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"how could he pass through the fucking security and borders, are all of you even working?" he spats out, white hot fire in his veins as he flared, glaring daggers at everyone in the room.

the whole association went silent, not knowing what to say.

"calm down jimin, this is exactly what he wants for you to react, so that you can't think straight. we have to use better tactics than them, find out their weaknesses and strengths" his father spoke up, looking at his son.

"if he dares step a fucking foot in this house again, i'm going to kill him no matter what it takes. hoseok i want more men guarding the entrance, we're not going to get revenge just yet, i need to find out what they're up to" jimin grits his teeth before walking away, running up to the bedroom and opening it with the spare key.

he sees jungkook on the bed, gnawing on his lower lip as he shakes, curling up on himself.

"baby" he heart clenches at the sight, he can't bear seeing it everytime things like these happen but the way jungkook latches onto him instantly, the way he presses himself into jimin like he's the comfort the younger needs, it makes jimin's heart swell with a fierce protectiveness to never let the boy in his arm go.

jungkook looks up through wet lashes, trying to stop his cries. "are you hurt?" jimin shook his head, laying jungkook down and pressing reassuring kisses onto his face.

"from now on, i don't want you leaving this house alright? unless i tell you to" the black haired nods, lacing their fingers together as he pulls jimin closer to him, hiding his face into the male's neck.

"is everything alright?"

"it has never been alright jungkook"

a week passed and everything seems to fall back in place normally, as if the chaos that happened didn't exist.

jungkook's been doing fine, he managed to calm himself down with jimin reassuring him that night, the older holding him tightly as he whispers encouragingly lacing it with sweet kisses peppered all over the younger.

however now, jungkook sits in jimin's office as the leader works on his computer and search in on the min's. jungkook's getting bored, playing with his socked feet and staring at the wall unblinkingly, groaning softly.

he turns to jimin, and god does the male looks alluring and hot, black suit stretched taunt across his body, brows furrowed concentratingly as his fingers taps onto the table, his golden timepiece gleaming under the light and it's as if it's winking at jungkook, daring him to disturb the mafia leader.

jungkook harrumphs, making jimin pause and turn his head, seeing jungkook pouting and making his way towards him.

"what's wrong baby?" jungkook rolls his eyes, making jimin raise a brow because jungkook has never showed him attitude.

"i'm bored, can i please go outside and play, maybe in the garden or-"

"no, you're not leaving the house" he gives a short glance before turning back to his computer but he hears jungkook whine and stomps his feet.

"daddy's being mean!" jimin stands up, crossing his arms and sees the tears welling up in jungkook's eyes, almost bursting as he pouts, backing away.

he's trying not to shout, taking in a deep breath before speaking up with a firm yet soft tone, "go up and watch a movie if you want, i still have to work and if you're going to throw a fit and act like a little kid, you can leave" and then jungkook screams.

he bursts into tears, covering it with his mouth but all the while screams about how jimin's being mean and uncaring which made jimin grits his teeth.

he carries the boy up, much to the kicks and hits of disagreements and places him at a corner of the room.

"you're going to have a time out, this is the second time you're throwing a tantrum. i want you to face the wall for five minutes and stop crying. when you're done, i expect you to apologize" he says lowly while gripping jungkook's face with his hand, making the boy hiccup.

jimin stands up and starts his work again, looking at his watch from time to time and before he knows it, he hears footsteps making his way towards his desk, looks up and see the younger with red puffy eyes as he bites his lips.

"i'm sorry daddy, jungkook's sorry. i won't make you angry anymore" he whispers out, fidgeting hesistantly before sighing in relief when jimin pats his thigh. jungkook straddles him, burrying his face in the crook of the older's neck.

"i'll be done soon baby, we can go up and you can do whatever you want after that alright? god you're being like a little kid, so little and vulnerable" he says out softly, kissing the crown of jungkook's head and hears him mewl, wrapping his arms tighther on jimin's neck.

he spends the next hour with jungkook on his lap, occasinally placing kisses on the boy's skin till he's done, jungkook lacing and pulling his hands towards their room.

"daddy it's fully healed" he smiles shyly, lifting his shirt up and showing jimin the tattooed skin, also the one in his lip. jimin stares as he runs his fingers over the skin, jungkook feeling a shudder down his spine.

"beautiful baby" he whispers before locking their lips together, turning them around and pushing the younger into the bed, growling lowly at the satisfaction when jungkook moans, high pitched and enticing to his ears. he pulls the laced panty down slowly, snapping it back up a couple of times just to see jungkook jerking with a yelp, before removing it and running his hand down the younger's cock towards his hole.

jungkook gasps, eyes slipping shut when he feels a finger prodding at his entrance before jimin slips it in, groaning at the tightness. jungkook moans, the dryness making him feel so sensitive as jimin starts thrusting, adding a second one and continues opening him up.

"look at you, taking it in so good for me. fuck you're so wet" he says hoarsely, free hand gripping jungkook's cock, digging at his slit making the boy moan, hips thrusting up.

"want to cum?" jimin angles his fingers after adding the third one, all the while tugging the other's cock with expert strokes that has jungkook crying out loudly.

"please daddy, p-please" he whispers, biting his lips, mouth breaking out on a silent moan when jimin rubs at his prostate, teasing him by going fast then slowing down.

jimin sucks a harsh bruise on jungkook's inner thighs, soothing it with his tongue afterwards and places more, smirking when he sees the dark blemishes. jungkook's moaning under him, hair matted to his forehead as his shirt rides up to his chest, hands fisting the bed sheets as he tries rutting down on the fingers mercilessly jabbing at his sweet spot, turning his head to the side to quieten his moans.

"cum for me baby boy"

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