23. Mending a shattered dream

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"I.... I Got Married To Viraj." She heard Riya saying in one breathe with almost breaking tone.

Swara was shocked to hell like floor escaped beneath her.

"Wh..what?" Swara asked in unsure tone. No, that's not what she heard.

"Riya? No.. that's not right. You.. you are joking right? Pl.. please say, it's not true. You di.. didn't married Viraj. Please." Swara asked worried and being scared with little hope that it's not true. But Riya's voice said it all.

She didn't heard her saying anything for a couple of second and then she heard her heartbreaking sobs only to get confirm that it's a bitter lie and she heard him saying those words yet again with her cries.

"Y.. yes Swara, I g.. got married to Viraj." Riya said.

"Whattt? Ho... how... Riya? What happened? How can you do this Riya?"Swara said with difficulty. She was too restless and worried.

"I didn't have choice Swara. I.. tr..tried to deny but Dad and Shekhar uncle wasn't ready to listen. I just wanted to run away but mom..." Riya couldn't say anything and started crying bitterly.

"Riya? Riya no...why? Why did you destroyed your life? Why and how this happened?" Swara said with tears in her eyes.

Riya was crying uncontrollably and Swara's words over phone couldn't help anything to console her.

"Riya, where are you? Tell me, I m coming right now to meet you." Swara said. She got up from bed.

"No stop!!" She heard Riya and stopped in her track.

"What but why?" Swara asked confusingly yet worriedly.

"I.. m. F... Fine. I m at Viraj's farmhouse." Riya said trying to control her whimphers.

"What the hell!! Oh god!! Why this happened?" Swara paced here and there in her room restlessly.

"I.. m trying to be fine Swara. You relax." Riya said with tears.

"Just shut up Riya!! For god sales,I know you are not fine. I hate you. I hate this damn family!! They only meant to destroy us and they did. Why didn't you run away Riya? Why? You saved my life but you ruined yours!! Why?" Swara shouted with tears.

"Tell me the location Riya, I m coming please. "Swara requested her.

"No!!" Riya said sobbing.

"Riya please!!" Swara pleads her.

"No Swara, I won't be able to take it if you come here. It will be too hard for me to handle. Please don't come now." Riya said in between tears.

Swara hold her head and pressed her lips not to cry because it will only make Riya feel more vulnerable. She wasn't able to find any word neither she wants her to come.

A few minutes passed in silence and she could only hear her cries. And then started telling how everything happened.

"Riya please tell me, how this happened? I know you are much more stronger than me. You couldn't just give up. Why? Why would you do that?" Swara asked.

"A.. After you left....." Riya started telling her.


Riya was in Swara's room while drama was going on downstairs. She was least bothered to know what they were discussing. What's still left to discuss. Swara is already married. This marriage didn't happen and even the deal will be cancelled. God knows, what these businesses minded selfish people were discussing since so long.
Uncared to all that, Riya was so happy that Swara is going to happy in her life and she is out of all this. But that's not the only reason of her happiness. Thinking about him, a beautiful smile was playing on her lips.

"Should I call him now?" Riya murmured to herself. Looking at his name on contact no. Then she again back.

"God, why I m getting so much conscious? It's only Arav and I m not going to talk to him for the first time. You are stupid Riya. Stop behaving like a teenage girl. Yeah, I will call him. But wait!! What will I say him? Sorry? What? Umm... Can we talk? God!! Why am I behaving like this!! Why this is so complicated." Riya hits her head with pillows.

That's when someone knocked on the door.
"Who's this?" Riya asked in duh tone for disturbing her time with herself.

"Riya, Open the door." She heard her father.
Riya rolled her eyes.
"What happened now? I hope their drama is over and now we are going back to Saxena's mansion." She murmured to herself.

She went and opened the door looking at her father and her mother who came with Shekhar Gadodia himself.

"Wow!! You three came here. You could have ordered your servant to call me Dad like you always do." Riya said.

Subhash looked at her with serious expression. Mrs. Saxena nod at him.

"Riya, we need to talk to you something really important." Her mother said.
Saying this, they came inside and shut the door. Riya looked at them suspiciously.

"What's there to talk now? Are you here to involve me in your drama? Isn't it end yet? Because the marriage is not going to happen now." Riya said.

"The marriage is going to happen." Shekhar said.

"Really and how Shekhar uncle? Because Swara is already married and I guess she went to HER HOME WITH HER HUSBAND. Right?" Riya said.

"Riya, stop it!! Is this way you talk to elders?" Subhash angrily.

"Well Dad, if you are here to give me lecture on how to behave then I think you should have given up till now. Because my behavior depends upon person." Riya said not giving damn to his angry tone.

Subhash was about to shout but Shekhar nodded at him. He nodded.

"Riya, this marriage will happen and today only but not with Swara." Her mother said.

"Then with whom?"Riya asked confusingly.

"With you." Mrs. Saxena said.

"Whatttt!!!" Riya shouted.

"Yes Riya, you are getting married to Viraj." Subhash said.

"What the hell!! Is this some kind of a joke and why the hell do you think I will agree to it? Huh!! Me and marry that money minded Bastard Viraj Rathod!!! Just forget it. I m not interested in dealing another phase of my life with another business minded person. I m already having enough dealing with you people." Riya shouted angrily.

"Riya, please agree to it. It's about our reputation." Shekhar said shameless.

"Yes Riya, I know it's sudden situation and a bit hard for you but Viraj is a nice guy and you will be happy." Her dad said trying to maintain calm.

Riya Chuckled shaking her head unbelievably.

"Seriously!! Hats off to you people. I mean seriously? Viraj is nice huh!! I would never prefer that even my enemy would marry him. He is no different from you Dad. Bloody cold hearted businessman!!" Riya shouted.

"Riya, You are getting married to Viraj and you have to agree." Subhash shouted at her.

"No, I m not Dad. I m not interested in ruining my life by marrying him. It's my decision. Did you hear that?" Riya shouted.

Then only, Shekhar Gadodia got the call and he excused himself nodding at Subhash to talk to her.

"Riya, I m your father and I m taking this decision for you. You have to accept it. Don't force me to do anything worse." Subhash said.

"Can't you hear at once that I won't marry him? And about you being my Dad, then It's better to be orphan rather than having a father like you Dad!!" Riya said angrily.

"Just shut up!! I don't want to hear a word more. We have already done the announcement that my daughter is getting married to Viraj and this is going to happen. This marriage will be done and this deal will be also locked. It's Swara's Bad luck that she didn't understood it. You should be thankful that Viraj got ready to marry you." Subhash said.

"Thankful to him? My foot!! And leave Viraj, I won't marry anyone with your choice. Because I love someone more than my life. And just to hurt your so called respect and ego, the guy is none other than your long time enemy and business rival ARAV JAISINGH!!" Riya said smirkingly showing no sign of fear from her dad. She was used to this behaviour since childhood.

Subhash got too much angry and he slapped her hardly. Riya stumbled with impact. Her eyes got teary with sting of pain. Her mother hold her.

Riya looked at him with red eyes. Her eyes were teary but holding anger within them. She was hurt but tried hard not to show them. She gave a sarcastic chuckled.

"I told you na, see your ego hurt. I m not surprised Dad. You want slap again. Do it!! Because that's the only thing you can do Dad!!" Riya said angrily.

"Riya stop it!!" Her mom finally uttered something.

"Then tell your husband to get out of here along with you because in no hell way, I am going to admit what he is trying to force on me. Even if he will kill me." Riya said sternly looking at her father.

"Enough is enough!! Just get ready soon otherwise no one will be worse than me. Got it?" Subhash shouted.

"No one is worse than you Dad!! No one." Riya seethed in anger with red and teary eyes.

Subhash was about to slap her again when her mom came in between.

"No, don't do that. I will talk to her. She will agree. Don't worry. You please go. She will understand." Her mom said.

Subhash nodded and glaring at Riya he was about go but before that he sees her phone on bed. He took it angrily. Riya sees it and tried to take it back but he jerked her away. Then he went out.
Riya was burning in anger. Few minutes ago, she was so calm and thinking about her life with Arav but as usual her selfish father was best in making the situation worse. She angrily marched to the window looking out and trying to calm herself because she knows she is not going to marry Viraj.

"Riya.." her mom came to her calling her in sugar coated voice.

"Just stop it mom. I don't want to hear anything. Once again you are supporting your husband and I m not doubting you are best with it. So just leave because I m not going to agree." Riya said sternly.

"Riya beta please. It will be good for all of us. And dear, you must-have some attraction with that Arav. Trust me Viraj is best. He is so rich. He has everything." Her mom said.

Riya strictly denied. Her mom left no things to try to make her agree, telling she will be happy, they care for her and blah.. blah... but Riya was adamant on her decision. She was pissed off with this. And she looked at her mom amusingly, how perfect she was in following her husband's order. But she will never care about her daughter.

"Hats off to you mom seriously!! I always craved for your love but you were too busy in attending business parties with your husband and showing off to this society. And today you are acting like you care for me. No mom, you don't." Riya said looking at her mom unbelievably.

"Riya, dear you are getting us wrong. We are thinking about your happiness only. What's wrong in Viraj? He is best. Dear, please understand us. Here, take this dress and get ready fast. I will send someone to help you. Hmm?" Her mom said.

Riya felt it's waste to say anything Shaking her head unbelievably. Her mom went out.

"I m not getting married to that looser and that's final." She muttered to herself. She didn't have phone to call someone. She had to run away from here.
"Why didn't I go with Swara only." Riya murmured.
She was pacing here and there and thinking what to do. Then she get an idea. She opened Swara's cupboard and took out few of her dupattas. She tied them to each other then tied it something. Then she opened the window and threw it from window. She was on second floor. Taking a deep sigh, she started coming down holding the rope of dupatta. It was little short but she jumped at the last. But her eyes widen to see a pair of shoes. She looked up only to find Viraj who came out to talk to someone on phone saw her.
He hold her hand angrily and dragged her inside. Riya tried to remove his hold but he didn't leave it.

"Enough of this stupidity Riya!! What were you trying to do?" Subhash shouted.

"I don't want to marry him mom Dad!! Why don't you understand? For once in my life, can't you just try to understand me?" Riya said cryingly.

"Shut up!! Get ready fast otherwise I promise you are going to face hell." Subhash shouted.

"And you!! Just make her ready fast. It's already time for wedding. Otherwise, I will make sure to ruin your career and take you on road." Her father threaten the beautician who nodded being scared.

Then everyone went out of room leaving Riya with beautician and her two staff girls who felt bad for her to see her crying.

Riya was crying bitterly. She didn't understand what she should do.

"Riya ma'am, please. Please calm down and get ready. Otherwise, we will loose our job. I am single mother of my three years baby. If I will loose this job then it will be too hard for me to take care of him and may be no one will give me job. Please, I understand your situation but sorry we can't help you." The beautician said sadly feeling helpless to help her.

Riya was sobbing and felt too helpless. She could only think about Arav. She sees the sad face of beautician. What was her fault in all this? Her father is worst than anyone. She hates him to the core.

Taking a deep sigh, She nodded at beautician and took the dress to get ready. After changing, she was sitting with blank expression in front of dressing table. Her make up was being done. She was going through the worst, her heart was paining like hell yelling not to do this but she felt helpless. She wasn't selfish to let someone suffer because of her. At last , the veil was put on her head, covering her face and a tear slide down from her eyes.

"I m sorry Arav." She whispered to herself and closed her eyes.

Then her mom came to take her with Mrs. Rathod. She was looking so happy.

"Oh my god, my daughter is looking so pretty. Right Mrs. Rathod.?" Her mom said.

"Right, I m so happy that I m getting such a beautiful daughter in law." Mrs. Rathod said.

Riya was having blank expression on her face.

"Okay, now come on. It's time already." Her mom said.

Mrs. Rathod nodded. She go.
"Come dear." Her mom said holding her hand.

"Wait, mom." Riya said slowly.

"Yes dear, any problem?" Her mom asked adjusting her dress at shoulder.

"I need to tell you something and please tell this to Dad also." Riya said.

"Yes dear?" Her mom said.

"From this moment, I m no one for you and dad. So, even if I die don't you dare to come to me to hurt my soul also. Please let me die in peace." Riya said with bitter smile fill of hate and disgust.

Her mother was shocked.
"Now, let's go." Riya saying this, moved ahead. Her mother gave awkward smile to beauticians who gave unbelievable look at her as they heard Riya. They followed Riya.

She was made to sit beside Viraj. Mantras started. Riya was feeling she didn't have any strength left behind her. She was sitting blankly and tears fell from her eyes. She took pheras and only Arav's thought roaming around her mind. Then she closed her eyes squeezingly when she felt mangalsutra tied around her neck and then vermilion applied in her hairline.

She fisted her hand tight, piercing nails to her palm when she heard herself declared as MRS. RIYA VIRAJ RATHOD!!
After sometime, her farewell was done. They were going to live in his farmhouse tonight and then will leave for London after two days. That's what she heard Mrs. Rathod saying.

Flashback end...

Riya again burst out cryingly. Swara was numb hearing all this. She also started crying.

"It's all because of me. I m responsible for it. I am sorry Riya." Swara said blaming herself shaking her head negatively that it shouldn't have been done.

"No Swara.." Riya tried to say hearing her.

"No Riya, it would have been better if I married Viraj. You love Arav. How will you live?... I.. I Snatched your happiness. I am the reason of your pain. Once again, I am reason of snatching someone's happiness, and I don't believe it's you...who was always beside me." Swara said cryingly blaming herself.

"No Swara, you are not at fault. Please don't blame yourself." Riya said.

Swara squeezed her eyes pressing her lips.

"Swara, don't think like that. You can never do anything wrong to anyone. And..I.. I am happy that you got your love. You are with Sanskar. I m happy for you. "Riya said composing herself because she could hear Swara blaming herself.

"Shut up Riya!! Just stop it. You don't need to pretend to me atleast.!! Oh god, why Riya? You should have let me get married to Viraj. Atleast you would have out of this mess. I am just hating myself." Swara said with tears.

"Swara, you had already suffered a lot and now I am happy for you." Riya said with heavy voice.

"And, I have you with me always. I know it. I will be fine Swara." She said further.

"Just stop lying to yourself Riya. Stop it!! You love Arav Riya. You can't live like that. Remember, what you had told me." Swara said.

Riya pressed her lips squeezing her eyes shut. Yes, that true. She was totally broken. She wasn't able to hold it.

"I will talk to you later Swara. Bye take care." Riya said in heavy voice and disconnected the call without saying anything.

"No Riya wait!!" Swara tried to say but Riya disconnected the call.

Swara immediately tried to call her again but Riya didn't take it.

While on the other side, Riya breaks down feeling no strength.

Swara called her again and again but Riya didn't respond putting it on silent. Swara was so worried and crying for her sister and sat on bed with thud clutching the sheet in her fist.

That's when the door opened and Sanskar came inside. He was shocked to see Swara crying and rushed to her.

"Swara?" He came to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

Swara sees him and as soon as her eyes met his, she got furious. She got up angrily and pushed him.

"It's all because of you!! Why did you do that?" Swara shouted.

"What? What happened Swara?" Sanskar asked as he didn't understand.

"You spoiled everything Sanskar!! You ruined Riya's life. If you wouldn't have done that then I would have married Viraj. Riya's life wouldn't have spoiled. Just because of your stupid stunt, Riya had to marry Viraj!! Her life is ruined!!" Swara shouted angrily.

She hold his collar angrily looking at him sternly with teary eyes.

"What do you think yourself Sanskar? Why!! You spoiled everything. You spoiled my sister's life." Swara said furiously.

"Swara.." Sanskar was confused and tried to speak but Swara didn't let him.

"Just stop it!! I don't want to hear another pathetic excuse. I don't want to hear the same thing. The reality is that because of your one action, it cost Riya's life. And even I m responsible for her this state. She was broken. I never saw her so helpless but today she was. And it's all because of you!!" She said jerking his collar angrily.

"Swara listen.."
Sanskar was trying to speak but Swara wasn't letting him do. She was crying and blaming him and herself for Riya's condition. Sanskar swiftly hold her hand and hold it behind her back pulling her to himself.

"Swara listen to me!!" Sanskar said loud enough to make her shudder.

She stopped and look at him. But she immediately tried to wiggle and seperate herself when she heard him.

"Riya is not married to Viraj!!" He said calmly.

"What?" Swara asked as soon as she heard him.

He nodded with smile.

"Don't lie. I talked to her just now. She is married to that Viraj. She was heartbroken and crying on the phone. She isn't lying to me." Swara said sternly.

"May be, she still doesn't know whom she married but don't worry, she will come to know in sometime." Sanskar said calmly.

"What the hell are you talking? Don't try to mock me!!" Swara shouted.

"Oh wify, how can I dare to do that? You want Riya's happiness and you know her happiness lies to whom." Sanskar said pointing her toward the clue.

"What the hell!! Why are you making it complicated? Her happiness lies mean?.. wait,..... please tell me what I m thinking is right?" Swara said realising something.

"She is married to ARAV!!" Swara said in hopeful tone that it should be true.

"Full marks wify"Sanskar said with smile.

"How can I let spoil that girl's life who has given me my life?" Sanskar said.

"But how?" Swara was confused.

Sanskar gave a devlish smile with wink.

Viraj's farmhouse:

Riya was standing near window and crying bitterly. The room was decorated with petal, candles and dim light and fragrance in the air but it was only making her feel suffocated. She wanted to run away from all this. She wasn't able to hold herself. All she was thinking was about him. She wanted to confess him, go back to him, live her life with him but where did her life brought? Why her destiny was so cruel to her? It is feeling like she was cursed to love. Why? Why did this happen with her? She thought to save her sister's life and she did. But why she couldn't save herself?
She was lost in her own world of miseries when she heard someone coming. She fisted her palm and tried to control herself. A sudden feeling of nervousness and scared engulf her. But she wasn't going to give up. She was going to show this Viraj that marrying her is not a wise decision. She was going to make him feel hell. She tried to gather some courage and She heard someone entered inside and the door closed with click sound. She didn't cared to turn around.

She heard the steps approaching her and she said Sternly.

"Stop Right there Mr. Viraj Rathod!!" Riya said venomously.

"Dare you try to come close to me! It will be better if you understand few things otherwise trust me, you will see worst of me. This marriage meant nothing but a forceful deal that I had to do. Anyways this marriage meant a deal for you also right? Then be it that way. I never wanted to marry you Viraj and you never expect that I will ever accept this marriage. I love someone else and always will. But If you are feeling betrayed then also I don't care because if no one cares about me then I also don't care about anyone not even you my so called HUSBAND!!" Riya said sternly.

As soon as she finished, she felt his hand on her shoulder and she shouted at the top of her voice.

"Don't you dare to touch me!!!" Riya shouted and she abruptly jerk his hand away but she was pulled to his chest by his around her waist.

"What the hell!!! How da..." She sees the hands around her waist and was about to shout which stopped as soon as she sees the person who was none other than Arav.

"Arav?" Riya sees him confusingly but then with relief.
For a second, she couldn't believe it was him.

"Ar.. Arav, yo.. you are here ?" Riya asked being not sure.
She closed her eyes tightly and then opened it only to realise he was there and now giving a questionable look raising his eyebrows.

"What is this Riya? You love me and marriage to someone else? Huh?" Arav asked raising his eyebrows.

Riya heard him but she couldn't hold herself anymore and hugged him tightly. She gripped on his shoulder and then she breaks out into painful sob. Arav also hugged her back. He tries to calm and sooth her but she was not listening anything.

"I m sorry Arav." She uttered with difficulty in between sobs.

Arav knew what she is feeling. He knows all the situation what happened.

"Hey, hey relax Riya, see I m here na. Calm down. You are with me. Please relax. Don't cry." Arav said those words continuously embracing her in his protective embrace.

"I m sorry Arav, I couldn't do anything. I tr.. tried but.. why didn't you come before Arav? Why didn't you stop this? I .. I felt so alone." Riya said with heartbreaking cries.

"No Riya, I m always with you. I won't let anything happen to you." Arav said. He had to tell her truth but firstly she needs to calm.

He kept trying to calm her saying soothing words that he is here with her. And finally she stopped crying. He breaks the hug and cups her face. He wipes her tears with his thumb. Riya looks at him when suddenly reality hits her. She is married. Her face expression changed.

Arav was about to say something when Riya jerked his hand away.

"What are you doing here Arav? You shouldn't have come here!!" Riya said averting her eyes from him.

"What?" Arav asked confusingly.

"Yes, everything is end now. I m married. I was too late and my destiny took turn. My life is changed now Arav. Go from here." Riya said.

"Riya, it's nothing like that. We love each other and I will never let anything wrong happen to you. I ma.." Arav was saying when Riya interupted.

"The worst has already happened Arav! What's left now? Nothing!! My life is ruined with this marriage. " Riya said in broken tone.

"Well, I didn't knew that marrying me is such a worse thing otherwise I would have be with you in live in for whole life." Arav said hiding his smile with fake amused look.

"Wh.. what?" Riya asked confusingly. Did he say marrying him?

She had confused yet shocked expression on her face.

He pulled her to himself yet again and encircled his arms around her.

"Yes ex Ms. Riya Saxena, you are MRS. RIYA ARAV JAISINGH NOW!!" Arav said looking into her eyes.

"And what were you saying that I should go? Where? To live without you Mrs. Jaisingh? (Raised his eyebrows). Hmm I know I was doing that since four years but trust me that was too boring and I m too bored with my boring life." Arav said in light tone.

Riya's eyes filled with tears and she felt like she got a sudden happiness that she lost and she even lost hope.

"You... You are not lying na? Please Arav." Riya asked still not able to believe him.

"No, I can never lie to my wife. You are married to me Riya." Arav said with genuine smile and cups her face lovingly.

Riya now cared to look at his clothes. He was wearing the same shervani what her groom was wearing. She didn't see much as she was lost in herself all the time. She was too drowned in her thoughts to notice or feel his presence. It was feeling like he was there but she thought it's just her thoughts and her heart.
Realising that she is married to Arav, a sudden wave of emotion hits her. She was so happy that cannot be explained. She thought her world was shattered but no, he was here for her. She didn't lose him yet again. But suddenly she started feeling everything spinning around her and darkness in front of her eyes.

"Arav" She could merely whisper his name and stumbled as her eyes felt heavy, then she fainted in his arm. Arav hold her immediately not letting her fall.

"Riya!!" Arav got worried.

"Riya? Riya wake up?" Arav pats her face but she didn't wake.

He looked at her and thinking may be she was stressed out and fainted.

"I guess, she got too much shocked." Arav smiled at her newly wedded wife but he was worried for her also.

He took her in his arm and walk to the bed. Then he made her lie on the bed comfortably. Sitting beside her, he took the water glass that was kept on bed side table. He sprinkled water on her face a couple of times and pats her face calling her name with concern.

"Riya? wake up Riya please." Arav called her.

Her eyebrows moved and she slowly opened her eyes only to see him looking at her with concern. Arav felt relief to see her awake.

"You okay Riya?" Arav asked caressing her face looking at her. When Riya got with a jerk and immediately hugged him like her life depends on him. She break down in his arm.

"Riya, no please. Stop crying. Your health will affect. Please." Arav said caressing her back.

"I thought I lost you." She said slowly clutching her hold on him.

"You can never lose me. Destiny made us meet after so much. How can be it so cruel and how would I let you go again?" Arav said.

"I got scared Arav. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to talk to you. I wanted you with me but I felt too helpless." Riya said.

"You can never be helpless. You are the strongest girl. And I m always with you." Arav said.

"Mom, Dad no one tried to listen to me. I didn't wanted that but..." Riya was saying but paused thinking about all that.

"Shhh!! I know everything Riya. You don't need to think about all that. We were always together Riya. Nothing can break us. I m with you always. Calm down please." Arav said with care and love.

She was sobbing but he was holding her in his embrace letting her take out her pain. He also had fear to loose her but he would have never let that happen. He was there for her when she needed him the most and it was feeling of satisfaction. He is still there to hold her hand till eternity and never leave her alone.

After Sometime, Riya was finally calmed, feeling tranquility. He finally able to make her feel better. He breaks the hug slowly and wipes her tears. She looks at him feeling his love and care for her. He leans toward her and put his forehead against her. She closed her eyes and her lips curved into a beautiful smile with peace and relief in her heart. This man can do anything for her and would never let her go. And he did. She was feeling happiest and luckiest to be his wife. He made her feel secured, protected and loved. She can trust him with all her heart and he won't fail her. Once he used to say to tease her saying that he is desperately waiting to marry her and make her his wife, still it hold truth and determination in his words. Today, she was married to him and it's because of him. He mend her hopes and dreams that were once again shattering.

But suddenly, something crossed her mind and now she was confused. How? How all this happened? How did he come there and marry her?

She separate herself a bit and looked at him confusingly.

"But Arav, How did all this happen? And what about Viraj if I got married to you?" Riya asked being confused.

"Hey, I m still jealous freak Arav Jaisingh. So, Don't take other guy's name in front of your husband." Arav said dramatically to light her mood.

Riya hits him lightly on his chest with smile leading him to Chuckle.

"Come on. You can do better. I know it." Arav said with Chuckle.

Riya hits him again a little harder and it was best to see her like that. A fierce and smiling Riya, whom he fell for and can never see her tears and crying.

"Okay, I m telling you everything." Arav said and pulled her in embrace yet again.

After Sanskar came to his mansion with Swara, he dropped Swara to his room and came out. He thought to give her sometime for herself. Coming out, he was going downstairs thinking everything happened and how Riya helped him in all this. When suddenly some thing striked his mind.
Shekhar's reaction was as expected and then Subhash Sexena trying to stop him? As much he came to know from Riya, he was no less than Shekhar Gadodia. Why would he try to stop Mr. Gadodia on his loss of his business deal of life time. Subhash Saxena was also going to get profit share. Will he leave it like that? They won't leave it so easily. He had noticed his expression like something was cooking in his mind. He can understand that much. Being a businessman, he face hundreds of people.
He was thinking all this trying to figure out, what they would do now as Swara was not going marry Viraj then....
"Shit!! RIYA!!" He said in shock.

He immediately take out his phone and called Riya and damn it!! It's switched off.
"No way!!" Sanskar muttered to himself in frustration.
"I won't be able to forgive myself if Riya get stuck in all this." He immediately rushed out telling the maid that he is coming in Sometime and take care of Swara if she need anything.

He immediately sat in car and drove away. He hurriedly called Arav. In a couple of seconds, he take it.

"Hey buddy. All good? Did you gave shock to that Shekhar Gadodia?" Arav said with Chuckle taking the call with Bluetooth. He was driving.

"Yeah, almost. But we will talk about it later. Where the hell are you right now?" Sanskar said straightly.

"Why? What happened? Everything's fine?" Arav asked confusingly hearing restless tone of Sanskar.

"I just dropped dad to mansion after his routine check and now going to arrange my date with my Riya. Three days are over. So, I guess that's enough. I can't wait more to talk to her." Arav said smilingly.

"Wait and Listen to me Arav. Just Go to Gadodia Mansion right now!!" Sanskar said.

"Sanskar, what's the matter? I m not getting it?" Arav asked being confused.

Sanskar took a deep breathe and say.

"Arav, this deal meant so much for Shekhar Gadodia and Subhash Saxena too. You know it. And, I m sure that my money-minded businessman father in law and Subhash Saxena won't let this lifetime opportunity go like this. They will try everything possible to get this deal done. And...Riya is there Arav!!!" Sanskar said yelling at last.

As soon as Arav heard this, he stopped the car with a jerk with screeching sound of wheel.

"Holyshitt!! Don't say that he will try to marry Riya to that bastard Viraj!!" Arav shouted.

"Yes, that's what I want to say. So, just reach Gadodia mansion as soon as possible and get her before that bastard does. I am reaching there." Sanskar said.

Arav started the car and take a sharp U turn increasing the speed.

"Sanskar, I swear, I will kill you if that happened." Arav murmured over phone. He was too much restless and angry at the same time.

"Nothing will happen Arav. Just remember she is yours. Trust yourself." Sanskar said.

"Oh god!! Why are you making my love story so complicated? I cleared misunderstanding and now another thing come up. All the villains in my love story only!!! Firstly Mayra and now Viraj and Subhash Saxena. I m going to kill everyone." Arav yelled out and geared up speed.

"Arav, you need to be calm buddy. Riya needs you now." Sanskar said
Arav sighed and concentrates on driving. So much things were going in his mind but Sanskar was right. He need to be relax and think something.

Arav reached outside Gadodia mansion and then only Sanskar also came there.
"Arav, I think I shouldn't go inside. Otherwise, if anyone sees me then it will create another problem because of everything happened an hour back. So, you go. If you get any problem. I will be there." Sanskar said.

"You are right. Don't worry Sanskar, I will take care. And thanks buddy." Arav said and hugged him.

"Just go!!" Sanskar said.

Arav take a deep breathe and he jumped the boundary wall to get inside. That's when he sees Viraj was holding Riya's hand and dragging her inside mansion. While she was struggling to remove his grip. Arav fumes in anger and wanted to smack him right there. But he need to think something. There were so many people. They went inside. After that, He also sneaked inside mansion taking care that not much people notice him and he acted like he was a guest. Coming inside, he was going through rooms in corridor to search Riya. He couldn't see where that Viraj took her.

"God Riya, where are you?" Arav murmured to himself.

"Arav, she must be in Swara's room. Go upstairs to the fourth room." He heard Sanskar on bluetooth.

Arav chuckled thinking how many times he had sneak inside to know everything.

He followed Sanskar's word and he was right. As soon as he came near the room, he heard crying voice of HER. He stood out of the room to hear her heart piercing cries and sudden sound of slap echoed. It was her father. Arav fisted his hand in anger. He heard shouts of Subhash Saxena and she was repeating that she doesn't want to marry Viraj and she loves him. He felt so happy when he heard his name from her but her cries and helplessness were making him so angry. He heard everything then the door opened and he hide himself behind curtain.
He wanted to go inside to her but she wasn't alone.

"God, what should I do?" He muttered to himself when he sees Viraj was going to a room.

"What are you going to do now Arav? Think fast. We can't take Riya out of there in all this?" Sanskar said on phone.
That's when something crossed his mind. He smirked.

"You are right. So now Subhash Sexena will only send her with me, his Son in law. Not this bastard Viraj." Arav said.

"You are going to marry her in place of him." Sanskar smiled.

"You got me." Arav said with smirk.

He sees Riya through window who was sitting blankly in front of dressing table.
"Don't worry Riya, I m here and you are going to be mine." Arav said himself.
Viraj adjusted his shervani and took the turban to wear it when he heard the door opened with thud and then locked from inside.

"What the hell!! Who are you?" Viraj shouted.
But the very next moment, someone jumped inside through window.

"You!!" Viraj said in shock.

"Sorry dude, I wasn't interested in coming here leaving my beautiful wife and watching your face yet again in one day. But what to do, you and this stupid family!! Huh!!" Sanskar said coming inside.

"So, You will marry My Riya huh?" He seethed.

"What the hell!! Just get out before I...." Viraj was saying but interupted.

"You what huh? Firstly My Swara and now Riya. See, I know it's hard to find girl who will agree to marry a bastard like you but why do you choose the girls who are already someone else's." Sanskar said unbelievably.

"Seriously!! I do advance booking and you will see the picture huh?" Arav said raising his eyebrows.

Sanskar chuckled.

"Just shut up!! And get lost otherwise no one will be worse than me." Viraj said angrily.

Arav and Sanskar laughed hearing him.
"Nice threat. Anyways, I have two choices. First one, simply deny to marry Riya and get lost from here or second one, I won't leave you in condition to marry her." Arav said in cool but threatening tone.

"Why do you think I will agree to you? Keep your stupid threat with you." Viraj said.

He took his phone to call security to throw them out when Sanskar snatched that phone and threw it harshly on the wall.

"That wasn't the choice Viraj." Sanskar said. And before Viraj could do anything, Arav gave tight smack on his face.

"I should have done it earlier as I knew you aren't going to agree with first choice." Arav said.

Viraj make a hard fist and was about to punch Arav when Sanskar hit on his head with bass and Viraj hold his head and faint on the floor. Arav widen his eyes.

"Don't worry, he won't die. No bleeding. you just need to hit with Technique at right point." Sanskar said looking at Viraj.

"That was easy." Arav said smilingly.

"We don't have time to waste. Get changed." Sanskar said.

"Yeah." Arav said. He hurriedly unbutton his shirt.
Few minutes later, Arav was ready in the same shervani what Viraj was wearing. Sanskar adjusted the Turban on his head.

"Take care that no one should remove this face your face otherwise everyone will get heart attack. Their two daughter got married on the same day but not with the guy they wanted.", Sanskar said with Chuckle.

"Don't worry. I will take care of it." Arav said.

"Bye the way, I have informed uncle aunty that you are getting married." Sanskar said.
"Never thought to marry like this." Arav said shaking his head.

"Me too. But the best part is you are with your love." Sanskar said patting his shoulder.

"Now what should we do with him?" Arav said pointing toward Viraj.

Sanskar thought something. Then they dragged him to washroom. They tied his mouth with cloth and also his hands and legs.

"Now he will file case of attempt of murder on us." Arav said.

"Don't worry, we will handle that later." Sanskar said with laugh.

They gave hi five to each other. They came out and locked the door from outside.

That's when someone knocked on room door.
"Viraj, are you ready son?" It was Mrs. Rathod.

"All the best." Sanskar said and he jumped out of window to come out.

Arav opened the door with his face covered with sehra.
"You are ready? Let's go it's time." She said.
Arav nodded.
"Why are you covering your face? Remove it dear." She said.

"I.. it's fine. Le... Let it be." He said while coughing so that she don't notice the voice.

"Okay, let's go." She said.
Arav was sitting on the mandap. He was told to remove sehra but he handled the situation. And then he saw her descending the stairs. Her face was covered with veil but he could say that she was looking so gorgeous. She was made to sit beside him. He wasn't feeling good as he knew she was sad. He wanted to hold her hand and tell her that it's him but he need to wait. Because if anyone comes to know about him then everything will be mess up.
The mantras started and rituals were being done. He took pheras with her making promises to her. Then he made her wear mangalsutra and applied vermillion. He saw her squeezing her eyes in pain. His heart tugged with pain.

"Just for some more time Riya, you are mine now. Welcome to my life, Mrs. Arav Jaisingh." He smiled.
When he heard her being called Mrs. Riya Viraj singh. He smirked that he would have never gonna let that happen.

Riya didn't care to sob a single tear for her so called parents. She didn't even hugged them when they came close to her. She simply moved ahead and sat inside car as Mrs. Rathod said, they are going to live in Viraj's farmhouse. He wanted to take her to his home, their home now but driver was still with them who was looking like pure chamcha of Mr. Rathod. He didn't said anything. Anyways, for now the main focus was Riya. If she was with him. It doesn't matter where they are.

Flashback end..

"And that's the way you are my wife now Mrs. Riya Jaisingh." Arav said.

Riya smiled wholeheartedly but then she started hitting him.

"Why didn't you tell me before? You know how I was feeling all the time? I couldn't even enjoy my marriage?" Riya said continuously hitting and him.

"Arey, but if your sadness would have suddenly turned into happiness then your so called parents would have doubted na? And I was going to tell you everything after coming here." Arav said holding her hands.

"You.. you are very bad Arav!! I hate you." Riya said making faces.

"Really?"Arav raised his eyebrows.

Riya got silent. She looked at him and nodded no. She remembered something.

"No, you are best. Arav, I want to say something." Riya said.
"Hmm? Say."Arav said.

"I m sorry for everything happened in the past Arav. Four years back,... I m sorry. I shouldn't have blamed you like that. I should have tried to talk to you and shouldn't just leave like that. I accused you for such things.. (she looks down) I loved you but I couldn't trust you. That day when Mayra said all that, I wasn't able to understand anything. I was feeling so guilty and I still feel it. Whether, she tried to create misunderstanding, I shouldn't have believed all that over you. Please forgive me Arav. I hurt you so much with my words and accusing you. I m sorry." Riya said looking down sadly with wet eyes.
He cups her face and made her look at him.

"Riya, it's not only you. I was also responsible for everything. I also failed to trust you." Arav said.

"But tried to talk. You came to me and talk. I only choose to run away. It was my mistake." Riya said.

"Shh!! It was no one's fault. It's just time and situation. But it's gone. It doesn't matter now. What matters the most is that, we are together now. I don't want to think about all that. We will have enough beautiful memories together that will erase all those voids. For me, your presence is enough. You being my wife was a dream for me and today it fulfilled. I just want you the way you are, without regret, tears and sadness. So, just promise me Riya, you will never think all that and hurt yourself." Arav said holding sincerity in his words.

Riya nodded with small smile.

"I promise this and I promise to trust you always. " Riya said.

Arav blinks at her.

"I love you Arav Jaisingh." Riya confessed with smile.

"I love you to Mrs. Riya Arav Jaisingh." Arav confessed proudly calling her name with his.

He leaned toward her face and kissed her forehead leading her to close her eyes. She slowly encircled her arms around him and then she felt his lips on hers. He kissed her lovingly with passion, promise, love and care. She also kissed him back and leaned back ruffling his hair welcomed his weight over him and deepen the kiss passionately.
They break the kiss breathing heavily and he put forehead on hers.

"You look so beautiful Riya." He whispered. She smiled with blush.
He moved back a bit supporting himself on his elbow, he traces her face with his finger. She was looking at him. They have a beautiful eye lock.

A couple of minutes later, he broke the eye lock and say.

"Bye the way, I heard you are not going to accept this marriage and I shouldn't expect anything from this marriage." Arav teased with smirking smile.

"I accept everything, this marriage, my husband and his love." Riya said pulling him toward herself in challenging tone.

"Really? I guess you should think yet again. I see you backed off from your words so soon that you said few minutes back. So, I m scared that if I try to do something, you will file case against me." Arav said teasingly.

"I don't need to file complaint against you. I m enough to handle you Mr. Jaisingh." Riya said.

"You still have chance to think Mrs. Jaisingh. Are you sure?" He said huskily.

"Shut up!! And I m sure more than you. Don't behave like fattu now!!" Riya whispered against her lips pulling his collar to herself leading him to Chuckle at her. And his Riya is back.

"Glad to know that." Arav whispered and He kissed her yet again encircling his arms around her waist. She closed her eyes wrapping her hands around his neck hugging him, hiding herself in his embrace.

Her veil slide down the bed on the floor. The light turned off. They were lost in their own world, cherishing their love and consummate their marriage.

Swasan room:

"So, now you know how Riya got married to Arav. Then I hope I won't get further punches from you for this reason atleast." Sanskar said explaining her everything.

Swara sighed in relief that Riya was married to Arav. She was about to move back when she notice her hand was still in his hold and she was standing still so close to him.
She gave him a look. He gave fake confused look like he didn't understand. She eyes his to his hand and wiggles to remove his hand.

"Will you care to leave my hand, Mr. Maheshwari?" Swara raised her eyebrows at him with attitude look.

"Oh Sure Mrs. Maheshwari." Sanskar said with smile.

Swara gave a pissed off look and pushed him away as soon as he removed his hold from her. He laughs looking at her. She turned her back to him and unknowingly a small smile appeared on her lips but within a second she composed herself back to hard expression.

"I should talk to Riya once." Swara said and picked her phone to call her once again.

"It's their wedding night wify. Unlike me, let them enjoy their time together and their beautiful moments." Sanskar said with smirk.

Swara glared at him but then she also thought it's good to have them spend time together. They finally got each other. She will talk to her in morning. She knows Riya was crying but she also knows that Arav will take care of her. She is so happy for her sister.

That's when someone knock on the door. It was maid who came with dinner for them.

"Come in." Sanskar said.

"Sir and ma'am, your dinner." She said.

Sanskar nodded at her to arrange it on table. She did and then she went out of room.

"Swara, you get fresh n up then have dinner. You must be hungry." Sanskar said.

Swara nodded and didn't said anything against it. She was actually very hungry. She was about to walk toward the washroom when she realised she doesn't have anything to change.

"I can't." Swara said sighing and sitting on the bed.

"What? Swara, see you can fight with me for any matter but not about food atleast. Please have it. I know you are angry but...." Sanskar was saying when Swara interupted him.

"I wasn't talking about dinner." Swara said.
"Then?" Sanskar asked confusingly.

"I m talking about this." Swara said pointing toward herself as she was still in bridal dress.

"I want to fresh n up first then have dinner but I.. I.. don't have anything to change." Swara said averting her eyes.

"Only that? Don't worry, tomorrow morning before you wake up your wardrobe will be ready for you." Sanskar said casually.

"Tomorrow morning? And what about now Mr. Sanskar Maheshwari? Should I sleep in this whole night?" Swara asked raising her eyebrows.

" Well, it's not such a bad thing. You were looking quite beautiful in sleeping in this too." Sanskar said dreamily.

Swara shook her head.
"Shut up!!" She said.

Sanskar chuckled.

"Well, I can't do anything for now. But you can take mine. What's mine is yours now Wify." Sanskar said bowing at her.

"What? I wear your clothes? Why do you think I will do that?" Swara asked glaring at him.

"Choice is yours wify. Or you have to make yourself comfortable in this dress only. As I m you to buy clothes for now. It's already more than 9:30 p.m. Sorry about that." Sanskar said throwing himself on couch feeling damn tired after such a long day.

Swara looked at him who closed his eyes leaning head back on couch massaging his head. He actually looked tired. She thought to say so many things but she couldn't. He had already done so much, from messing everything by marrying her to saving Riya's life. And where will he go and buy her clothes now. Mostly market are shut by 9:00 p.m.
For a second, Sneha's thought came in her mind but should she go and ask her? Or Sujatha? Umm.. No, otherwise Sanskar would have already given her that option. She noticed Sanskar behaviour with his mom And She also doesn't know what will Sneha's reaction. May be she must-have slept. It won't be good option for now. So, should she wear his clothes?

"God, why I m thinking all this? Yeah, what's wrong in wearing his clothes. I will get my clothes tomorrow. It's just for tonight na? Come on, why are you feeling conscious? He is your Husband Swara? Wait, whattt!! Husband?.... Well, yeah he is." Swara sighed thinking all this.

She walked toward Cupboard and opened it. Sanskar opened his one eye and saw her with smile. When Swara sees him and he instantly closed his eyes yet again.
Swara looked at the elegant yet impressive collection of his shirts. He was always particular about his clothes and she knew all the colours and shades there perfectly fit on him and that black one. Umm...He looks smoking hot in that. She smiled thinking that.

"What? Hot!! Get a grip Swara." She muttered to herself rolling her eyes that she is getting mad.
Then only at right side she found pyjamas. But which shirt she should choose?

"Are you here to do shopping? Just select one Swara." She scold herself.

"Swara." Sanskar said with his eyes stilll closed.

"What now?" She said in duh tone.

"Black one is my favourite. Please take any other colour. I have only one in that shade and I need that to wear for tomorrow." Sanskar said.

"Is it?" Swara asked raising her eyebrows at him.

"Hmm."He nodded still with closed eyes.

"Okay, Then I m taking that only Mr. Maheshwari!!" Swara said with smirk.

Saying this she took out his black shirt and a track pants and shut the cupboard with thud and rushed to washroom.

Sanskar opened his eyes as soon as she went inside washroom and chuckled.

"Oh god!!! She is sooooo cute." Sanskar said looking up with idiotic smile on his face.

"After sometime, she came out of washroom. She peeks outside.

"What are you looking for wify?" She heard him and stumbled and hold the door.

"Um..no... nothing." Swara stammered.

"Then come out. What are you waiting for? You already took only 45 minutes." Sanskar said scrolling on his phone.

"I also want to. But how?" Swara murmured to herself and looked at herself.
This damn pyjama doesn't fit her and all she could wear was his shirt which was covering till her thigh. She will go out like this?

"What happened Swara? What are you thinking? Are you gonna take another 45 minutes to come out that door from where you are peeking in since couple of minutes." Sanskar asked typing something on phone.

She didn't responded. Getting no answer from her, Sanskar looked at her. For a second, he couldn't react. All he could see was her wet hair with her hair fringes falling on her beautiful yet innocent face. As soon as his eyes met hers, she averted her eyes clearing her throat. He tried to compose himself.

"What.. what happened? Why are you not coming out?" Sanskar asked looking at her.

She didn't answered. He asked another time.

"I.. I can't." Swara uttered with difficulty.

"Arey but why?" Sanskar asked being confused.

"Because, I can't. That's it " Swara said frustratingly.

"Swara, come out now." Sanskar said.
"No, I won't." Swara said.

"You won't?" Sanskar asked raising his eyebrows.

"No." Swara said looking away from him.

"Sure? I m asking you again come out." Sanskar said.

"No, I won't." Swara repeated the same word.

"Fine." Sanskar said and walked toward her. She sees him and was about to close the door hurriedly but he didn't let her. He hold her hand and immediately pulled her out of washroom.

"Come on Swara. You are beha...." Sanskar was saying when suddenly his words stuck in his mouth as he sees her just in his shirt. His eyes got wide open and he gulped.

"Th...that lower di.. didn't fit me. It.. it was too loose." Swara said squeezing her eyes shut. She was feeling too shy and was feeling to go and hide somewhere.

Sanskar looked at her. She was looking like a perfect angel. Her closed eyes, water droplets on her face, her lips, everything about her was so beautiful.

She didn't felt anything or heard him and slowly opened her eyes. When the next moment she lets out a gasp in shock as she was pulled toward him by her waist. Her wide open eyes met his which was holding something really intense, desire, love and passion in them. She couldn't blinks and found herself drowned in his eyes. They had a beautiful eye lock. Slowly, he raised his hand to cup her face. She felt his touch and her heartbeat raised. A heat was rushing inside her with cold touch of his finger. She shivered. His fingers slowly traced on her face leading her to close her eyes. Moving her hair fringed away from her face, he traces toward her chin, caressing her lips with his thumb. Subconsciously, she moved back and turned around squeezing her eyes shut. When the next second, she felt him just behind her then encircling his arm around her belly pulling her to himself such that his front collided with her back. Her breathe hitched.

"You look so breathtaking." He whispered huskily in her ear moving her hair aside to another shoulder, nuzzling in her neck and inhaling her fragrance. She was breathing heavily. Her knees felt like jelly and she thought she would fall the moment he will loose his hold on her. His warm breathe falls on her bare skin near neck and the next second she trembled feeling his lips tracing her neck line and sliding her shirt down from shoulder. She couldn't hold it and turned around abruptly to face him. She looked into his eyes and he was also looking at her. His gaze slowly down to her lips. She started feeling nervous but it felt so right. She felt herself giving in his touch, his proximity, his fragrance. Her eyes felt too heavy to open and she let it shut yet again. And he captured her lips into a blissful kiss. Her hand slowly moved up to his nape then fingers entangled in his hair and respond to the kiss dominating him.

"Noooo!!" Swara shouted with a jerk wide opening her eyes.

"What?" She heard Sanskar.

"Nooo, no.. Don't you dare to come close to me and kiss me again!! Got it? Neither I kissed you!!" Swara shouted shaking her head.

Sanskar who was confused with his wife's behaviour suddenly, smirked after hearing her.

He pulled her out of washroom. No wonder she was looking a divine a beauty but he composed himself and moved from there not to make her feel conscious. And she was lost in her own world. But he didn't have any idea that, she was dreaming with own thoughts inside her brain.

"Is it Mrs. Maheshwari?" Sanskar raised his eyebrows at her with smirk.

That's when Swara realised it was a dream. She sees Sanskar was standing near table with playful smile. She adjusted her shirt, but that was also looking perfect. Then what was that?

"God!! She was dreaming? What happened to you Swara? You are already started getting mad when it's not even 24 hours you are with him in his room." She scold herself in her mind. And touched her face that was still heated and she was damn sure, it turned red due to her blush.

Sanskar walked toward her. She looked at him walking toward her and immediately moved back taking a back step.

"Wh...what are you doing?" Swara stammered nervously.

He hide his smile and continued taking lazy steps toward her. She kept moving back and she pinned herself to the wall behind her. She looked into his eyes and tried to calm her nerves.

"No, that can't change into reality? No... That was dream. This is reality right? Or wait, is it again a dream? God!!! Why is it so confusing?" she thought.

He placed his hand on the wall and leaned toward her face. She closed her eyes squeezingly and fisted her hand tight. She was trying to push herself like she was going to pass through the wall if she can. This girl leaves no chance to make his heart skip a beat. He leaned down and kissed her forehead lovingly. She was still freezing in that position only. With teasing smile on his face, he leaned down to her ear.

"Having so much wild thoughts about me wify?" Sanskar asked huskily leaning toward her ear.

Hearing him, she opened her eyes with a jerk. She felt sudden frustration when he winked at her and she pushed him back earning a heartful laugh from him.

Swara blushed but she tried to compose herself. She tried her best to shout and glare at him but he chuckled at her.

"Ok ok, no teasing. Come Let's have dinner." She heard him.

She didn't said anything. She goes and sat on the couch. Sanskar also came and sat beside her. Swara shifted a bit. Sanskar sees it. He hold her waist and pulled her.

"I m pure vegetarian. I m not going to eat you." He said.
Swara rolled her eyes but didn't shifted this time.
She took food and eat it. She was damn hungry and food was so tasty. He looked at her.

"Don't look at me like that. Food is still my first love." Swara said.

Sanskar nodded with smile. He took his plate and ate. But for him, the most peaceful sight was to see his wife enjoying food peacefully like it was only her and her food. She must be really hungry.
His maid came to Swara to ask if she would like to eat anything but she was sleeping she she left without disturbing her.
After dinner,

"You are not going to sleep on bed. I m sleeping here. You go to couch." Swara said.

"Arey but this is my bed." Sanskar said.

"Remember what you said Mr. Maheshwari. After marriage, your husband's home is also yours only.(mimics) Like that, this room is also mine. And you also stated, what's yours is mine na? So, kindly leave my bed for me. And get lost. Sleep on couch or better go and sleep in balcony." Swara said throwing pillow at him with smirking smile.

"That's not fair Swara?" Sanskar said making face. But actually he was liking this.

"Everything is fare in love and war Mr. Husband. " Swara said in challenging way.

"And this is...?" Sanskar asked raising his eyebrows.

"Ofcourse... (Tight smile) a war!!" Swara said.

"But, I won't be to adjust on that couch Swara." Sanskar said.

Swara looked at him from head to toe and then at couch.
"Yeah, your height is too much. Then. What should we do?.. Umm... SLEEP ON THE FLOOR!!" Swara said rolling her eyes.
She took the sheet and lied down on bed covering herself.

Sanskar widen his eyes but he bite his lips to control his laugh. He shook his head.

"Okk, ok, now I got Swara. It's ok. I will sleep on couch." Sanskar said thinking something.

Swara got confused. She looked at him.
"What do you mean?" Swara asked.

"Nothing." Sanskar shrugged his shoulder and was going toward couch with his pillow when she said.

"Stop!! What did you just say? What does that mean?" Swara asked in stern tone.

"Nothing, I got that you can't control yourself if I will sleep on bed as you already dream so much and getting those thoughts." Sanskar said making innocent face but inside he was smirking.

"Shut up!! How dare you Sankar Maheshwari!! I won't be able to control. Don't have so much misconception about you. You are.... You are such an irritating, idiot husband!! Huh!! Get lost." Swara shouted on him and again lie down on the bed trying to find words to curse him muttering and under her breathe.

Sanskar chuckled. Then he go and lie down on the couch adjusting the cushion. He loved her irritated face too.

After sometime, when Swara didn't hear anything. She peeps out from comforter and sees Sanskar, who was lying on the couch in uncomfortable position. He would defin get back or neck pain the next morning.

"Sanskarr.." She thought a bit then called him.

Sanskar opened his eyes and looked at her.
"Yeah Swara?" He asked.

"Umm. You, you can sleep on bed. It's large enough." Swara said fidgeting her finger inside sheet.

"That's ok Swara. And I was just kidding. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I m fine here." Sanskar said with genuine smile.

"I can see that. ( Sarcastic) come and sleep on bed." Swara said.

"Swara, I said na I m fine. You sleep." Sanskar said.

"Shut up!! Idiot, fine my foot!! You will get sprain in neck then say I m fine (mimics). Don't try to be hero. Shut up and come sleep on bed. Otherwise, I will throw water on couch." Swara said in irritated tone.

Sanskar was amused or stunned to hear her. He couldn't utter a word.

"Are you coming or should I get up?" Swara asked glaring at him.

"No, I guess I m coming." Sanskar said hurriedly getting up from couch and go and lied on the bed.

He made a border of pillow between them.
"It's not needed. If you dare you to cross the line then next second I will kick you out of bed." Swara said narrowing her eyes at him and removing the pillow turning her back to him.

Sanskar smiled at her. She is really unbelievable. He kept looking up thinking about everything happened today. Then he sees her who was turning her back to him but for now, it's enough for him that she is here. Her presence is enough.

A few minutes later,

"Sanskar."Swara said slowly.

"Hmm?" Sanskar said.

She turned toward him and looked at him. While he was looking at confusingly and waiting for her what she wants to say.

"Umm.. Than.. thanks for everything you did for Riya. Riya is my friend, my sister my everything and today she is happy then I m also so happy. So, thank you for being the reason of this happiness." Swara said genuinely.

Sanskar nodded at her. Then he thinks Something and say.

"But... I still don't accept thank you wify and you know what you can do in exchange." Sanskar said smirking.

Small flashback:
"Thank you, thank you so much Sanskar. I love you." She said with smile.

"Swara, you can say. I love you but I m not gonna accept thank you." Sanskar said.

"Then what should I do?" She asked confusingly.

"A kiss will work I guess." He said shamelessly leaning toward her.

Swara hits him on his chest blushingly but then she kissed him.

Flashback ends..

"Where are you lost wify? Trying to remind yourself? Tell me, I can help." Sanskar said.

Then only Swara took a pillow and threw it on his face murmuring 'bastard'.

While Sanskar caught the pillow and chuckled at her.

She turned her back to him yet again. That's when her eyes caught a photo frame on table. She sees it only to find it was her. She remembered maid's word who told her that she had seen her pic in Sanskar's room. She felt a sudden happiness and her lips curved into smile.

After sometime, Sanskar sees Swara, who was sleeping peacefully closing her eyes. He smiled at her.

"I will win your heart yet again. Swara and we will be back together." He said.

Then he kissed her hair.

"Good night love and I love you." He whispered with truthfulness and love. Then he went back to his place and also closed his eyes.

Swara opened her eyes. She touched her hair where he kissed her and her lips broke into smile. Then she closed her eyes thinking to let's see what's destiny has stored for her.

Next morning, Swara woke up first but she was shocked to find herself hugging him. She was almost lying over him and holding his arm that was encircled around her waist. She slowly seperate herself so that he don't wake up otherwise it will create such an embarassing situation for her.
She lift her head from his chest and removed his hand from her waist slowly.

"You can simply tell me to remove my hand. I m awake wify. Was just waiting for you to wake up so that I can also get up as you were not ready to let me go." Sanskar said with closed eyes.

"Shit!!" She cursed herself squeezing her eyes only to hear a giggle from him.

She landed a punch on his stomach hearing him wince in pain with laugh. And immediately seperate herself. She got up from the bed.

"I hope my wardrobe is ready as you said. Before I open my eyes. It will be ready." Swara said avoiding the recent awkwardness before it can even errupt.

Sanskar got up and sat leaning with bed post.

She opened the cupboard but didn't find anything for her.

"You Failed first day itself Mr. Maheshwari. Couldn't complete the word you said." Swara said with attitude.

"No chance." Sanskar said.

"Really? Then where are my clothes because I m not getting out of this room in another shirt of yours. Like this!!!" Swara said pointing herself.

"Slide the door to the right side wify." Sanskar said with smirk.

Swara got confused but she did it. Only to find it was door and there was a walk in cupboard filled with all accessories and clothes of her and Sanskar's.

"You will find everything you need there. And this cupboard (the cupboard swara opened last night) is only having casual wears for me." Sanskar said.

"You can't do it overnight. That's just not possible to arrange all this within a night." Swara said shaking her head unbelievably as she found everything there for her need. From clothes, to jwellery, footwear, her accessories, vanity, every damn thing of her choice.

"When did I say I did it last night? I arranged it before you come here. A Day before yesterday." Sanskar said hiding his mischievous smile.

As soon as Swara heard it. She glared at him narrowing her eyes.

"That means... it was here last night. Right Mr. Maheshwari?" Swara asked gritting her teeth.

"Yeah" Sanskar said shrugging his shoulder.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Swara asked angrily.

"If I would have told you then how would I have seen in my shirt. By the way, you are looking too hot in this. It suits you more than me. Trust me." Sanskar said looking at her from top to bottom.

"You bastard!!!!" Swara shouted. She rushed toward him ready to kill him. Sanskar immediately got up from bed and started running. Swara chases him.

"You idiot maheshwari!! How dare you play with me. I had to wear this damn shirt of yours. Thinking you really can't go out to bring anything for me to wear and you... You wait!!! Where are running? Huh" Swara was running here and there behind him.

She threw pillows at him. Then she started throwing whatever she was getting in her hand. Then She hold the vase.

"Arey swara no!! I m your only one day wedded husband yaar. Don't kill me." Sanskar said looking at the bass she was holding and smirking at him.

"Why not! After all you are so eager to die na? You love to do drama to die na, then let me kill you once for all. Wait you bastard!!" Swara said smirking at him.

"Swara, Swara please. That will actually land me to hospital." Sanskar said.

"Fine!! I guess you are saying right. You will land yourself in hospital and then I will only have to take care of you. That won't be fair with me."Saying this she started finding something else.

That's when Sanskar thought to escape from the room and he opened the door. Swara sees him and immediately took the pillow from the bed and threw toward him. But Sanskar saw her and moved aside and the pillow landed on someone. Who was none other than Sneha.

Sneha was going downstairs passing by Sanskar's room. She heard weird voices but she ignored. But then only the door opened and she saw Sanskar who was breathing heavily like ready to escape. She stopped and before she could ask, Sanskar moved aside and a pilow landed on her. She hold it and looked at the person who threw it. And it was Swara. Swara was looking at her with wide open eyes. She bite her tongue, cursing herself and glared at Sanskar for moving aside. But more amusing was her dress. She was wearing her brother's shirt. The room's condition was in total mess leading her to raise her eyebrows. She couldn't hold her smile. Swara immediately said sorry loud enough to let her hear and rushed inside washroom.

Sanskar was looking at Swara who just rushed inside washroom. He chuckled at her. Then he looked at Sneha and his smile fade away. Her smile also dropped. But she tried to maintain a faint smile. She passed him the pillow. He hold it and shut the door going inside with stern expression.
Sneha felt hurt. Her eyes got wet but she blinked and went from there. Like every sister, She was definitely going to tease her bhabhi and her bhai for this after watching them like this. But situation was way too difficult for her. She remembered how she used to tease him about bhabhi. But she destroyed it for herself. She destroyed her beautiful life with her wrong decisions.

To be continued...

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