tell me about you and even she had sent your photo to me. She must have told you about me. Remember?" Riya said restlessly.

"I don't know any Swara. Neither I know you Ms. Saxena." Sanskar said with serious expression and turned to go when Riya stopped him.

"No Sanskar wait!!! Ju.. just try to remember. Have you forgotten about Swara? You both loved each other. Your Swara, Sanskar? Forget about me, but don't you know Swara? Really? She loves you so much Sanskar and you... You don't know her? Please don't do this. Sanskar, she needs you. " Riya asked looking at him with restless expression.

Sanskar said nothing and gave her a stern look.

"I guess I told you Something." Sanskar said.

"Oh no!! Have you lost your memory Sanskar? No, how can.... No!! Sanskar.. just... Just one with me for once. She needs you." Riya said as suddenly something clicked her mind.

"Just shut up!! Will you? Nothing happened to me and yes, I am very much alive Riya Saxena and I didn't lost any memory. But, I would like to enlighten you with a little truth that I know your cousin Swara Gadodia very well but I don't care about her!!! It was all nothing but a revenge!!! Got it?" Sanskar said sternly.

"What? Re.. revenge??" Riya could merely ask in shock.

"Yes Ms. Riya. It was revenge for what she has done and I don't care about her!!!" Sanskar said confirming her what she heard was right.

"What are you talking? What revenge? What she has done? Have you gone mad Sanskar???" Riya shouted and hold his collar unable to believe what she heard.

Sanskar hold her hand and removed her hold from his collar. He smirked while Riya was still confused and shocked.

"I know shocking and confusing, right? It's ok, I will clear it to you and you can tell your cousin sister about it. So that later she doesn't waste my time by stupid confrontation and all." Sanskar said.

Then Sanskar told her something.

As Riya heard everything what and why he did all that, she was numb. Just for his revenge, he had given her a suffering of whole life. His love was nothing but a planning to break her and revenge. Riya wasn't able to believe all this. She stumbled a bit and tears formed in her eyes but she chuckled.

"What?... What a planning Mr. Sanskar Yashvardhan? Or wait, is this even you real name or is it something else?" Riya could merely ask with sarcastic smile and tears in her eyes.

"It's Sanskar Maheshwari. It's there anything else to ask?" Sanskar asked.

Riya shook her head negatively looking at him.

"No... Nothing else Mr. Maheshwari. It's enough. You answered every question. Even you answered my questions that used to haunt me since years. Does real love exist? You answered it perfectly that, it's all bullshit!! Thank you so much. There's nothing called true love thing. It's all stupidity, a way to break someone, to betray someone. I got it. You didn't only break her you broke hope. I... J.. ju..just... See you here and came to you running with a hope that you will give My sister back but you broke the hope too Sanskar. I am happy that she is not aware of the reality that she is betrayed. No one killed her Sanskar she loved but it was Sanskar who killed her hope, her love, her belief." Riya said with tears.

She couldn't able to stop her tear to slide down from her eyes. Not because of his insensitive nature but how can Swara love a person like him that too so selflessly. Riya felt anger rushing inside her. His words what he just confessed in front of her about revenge started repeating in her mind.m and she couldn't stop herself and slapped him hard on his face. Sanskar felt the impact. His corner lips got a small cut and he looked at her angrily. But she was burning in anger and she lift her hand again to slap him when someone angrily hold her hand in middle. It was non other than Arav.

"Back off Ms. Saxena. How dare you slap my friend?" Arav asked looking at het angrily.

Riya looked at him and got shocked. She started getting some flashes but she immediately jerk her hand away from his grip.

"Shut up!! Aren't you ashamed to call yourself his friends? Yes, I slapped him and I will dare to that again for what he did. He deserves worst!!! You got angry just because I slapped him then what should I do when he did worst with my sister?" Riya said angrily yet teary eyes.

"I know very well about it Ms. Riya and I was with him in all that. I know everything and who did what. If he deserves worst then your sister is no saint and I am not surprised now that she is your cousin." Arav said sternly.

He told her he was with her in his plan. Riya looked at him blankly. Her face expression showed pain. She was shock to know it but then her mind flashes something and she shook her head. She stumbled a bit and took a step back looking down. Then she again looked at him.

"Oh So, it was you who was with him Mr. Jaisingh. Then I m not surprised what he did with Swara. I am sorry. It's my mistake that I still had some trust in you and I just thought you don't know anything but.... here you were with your best friend always to take revenge from her. Wow!! A perfect friendship!!! One should learn how to betray someone from you both." Riya said with a pain in her eyes but sarcastic smile of her face.

Arav was looking at her with anger and stern expression. Riya looked away from him and then look at Sanskar.

"You know what Mr. Sanskar Maheshwari. I don't have words for you. I can see, you don't regret a bit of your doing but I think she should regret for what she did. I know my Swara. She will never do wrong to anyone. I trust her but she did the worst mistake of her life and she should regret. She should regret to love you!!!! Whatever happened with her, she deserves that!!! She should be punished for loving a selfish bastard like you!! So I'm saying sorry to you on her behalf that she loved you unconditionally and may be now also that she forgot everything but you." Riya shouted at him with tears.

Sanskar didn't understand much what she said but neither he tried to understand and with arrogant expression he said.

"Done... ?? Or anything left? I don't have time to listen your and your so called cousin's story. Go and tell someone else who is interested. I HATE HER!!! GOT THAT?? Now please excuse me." Sanskar said.

Saying this he go from there followed by Arav who looked at her once before going from there.

Riya looked at him and closed her eyes and a tear fell from her eyes. She took a sigh and walked from there but didn't care to wipe her tears from her face finding the same person who was reason of her pain since four years and thinks about Sanskar, what he did to Swara.

After few minutes of walking, she sat on the bench hopelessly thinking something. She got flashes of few incidents.

"Just get lost Ms. Saxena!!! I never want to see your face again!!"

"I hate you Riya!! Just get lost!!"

She came out of her thoughts with a jerk.
"I hate myself Arav Jaisingh. I hate myself that I fell for you." She said in mere whisper as a tear fell on her hand.

Then She thinks about Swara and her face expression turned pale. She didn't know what she should do for her. She felt helpless for her sister. She remembered how Swara used to share everything about Sanskar to her on phone. She could see Swara was so happy with him when she used to do video call and excitedly used to tell about him. But in reality She didn't even know about his deception.

She was lost in her thoughts then only she got a call. She composed herself a bit and say.

"Yes Doctor..." She said.

Then she heard something from opposite side and got worried

"Wh...what?" She stammered.

"Wait, no!!!! I...I.. am coming" she said and immediately rushed from there.

To be continued...

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