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"will i ever be able to leave this place?" jungkook thought to himself as he blankly watch the screen of the tv, mind somewhere else.

after two weeks of being in the large household, the black haired concluded that he'll never be able to leave this place, well until jimin eventually gets sick of him and throw him away.

there's a weird churning of his stomach at the thought of the dangerous man being sick of him. for unknown reasons, he doesn't want jimin to get tired of him, doesn't want to be left alone once again but it's stupid because obviously jimin will find someone more deserving and compatible for him in the future which will make the younger eventually forgotten.

so jungkook has to keep his feelings on the line everytime, which is not easy because jimin treats him like a delicate flower at times, being ever so gentle and showering the boy with love and filthy praises.

but, there was always times like these. where the mafia leader will barge into the room looking all infuriated and pacing back and forth quickly till he saw the black haired on the bed all innocent and wide eyed that had him tackling jungkook onto the bed and devouring him like he was prey because he was merciless, rough and won't give a fuck even when jungkook is crying, sobbing about how painful it was.

the male was like a bomb, a walking time bomb which will explode anytime he wants to.

it makes jungkook go crazy because jimin makes him confused, makes him feel loved and used like a toy at the same time. and no matter how much he tries to throw these pointless feelings away, it won't work because jimin, he's a male full of mysteries that jungkook can't solve.

the slamming of door snapped him out of his daze as taehyung walked in while holding jimin, the younger's gaze fell onto the older's shirt, streaks of crimson red painted on it. it was like a canvas, just that it was always the same colour painted. then his attention went back to jimin when the older winced, his suit jacket removed by the raven haired before he rushed out down the stairs.

jungkook's eyes widen as he examined the slash on the other's arm, two long lines carved onto the pale skin as blood trickles down.

"w-what happened? are you okay?" the black haired shifted nearer to the male as he bit his lip. he can't but feel worried because that looks like one hell of a gash.

"it's nothing" the orange haired said as he pulled away when jungkook reached out for him, leaving a pang in the younger's chest.

he didn't want me to touch him.

taehyung came back shortly, a first aid kit in his hand as he started opening it, wanting to start bandaging the wound when jungkook stopped him.

"let me do it" the younger said softly as he moved and knelt down beside jimin, taking the gauze and alcohol before starting to lightly dab the infected area. taehyung looked at them both before shooting a knowing look at jimin and left, leaving the two alone again.

"i said it was nothing, you didn-"

"he was doing it wrong, it won't heal if you do it wrongly" that being the first time the younger cutting off his words and sounding more firm and stern than his usual self got jimin a little surprised because he thought the younger wouldn't ever warm up to him.

sensing something was wrong, jungkook looked up shyly, only to meet jimin's intimidating stare.

"what. . .what happened?"

"something came up at the casino, there were fights and i didnt realise there was a man behind me when i was firing the bastards in front"

"w-why didn't you go to the hospital?" jungkook started to the wrap the other's arm with the bandage and clipped it with the small metal holder for the ends.

"can't be bothered" jungkook stood up and placed the kit onto the table as he went and sat down on the bed again, studying the other silently.

"d-does it hurt?" he whispered, catching jimin's attention before the man scoffed, resting his head on the headboard.

"i won't be a fucking leader if i can't handle this and besides, you should know who i am and what i basically do, why do you need to ask?"

jungkook noticed a small cut just above the other's left brow and unconsciousy brought a hand up, only to be met by dark, furious orbs.

"don't touch me" jungkook jumped back, surprised as he started to cower in fear again as he saw the scrutinizing gaze.

"i-i" jungkook didn't even get to finish his words as jimin exited the room, shoe thudding against the marble tiles.

it was moments like this that makes jungkook wants to flip because this was the rough jimin, a dangerous male who he doesn't want to encounter in his life because he knows just how wicked the man will be.


"can i come in?" it was taehyung's voice and jungkook hesitated before mouthing a "yeah, come in"

the black haired wrapped himself in the blankets and rubs his eyes softly, trying to make it look as if he wasn't crying -jungkook is a very emotionally and fragile kid okay- which just made it worse as he sniffed.

"were you crying?" taehyung sat on the bed and observed the younger male, a knowing sigh leaving his lips.

"look, jimin doesn't do vulnerable okay? he doesn't like people pitying over him. he grew up that way. you should have seen his brother and father. he was taught that way, that he has to be strong because one day, no one will be there to help you so you have to help yourself. his father was very strict with both of his son so you may not get to see the warm and soft jimin but i promise you, you will. you have to give him time" taehyung placed a hand onto the younger's shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze.

"when i first saw you, jimin told me he bought you and i was surprised because jimin isn't that way. he isn't the type to keep his one time partner. if he wants you in his sight, it means that you'll soon have a place in his heart somewhere, like me, his family and his people. jimin is a very caring person despite his cold and rough demeanor but he has to be that way for the sake of this association. one day he'll come back here being just park jimin, not a gangster, not a mafia leader, he'll come back as himself and that is when he needs someone to comfort him even when he says he doesn't so just, bear with him. he may not show affection but i swear i know he likes you. and judging by how you react when you're around him, i'm pretty sure you like that asshole too right?" jungkook chuckled, saying something along the lines of "he's not an asshole" softly.

"i. . .i don't know. he's just so. . .so difficult! he becomes gentle at times, then he becomes a different person anytime he wants! i don't know how to handle this hyung" the black haired sniffs as the tears prickled his eyes again. he brings his legs up and hugs them, burying his face in his knees.

"that's just jimin. he's very, unpredictable but he's the most fragile and loving person you'll ever meet. he was the one who helped me when i was having a rough time even if he didn't show much because that's just him jungkook, he's not good at dealing with emotions, he lives through a facade but if he can't, you can. show him that you like him. especially during this time, he needs someone to be there for him because he'll always think that he fucked up and could have done better even when he had put up a good fight"

"what if he doesn't like me back? he didn't want me touching him at all" jungkook huffed as he furrowed his brows, wiping his face.

"believe me, you'll probably be the second person he likes"

jungkook looks up, tilting his head in wonder.

"who's the first?"

"well jimin did have a few exes but it was min yoongi"

"who's that?"

"i'll leave that to jimin to tell you because it's confidential"

jungkook nodded and the door swings open, revealing a disheveled jimin.

"kim fucking taehyung, fuck i've been looking for you everywhere and if it wasn't for hoseok i wouldn't be fucking bothered" the orange haired gritted which made taehyung laugh as he stood up, making his way towards the male.

"what is it?"

"he wants his dick up your disgusting ass"

"fuck you park jimin"

"shut the fuck up slut"

"i hate you!" taehyung points a finger at him as his face contorts into anger playfully to which jimin gives him a middle finger before pushing him out.

jimin shakes his head before making his way to the closet, taking a white t-shirt before starting to unbutton his black button up which is an ass because of his arm. jungkook gets up from the bed and went towards the male and started to unbutton the shirt as jimin dropped his hands to the side, looking down at the younger with confusion and mild surprise.


if he can't, you can.

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