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jungkook is sulking.

for a moment, he pouts as his eyes narrow on jimin who looks at him with a small laugh, "babyboy, stop" jungkook is indignant and petulant as he stomps off to the pool, taehyung and hoseok already there waiting for them.

jimin is supposed to be there with him and the other two, but he told the younger he had to leave to sort out some things which made jungkook's mood drop to zero. he's supposed to be here with jungkook. not somewhere else doing god knows what.

jungkook sniffles before deciding to not be childish or rude to jimin, silently making his way to the two who waved when they saw him and jimin following behind.

"you're swimming with us right?" taehyung asks as jungkook sighs, trying to ease the sadness from him. the thing he's upset about is jimin always has to be somewhere for something else. always has to leave jungkook alone while he leaves and jungkook feels as if jimin just needs him when he is needed eventhough he knows it's isn't but when your boyfriend is the head for a mafia association, you can't really feel happy all the time.

"kook?" hoseok waves a hand in front of his face and the boy blinks before seeing jimin already by his side, staring at him with such intensity it makes him shiver.

"he'll be here with you guys, i have some things to do. i'll come back later" jimin says and he turns, guessing jungkook might need time to cool down but the latter abruptly whimpers and wraps his arms around jimin's waist, tightening his hold.

"i'm sorry, please forgive me. i didn't mean to be angry at you, i was upset 'cause i wanted you here" jungkook mumbles pitifully, tears in his eyes waiting to spill out but doesn't.

jimin sighs, pulling the arms around his waist making jungkook momentarily panic as he whines but jimin laces their fingers together and pulls him in for a kiss, slow and intimate to calm the younger boy down, one hand coming up to caress his jaw before pulling away when he hears hoseok and taehyung coughing loudly, before throwing themselves in the pool, away from the two.

"i'll come back, really, i just have to finish some things and call father to tell him everything's alright here" jungkook looks down before forcing a smile on his lips, looking back up to meet jimin's eyes, "okay daddy, come back fast" he mumbles before pecking jimin's lips, turning around to join the two in the pool.

jimin leaves when he sees jungkook splashing water around and laughs loudly.

now he just has to get the gift and organize the room.

honestly, jimin's kind of nervous, not in a bad way, it's just that he's never done anything like this for someone, it's always someone pleasing him or him getting pleased by his successes as a leader. doing things like this makes him wonder if he really had gone too soft at jungkook.

but jungkook deserves this, he deserves so much and jimin knows jungkook will like the things he's going to do for him, despite it going to be a tough work, added with the little time he has so he drives off first to a flower shop he could find there.

it's three hours later, the sun almost setting and the three of them at an ice cream bar enyoing their treats when jimin comes, a paper bag in one hand as jungkook squeals when he sees him, hopping of his seat.

"daddy!" he jumps onto the older, giggle muffled by jimin's shirt as jimin kisses his cheek.

"had fun?" jungkook nodded, tugging jimin onto a seat, feeding him the icy treat as the male nodded to taehyung and hoseok. "baby this is for you, wear it later yeah?" jimin hands the bag to him, and jungkook chooses to see it when he changes later on.

"we'll be having dinner later, you guys can go have dinner by yourselves right?" he turns to two males, receiving a nod as they finish their food up before walking back to their room to wash up and maybe sleep it off instead of having dinner.

jimin stops jungkook when they started walking back and pulls him into another room, making jungkook confused as he's being dragged into the space.

"daddy i want to shower and get ready" he whines but jimin chuckles, shutting him up with a kiss.

"people are cleaning up our room, it'll take them sometime, let's just change here alright?" jungkook narrows his eyes suspiciously before nodding and taking a towel, making his way to the bathroom. he waits for jimin to join him but he doesn't which made jungkook pout, quickly showering and brushing his teeth, drying himself and shivering once the cold air hit him as he opens the bathroom door. jimin smiles, taking his turn to use the bathroom now and lets jungkook change.

the younger takes the items out from the paper bag, a nude coloured oversized sweater with ripped jeans because he can't wear his thigh high stockings outside but jimin still buys for him white coloured stockings and a few laced panties he loves, making him bite his bottom lip softly. he dresses himself, keeping the stockings and other things back inside the bag when he hears the bathroom door click, the silver haired already clothed with a loose black satin button down, tight fitting jeans hugging his thighs making jungkook look away, breath caught in his throat.

"ready?" the leader rolls his sleeves up, carding a hand through his hair, the cursive tattoo around his collarbone showing making jungkook feel hot at how jimin can make him feel putty and needy.

he nods, not finding his voice as jimin laces their hand, taking the paper bag as well and asking jungkook to wait for him as he puts the bag in their room without him knowing.

they went to a beautiful restaurant, romantic and giving the view of the maldive ocean, pretty fairy lights hung around. the waiter bringing them to a table right at a cozy corner, giving a perfect view of the waves crashing and the sun setting behind them.

they ordered their food, jungkook's eyes marvelling at the place, at a loss for words once again. "ah i really don't deserve this" he whispers unconsciously, closing his eyes when he felt hands on his cheeks, kissing his eyelids.

"you deserve everything in this world jungkook. and i am so lucky to have you here, mine and no one else's" jungkook giggles softly through the few tears that left his eyes, orbs glazed over as he fluttered his eyes open and jimin is just so beautiful, perfect in everyway, manging to take his breath away as if the first time.

jimin sits back down on his seat and watches the waves rolling and crashing against the surface, the lights behind him making him glow as he sighed deeply, shoulders relaxing.

they ate, walked around the beach a little after the sun sets, the sky turning a beautiful shade of blue and purple before becoming pitch black, the moon reflecting it's light onto the surface of the water.

jimin let jungkook play around till past eleven, deciding to get back to the hotel before it turns midnight.

"baby come on, let's go back" jungkook was drawing on the sand, grinned up at the leader before linking their hands together, slowly walking back.

it's a few minutes before the clock strikes tweve when they're in the elevator going up, jungkook still hyped and awake because he's turning a year older, smiling shyly as jimin keeps staring at him.

"happy birthday babyboy" jimin whispers, pulling jungkook into his chest as he opens the door for him, hearing jungkook gasp as he froze.

"are you going to come in or not?" the silver haired left small pecks on his neck, urging the younger to go in and when he does, jungkook felt his heart squeeze, stomach erupting in the most pleasant herd of butterflies.

jimin had placed so much petals of roses around the bed and hallway, candles all over the room and there's a bouquet of roses and jungkook's favourite flowers in the middle of the bed. it's cliché, they both know but jungkook loves it because jimin is not the type of person. in all the months they had spent together, never onced had jimin showed this kind of affection, going as far to doing something jungkook had always wanted, always imagined since he was young.

"like it?" the silver haired whispers into the crook of his neck, hands falling around his waist.

jungkook doesn't responds, still starstruck as he becomes numb but in the next second, he throws himself onto the older, pushing him back against the sheets and places his lips onto jimin's, moaning when jimin bites his lips and pushes his tongue inside his mouth, tugging at his hair as jimin rests his back against the headboard, jungkook straddling his lap, pulling away to look into dark eyes filled with nothing but pure love and affection.

"i love you"

jungkook's heart stops as he gasps, eyes going wide as jimin looked at him, intense midnight eyes waiting for a reply. it was the first time jimin said those three words jungkook desperately wanted to here from the start and the younger can feel it, the love and meaning in his words laced with nervousness and tremor even if jimin kept his act up since they met. jungkook knew now why he kept it to himself, to wait for the right moment, when the male was sure of jungkook's love for him, when he was confident jungkook wouldn't leave him.

"i love you so much jungkook but i'm sure you knew all this while" jimin laughs it off, shrugging his shoulders but this is jimin, the most powerful and dangerous man jungkook had ever met, bearing his heart whole for jungkook, looking at him as if jungkook was his world, jungkook's breath got caught in his throat and he finds it hard to breath.

"why aren't you saying anything?" his brows furrow but jungkook cups his face to bring their forehead together, stroking jimin's high cheekbones as closes his eyes.

"i. . .didn't know i meant so much to you, but now that i do, i promise to love you just as much as you love me, maybe even more because you don't know how happy you make me" jungkook laughs, airy, calms his heart down before pulling away and flutters his eyes open again, to see the other looking at him, smile so pure, jungkook's head spins.

"before i forget, this is for you" jimin take the box from the nightstand and hands it to the younger, seeing his cheeks tint a rosy pink as he opens the cover, taking the bracelet out. it has his name on it, with multiple gorgeous charms in it. it's expensive, jungkook can tell. jimin hooks in onto his wrist, tells him each charm represents the male himself and jungkook bites his lips as the diamond glints against the chandelier in their room.

"i love you" he mutters, looking around the room and taking everything into his memories, "i love you" he says louder, looking up at the older, smiles in their kiss as jimin tackles him into the sheets, making him feel blissed.

"i love you too babyboy"

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