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"well, tell that son of a bitch today is his last motherfucking chance" jungkook stirred a little in his sleep and slowly woke up to the sound of jimin on the phone, tone harsh and threatening and he sat on the bed, back facing the younger as his feet were on the ground.

"and if he doesn't show up with my money by evening, he should expect a friendly visit from me" the male's voice was intimidating, enough to feel it pierce through your skin, it was like daggers. jungkook froze as adrenaline started pumping in his body in distress.

jimin ended the call as he tossed his phone to the side. sensing movements behind him, he turned his head slightly to see jungkook looking at him with fear in his eyes as the younger averted his gaze to the sheets.

"had a good sleep baby boy?" jimin leaned over, brushing the male's bangs away from his forehead. jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat and timidly nodded his head.

"take a bath with me?" jimin asked and the other mouthed a soft 'okay' as the orange haired stood up and took his shirt and jacket that were on the floor and made his way towards the bathroom, throwing the dirty clothings into the hamper.

jungkook stood up and winced a little at the small amount pain in his lower half as he slowly made his way to the bathroom as well.

yesterday night was the first time they had sex and jungkook's face heats up as the memory replayed in his mind.

jimin had gone at it slow and took his time, denying jungkook's every orgasm until the younger was sobbing, a soft hiccup bursting as the tears cascaded down his pale cheeks. jimin kissed the tears away as he finally removed his four fingers from jungkook's tight heat as he suddenly penetrate the younger fully with one long thrust in, making jungkook grabbed the sheets under him tighter as he threw his head back into the pillows, back arching against the older male as an enticing moan slipped from his red, bruising lips after being claimed by the person above him countless of times that night.

jimin went rough and slow on him, resulting jungkook to become a writhing, whimpering mess below him, broken moans of jimin's names escaping until jimin hit that bundle of nerves inside him that made him let out a muffled scream as he released between them, hole clenching that made jimin groan as he came inside the other, milking himself through his release and snapping his hips, jungkook trembling due to the oversensitivity of his orgasm.

jungkook squeezed his eyes shut as he grabbed the hem of his shirt, biting back a whine that wanted to escape. he cautiously entered the bathroom, spotting jimin at the end of the bathtub, waiting for the water level to reach a decent height.

once the water level was set, the older turned off the faucet as he turned to look at a blushing jungkook as he fiddled around awkwardly.

"are you going to remove your shirt or am i supposed to do it?" jimin's voiced startled the black haired in the otherwise quiet bathroom as he jumped, turning even redder as he took off his clothes and eventually join the other in the relaxing hot water. jimin had pulled him towards his chest, spooning the younger and jungkook was thankful the other couldn't look at his face because his cheeks were probably on the brightest shade of red it could get as jimin wrapped his arms around him, sighing as he let his head fall back.

jungkook jumped slightly when he felt lips against his neck after awhile, trailing up to his ear as jimin's hot breath hit his left ear, the older nibbling lightly on the lobe, licking the shell of his ear afterwards that had jungkook moaning softly as jimin smirked, sucking on the spot behind his ear that had jungkook fluttering his eyes shut.

"turn around jungkook" jungkook shakily got off the older's lap and turned around, only to be held by his hips as jimin was slowly guiding his cock into the younger's hole. jungkook gasped as he threw his head back, gripping jimin's shoulder as he sank deeper.

jimin leaned forward as he brushes his lips over the other's neck before biting and sucking harshly, creating multiple bruising love bites as jungkook whimpered, head falling onto the crook of his neck as he slowly worked himself on jimin's length, bouncing up and down that made ripples, the splashing of water resonating the bathroom walls.

jimin placed both his hands on jungkook's ass while thrusting up, releasing a loud, sinful moan from the younger as he hit the sweet spot in him. jimin smirked devilishly as he thrusted harder, jungkook's head tipping back as his eyes were scrunched shut, mouth opened in a silent moan as his hands were looped around jimin's neck.

"you scream like the perfect bitch for me, you're so erotic jungkook, fuck" jimin breathed out harshly as he attached his lips to the bruising neck again, planting butterfly kisses all over the sensitive skin as jungkook shuddered, bouncing harder and faster as he continued his loud moans that made the older male growl.

jimin crashed their lips together in a bruising and harsh kiss as they came, jungkook breaking the kiss to produce a high pitched whimper as his nails dug the skin of the other's back.

"wash me" jimin said after a few minutes, lips brushing over the other's as he lift the other up, still placing him on his lap as jungkook shakily took the soap and loofa, flushing out the water and turning on the faucet again before starting to wash the other, cleaning himself afterwards before the both of them dried up and put on clothes.

exiting the bathroom, jimin wrapped an arm around the younger's waist as jungkook ducked his head down, cheeks tinted a faint blush colour as jimin led them downstairs.

taehyung looked up from the documentary he was watching, spotting his best friend and the other as they emerged from their room.

"morning people!" taehyung bounced off his seat to walk with them to the dining room as jimin shot him a look while jungkook just smiled shyly.

"sometimes i wonder why the fuck are you in my clan when you are all too cheery for my own good" taehyung smacked his arm before breaking out into a teasing smile.

"because you love me and can't live without your best parnter in crime if life depended on it" the latter winked as he sat down. jimin groaned as he took his own seat, jungkook placed beside him as the helper prepared their breakfast on the table.

"i'll live better off without you" the orange haired spat in retaliation as he glanced over to see jungkook playing with his fingers.

"i am so offended park jimin, how could you say that to your own best friend?" taehyung placed a hand on his chest dramatically as he shook his head.

"why am i cursed to have a teammate like you?" jimin rolled his eyes before spooning some eggs and eating it while jungkook just ate silently even when the two were still counter attacking each other.

"jungkook i told you to be comfortable around me, do you not get that?" jungkook snapped his head up and saw jimin looking at him, placing his glass of water down.

"s-sorry" the black haired voice wasn't louder than a whisper and jimin sighed as he turned back to taehyung who was looking at them.

"hey, jungkook. the name's taehyung" the raven haired finally introduced himself and gave the younger his bright smile. jungkook just nodded his head and gave back the same shy smile in return before going back to playing with his food on the plate.

taehyung had tried to make the quiet boy laughed which suceeded after awhile, a small laugh emitting as jungkook's eyes crinkled in the corners while taehyung went on with his joke. jimin found himself staring too long at the other's face that jungkook sensed it and quickly turned away.

"guess your smile is-"

the dining room's door slammed opened as two men came in panting, light bruises covering them up.

"boss! some of hanbin's mens are here and started attacking us, they have weapons and two are armed with guns" jimin growled as he clenched his fist.

"that motherfucker really wants his funeral today" jimin retreated one of his hands under the table and retrieved a gun that was hidden there as he stood up. taehyung arched an eyebrow as he stared at the weapon in his partner's hand as jimin took fast strides towards the exit after mouthing a loud 'top right in the kitchen, get your fucking ass there in five'

"jimin you son of a bitch" taehyung smirked before bolting out of his seat and taking a gun on the top shelf of the kitchen, making his way outside as well, knowing well enough that at the end, his hands will be tainted a different colour.

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