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jimin wakes up to kisses on his neck, soft pecks placed that has him stirring awake, grunting softly while pulling the body wrapped next to him closer, making jungkook giggle softly.

"daddy. . ." this time the male opens his eyes, face inches away from jungkook making the younger's heart race as those midnight orbs gaze into his.

"hey babyboy" he kisses jungkook's forehead, voice deep and husky in the morning light that filters into their room.

"why are you awake so early?" he rubs the younger's back, pulling him on top of himself so that jungkook lays on him. jungkook blushes, resting his hands on jimin's chest, arms snaked around his waist.

"the ocean is pretty daddy, the sky too, i love this place so much, wanna go out" he says, fluttering his lashes at the male below him, drawing patterns on his chest.

"anything you want babyboy, it's for you after all. let's shower and have breakfast first before anything alright?" he brings them both from the bed to the bathroom, setting jungkook down to start the water, watches as jungkook looks at the array of bathbombs in a glass near the tub.

"baby, go ahead and pick one" the boy's eyes lights up, murmuring a soft 'thank you', taking a blue and purple mixed bomb, releasing it in the water and looks at the colours mixing together, wide doe eyes staring adorably.

"baby come on, you can't shower by just staring at it all day" jungkook laughs, soft and sweet, jimin helping him out of his clothes because he's too spoiled, the older pampering him as much as he could.

they met up with hoseok and taehyung in the hallway once they were done, jimin scoffing when he sees taehyung limping a little, whining at hoseok to carry him.

"not my fault you're insatiable" hoseok mutters, but gives in when taehyung pouts, bending down so that the male could hop on.

"i regret putting you in my clan, really, i need a new partner" taehyung slaps his shoulder, sticking his tongue out as they walk towards the dining room, jungkook hopping in his steps as his hand were locked with jimin's.

they ate, taehyung suddenly having the energy to walk around and take an undecent amount of food, jimin and hoseok facepalming and sighing out lowly. jungkook starts feeding jimin when he sees the elder not even finishing half of his food, claiming to be full.

"please eat daddy, just a little more" he nudges the spoon to jimin's lips, smiling when they part open, jimin looking at him the entire time.

"i just want to rest today, i don't think i can walk"

"you're technically on hoseok's back, quit complaining" jimin huffs, parting ways with the two and bringing jungkook out into the open space.

the younger silently takes in the scenery, bright sun shining against the clear water, making it glimmer.

"come on" he pulls jungkook nearer to the waters, and the younger spots a yacht there, eyes widening when jimin asks him to get in.

"w-what? oh my god" the boy blushes a dark shade of red, hiding his face into the small pillow on the seat. his breath hitches as jimin starts the boat, hair flying because of the wind and he just looks so hot, jungkook bites his bottom lip as the elder's brows furrow in concentration, running a hand through his hair.

jimin steers it, slowly cruising towards the middle of the sea, watching as jungkook got mesmerized, putting his head out and looking at all the small creatures in the water with a cute expression. jimin puts the yacht on autopilot, walking towards the boy and pulling him in just as he stretches his hand too low, almost falling into the water.

"relax there baby, don't want you falling in there" jungkook stays silent but smiles shyly, turning around to continue gazing out. jimin knows something's on his mind, he only does this when he's thinking of something. when he wraps his arms around the boy's waist, he can feel jungkook's muscles tense and he's slowly grasping the situation, from the hitch in his breath to the eyes avoiding his, cherubic cheeks tinted red, jimin grins, kissing the spot below jungkook's ear.

"are you enjoying it?" one of his hands travel lower, reaches jungkook's thigh and he caresses the skin there before slipping his hand to his inner thighs, making jungkook clutch the hand that is on his waist, a moan spilling out from his lips.

"i asked you a question" jungkook whimpers when both of jimin's hands rubs at his inner thigh, so so sensitive there and jimin knows.

"y-yes daddy" he breathes out, feels his hole clench in excitement at the thought of having sex here, out in the open, where people can see even from far.

"are you excited? do you like it if people see you like this, all slutty and begging for my cock, such a whore babydoll" he whispers hotly, licking and biting at his ear, making jungkook lurch forward, trembling hands holding the handrail in a death grip.

"please, daddy please" jungkook whimpers, one of the older's hand moving to his crotch, making him rut into the hand.

jimin asks him to shut his mouth, yanks his red panties down and circles a finger near his hole, shudders running down jungkook's spine.

"think you could take it? being fucked raw in the open" jimin grunts out, pulling on the younger's hair to catch his bottom lip in his, sucking till its a bright red, turning the younger around and sees the boy nodding his head rapidly, tiny whimpers released into the kiss, fingers clutching jimin's shirt.

jungkook inhales sharply when a finger was inserted in him, he loves it, loves the tight dryness even when it's painful, hiding his face in jimin's neck, moaning when jimin starts thrusting his fingers, pace increasing slowly. jimin feels his hole clenching around his finger, groaning at the heat and adds another finger, scissoring him open. he easily finds jungkook's prostate, jabbing at it mercilessly while sucking onto the milky flesh writhing under him till purple and red bites appear, a possessive growl slipping past his lips at thought of it lingering on jungkook for weeks, thrusts his finger in deeper, rubbing his walls teasingly.

"daddy! oh daddy please, p-please fuck me d-daddy- i can't- i'm gonna- oh!" the boy whines pitifully at the fingers curling around the base of his cock, tears spilling and rolling down his cheeks, face aflame. jimin grins, slows down his fingers and jungkook continues whining, jerking his hips up only to be held down by a hand on his hip.

he throws his head back, biting his bottom lip, eyes fluttering shut when jimin enters him, raw and dry, sparks flowing through his body. jimin brings them to the couch, sits down with his back resting against the seat, jungkook on his lap and the boy moans softly, the head of his cock right at his sweet spot and jimin doesn't even have to tell him, he starts bouncing on his own accord, wrapping his arms around the older male's neck, moans turning high pitched and slurring, mind clouding up.

"fuck, baby, you're so good, look how good you are. such a good little boy" soon his hands were on jungkook's waist, thrusting up roughly when he sees jungkook's movement faltering, snapping his hips up making jungkook's hole clench around his cock.

"c-can i come daddy- i can't, s'too much, please, please d-daddy" jungkook's babbling now, far too gone in ecstacy, sobs in overstimulation as he cries out, coming untouched but still keeps on bouncing so that jimin can come too, lips messily finding jimin's.

the silver haired comes with a growl, stills the boy's hips when he feels jungkook shaking, tears streaming down his face and he looks so beautiful to jimin, lips swollen and hair messy, he looks fucked out and jimin takes in the sight before him with a groan.

his fingers trails down to jungkook's stomach, coating it with the boy's cum and brings it back up to the younger's lips, jungkook's mouth parting open to suck it clean, tongue moving along his finger and sucking at the white liquid, maintaing eye contact with jimin the whole time.

jimin pulls him in for a kiss, devouring him, teeth clanking and biting, sucking his tongue and relishes himself in the moans from jungkook as he pulls away, pulling on the bottom lip before releasing it, watching as jungkook pants, staring at him in lust.

"alright?" the boy nods, suddenly shy and somehow embarrased at what they did now that he's cohorent enough to know some people might have saw, they weren't the only one there.

"wanna go back? you can go and swim if you want, we can ask taehyung and hoseok to play with you" he cards the boy's hair, kissing his forehead.

"okay daddy" jungkook bites his bottom lip when jimin slips out of him, putting his panties back on for him, jungkook pecking his cheek softly before he dresses himself, steering the boat back after letting jungkook enjoy the breeze for a while more.

he sees the gleam and sparkles in the younger's eyes when he turns, lips curving up into a shy smile before looking away and jimin thought of the first meeting with the boy, how a fire started to spark, now evolving into a big one, like fireworks and meteor showers.

jimin doesn't want any better.

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