22. Bound by heart

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"What the hell!!!!" Viraj's voice roared in the hall that caught Swara's attention. He got up abruptly while everyone there was also shocked to see this. Swara looked through her veil only to find none other than Sanskar who emptied whole kalash water pouring into the fire and it was extinguished. A playful yet pleasant smile playing on his lips like he did nothing.

Riya look at Sanskar and Swara also got up in shock looking at him with wide eyes. She lift up her veil only to get confirmation that he was actually there.

"What the hell is going on here!!!" Shekhar Gadodia's shout was heard next as he came there.

"Time's up for this marriage drama people." Sanskar said in cool tone.

"And Hello, Mr. Gadodia. It's really not nice to meet you by the way." Sanskar said casually.

Shekhar looked at him confusingly.

"Who the hell are you? And what kind of joke is this?" Viraj shouted coming in front of him.

Sanskar gave a arrogant look yet smilingly he said.
"Well I guess Mr. Gadodia haven't forget me yet. Still, hello Mr. Viraj Rathod, this is Sanskar Maheshwari, and even I don't like these kind of pathetic jokes. So, let's be serious and I hope you understand my words easily. This marriage is not going to happen." Sanskar said in straight yet challenging tone and a glint of threat could be felt in his words.

As soon as Shekhar heard the name he came to know who he was? "But wasn't it Sanskar Yashvardhan? And how, he was dead right?" He thought.

Swara was stilled at her position. She wasn't understanding what's going on. What's Sanskar doing here? Wait, he said that he is upto something yesterday.

"Don't blame for whatever happens tomorrow sweetheart"

She remembered his words and now she was somewhat getting that definitely something is coming in the way. But what? What's going to happen!! She looks at Sanskar in confusion and worries at the same time. Riya hold her by her shoulder. She looked at her.

"How the hell you came here? You were de...." she heard her father saying in shock yet in anger when Sanskar interupted.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But that's really long story and unfortunately you are also somewhere a sole reason for all that mess that caused in my life. Anyways, we will talk about it later if you want. But for now, I m just here to stop this drama what you are calling a marriage. It will be better if you get that this can't happen." Sanskar said in uncaring tone.

"How dare you!! Why this wedding can't be Happen? Just Stop all this drama and get lost from here!! or I will call police." Shekhar said angrily.

Sanskar heard him and chuckled.

"Well, if you are so eager then let me do the pleasure. It will make my work quite easier. Inspector!!" Sanskar called out with smirk on his face.

That's when inspector came there with two constables. Shekhar saw the inspector and went to him.

"Inspector, it's good that you are here. Please take this man away. He barged here forcefully and now trying to...." Shekhar was saying when Sanskar again interupted him.

"Inspector, can you please explain Mr. Gadodia what happens when you try to marry a girl forcefully without her concent? Can't he get arrested for forcing her daughter for doing it?" Sanskar said with attitude.

Swara was shocked hearing this. So was Shekhar and Viraj. Other guests started gossiping.

"What forcefully? I m Swara's father and I have all right to take decision about her. And Swara agreed herself? She is not being forced in anything!!" Shekhar shouted.

"Yes Mr. Gadodia, you are Ms. Swara's father and you can take decision regarding it but Ms. Swara is Adult and she has all her right to take her decision by herself, especially about her marriage." Inspector said.

Sanskar smiled putting and his hand inside his pocket.

"I know Inspector but My daughter is not forced in this. She agreed by herself. You can ask her." Shekhar Gadodia lied because he was well aware that Swara was against it. She tried to deny but later she had to accept.

"Swara.." Shekhar called her.

Swara was too shocked to react. Her mind was still trying to get the whole thing that's going on. She didn't know what to say. Somewhere inside her, it was forcing her to just yell out that she doesn't want it. She is not happy with this.
Sanskar was looking at her intently to hear her. Riya also looked at her eagerly. While Viraj was getting angry. He was glaring at her.

"Swara, speak up. Tell them you are not forced in this marriage." Shekhar said angrily.

"Mr. Gadodia!! You can't shout like that on her." Inspector said.

Shekhar nodded feeling embarrassed.

Riya was feeling like to shout yes. But she knew Swara need to answer.

"Swara, speak up please." Riya said slowly in worried tone.

"No! I m not forced into anything. It's my decision." Swara answered composing herself but she didn't look up.

"I m marrying with my choice. I don't have anyone's pressure on me." Swara said further.

Sanskar was looking at her. He closed his eyes trying to maintain calm. Why this girl is so stubborn? But he had idea that she will do something like that only.

"I m feeling like banging my head somewhere on the wall. Seriously!!" Riya murmured to herself but Swara could hear her. She was looking down.

"See, you heard it Inspector. She is marrying willingly." Shekhar said.

"Yes, and now that you got your answer then take this man away from here and make sure to put charge against him for defamation" Viraj said.

"Defamation? (Chuckled) If I start then I can put enough charges against you. So better shut your useless mouth Mr. Viraj!!" Sanskar said rolling his eyes in arrogantly.

"And Mr. Gadodia, May be she is saying it under your pressure only. Still, She can't marry Viraj." Sanskar said shrugging his shoulder.

Swara was now getting angry with all this. Yes, she doesn't want to marry Viraj. But she is not going to give up and let him do it.

"Just stop it Sanskar!! It's enough!! I m not forced in anything and why can't I marry him? You hold no right to barge here and stop this wedding!!" Swara gathered a but courage and shouted on him angrily glaring at him. She was breaking from inside for lying because she knows she loves him. She wants him but she was just too adamant on her decision.


"Wife?" Swara whispered confusingly.

"WIFE!!!" Shekhar said in shock while with this everyone were shocked yet confused.

"Inspector, can you please elbourate to my wife that she can't do second marriage without divorcing me!!! IT'S ILLEGAL!!" Sanskar said with smirking look.

"Yes MRS. SWARA MAHESHWARI, you can't marry Mr. Viraj. We know you are pressurized under your father to accept this even after he knew about and forced you to hide it not to let anyone know about it!!" Inspector said.

Now it was like a bomb dropped on her. She stumbled trying to resister what just Inspector said. Riya hold her immediately. Shekhar Gadodia was burning in anger and so was Viraj and his family. Shekhar glared at her.

"What is this Swara? You're married? How can you do this!!" Shekhar said angrily.

"Dad!! No, that's not right. I m not married." Swara shook her head negatively still in shock.

"What the hell is this Sanskar? I m not married to you!! Stop lying!!" Swara said angrily and marched toward him.

"Inspector, he.. he is lying. I m not married!" Swara said unable to understand.

Sanskar gave a calm look with a pleasant smile to her and then he took out paper and show it to her.

"Copy of Marriage Resistration paper and certificate having both of our sign. Have a look Mrs. Maheshwari. I didn't know that you will forget so soon sweetheart." Sanskar said and winked at her without letting anyone notice.

Swara snatched the papers from his hand angrily glaring at him and sees the papers. She was super shocked to find her sign there.
Sanskar was looking at her with smile as Swara was trying to figure out. He shifted his gaze from her and his eyes met the person who was standing behind Swara. The person gave a small nod with hidden smile. Sanskar gave his best smile with thankful nod. And the person was none other than Riya, who lift her hand acting like shifting her hair lock behind and gave a thumbs up sign to him.

Swara read the paper and was about to say something but before that Sanskar said.

"Swara, Now please don't say that you don't know how your sign came in this paper and these papers are fake. Come on, we got married. You don't need to be scared of anyone. Right inspector?" Sanskar said calmly hiding his smirking smile.

Riya bite her lower lips to hide her smile.

"Yes, Mrs. Swara, you shouldn't be scared and we know that these papers are 100% authentic and yours sign too. These papers clearly states that you are married to Mr. Sanskar Maheshwari. So, you can't marry Mr. Viraj untill you are divorced." Inspector said.

Swara heard this and she gave him death glare to him but Sanskar acted cool.

"I told you Swara, don't blame me for whatever happens. But you are too adamant and stubborn on your decision that you didn't left me any choice." He whispered slowly only to let her hear.

"Mrs. Swara, you don't need to lie under anyone's pressure. You have right to take your own decisions. Mr. Gadodia, you are under arrest for forcing and trying to marry your daughter who is already married to Mr. Sanskar." Inspector said.

Shekhar was shocked.
"What!!" He said shockingly.

"What no!! No please inspector. It's wrong." Swara immediately tried to come in between.

"Mrs. Swara, We understand your concern for your father and you are trying to save him but what he try to do was wrong. He tried to marry you even after knowing that you are married." Inspector said.

"No, please stop. He was unaware of it." Swara said immediately.

Inspector shows no reaction and he signs constable to arrest Shekhar.

"Sanskar, please for god sakes stop it!!" Swara said glaring at him.

Sanskar shrugged his shoulder giving innocent look. Swara takes a deep breathe.

"Fine!! I m not getting married to Viraj. But please stop this RIGHT NOW!!" Swara said in low tone looking at him sternly.

"As you say My queen." He muttered acting like bowing his head a bit toward her slowly with smile. Swara averted her eyes from him.

"Let it be Inspector. Don't arrest him. Whatever happens, he is my Father in law and If my wife doesn't want this then leave him with this warning. I m glad that everything is fine now." Sanskar said.

"Are you sure Mr. Sanskar?" Inspector asked.

Sanskar nodded.

"Okay" Inspector said nodding his had.
Swara sighed but she was so angry on Sanskar for this drama.

"So, Now shall we go Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari?" Sanskar asked looking at Swara.

"What? Where?" Swara asked.

"To our home." Sanskar said casually.

"But, I m here only at my home." Swara said sternly.

"Swara, I know you wanted to live here but I can't take chance. If your father again tried to do something like that. So, please come with me. And about home, After marriage, your husband's home is also yours only. Right?" Sanskar said acting innocently.

"What? I m not going anywhere from here. Get that straight!!" Swara said with stern look.

"Think wisely wify. Anyway, I don't mind if you wish to live here but I told you na, I can't trust your father for second time. That's why... So, shall we or should I do the pleasure to send your so called business minded father to jail?" Sanskar raised his eyebrows in challenging way.

Swara didn't answered. She was pissed off with this." How the hell she fell in love with this man!!!" She cursed herself under breathe.

"Not hell sweetheart, It's heaven." He said slowly as he heard her.

"Inspector, I don't want my wife to be here as who knows if this situation may rise again or even my wife will be in danger. So, with all my rights I can take my wife with me, right?" Sanskar said with smirk as Swara didn't gave any answer.

"Yes Mr. Sanskar, Mrs. Maheshwari you should go with him. Otherwise, we have to arrest Your father. So that this situation may not rise again." Inspector said.

Shekhar was burning in anger with all this. He was so angry on Swara. Firstly she got married without even letting him know and now, because of her he had to face so much embarassment.

Swara closed her eyes to control her anger on this guy who was standing in front of herself and now she is married to him already. Just wow!!

"Fine!! I will come with him." Swara said averting her eyes from Sanskar.

Sanskar smiled.

"Okay, Mr. Sanskar. We will leave now. You can call us if any further problems arise." Inspector said clearly indicating toward Shekhar Gadodia.

Inspector left from there.

Guests were gossiping and Sanskar rolled his eyes.
Riya also smiled with relief while she was also enjoying Shekhar, Viraj, and their families reactions. It was worth to watch. She knew Swara was angry on Sanskar but let's see what's Sanskar's do to pacify her. But for now, it's enough that she wasn't married to Viraj.

"Wow!! Mr. Gadodia, this is what you wanted? To defame us like this!! If your daughter was already married then why didn't you tell us earlier? You made joke of everything!!" Mr. Rathod said angrily.

Mrs. Rathod also was angry along with Viraj. They were blabbering for which Sanskar and Riya were least concerned. For them Swara was priority. Untill, they heard Shekhar shouting on Swara.

"This is all because of you Swara!! Are you happy now after embarassing me?" Shekhar said angrily.

Swara looked at her father amusingly.
"Dad? I...." she tried to say but Shekhar interupted showing his hand to her.

"Just shut up Swara!! It's my mistake only. I shouldn't have given you enough freedom. See, what I had to face because of you today. You ruined my respect. How dare you Swara! You didn't think for a second before doing this! How embarassing the situation is just because of you. You are just a selfish person who thi...." Shekhar was shouting when Sanskar come in front of Swara.

"Not a word more!!"Sanskar raised his voice coming and standing between Shekhar and Swara glaring at him angrily.
Swara was hurt once again with her father's words as he never try to understand her, or even try to listen to her. Riya came and stood beside her holding her.

"Don't you dare to shout on her Mr. Gadodia. Lower your tone while talking to her or rather keep quiet!!" Sanskar said in stern tone.

Swara looked at Sanskar who was giving a hard look to her father but she didn't said anything.

"She is my daughter. I m her father and.." Shekhar said angrily looking at Sanskar but Sanskar cuts him in middle.

"And SHE IS MY WIFE!! I m her HUSBAND. And with that I don't give you any right to talk to my wife in this tone!!! I hope you get that straight to your mind. And just put small pressure on your brain and you will realise it better that who is selfish and how you are responsible for this mess, who gave priority to everything except his daughter." Sanskar said sternly.

Shekhar was about to say something when Subhash Saxena came there and stopped him saying not to do or say anything further. It will only worse the situation because everyone is watching there. Riya's mom also said the same. Shekhar Gadodia was burning in anger but he didn't said anything further.

Sanskar turned toward Swara who seemed to be lost. Thousands of thoughts roaming in her mind. what? How? And now her father's reaction without even trying to listen to her. He knew what she must be going through.

He knew his way was wrong but her stubbornness left no ways for him. But when he said she is his life then he means it and he will do everything to mend what he had broken. And letting her go was never a choice for him. He hold her hand slowly distracting her from her thoughts. She blinks and looked at him. His eyes showing a different concern that he is with her.

"Let's go Swara." Sanskar said looking at her.

Sanskar gave a final stern look to Shekhar who was looking at him angrily like he is going to destroy him.

Sanskar gave a damn to it and walked with Swara holding her hand with full attitude like she is only his. Swara looked down at their joined hand and she doesn't know why but she felt a sudden relief rushed through her heart. Few moments ago, she was angry on him, but she can't deny all the restlessness she was going through. But All her restlessness and pain were somewhat vanishing in his presence, the way he was holding her hand, the way his eyes softened toward her. She kept walking with him with a unknown trust she always had on him, that her heart holds for him.

They just came out of mansion when Riya called her from back. They turned around. Sanskar smiled at her and he moved toward car to give a bit space to them.
Riya came to Swara and hugged her. She was a bit sad for Swara that she had to go through all this Suddenly but if this small sadness meant happiness for lifetime then it's worth it.

"Why would you do that Riya?" Swara whispered closing her eyes squeezingly hugging her back.

Yes, She had seen Riya's sign on papers as witness and now she got that how she took her sign on papers.

"I can't see my Sister living in pain for the rest of her life when she deserves love and someone better in her life." Riya whispered back with closed eyes and small smile.

"Anger and hate are two different things and you don't hate him. Sanskar loves you Swara. Just trust me if not him" She said further.

Saying this she broke the hug. Swara looked at him with tears in her eyes giving 'Are you sure look?'. Riya nodded giving her best smile.

"I know, you are going through so many questions but he is there to answer all (pointing toward Sanskar). Don't leave him so easily (chuckled). And, I will meet you soon and we will talk but for now, you have to go from here. And don't you dare to stress yourself thinking about Shekhar Gadodia. He doesn't deserve your care." Riya said cuping her face with smile.

"You are so bad Riya. I hate you." Swara whimphers and hugged her yet again.

"Same here." Riya said with Chuckle.

Then they broke the hug and sees Sanskar who was leaning on the car and giving most calm and innocent smile like he did nothing.

"I swear, I m gonna kill him." Swara murmured rolling her eyes as soon as she saw him. Riya heard her and chuckled.

They came toward car. Sanskar opened the passenger door for her smilingly. But Swara glared at him and go to other side and opened the back door and sat inside. Riya couldn't stop her laugh.

"Ah, it's going to quite hard. You have landed me into real trouble now Riya. I told you she will kill me."Sanskar said looking at Swara who was sitting elegantly in back seat in bridal dress but her expression was just like a lioness who is ready to pounce on anyone rather him.

"Serves you Right Mr. Maheshwari. All the best and Just remember my warning." Riya said raising her eyebrows with attitude.

"I know. Anyways thanks for everything Riya." Sanskar said with genuine smile.

Riya nodded.

"Let's start with being her driver then." Sanskar said with Chuckle.

Riya let out a laugh hearing him.

Sanskar sat inside car and started driving not disturbing her highness who gave a small smile to Riya and glared at him through mirror.

The car drove out of the main entrance and Riya had a beautiful smile on her face. Finally her sister was away from this mess. She knows what she has done but she doesn't regret a bit. Because Swara was hell bent to destroy her life which she can't let her do. Not when she has her love. She knew that Sanskar loves her. She can trust this man for her sister. After all he doesn't wish to die with her hand for which she had threatened him.

Riya came inside only to find the drama continued in Gadodia Mansion. Riya gave whatever look watching the movie going on. Mr. And Mrs. Rathod was angry and so was Shekhar Gadodia. And Viraj, ah! forget it. They went to a room for 'Shanti se baith ke discussion wala scenes' while Guest were still busy in gossiping. (Tran: let's discuss it peacefully)
She rolled her eyes at them and she stopped a waiter to take a cold drink.
"Cheers"She nodded at him with smile. Waiter looked at her weirdly and went from there.

Riya sat on the chair and thinks how all this happened enjoying her cold drink.

Flashback :
The engagement night:
Swara finally went to sleep after long time of disturbing thoughts of Sanskar. Sometimes looking at the ring in her finger and tears spilling from her eyes. Riya was with her only. She felt very bad for her. She tried a lot but she couldn't pacified her. She was hell bent for this marriage and on the top of that she told her not to do anything. Riya was confused. What she should do? She should involve Sanskar? Somewhere she trusted him because because of him only Swara was back. She felt that he loves her truly but his past mistake always created a second thoughts in her mind.

Riya was slowly caressing her hair to let her sleep peacefully when she heard phone ring. She sees the phone on table. It was Swara's phone. She got confused that who will call at this time. Still, she took the phone only to find a no. She got more confused but she thought to ignore it. The phone rings yet again. So, she took it but before she could say something she heard a girl's voice.

"Hello Swara, it's me Sneha." Riya heard it and she got angry suddenly hearing this name.Yes, Swara had told her that she was alive.

Riya got up from bed and came in balcony to not to disturb Swara. Coming in balcony, she was about to shout but before that she heard her.

"Swara, hello Swara please don't cut the call. Please.. it's really important. I need to tell you something very important. It's about You and Bhai. Please listen to me. I wanted to tell you when you came to my home but you didn't listen and go. Please.." Sneha was pleading her. Riya could figure out her voice was heavy like she was crying. But what's so important she need to tell Swara and about Sanskar? Riya was confused.

"Hmm." She just hmmed that she is listening.

"Please come out of your mansion. I m standing at nearby park." Sneha said.

"What the hell wrong with this girl? She saw the time. It was already more than 12 and this girl was roaming out at this time." Riya thought unbelievably.

"I know it's too late but for me it's now or never. May be I won't get any chance tomorrow as Bhai will never let me meet you. I came here somehow. Please Swara." Sneha pleads.

"Hmm" Riya hmmed yet again.

"Ok, I m waiting. Please come." Sneha said.
Riya hmmed again and disconnected the call.
She wasn't understanding what's so important that she can't wait for tomorrow and Sanskar doesn't want Sneha to meet Swara? Why? What about Swara and Sanskar?

Coming inside room, She looked at Swara who was sleeping. She covered her with comforter and went out with Swara's phone. She was angry somewhat that if this girl was trying to create any other mess then she is not going to leave her but more than that's he was confused what she wants to say now?

Riya, somehow came out of Mansion sneaking from the windows of guest room that was vacant for now. It was good thing about Gadodia Mansion unlike Saxena's mansion.

"Swara, thank god you came. I wan...." Sneha who was standing near her car started saying as soon as she finds a girl's figure approaching her but as soon as she saw the girls face. She was confused.

"Why the hell you wanted to meet Swara? What are you upto now Sneha?" Riya questioned her angrily.

"Riya? You are Riya right?" Sneha asked in unsure tone as she remembered she has seen her somewhere in pic she guessed.

"Yes, I m Riya Swara's sister. Now care to explain, What's so important that you couldn't wait for tomorrow? You and your brother had done enough damage. What's cooking in your mind now that you are finding any other way to hurt her?" Riya said angrily.

"It's not that Riya. Please, I need to talk to Swara. It's really important. I don't know if she will even believe me or not but I just can't give up. I can't cause her more pain along with my brother." Sneha said restlessly.

"What are you trying to say Sneha?" Riya asked in suspicious tone.

Sneha sighed and hold her head. Riya finds something is definitely wrong.

"Tell me what's that. If I find it useful I will convey her because she is already disturbed and I don't want her to get more hurt." Riya said sternly.

"Please call her here Riya. She should know the whole truth of whatever happened two years back." Sneha said sadly.

"What? What whole truth?" Riya asked confusingly.

Sneha didn't said anything when Riya hold her shoulder agressively.

"What truth Sneha? Tell me!!" Riya asked.

"Ok, I will tell you. I guess you will understand it better than her right now. Because may be she won't believe me thinking I m trying to prove bhai is innocent." Sneha said.

"What?" Riya asked confusingly.

Sneha nodded. She took a deep breathe closing her eyes and she started telling her everything that happened two years back. How Sanskar fell in love with Swara forgetting about all that revenge thing. Then how she came to know about it, forcing him to leave Swara and Sanskar's denial, his trust and love for Swara, trying to prove that Swara was innocent but he failed then how she literally blackmailed him for her life to do such heinous thing to the person he loved more than anything.

As soon as Sneha finished saying everything, she felt a burning sensation on her face as Riya slapped her hardly in anger.

"You think is this a joke!! What do you think of yourself Sneha?" Riya shouted on her jerking her shoulder harshly.

Sneha looked down feeling guilty. She knows she is responsible for everything.

Riya was too shocked with this revelation. Somewhere, she felt that Sanskar loved her. His words used to confuse her in Berlin whenever she tried to talk about it. The promise, situation, damn it!! He was talking about this. Riya hold her head trying to understand what a big blunder it caused.

"Riya, I know I have done worst with Swara and Bhai and I don't deserve any forgiveness for that. But Please, please stop this marriage. I know Swara thinks Bhai doesn't love her and never did but that's not the truth. Bhai loves her more than anything. She used to tell that you understand her better. You must know that she will never happy in this marriage. Neither bhai will able to live nor Swara. Both love each other. I don't want them to suffer because of my selfishness. Please..." Sneha said with tears.

"Damn it Sneha!!! You ruined everything. You just don't understand. Oh god!!" Riya said hopelessly. She was too angry on this girl but she need to calm down and think something. She was right. Swara wasn't happy in this marriage and just think that Sanskar doesn't love her. And for god sakes!! Why Sanskar isn't doing anything if he love her?

"Please, Riya stop this wedding. Swara and Bhai don't deserve to suffer for whole life. Please." Sneha requested.

"Swara won't believe it. I know her. Not for now atleast. Because she is not ready to listen anything about Sanskar. Oviously she will think you are trying to save Sanskar so that she accept him." Riya said hopelessly.

"Then? Is there no way to stop this? Please Riya." Sneha said.

Riya shook her head.

"No, I m not gonna let this happen. Anyways I don't like that stupid Viraj. Wait, you said Sanskar doesn't want you to meet Swara. Why?" Riya asked.

"Because bhai thinks, I will again try to hurt her anyhow." Sneha said sadly.

"Well, he is not wrong even. How can he trust you with it?" Riya said sternly.

"You are sick Sneha. You destroyed their lives. But I won't let Swara face because of your stupidity. She doesn't deserve the pain." Riya said further.

Sneha stayed silent. She didn't say anything.

"I don't think so still I hope there's no any hidden motive behind it Sneha. Because if it is then trust me, once Swara killed Avinash and this time I will kill you." Riya said angrily.

"Trust me Riya, this is only the best thing I had done in last few years. I m having enough of my mistakes. I can't handle more." Sneha said with sad chuckle and teary eyes which she wiped silently.

Riya sees her. She sees a guilt in her eyes.

"Please don't tell bhai about it that I told you all this." Sneha said.

"What? But why?" Riya said confusingly.

"Because he thinks I can only destroy things not mend them. Anyways, it's really late. Thanks for coming and listening. I should go now. I just wanted to tell the truth to Swara and now I don't know what I should do next. But if you need any help from me. I will do it." Sneha said truthfully feeling guilty of her deeds.

Riya nodded looking at her. Sneha sat inside her car taking a deep sigh blinking her eyes. When Riya knocked on the window glass. Sneha downs the window glass.

"Listen, Give a call to this no. when you will reach home. I just messaged you my no. through Swara's phone. Don't think I m concern but It's quite late and you shouldn't roam around like that." Riya said a bit angrily.

Sneha nodded with small smile and said "thanks".

The next day,
When Riya said she had work with her mom and said she will directly come to mall. She wasn't with her mom. She escaped from her mom making excuses and then she went from there to meet someone who was waiting for her in a cafe. Who was none other than Sneha.

"You got that?" Riya asked.

"Yeah, but I m not understanding what you are planning to do Riya? Why did you ask me to arrange these papers?" Sneha asked.

"Because I couldn't as my mom was sticking with me for this so called wedding prep what I m not going to let happened and other side, I need to take care of Swara also as she doesn't want to listen anything." Riya said.

"Okay, but why these papers?" Sneha asked confusingly.
Suddenly something clicked her mind.

"Wait, am I thinking right? You are going to take their sign on it." Sneha asked raising her eyebrows.

Riya gave a smirking nod.

Karma industry:

Sanskar was doing something in his cabin when he got a call. He take the receiver.

"Sir, Ms. Riya Saxena is here to meet you." He heard.

Sanskar get confused but he said.
"Send her in." Sanskar said.

When suddenly Riya barged inside his cabin almost giving a shock. Before he could understand anything or say, she banged a paper on his table.

"Sign this!!" She ordered.

"What?" Sanskar asked confusingly.

"I said, sign this Sanskar!! I don't have whole day." Riya said glaring at him angrily.

"Okay, relax. Firstly take seat." Sanskar said.
Riya sighed and take seat. Sanskar take the paper and as soon as he read 'marriage Resistration paper'.

"What is this!!!" Sanskar shouted.

"Stop behaving like tv serial actress!!" Riya rolled her eyes.

"Seriously Riya? This is marriage registration papers and you want me to sign this?" Sanskar asked unbelievably.

"Yes, you need to sign this. You are getting married to Swara." Riya said casually.

"What? Marriage with Swara?" Sanskar widen his eyes and looked at Riya like had she hit her head somewhere.

"Why? You said you love her but you have problem in marrying her?" Riya raised her eyebrows angrily listening him.

"Ofcourse I love her, I love her damn much. But Riya, this will be equal to betraying her. Already she is so hurt because of me. This time may be she will even kill me. If I will marry her like this then she will turn everything upside down and she will never leave me alive." Sanskar said.

"That's what I want Mr. Maheshwari. Anyway you deserve that after what you did." Riya said smirkingly.

Sanskar didn't said anything.

"And what do you want huh?? It's all because of you only that she is marrying that moneyminded bastard Viraj. What do you want? That Swara's life destroy by marrying him and you live your life peacefully." Riya added further.

Sanskar gave her a look.

"Enjoy my life peacefully? Really? You think I m happy without her?" Sanskar asked with serious look.

"I know you are not. I can see that and neither she is. But she is not ready to understand anything right now." Riya said.

"She will never forgive me after this Riya. I want to marry her. She always dreamt a perfect wedding with me. And this? All of the sudden by cheating her? She won't forgive me." Sanskar said reluctantly.

"Then will she forgive you after marrying Viraj? May be one day she does but what will you do with that forgiveness? Neither you will be happy nor she!! Will that good for you?" Riya asked.

"There has to be other way. Why don't you make her run away?" Sanskar chuckled saying this.

"I can but only if swara will be ready. Other side, that bloody security guards!! Do you think it's possible?" Riya said duh tone.

"Sanskar, all I know is I can't see my sister destroying her life. And the reason was you. Whatever happens, you fulfilled your promise to me to bring my sister back to life when she was lost. I don't know much but I saw you regret, and something like you didn't wanted to do that." Riya didn't said clearly that she knew whole truth from Sneha.

"Sanskar, she is not any buy and sold material that everyone is making her.
I know Viraj is not good for her. But you are. I saw that Sanskar who cared for my sister. Swara is just not her now. I mean business, money, she never thought about all this but now she is only thinking all this."

"What do you mean?" Sanskar asked confusingly.

Then Riya told him about Shekhar Gadodia mentality how he had make Swara feel like she is investment and a way for profit. Sanskar gripped his fist tight in anger.

"This man can never change!!" Sanskar seethed in anger.

"I know but he is not my concern. I only care about Swara. Sanskar, I don't know if swara will ever forgive you or not but I feel you will be able to make her believe in your love And if she couldn't forgive you then you can even leave her for her happiness. Life has given you a chance, it's upon you how you take it." Riya said.

"And...On second thought, I can kill you whenever I want if you try to do anything wrong with her again. But if she will go to London with that Viraj after marriage then I won't be able to do anything." Riya said shrugging her shoulder.

Sanskar chuckled at her words.

"Okay." Sanskar said with smile.

Riya smiled at him.

"Sanskar, tell me truthfully you love Swara na?" Riya asked even though she knew the answer.

"I do, more than my life." Sanskar answered truthfully.

Sanskar took his pen. Looking atthe paper, he thinks a bit then his face expression turned into determination and he signed the papers.

"It's done." Sanskar said.

"Good." Riya said taking the papers from him.

"But how will you get Swara's sign on it? If she will know then... I don't want any kind of problem arise between you both because of me Riya. That's why I m still saying think about it." Sanskar said.

"Huh!! Fattu!!" Riya muttered.

Sanskar chuckled.

"I will see to it." Riya said smilingly.

Sanskar nodded.

"Anyways, you tell me something. You said you love her and She is getting married and you were going to do nothing? Really? You know she won't be happy. Still you are behaving like you don't care." Riya asked raising her eyebrows.

"Who says that? I already had my plan." Sanskar said.

"Mean? I didn't get you?" Riya asked confusingly.

"I mean, if groom only won't be present at wedding then how will be the marriage done?" Sanskar asked with smirking smile.

Riya widen her eyes understanding his words.

"God!! You are such a devil." Riya said shaking her head unbelievably.

"I know. Swara had told me a no. Of times." Sanskar said with mischievous grin.

"Anyways, you don't need to do that now. These papers are enough time handle it. And most of all, I want to enjoy that Viraj's and my money minded families reaction tomorrow." Riya said.

"That will be fun." Sanskar said with Chuckle.

"I will get Swara's sign on it. Anyways, I will go now." Riya said.

"Riya?" Sanskar said.
"Hmm?" Riya hmmed.

"You know he loves you so much. right?" Sanskar raised the topic.

Riya nodded looking at him with small smile.
"I know. And I also know what you want to say. I know he wants me back just the way we were. And that's coming sooner. Don't worry about it. I was little insecure with myself but Swara made me realise this. It's another thing that she doesn't implement her advice on herself." Riya said and Chuckle at last.

"Glad to know it." Sanskar nodded at her.
Riya was about to say something but Sanskar said.

"Don't worry, I m saying nothing to him." Sanskar said.

Riya nodded at him smilingly.

"By the way, I came to know that Swara is going to city mall with that stupid Viraj for shopping." Sanskar told him.

"Right and I m going to join her only as I can't leave her with him alone for long." Riya said.

"Don't worry, I m here na." Sanskar said with smile.
Riya shook her head smilingly.

Then Sanskar went to mall. Riya got call from her mom to buy something that's why Riya came later.

After that, when Riya and Swara came back to Gadodia Mansion,
Riya sees Swara doing useless effort to remove the ring as soon as they came inside room. Riya was thinking how to get Swara's sign on the papers so that she doesn't notice. That's when someone knocked on the door. Riya opened the door only to find a servant.

"Ma'am, these papers came for Swara ma'am." He said and went from there.

"What is that Riya?" Swara asked trying to remove the ring.

"Wait, let me see." Riya said.
Saying this she opened the cover only to find some bank papers.

"It's bank papers Swara. You applied for new account na? Your sign needed on it to submit it." Riya said reading papers.

"Yeah, I remember." Swara said.

That's when something striked Riya's mind.
"Thank you God. You are best." Riya murmured looking up.

"What?" Swara asked confusingly.

"No, nothing. You should sign this." Riya said.

"Yeah, I will do it later." Swara said busy in removing her ring.

Riya hurriedly mixed up the marriage Resistration papers with bank papers and came to her with paper and pen.

"Arey, sign it first then you can continue this." Riya said.

"What? What happened to you suddenly?" Swara asked confusingly.

"Nothing, I m saying to sign it so that you may not forget it later. After sometime, mom will come to call for your mehndi.

Swara gave a sad sigh hearing about mehndi. Riya sees it.
"Don't worry Swara, everything will be fine." She thought.

"Swara?" Riya called her.
"Hmm." Swara averted her eyes. She took the papers and pen and absent-mindly signed on the papers placing. Riya took care that Swara don't see Marriage Resistration paper.

"I m sorry Swara. I know I shouldn't have done it. This is first time I m doing by hiding or should I cheating. But i wish you could understand. I m sure Sanskar will keep you happy." Riya thought.

She took the papers from her hand while Swara get back to her thoughts.

Later, Riya gave papers to Sanskar for further processes as she couldn't get any time. Sanskar said he will handle everything.

Flashback ends...

Sanskar was driving and looking at Swara through rear view mirror. Sanskar was trying to talk to her but Swara was just looking outside and wasn't reacting.

"Swara, please. I know I shouldn't have done that but you didn't leave any way for me." Sanskar said.

"Thank god, atleast you realised that you were wrong. Once again!!" Swara remarked sarcastically.

Sanskar sighed. He took a turn and a few minutes he stopped the car at the same place. Their place. Swara sees it. She opened the door and hurriedly came out of car. She definitely need some peace after so much choas that suddenly caused in her life today. Sanskar also came out of car only to find her standing near her favourite place, the shore of the river.
He knows what's going in her mind. For a moment, he didn't move but then he walked slowly toward her. He stood behind her. He took a deep breathe and placed his hand on her shoulder calling her name lovingly.

"Swara." He called her with so much love.
She turned around abruptly jerking his hand away and next second a hard slap landed on his face. His eyes closed with sudden impact but he knew he deserves it. Actually a lot more.
He looked at her only to find her looking at him angrily get with hurt expression. Her eyes were red and filled with tears. He felt bad and lift his hand slowly to her face to cup it with care but next second he felt another slap. But it didn't stop and he felt another two consecutive slap from her and then she started hitting him on his chest cryingly trying to take out her anger, her frustrations that she was holding inside her. He didn't said anything because watching her like that was also so painful then he could understand she was feeling worse. But he hold her hand pulling her to himself.

"Swara, please.. calm down." He said calmly.
"No!! I won't calm down!!" Swara shouted and jerked her hand away from his hold and he let her hands free.

Then she hold his collar with anger.

"What!!! What do you think I am Sanskar? You think everything is a joke! You made my life a joke Sanskar!! Stop this and just kill me for once. I know you don't love me and never did then why did you married me? To save me from Viraj!!! Great Sanskar Maheshwari became savior of the girl from whom he wanted to take revenge. Wow!! And the worst part, you involved Riya in all this. For god sake, you don't need to do that. You have already done a lot. (Sarcastic). You want my forgiveness. Ok, I have forgiven you. Let me live please!! Just leave me!!" Swara shouted with tears jerking him holding his collar and at the end she jerked him away.

"I told you already, that's the only thing I can't do. I can't leave you." Sanskar said.

He hold her hand. Swara tried to jerk but he pulled her to himself in firm grip, encircling his one hand around her waist and with another he slowly cups her face. She wiggles to free herself but couldn't.

"Leave me just!! I..." Swara whimphers with tears but her words stuck in her throat the next moment.

Sanskar lift her face leaning toward her and looks into her eyes deeply. The sudden proximity started affecting her yet again. Their breathe turn heavier.

"I can say thousand times a day that I always loved you Swara and I do with all my heart. I don't blame you for not trusting me. Not a moment I spent with was lie. It was truth, blissful, soulful and with my heart. I never pretended that love because love happens by heart not mind." Sanskar said.

"You are lying Sanskar. You know I still trust you somewhere in my heart. Stop this please. Why did you marry me? Or rather you call this a marriage? Getting my sign on these papers!!! That's all? But just remember Sanskar, You can't force me into this." Swara said looking straight into his eyes.

"Neither I want to." Sanskar said.

"See, you said yourself that it mean nothing to you. Neither will. Why did you spoil everything Sanskar? I was getting married to Viraj na? I would have away from your life? Nd it was my decision!! My choice!!" Swara said looking away.

"A forceful decision that you are imposing on yourself to pay back your father's investment. Is that your choice you are talking about? Just ask yourself Swara!! Ask your heart and tell me weren't you happy to see me there? No matter how hard you were trying to shout and show anger, these eyes shows your every emotion. That's why you were continuously averting to look at me and doing it even now." Sanskar said sternly.

Swara gasped but she couldn't look at him.

"I told you yesterday Swara, if you are happy, I m happiest but if not then I can turn Everything upside down to make it correct. The hell of that decision by which neither I would have been live peacefully nor you. I know you love me more than anything Swara and you had choosen to live with my memories but not with me. Right? I know it's my mistake that come in between but that doesn't mean I will let you spoil your life." Sanskar said.

Swara looked up into his eyes.

"And about our marriage, whether we didn't have perfect situation, but this meant so much for me. No marriage is bound by rituals, vermilion, mangalsutra, papers. The main thing that connects two soul is their heart, trust and being honest to each other. Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari, you are bound to me by heart and I promise to trust you, respect you and being honest with you always. I want to spend my whole life with you and never leave you alone. I will bear everything, your silence, your punishment, even you can beat me just like you did few minutes ago.I don't mind but just be with me. That will be enough. Yes, I had to do that because of Viraj but that doesn't mean he is the only reason. I can do anything and everything for you. Swara, legally we are married. But I promise, I m not imposing anything on you. The day I will earn your forgiveness and you will trust on my love yet again, it will be enough for me." Sanskar said sincerely.

Swara couldn't find word to say anything. Why does he hold a power to make her speechless and vanish her anger everytime.
He wipes her tears away from her face with his thumb and kissed her forehead leaning toward her. She closed her eyes feeling it.

She was sitting on the bed in his room thinking about everything happened today. In just few moments, everything changed in her life. Sanskar asked her, if she not ready to live with him in his mansion then she can live in his penthouse but he can't let her be with his father who care nothing about her and his words will only hurt her. She agreed to come with him to this mansion. Whatever happens, they were legally married now. Neither papers were fake nor signatures. But somewhere it felt so nice and peace to her heart. Since these few days, she was so restless what's going to happen after marriage? How will she live with it? But now a sudden calmness and warmth was developing inside her. His presence, words and his eyes were making it too hard for her to accept that he never loved her. She wanted to trust him but.. she don't know. (Swara sighed).

When she came here, Rp and Sujatha blessed her and welcomed her smilingly. She felt a little awkward but surprisingly they knew everything about the marriage.
But she found a different behaviour of Sanskar with her mother like... anger! She remember once Sanskar used to talk about her that how Caring and loving she is and he loves her then why will he behave like he doesn't even care. What happened now? On the other side, She found Sneha standing near a pillar away from them and looking at them. She had a smile on her face but she felt something wrong with her. May be she wasn't happy that Sanskar married her but then why would she smile rather a sad smile?

She was thinking all this then Sanskar's word crosses her mind.

"A forceful decision that you are imposing on yourself to pay back your father's investment"

She remembered her father's words. Now her mind forced her to think that Was she going to commit a mistake for her father by marrying Viraj? Because now she highly doubt that her father would have been even happy after that. Or may be find another reason to accuse next time? She was giving up her choices for her father who was least concerned about her even now. She could pay him back for the investment he has done on her by this marriage. But may be it still wouldn't have enough for him. He never cared when she was suffering since two years except for that money he paid then how could she think he will ever care?
Her eyes were getting wet thinking all that but she blinks immediately.

Time passed, she didn't know when she laid on the bed with her head supporting the bed post. She has removed the veil. Her eyes got closed. This room hold a peace, his essence and warmth. Slowly a smile broke on her lips thinking about their past moments.

"I always loved you Swara and will do for the rest of my life. I love you with my heart and soul." His words echoed but this time she didn't tried to suppress it.

She doesn't know what future has stored for her but don't know she was feeling to trust him and give him a chance. Should she do it?

"He loves you Swara." She remembered Riya's words.

Thinking all this, slowly sleep engulfed her. She was feeling tired. Tired with all that chaos. She was lost in peaceful sleep when she felt someone caressing her face and then kissing her forehead lovingly that felt like a dream. and doesn't want to break it by opening her eyes. Then only she heard a whisper saying I love you. She felt it so soothing.

It was Sanskar who came inside his room only to find Swara was sleeping in half lying position. He smiled at her. He came to her and made her lie properly on bed and covered her with comforter. She was still in her bridal dress and looking so breathtaking. He caressed her face and put her hair strands behind then leaning toward her face, he kissed her forehead with love and care.

"I love you Swara." He whispered. He sees her finger that was having bandage.

"Did she hurt herself in trying to remove that ring?" He thought and hold her hand confusingly and touched it slowly only to feel weird. He slowly removed the bandage only to find the ring what he gave her. He smiled in relief and kissed it.
He stayed there looking at her for sometime then let her sleep peacefully and left the room.

A few hours later, her sleep broke with phone ring. Swara look at the time. It was already 8:45 p.m.

"What?" Her eyes widen. She looked out of window only to find the sun was long gone. All she could see was elegant lighting of room and then comforter over her. Did she take it? But she jerk her thoughts.

She sees her phone that was kept table. She sat on the bed and took the phone finding it was Riya. She tried to call her since the time she came here but it was switched off. She got confused but thought may be her phone was discharged.

She take the call.
"Hello Riya, where were you? I called you a no. Of times but your phone was switched off." Swara said.

But she didn't heard any voice from other side.

"Hello, hello Riya, are you there?" Swara asked.

"Hm" she heard her low voice in whimphering tone. She got alert.

"Riya, what happened? You okay na?" She said but She didn't heard Riya's voice.

"Riya please say something. I m getting scared." Swara said worriedly.

"Riya?" Swara looked at her phone. She was still on line. She called her name again asking is she okay?

"Ye. Yeah" She heard.

"I don't think you are okay. I m coming to meet you now." Swara said.

"No.. no please. Please Swara. I.. I am not in Sexena mansion." Riya said with difficulty.

"What? Then where are you? Gadodia Mansion?" Swara asked thinking she was still there.
"Noo.." she heard her slow voice.

"Riya, what happened? Please tell me." Swara asked being restless.

"I.... I Got Married To Viraj." She heard Riya saying in one breathe with almost breaking tone.

Swara was shocked to hell like floor escaped beneath her.

To be continued...

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